Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tone
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< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Momentum: Moving Into Biblical Manhood
I’m excited about this series.
Truth transforms!
I believe that our culture is stuck.
Families are stuck!
We exist at BCC to move people into a more dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ.
Our God is a God of movement.
He is active and working and desires for us to move with Him.
I don’t believe that there could be a greater movement than if man carried out God’s plan and purpose for their lives.
ILL: My arm and moving… I will drift into thinking that being a man is about lifting and proving my manhood to other men.
It’s easy to draw the wrong picture of what a man is and isn’t - IS, beard growing, plaid wearing, truck driving, grocery hunting sitting in a tree stand.
ISN’T, clean shaving, khaki wearing, smart car driving, sushi eating dude sitting in a coffee shop.
My concept of manhood easily drifts from a biblical views of manhood to a cultural view of manhood.
The truth is every single man is called to be who God called him to be.
MoMENtum will not happen unless I move with Jesus.
How Did We Get Here?
(We) But when we look around at the problems in the world today.
We are not moving.
We are stuck.
We don’t have a definition of manhood.
There is nothing more dangerous than to drift away from God’s design and plan.
It causes so much pain.
You can trace the existence of governmental programs and even charities to the lack of men being men.
Ladies, the pain that you feel, it can be traced to a man that did not move with Jesus.
He did not understand his role as protector and provider.
He consumed your esteem and conquered you emotionally and moved on.
That is not a biblical man!
Without a definition of manhood males pursue boyish things to try to prove manhood.
If we consume more we will be a man.
More beer, money, ladies etc… A consumer causes pain and is the opposite of God’s plan.
He is not a man.
He is a boyish black hole that sucks the life out of everyone he comes in contact with.
There is nothing more dangerous than to drift away from God’s design and plan.
It causes so much pain.
You can trace the existence of governmental programs and even charities to the lack of men being men.
Ladies, the pain that you feel, it can be traced to a man that did not bow to Jesus.
He did not understand his role as protector and provider.
He consumed your esteem and conquered you emotionally and moved on.
That is not a biblical man!
We don’t have a good historical example.
Biblically, not that long ago.
Boys went to work with their dads.
They learned tradition and a trade and then they transitioned from boyhood to manhood.
Historically, we have many problems to cause us to be stuck today.
Slavery and the injustices of separating families.
When boys are ripped out of the arms of their fathers and treated as communities it is going to cause future problems.
In industrial revolution the American Dream was born.
The lunch box and the lazy boy were invented and dad left kids with mom and went to work.
Raising children became the “women’s work” and dad’s best times became work time not family time.
No right of passage.
We do not have a transition from boyhood to manhood.
We’ve filled it with ADOLESCENCE.
This seems to be a no man’s land.
It stretches boyhood on for longer and longer periods of time.
ILL: Masai Warriors - What are those huts?
… they then kill a lion.
We have no right of passage.
We have no markers of when a boy becomes a man!
We can’t agree.
Obama care says 26, Oskar Blues says 21, Army 18, DMV 16, Disney 10, Delta 2. We have a problem.
We are stuck.
(God) To get unstuck and to move into biblical manhood we need to look at the one who created manhood.
During this series we are going to dig into what the Bible teaches about manhood.
That is a right response.
But we also need to avoid wrong responses.
The culture response is to erase gender.
It states that we are all the same and in an advanced society there is no room for gender.
Society can’t even decide what bathroom to use and we are advancing as a society?
WRONG Key Word: Passive
The churches response isn’t much better.
Masculinity has been abused.
The historical church has taken away the man card.
We’ve painted churches pastel and made Jesus out to effeminate.
Abuser think they are masculine.
Man have taken selective passages out of context and used them to be domineering.
Key Word: Abuse
During this series our goal isn’t to be politically correct but biblically correct.
I would like to ask you to let the Bible speak and please don’t filter truth through passivity or abuse.
Transition: For men to get unstuck and experience moMENtum we need to move with Jesus.
We can do this by understanding the MECHANICS OF MANHOOD, the MESS OF MANHOOD and how to MOVE WITH JESUS!
Nothing about this verses is passive or abusive.
ACT LIKE A MEN is sandwiched betwen four imperatives.
Those commands are the tracks on which biblical manhood rolls.
These is our series verse and it represents good news for men.
We are going to make no apologizes for acting like men.
The people around us need to see us living out manhood.
What they are seeing in the media cast men as passive, cartoon dad v/s hero hamster.
Or, men are abusive villains.
Need someone to play a domineering villain role, choose a man.
Arg: I don’t have what it takes!
Do I have what it takes?
Ladies, we are insecure we try to prove ourselves.
We are insecure boys trying to prove our manhood.
The GOOD NEWS of the GOSPEL is that you don’t have to check your man card.
When you realize that you DON’T have what it takes.
MoMENtum will not happen unless I move with Jesus.
When something is messed up we need to go back to the beginning -
Ex: God created us in His likeness both male and female.
Let us - God is a triune God.
< .5
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> .9