Healing of the Lord # 2

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We’re going to continue our teaching on “The Healing of the Lord.”

I) Last time we looked at Mark 1:40-41. So let’s turn back there so we can pickup where we left off.

A) This verse points out the Will of God concerning healing. The man didn’t know if Jesus was willing to heal him, but Jesus said to this leper, “I will.”

1) The Wuest translation says it would be better worded, “I desire it.”

2) This reveals to us the will of the Lord Jesus Christ concerning the subject of healing. He desires all to be healed.

B) Here’s just a little interesting side thought. The Word “CANST” in verse 40 where the leper said, “Thou canst make me clean.”

1) The Word “CANST” here comes from the Greek word “DUNAMIS,” which means, “the power of God or the ability of God.”

a) This man had no problem believing that Jesus had the power to make him whole, but he didn’t know if it was the Lord’s will for healing.

b) But Jesus made very clear by saying, “I will or I desire it.”

C) Turn with me to MATT 15:21-28.

1) From reading these Vs. we can see that Jesus healed this woman’s daughter. But some interesting things are mentioned here.

2) 1st of all it says in (V 22) that this woman is a Canaanite, meaning that she was a gentile.

3) Then in (V 24) Jesus told her that He was sent only to the Jews. This woman fell down and worshipped Him; (If you need something from God, spend time in worship, it puts you in the right place.)

a) IN (V 26) JESUS SAID, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, & to cast {it} to dogs.”

b) Jesus was saying that healing, deliverance, prosperity, and all the blessings of God are children’s bread.

4) JESUS SAID IN (MAT 15:24), “I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” IN OTHER WORDS, TO THE JEWS.

a) THEN IN (MAT 15:26) JESUS REFERRING TO The JEWS AS CHILDREN SAID, “It is not meet to take the children’s bread, and to cast {it} to dogs.”

b) To make it a little clearer to you, Jesus said that healing and all of God’s blessings belong to the Jews, no 1 else.

5) GAL 3:16, 26-31.

a) If you’re in Christ you are Abraham’s seed. Abraham was the 1st Jew that means, you are a Jew.

(i) According to (GAL 3) you are a Jew; therefore the blessings of God belong to you.

b) This woman here in (MAT 15) came to Jesus almost begging the Lord to heal her daughter.

(i) We don’t have to beg because we are God’s children and in right standing with Him.

D) PSA 37:25. says,

1) (PSA 37:25) “I have been young, and now am old; yet have I not seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.”

2) We don’t have to beg for bread (which Jesus called healing and God’s promises) because they’re already ours.

3) Just another thought about this woman in (MAT 15), she worshipped Jesus, but that isn’t always enough.

4) The thing that got the job done is found in (V 28) where Jesus said, “O woman, great {is} thy faith: be it unto thee even as thou wilt. And her daughter was made whole from that very hour.”

a) It was her faith that got the job done.

II) Turn with me to NUM 21.

A) In this passage we have the story of the children of Israel sick from snakebites.

1) NUM 21:7–9.

a) Actually this brazen serpent is a type of Christ.

b) It’s a shadow of what Jesus provided for us by being put on the cross and being made sin for us.

2) As many as looked to the brazen serpent lived.

a) Today, as many as look to Jesus as their healer are healed.

B) All of us are on an equal basis when it comes to the benefits of the Atonement, or this redemptive plan.

1) The words, “whosoever or whosoever will”, are usually used to invite sinners to be saved.

2) The words, “as many, everyone, all, and any are many times used to invite the sick and diseased to be healed.

3) And the invitation is always positively promised with a “shall be saved, shall have life, shall recover, shall raise him up, healed them all, and as many as touched him were healed.”

a) When we do our part, God is always faithful to do his part.

b) (HEB 10:23) Says, “Let us hold fast the profession of {our} faith without wavering; (for he {is} faithful that promised;).”

C) The benefits of Calvary are for you. If God healed all then, He still heals all; that is, all that come to Him for healing.

1) (HEB 13:8) Says, “Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.”

2) MATT 12:14-15.

3) We always hear about the woman, with the issue of blood, who touched the hem of Jesus garment. She wasn’t the only one who did the same thing. MATT 14:35-36.

4) (LUK 6:19) SAYS, “And the whole multitude sought to touch him: for there went virtue out of him, and healed {them} all.” One translation says, “And He healed them all.” (Phillips Modern Translation).

III) MATT 8:16‑17 Jesus is still healing the sick, to fulfill the prophet’s words: “Himself took our infirmities (WEAKNESSES), and bare {our} sicknesses (DISEASES).

A) You are included in the “our” of (MATT 8:17), and God is bound by His covenant to continue to heal all who are sick, in order to fulfill His word spoken by Isaiah.

1) PSA 89:34. Says, “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips.”

a) (LUK 4:40) Says, “Now when the sun was setting, all they that had any sick with divers diseases brought them unto him; and he laid his hands on every one of them, and healed them.”

b) Healing was for all in those days and Jesus the healer never changes.

B) Look with me over to ACTS 8:5-8.

1) Jesus proved to be exactly the same when Philip preached Christ.

C) In (ACTS 3) Peter ministered to a crippled man and he was healed.

1) Let's turn there. Acts 3:1-16. (1-8, 16)

2) Jesus proved to be exactly the same for Peter.

IV) Whenever Jesus was preached as the sacrifice for our sins and sicknesses, healing was a result for the sick, as well as salvation for the lost.

A) ACTS 14:8-10.

1) Paul must have preached the Gospel of salvation and healing, because the lame man received faith to be healed while listening to Paul’s message.

2) Whenever healing is preached in the full benefits for all, and people give heed to the Word preached, faith is always imparted and the people are always healed.

a) True faith in the Word of God never fails.

b) But faith cannot be exercised when someone is undecided as to whether God heals or not.

c) (James 1:6‑7) says, “But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. (7) For let not that man think that he shall receive any thing of the Lord.”

B) Let it be settled and establish forever that it is God’s will for you to be healed.

1) God said, “I am the Lord that healeth thee.”

2) If God said it, and God cannot lie, He meant it. And if He meant it, healing is yours.

TFC & WOLCC 4/26/92 SUN AM and W. O. L. C. C. Sunday, December 13, 1998. WOLCC Sunday,8/4/02

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