Sunday, 4th September 2022 - Luke 20:27-21:4

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We going to have a nice looking out like 20 and 21. That's enough of that Passage

I can find it on page, 880.

And please pray with me again. Grace's father is we read your word and we think about if we pray that we would have he has that he up and eyes, that see reprise experis would be out 8. You pray that you would Gratis fight that we must hold fast to the word of life. and we pray in Jesus name, I'm in Well, if you've been to the engage latest conference, that happens in January hefton strand, one which to read a passage in the New Testament closely. Strand-1 teaches people, how to read a text carefully so that it can be understood and Faithfully applied Luke Chapter 20, Jesus models. The value of reading, the Bible carefully, You guys 27. He is in the middle of a public Showdown with the religious leaders of his daddy. I Jesus is already won round 1 and 2. And right here is about to be in round 3, is already taking down the Pharisees, the chief priests and scribes in the elders. And now he's about to put another group in their place is about to take on and to see the schedule C. The Sadducees are introduced to us with a brief description of what they didn't believe. If there's 27 weary they came to him some schedule sees those who deny that there is a resurrection. Besides these beliefs. Are they the first five books of the Old Testament with scripture? Are the Sadducees clearly didn't believe in the resurrection? Which is, why is many people have said they start sad, you say,

And I came to Jesus and I asked him a question. They said, teacher Moses wrote, Forrest City Man's brother dies, having a wasp. But no children, the band must take the Widow and raised up Offspring. For his brother is teaching is found in Deuteronomy 25, which we rained earlier. And then it said you see Sid. Now there was seven brothers, the first took a wife and died without children and the second and the third to occur and likewise 07 lift to sario 7 last night. You were born and died. So this woman works all the way she was vulnerable at she died. At the end of this hypothetical story, The Sadducees state that question. They asked if there's 32 in the resurrection there for whose wife will the woman be for the seven had her as wife. That was sad to see you serve concocted this unlikely story in order to make the resurrection seem somewhat ridiculous. But Jesus is about to burst their bubble verse 34. Jesus said to them. The sons of his eye to marry and a given in marriage. I thought you were considered worthy to Italian to that age and to the resurrection from the did not a marrying or giving in marriage because I cannot die anymore because that equal to angels. And the sons of God being sons of the Resurrection.

In the first part of his reply, Jesus says that when he returns when what we call the General Resurrection happens. There are going to be significant changes The resurrection is that wonderful heart that we look forward to all the time, when everything that he's bad, will be removed entirely with everything that he's sad and hurts will be, I'm done and fixed. The resurrection is the reversal of death. I want someone has been raised well, that person can no longer do I. Because there will be no more death. There is no need for people to get married and have children. In the priest, Resurrection Earth, we fully populated and I will move. I said we would no longer need to have children. Southern first part of Jesus's, answer to the Sadducees. Is it the resurrection? Well, that time that lost, then he's going to be different to the Y that we currently experiencing.

And Jesus is authority of a conceited. Worthy will experience the amazing blessings of resurrected life.

But the fact that there are some who were considered worthy to Italian to that age, suggest that there are others who will not be conceited Worthy. Enemies context. It is the Sadducees in the other religious leaders who were rejecting Jesus.

These latest or that I didn't need to save you and I did not want Jesus died. Did not want him as their King.

Bothers. You are considered worthy to Italian to the at that age. Well, they're very aware that they are not what they should be. Bicycle considered worthy to attain to that age, know that they soon as you need Grace.

I know that they're on where the ends like him too trusting Christ in tiling for their salvation. And of course, I realize that Jesus is Worthy of their complete devotion. And I happily repent and bow before Jesus at the Lord of all. stopping short when we repent and when we believe in Jesus Christ, We are considered worthy to Italian to that age to that wonderful eyes, your Resurrection existence.

but let's continue to look at Jesus's reply because Jesus gives a second part to his reply to the schedule C. Presley. Jesus say that the resurrection age would be very different to Life as we experience it today. But he didn't shows that Exodus chapter 3 has something to say about the resurrection. And it's here that Jesus shows us the value of reading the Bible closely. There's 37, he says, but that the dead are, right? He's even more as a shard in the passage about the Bush. When he calls the Lord, the god of Abraham and the god of Isaac, and the god of Jacob.

that was already saying that the Sadducees only held at the first five books of the Bible where inspired scripture so when Jesus took them to the Book of Exodus that were on Common Ground, And Jesus to face them by showing the God himself says that Ibraham is very much alive.

Because God doesn't say I was the god of Abraham. The brother, I am the god of your father, go to Vibra, and the god of Isaac and the god of Jacob. Salinas verse. We can infer that Ibraham Isaac and Jacob are alive. And we can infer that they are with God.

That works also tells us in Acts chapter 23, verse eyes. That the Sadducees say there are, there is no Resurrection, No, Angel, no spirits. And Darcy sister was around about that time. It was a Jewish skull. He tells us that the Sadducees rejected beliefs in the afterlife Jesus is showing these very sorry. They said this is from one of the books that I accepted as scripture. But Abraham is very much alive and in God's presence. 30 scientists were clearly wrong about the afterlife. As Jesus said, God is not the god of the dead, but of the living 40, leave to him. Exodus chapter 3, Jesus show the Sadducees that Abraham is very much alive and right now he is destined to Resurrection Life. Any reply to what they heard. Some of the scribes who did actually believe in the resurrection, I answered teaching you were spoken well. Of course, I don't ask anymore questions that I've been absolutely smashed in public 40 that I no longer did to ask him any question.

No parking at this point in time. Most people in Jesus's shoes would have given up on the religious Layton's. Religious latest height, Jesus, they are plotting to kill him. I'm eating two days. I will hand him over to the Romans to be crucified.

But even though most of us, I think would give up on their religious leaders. Jesus, don't sense. He has one more Evangelistic attempt at a vibrating sound 110 carefully. He takes them to the text. Any awesome? Is that? You can see what he can see. in verse 41, he says to them How can I say that the Christ? He's David Son. There are a number of ticks that tells us that tell us that the Christ promised king would be David son. He would come from the line of David

and spaghetti sauce. How can I say that? The cross is David's son to David himself stays in the Book of Psalms. The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right hand, until I make your enemies your footstool. Adidas. Ace Davidoff cool team. So, how is he? His son?

You Jesus he's helping the religious leaders to understand who he really is. He wants them to understand so that I might repent. And believe.

Now, in order to follow Jesus's logic, we need to realize that I mean, at least in father would never kill his son. Lord, it would be Unthinkable because it would involve turning everything upside down.

But we also need to realize, as I said before that, the Old Testament, make it very clear that the cross to the promised King who we sometimes called a messiah. Was going to appear from David's lawn. We say that, for instance, in 2nd Samuel. 7, we're going to promise to David a king would come from his lawn, and he say it, at 5 as well. It was really common knowledge, everyone use it.

Getting some 110, diabetes, cooling the Messiah. Who is the great king to come? That is pulling him. He is Lord. Jesus is really pushing the religious latest to ponder, these to think what's going on. They why would I even say that?

Jesus wants them to see the Messiah sits next to God. And he wants them to understand little about the Maasai is fully, man. He absolutely descended from David Lawson. But he is more than just man. Because the Messiah is God and he is always playing God.

Not really oh, and blue chapter 20. We read that. Jesus was in the temple and he was preaching. The gospel age that he was telling the people the wonderful news of the Gospel.

And he, he wants to really just laid his to know. That mean the phone is a time had come. God, sent forth his son born of woman born under the law. To redeem those who are under the law. so that we might receive adoption as some

Echo says we read these texts. We read what you just said. We know that he wants us to know these as well. He wants us to believe it. And he wants us to experience Redemption to be set, free from sin, and Satan and death. And not only that. The best of all to be adopted into God's family to be embraced as God's sons and daughters.

So once again, we stay there is Great Value in reading the Bible closely.

20, Jesus shows us that some 110 declared that the Messiah would be both God and man.

Are there in the next two sections is actually Alton to read the text closely because Jesus is at the end of 20 and the relationship it has with the beginning of Route 21, it's not often very well understood. I think we often get it wrong as a church. Convert 20, Jesus has won a series of contests with all kinds of religious leaders. And thought of verses of chapter 20, Jesus issues. A warning against them.

We're aiding in the hearing of all the people. He said to his disciples to Beware of the scribes would like to walk around in Long, robes and love. Greetings in the back of places in the best seats in the synagogues and a place in Savannah at face who develop M houses in for a pretense. Make long friends? They will receive the greater condemnation.

In these vs. We learned that the scribes were really fixated on Earthly treasures and on Earth Liana, they loved long robes. They love to receive over the top three teams in public shutdowns, the best sleep. Play on the front seat of a car, but in a very serious, why they wanted to be first?

Bill sale in that they were greedy and cruel. Play devoured with ice houses. Amazon that I was Hippocrates because I pride really long praise in public in order to give the impression to others that they would deeply spiritual.

So far so good. I think as Christians, we normally get the closing verses of chapter 20. Correct we normally interpret them accurately. But I think where we fall down is seeing the connection between the end of a 20, in the beginning of Luke 21. Jesus is just mention what the script describes do to widows in 20:47.

And even 21:1 weary that Jesus looked up and saw the rich putting their gifts into the offering box. And historical we do you put in two small copper coins?

at the temple, there were boxes where people could come and put Financial gifts, I like the head of a range of boxes and I could give Financial Peace for a number of different reasons. And it's when I put in two small copper coins. Each of these coins would be worth about $1 in El Monte today. Jesus, it's a three truly I tell you these pull we are his putting more than all of them. Today or contributed out of their abundance. But she out of her poverty, put in all she had to live on.

That is pointless. Not forget that Jesus is just pulled out. The scribes is, there is to the valve out with those houses. I think the state of his passage being an encouragement to give generously. It is instead. An example of a weed are being exploited by the scribes, The scribes had the wonderful opportunity to preach and teach the Bible.

But for some reason, these poor woman thought that God wanted her to put in all the money she had to leave home.

It seems that the rich have been taught to get out of their abundance. But this woman had gotten the idea that she should give everything she had to leave on that. She should take it to the temple and give it as a gift.

certainly passages of scripture that talk about generous giving in response to the gospel, Earlier on, we thought of that, Jesus is Incarnation where he renounce the wealth of his Heavenly existence. Choosing instead to Paul video about Human Condition. And Jesus did that to make us rich through his self-imposed poverty. Apple rot in 2 Corinthians 8:9. Do you know the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ? The thought he was rich yet for your sake, he became poor. So that you buy his poverty, might become rich.

And the sacrificial coming and living and dying of Jesus outside their well, that's a source of continual motivation for us to give generously to go for work. So that others might hear about Jesus and experience, the overwhelming Joy of being forgiven and being in Christ. I don't think that Jesus is in Luke 21. I think he is instead highlighting an example of the scribes exploiting, those he was vulnerable. I think he sees three the condemnation of the Twisted religious leaders. Making money off the pole.

Actually reminds me what the Catholic church was doing 500 years ago in Europe. The church is building massive Cathedrals that were building st. Peters Cathedral in Rome. I know what building it from the money of Paul just destitute impoverished people. To whom the church was selling indulgences.

They were telling the people to decide guys, money to the church in order to build. St. Peters Cathedral than they and their loved ones would be spare time in purgatory.

Annoyed, iced coffee with a small chest that held money and it's reported among coat it. So, apparently went around saying as soon as the coin in the cuff of rings, the soul from purgatory Springs.

Which of course, is a lie. Bigotry, doesn't exist. Abby, even if it did exist out of it with money.

watch movie, the Catholic Church were exploiting people exploiting poor people who didn't know better,

And a similar thing is happening at Aldi today at the hands of Prosperity, Gospel stations. Prosperity, Gospel cages, they tell people that God wants every Christian to be healthy and wealthy. But deep down, he's really a skin. Because I teach the Prosperity Gospel, like a breach of people who are in Desperate situations. Well, the situation of those people in day, it doesn't change at all.

Good summary of the Prosperity, Gospel Eastbound and Gloria Copeland book goes will is prosperity. When she infamously rots, give $10 and receive 1000. Give 1000 in receive 100000. In short block, 10:30 is a very good deal.

That way we actually go to Boch 10:30 which I don't have time to do it at the moment, but when we do that and read it in its immediate context, it becomes clear? That lock 10:30 doesn't say what she claims it is sign.

That's what Bruce parody gospel changes to buy, take it out of its context. and I tell people lies in order to get rich,

I need help, asperity gospel, tages exploit, those who are vulnerable.

In Jesus's words in 20:47. Well, it relevant to these false teachings. We could even say that. H is like Gloria Copeland and Jimmy Swaggart's and Joel Osteen and Benny Hinn. We can say that unless they repent. They will receive the greater condemnation.

Now, this morning, we've seen the importance of reading the Bible carefully. insensitive to context and genre and even personal pronouns, like my

Because Jesus showed us from Exodus 3 that Abraham Isaac and Jacob a very much alive. He did that by focusing on the tenses of verbs. Any help is to say that they are alive and awaiting the resurrection. He's also showed us that a careful and honest reading of some 110 reveals that the Messiah is God. And if he would be mad, also,

I will be carefully. Read the end of week, 20 in the beginning of 21. I think it becomes clear that we are putting in OSHA. Had was actually an example of their religious late is exploiting vulnerable people. Rather than an encouragement that we should give away every single thing we have.

So, as we wrap up with continue to read the Bible closely, we don't want to read the Bible and look for secret messages. But instead we want to read the Bible carefully and say you, what do you say that? Everyone can see

because God's word is a lamp to our face and a lot to alpaugh. Appoints us ultimately to Jesus Christ Savior and Lord. So, let's continue to read it carefully. Please promise me.

Graco dream, pray that you give its consciences that I Panda to your word. If I didn't help us to read your words, carefully we private. We would see truth and embrace it and of course we pray that we would Embrace Jesus. We pray that we would repent and submit a lot to him and trust him entirely 4L salvation. We thank you so much that you have revealed him. We thank you so much for working. Imma give thanks in his name. I'll be in Well, it's another couple of songs, like, sing Psalm 23.

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