Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
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> .9
We have taken about a 3 month break from John, but tonight we start back, picking the story back up in the middle of the festival of the Tabernacle.
Anybody remember anything about this?
Last time we saw Jesus talking at this festival he referred to himself as living water which would have connected him with a water pouring ceremony at this festival.
Now he is talking about being a light.
Well this festival also had a candle ceremony.
All these connections would not have been lost on the pharisees.
Jesus was claiming to be God in a very Jewish way.
This is a good reminder of How God can speak through the day to day parts of our lifes.
Walking in Light
Throughout the Bible we see light as representing righteousness and darkness representing evil.
Jesus tells us he is the light of the world.
Their is not a inch of this earth that Jesus’ presence does not touch.
As believers we can go confident no matter where we go.
No where is too dark or closed off that Jesus cannot enter.
Jesus’ light fills every inch of this world.
Sometimes we may be in the position of Isaiah who gets called to go but not given the details up front.
Jesus is on every path He calls you down.
Jesus says whoever follows him will have the “light of life”.
What does this mean?
If you follow Jesus, you become a personal carrier of Jesus’ light.
What a privilege it is to carry the light of God.
We need to behave like it.
I think about the torch bearers for the Olympics.
they run with pride and humility.
the whole world is watching.
They carry it before the nations.
But you know when people will talk about it the most, if they stumble or do something controversial.
Strive to carry the light above reproach.
How is it a light of life?
Before it we were dead, and God through his life breathed life into us.
Before the light enter our lives we did not realize we were truly living.
Our life looks totally different.
What happens to a rose without light, death.
Let the light of Jesus show you where you stumble, and learn from the stumble to avoid repeating it.
So why did the pharisees believe Jesus testimony of being the light was not true?
Jewish law requires multiple witnesses (Deuteronomy 19:15).
All truth of Jesus is witnessed by three, the Trinity.
Jesus goes on to point out their lack of knowledge.
They know little of Him.
The pharisees failed to realize this lack of understanding.
their pride blinded them.
When we come to Scripture humbly we realize our lack of understanding, no matter how long we been around Scripture.
A teachable spirit is essential for Christians.
If you are not teachable, you are setting yourself up for failure.
Hour of Judgment
As we go on we see the Pharisees judgment was shallow, based just on looks.
Honestly that is how the world judges, shallowly.
So much is based off of looks and feelings.
We don’t get to the deeper spiritual side of things.
If I went off of feelings i would not believe in Hell because hell does not give me a good feeling.
God judges us spiritually, God looks deeper than the feelings and looks.
God looks at the heart.
What is the intentions behind your actions?
Verse 19 shows that Jesus is the only way to salvation.
The only way to know the God of the Bible.
When reading this you cannot but help to think why these words were spoken in the treasury?
I think about the words of Matthew 6:21
I believe Jesus was delivering these words on truth and judgment in the place where the pharisees hearts was.
In the riches of their religion.
They were caught up in the physical and cultural riches.
You will wrestle the most with God where your treasure is.
Let go of wordly treasure and replace it with the treasure of Scripture.
The passage goes on to talk of he was not arrested yet because his time had not come.
Jesus would face the judgment we deserved.
Jesus graciously accepted that judgment when the hour came.
As I read this, this week I could not help but to think the hour of judgment has not yet came for us in here.
The hour is coming, their is a set time when you will no longer be able to accept God’s gift of grace.
Realize with every heartbeat you have one less heartbeat before your day of judgment comes.
You have no control over that hour, just as the pharisees had no true control over Jesus’ hour.
Why could the pharisees not go where Jesus was going?
They were unrepentant sinners.
Their sinful hearts would not allow them to enter into heaven.
They will face eternal death/damnation.
Heaven does not await you if you have not given your heart to Christ.
The closest thing right now you will experience to heaven is this.
If you die unrepentant, you will not experience the loving grace of Jesus but his wrath.
The world must not dictate our character, but Christ must dictate our character.
The Pharisees refused to see the truth right in front of them.
How often do we do that?
V. 28 is Jesus alluding to the cross.
Their pride will keep them from admitting their mistake.
The roman soldier would realize Jesus is God.
Mark 15:39 says:
What is keeping you from being prepared for the hour of judgment?
Not good enough- The pharisees thought they were too good (prideful), realizing you are not good enough shows you are ready for salvation.
We need a savior because we are not good enough.
Sin is too fun- fun is temporary and often full of negative consequences.
You will live a life more fulfilling in the presence of Christ.
Don’t know enough- think of the Samaritan woman.
She probably did not know much, but she was saved and told of what Jesus done for her.
I can wait- That is a dangerous gamble.
Also as you wait that is more people you are leading astray.
Who knows you may change later but the damage on their life, will it be undone?
You are here hearing the Gospel, you can be saved.
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