John 21 // The Cost of Discipleship // Pastor Jose

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Father has reset your word. No me your word not return void. In Jesus name we pray. Amen. Amen, chapter 21 Resort here that John was teaching us a lesson in obedience after John, taught all throughout the book and telling us who Jesus is Jesus as the Lamb of God. Jesus, as the bread of life, Jesus is the son of God. Jump-starts. The book by saying in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the Word was God himself through. Jesus, John is trying to teach us that Jesus is God. In the Flesh, will came to dwell Among Us and John's purpose for us. We saw in chapter 20 was so that we will believe in home and the son that he has sent. And the goal was not only two teachers would Jesus was and why Jesus came and today?

Growth, so that we see in chapter 15 when it says, that as a Christian, our primary duty is to bear fruit. And then it says, if you abide in me and my words abide in, you ask God, whatever you wish it will be done for you in Chapter 13. Attacked the tallest where Jesus went and gave us a display of love where Jesus went and watched the disciples feet. And after Jesus washes disciples feet as the master, that's not what he was supposed to do, but she's teaching us that love serves. Those are supposed to wash his feet, but Jesus line them up and Jesus wash their feet. And that only the Jesus washed their fees than Jesus gave them the command and telling them that they need to love one another. And that's how the world will know that they are truly his disciples. I didn't John chapter 14, he reminds them that in this world, they will have trouble, but they need to take heart and rely on him because he's the way he is the truth, and he is the life. And he says that in my father's house, there are many rooms if it were not. So, I would not tell you. So, Jesus said I'm coming. And I'm taking you to replace an engine 17. Jesus prayed for his disciples, and by extension prayed for each one of us in his prayer, was one of unity Jesus, want all of us to be in unity, and it says, that will be another display where people I will look on and know for sure. You are my disciples because relieving the world that is not United. It's always the vision everywhere and politicians that's how they win elections is flu divisions is about dividing and Conquer but here God says no the way you live in this life is full of love. For God, love for people and living in unity. And after Jesus told them all the lessons, and we saw Jesus, going through the cross and flew the crucifixion. The gruesome death of Jesus Took on behalf of us, because the Bible says the death, the wages of sin is death. But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus. Wanted each one of us to be saved. So he took on the penalty for us, because the Bible says, the wages of sin is death. So because the wages of sin is death. So Jesus went and died for each one of us. So now we can live freely and receive the gift of eternal life. Now, we get to the end of the book where Jesus after he resurrected from from Death. Now the disciples were confused. We saw the ladies wanted to go and embalm Jesus but they were not able to when they went to the tune. The tomb was empty as the tomb was empty. They tried to figure out but they could not until the Angels came and told them what had happened. That Jesus has resurrected from death and that will be the destination of each one of us. When we die, we will be Resurrected. So that's why I as Believers, we never have to fear that if Jesus came and gave us that example to show us a when you walk with God, when you die your life, it started. And I Jesus was there a Jesus live with them stay with them for 40 days and Jesus appeared to different groups of people here. First to Mary Magdalene and then the other ladies and then he appeared to Peter and John and Jesus went. Well, the disciples were meeting and stood in the room and tell them was giving them a message of peace. Jesus gave them a message of Peace, then Jesus appeared to them. When the disciples were confused member Thomas was not there. And Jesus and Thomas the doubting Thomas said that you would never believe, but Jesus came and Jesus. This showed him what he was looking for a look at my side. Look at my hand, just didn't say, Thomas, what's wrong with you when people have questions? Do circular arguments just want to go around. But if somebody is genuinely seeking, you give them the evidence to the best of your ability because they've been walking with Jesus will at least 3 years. And now, when Peter could not wait, Jesus told him to wait. So, Peter took off bed of disciples about six of them. And told them guys, I'm going fishing. So G, Peter went back to his old profession of fishing. And they're pretty much as they would just go in. But what we learned last time is that even in our best skills, we cannot be successful without Jesus. Because Peter when you went there with all the other Fisherman's they cut what that night. I think they did not catch anything in here, that's where we got to the passage here. And that's really learning a lesson in obedience. Jesus is saying, apart from me, you can do absolutely nothing. Here we are in this text. You're so last time, we looked at how devoted are you with, Jesus asking a question, how the borders are you to Jesus? And when we saw Jesus speaking to Peter and asking Peter, Peter do you really love me and today, our lesson will be on the cusp of discipleship. The cost of discipleship. So let's read the text to remind ourselves. It says, when they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon, Peter Simon, son of John. Do you love me more than these? He said to him? Yes. Lord, you know that I love you. You said to him, feed my Lambs, take care of the new Converse. Take care of the week, take care of the disables, take care of those who are a fragile in the face, then he said to him a second time. Do you love me? He said to him. Yes. Lord, you know that I love you. He said to him, 10 my sheet, that means lead my sheep guide them guide, the rest of the flock. He said to him. That's hard time, Simon's. Son of John, do you love me? Can you do his grieve? Because he said to him that's hard time that you love me and he said to him a little hard, you know everything you know that I love you, sir. Peter was broken, his humility came and Peter realize Jesus know everything in Jesus said to him, feed my sheep, that means bring my sheep to maturity. I'll present them before me as mature, man. And woman of God, this is truly, truly, I say to you. Jesus is speaking here, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted. But when you are older, you will stretch out your hands and another will dress you and carry you were you do not want to go. this is this he said to show but what kind of death he was to glorify God and after saying this, he said to him, follow me Peter torn and saw the disciple, whom Jesus loved following. The one who also had leaned back against him during the supper and said, Lord, who is it? That is going to betray you when Peter saw him, he said through Jesus, will you remain until I come? What is that to you? You follow me. So the same spread abroad among all the brothers that this disciple was not today. Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die but if it is my will that he remain until I come. What is that to you? This is the disciple, who is bearing witness about? This means and woo, what has written these things and we know that his testimony is true and the lies worse. Now, there are many other things that Jesus did where every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be Written father, help us to be real disciples today in Jesus name. Amen. I'm, we saw that there was a call on our life in the call. We had a call to love Christ above all which we saw with Peter with Jesus asking the question, do you love me? Because everything starts with love and today we have a colon our life to sacrifice everything for Christ and to follow Christ, the matter because the calling our life is to love Christ, above all sacrifice for Christ, follow Christ, no matter the costs. So last time we saw a committed Christian is comfortable by love for Christ above all. And we learned that you sure your love to Christ by being how obedient to him Love me. Keep my Commandments been Christ. Never asked us to do anything. He's not willing to do himself. Jesus asked us to give our life for him but what did he do? He died for each one of us to see, you will follow what you love. As John MacArthur said, serve, what? You love and sacrifice for what you love and that's exactly what Jesus did for us. He served us, he did all those things for us to see, God can only use the humble as Reserve with Peter, God had to Humble Peter first before he could use them, and you saw that, what Jesus did Jesus was humbling theater. And then after you did, what did you do?

So, Jesus wants all of us to be humble and when Peter realize that Jesus gave him work to ducey's was going to like the commissioning of Peter. So Hear Jesus commission Peter to do a work for him and that was a lesson for us to learn to be humble. And I asked you a question last time. What is Christ calling you to do lovingly for him if you haven't figured that out yet? So I ask you the question again today. What is Christ calling you to lovingly do for him? And we talked about priority last time. Do you love God? More than You fill in the blanks. What do you love more than God? So that's where we left last time. So today let Story by saying my, for Christians, the calling our life is a commitment commitment of committed. Christian is willing to sacrifice everything for Christ a committed Christian. Is committed to sacrifice everything for Christ. Look at Verse 18, says, truly truly I say to you. Jesus speaking to Peter, when you were young, you used to dress yourself and walk wherever you wanted. But when you are older, you will stretch out your hands and another will dress you and Sherry you were, you do not want to go. So that was a prophecy on Peters life telling him, I'd be there. You can relax, you not going to die young. You going to die when you are with old guy when he's old. But not only Jesus, gave him Commission but also Jesus gave him a cross cuz there's 19 cells is this is this he said to show by the white kind of death, he was to glorify God. See, and says you and carry you were you do not want to go? So, Peter hear Jesus is Delhi. Hey, you going to be a modder for me. Remember, Peter used to say, I will die for you and I will do anything for you. Hereafter Jesus commission. Peter is also telling Peter at, you're going to have to bear the cross for me. You're not just commissioned, but you're going to have to carry a cross. And after seeing this means is that doing you follow me? But that wonderful to Jesus, just commissioned, you telling you to take care of his flock, take care of he. She take care of his church.

How's that? And that's exactly what happened to Peter. Peter died, a martyr's death on, their Emperor Nero was persecuting, Christians. And Peter was crucified like Jesus, but Peter said he was not worthy. Peter made them crucify him upside down, according to church history. So he Telling Peter Eddie, I'm going to give you a Ministry to do but know that there will be a cost to what you will, have some terrible circumstances in your life, Prosperity Gospel today.

Never have any problem. Everything is always fine, but that's as the head of, of the church into the leader of the church.

but now with Peter's telling him at 8, Not going to be great. You going to have to carry a cross. But you follow me.

So, would you follow Jesus, only when it's good or are you reeling to follow Jesus? Even if there will be a cuss To being a disciple. See Romans 12 verse one. And two tells us that I appeal to you Brothers by the mercies of God to present your body, a Living Sacrifice that mean you giving your life to Christ. Holy and acceptable, which is your spiritual worship. It says do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that by testing you mail discern, the will of God what is good and acceptable in perfect. You see, Peter was conforming to this world. Peter was not sure what to do even though Jesus had a call on his life. He just went on and did what everybody was doing. Just go back to his old ways. But Jesus says 8, when you come to me, I transform your life. John 14:1, says let not your heart be troubled. In God and also believe in me. So there will be things that will trouble your heart and Jesus did not sugarcoat it for Peter. Jesus told Peter a Going to have some. You going to have some difficult days ahead of you, but you follow me. See, Jim Elliot. I'll put it this way. He said he is no fool. He is no fool, Will gives up what he cannot keep for. What can that lose? He is no fool. Gives up what he cannot keep for what? Which she cannot lose. Jim, Elliot was a missionary and I do as a missionary in Ecuador in that tribe where he was he was murdered and and they had opportunities, you know, to cheat on the people that they came to bring the gospel to But they chose not to. And then that's the word there, you know, from Jim Elliot, he is no fool to give up. Who gives up what he cannot keep for what for that, which you cannot lose. You see, as Christians, our life is secure in price. So, we never have to worry about our lives. The Bible says, if you hang onto your life, you will do it. You lose it. But if you Give up your life for God, sake. What's going to happen? God will use it. That's the cost of discipleship. All of us will have to carry across all of us. Have to make a commitment a real commitment to follow Christ when it's nice and cool, but we also have to make a commitment to Christ Worthington at all. Fine. And then D, and we have to make a commitment like Paul. In Galatians, 2:20 says, I have been crucified with Christ.

But Christ, who lives in Mesa, pretty much, Paula saying, I made a 180-degree turn. It's no longer my life. It's all about Christ. Christ is the priority in my life and the life. I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God. Would love me and gave himself up for me. See the call to discipleship, is it called to sacrifice everything in our life? For Christ. She not only we need to sacrifice everything for Christ. Christ needs to be first a committed Christian will follow and Obey Christ. The matter that a committed Christian will follow and Obey Christ, no matter the costs, looking for 20 with me, Peter turned and saw the disciples when Jesus love. The one who also had to leave a back against him during the supper and he said, Lord, would you going to betray us when Peter saw him? He said to Jesus Lord. What about this man? See he hear Peters paying the comparison than Peters in Lourdes.

What about Judd? Look at Jesus respond. So in Jesus said to him, if it is, my will that he remain until I come. What is that to you? You you all owe me? You don't have to worry about other people. You don't have to worry about John. It was the same message for us today. Don't be looking at other people and asking God what is there? Faith know God is saying and you follow me? No matter, the don't worry, that showing somebody to have a better life than you. Do you, you follow me. You follow me. Your top priority is to follow Christ. Not playing the comparison game like Peter wanted to do.

Each one of us that you agree. It all his weakness Peter says, all the things that we would not dare to say out loud. They're Greek. Here is our spokesperson pretty much. If Peter just speaks for us. see Peter looking at John and Peter, being a little jealous of Judge saying, what about John, is it going to be a martyr to But Jesus says that's none of your business. You follow me all the other disciples except except John. But the rumor was going thing that anyone would come, but the rumor came in saying that that the John would not live forever. Jesus said as you. So clearly in the text Jesus said that if it was his will That's what we seen. Matthew, 16, verse 24, and 26. The cost of disciples, he says Jesus told his disciples. If anyone would come after me, let him do. What? Deny himself.

Take up his cross. And follow me. So when Jesus commissioned you Jesus call you Jesus also give you a crust. That stings.

Are y'all ready to carry the cross?

Even Jesus decides to give you a cross. To carry as he calls you, are you reeling to still follow him? Does anyone would come after me needs to deny himself? Take up his cross and follow me for whoever would save his life will lose it but whoever loses his life, for my sake will find it. And then Jesus gives us a reason. What will it profit? A man just like Jim Elliot said, if a man gains the whole world and forfeits his soul, Or what shall a man give in return for his soul? And unfortunately that's what is going on in our world a lot of people are giving away their soul.

For nothing in the end.

but you see only what we've done for Christ in this life will last Think about anything that you do eventually Fades away. What you do for Christ will last a lifetime. Hebrews, 12 verse want to do says, therefore since we are surrounded by so great. A cloud of witnesses. Let us also lay aside every weight. And sin, which clings so closely and let us run with endurance. The race that is set before us looking to Jesus the founder.

Wood for the drawer of the Cross set before him and do the crust, despising, the shame and is seated at the right hand of the Throne of God. Jesus was not afraid to carry the cross. Jesus was not afraid of all the shame. Despising, all the spitting on his face, putting him on the cross mocking, him Jesus was not a shame of us. Jesus, take that cross. And now Jesus is seated at the right hand of God. That's the same thing for us Jesus is calling us, whatever you go for this life, you go ahead and you you go. But when it's time for you to share the gospel with somebody, don't be ashamed of Jesus. Ignore you. Guess what? Jesus is not asking you to do anything that he has not done for you.

Don't worry about looking bad. You share the gospel when people look down on, you know, that that's your crusts to carry. And for all of us, most of us that should say, is not going to be as heavy as Speaker. Give up his life for the cause of Christ. But most of us will be in the daily activities. You know, when we are at the supermarket at at work people, taunting you oh I can't believe you believe this stuff really 2022. Really, that's what you really believe. Really, are you serious?

That's the cross for us today. It's it's for what we stand for in our believe. So now we have to make a decision. Are we going to follow the crowd crowd? Or are we going to worry about others? Or are we going to follow Jesus? Like Jesus said, to Peter, you follow me. When people say this is Heaven and Earth will pass away, but my word will remain the same and it's so funny. How people try to look down on you, and then, but when they are all alone,

They are so lost.

So depressed. Pull up, dude, fraud. When they are with people seems like their life is happy. When they are at the bar. But really, that's just their way of dealing with the pain that they actually face in life. That's the way of just turning off, whatever. They don't want to really deal with. We really have the real hope what they really need in their life to have a meaningful and purposeful life. but, often we fall for the game, when people try to insult us for our face, Well, they really don't have anything going on. They might post. Great message on Facebook saying how their life is so great. They have beautiful house, beautiful car o. Look at why I have a new toy. I just got It really you when they go to bed when they are by themselves, they just miserable.

But we have learned to put a good game face on. Enemies of the people telling you. Oh, you believe this. Oh yeah. Because of Christ. My life is stable because of Christ. I'm not losing my mind because of Christ. I bring all my worries and all my excuse starts to him because of Christ. I am not depressed. If I go down and I don't say that down. See because is that hope that we have in Christ and God is telling us today. Hey, as a Believer, there is a cost of discipleship, you need to sacrifice everything for me, making me priority and you follow me, the matter, the car. And then John closed the passes by saying. So the same spread abroad among the brothers that this disciple was not to dye, your Jesus did not say to him, that he was not to die. But if it is, my will that he remain until I come. What is that to you? So, really, you see? You just cannot stop gossips. Okay? That's even Jesus. They were gossiping Jesus disciple. Who is bearing witness about this famous and who has written these things. And we know that his testimony is true self John for some reason never really mentioned himself by name in the book and now he's telling you a it was me that was riding this. Gospel of John and then lastly now there are also many other things that she's asleep did where every one of them to be written and I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written. Just think about your life, all the pictures you've taken all your life. Can you keep up with all these pictures on your phone?

Jesus did so many things. You see, Johnny saying the book hear the goal was not to to Encompass everything about Jesus life. John's Focus was showing you Jesus was God, that you have to believe in him and other for you to have a true salvation, just focus was to tell us how to live as a result of the face that we have that. We need to be bearing fruits that we need to love others because Jesus, As we learn that only you love to, but he will transform our life and that's why this series we called it love and transformed by Jesus. So, I hope that you really understood. God's love why Jesus said to pray to give you the life that you have to understand how much that God loves you, because God loves you so much. He want to transform your life inside out so that you would be a disciple that is really going to truly follow him. Send a message in an ice shelf is to love God. Servian. Trust him. Follow him and be fully devoted to you. He loves you with a love, your never comprehend and he will transform your life in ways, you would never imagine you going to like it. Even when following him comes at a great price. You always win with Christ. Always win with.

Jeremiah 2:13 says, for my people have committed two evils, they have forsaken me, the Fountain of Living Waters and you and out cisterns for themselves, Read With Me, Broken cisterns. That can hold no water. And that's what's going on in the world today. We're putting all our faith and trust in the things of the world. But in the end is just falling again because all those things we put our faith and trust they are broken Sisters, You Name It, Whatever It Is in life where there's a career to jub, whatever it is a relationship, whatever you name it. All those are broken system. All of them a broken systems. That's why Jesus says in John 15:7. If you abide in me and my words abide in you ask, Whatever you wish it will be done for you. That's a great thing about the gospel. It's upside down, it's upside down gay. Jesus says that when you seek first, the kingdom of God, and his righteousness, then what will happen. Everything will come after. But what is our tendency? I want to do everything first. Then I'll give God the leftover said, that's not how it works. You give everything to me first. Then I will give you all those other things that you thought you could get on your own just like Peter, Todd. He could go fishing, but what happened? Nothing came that night but Jesus showed him. To catch man instead in Jesus, totally transformed his life. See, this thing's were written so that you may say it with me, believe that she's as the Christ, the son of God and that by believing, you may have life in his name to believe and to receive salvation. But this is for Christians to believe. So that you would obey because Jesus say, if you love me, you will keep my commands. Father, thank you for your grace. Fill us with your spirit. Father may all the things that we have learned in the Book of John that we put into practice that we live by Lord. Father. Help us to realize the depth of your love for each one of us here today. And father. Please transform Our Lives. Inside out. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

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