Sermon Tone Analysis

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Social Tone
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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Last week, as we looked at verses 6-12, we saw how that Michael will forcefully expel Satan from Heaven because Satan has been defanged and his accusations are now toothless.
They have lost all their bite (12:7–12).
We closed talking about how he knows he has just a little time so the devil really ramps up his attack...We see his response to defeat in our text verses tonight...
He is relentless in his destructive intentions.
Robbed of the child he sought to devour in 12:5, he turns on the mother in 12:13, 14:
There is a continual and relentless effort on the part of the dragon to annihilate the nation of Israel in an attempt to keep the Lord from setting up His kingdom.
To do so would make null and void the promises that God made to David and Abraham.
The last three and one half years has been called the time of Jacob’s troubles, because of the intense persecution that Israel will go through.
As intense as the Great Tribulation will be for the nation of Israel, they will be saved out of it.
These people who are elected as a nation will be able to endure until the end and will hide under the wings of God’s sovereign purpose and mercy till their souls find deliverance.
The nation of Israel endured long enough to produce out of it the Christ-child and will come through the tribulation so that the Kingdom of God will be established upon the earth.
The Kingdom Gospel and the Everlasting Gospel will be preached so that each individual, as well as the entire nation can look forward to that great day.
The result of the war in Heaven is blessing in Heaven but “woe” on earth.
This woe is the last in the predicted series of three (8:13; 9:12; 11:14; 12:12).
The word “woe” is used as a divine denunciation.
Whenever God pronounces a woe there is judgment ahead.
This third woe upon the earth, aimed first at Israel, is more severe than any of the former.
The reason is obvious.
“He [the devil] knoweth that he hath but a short time.”
As soon as he is cast down to the earth, he at once proceeds to make war against the woman (Israel).
The Persecution of Israel
John tells us what the dragon did when he came to the realization that he had been cast down to the earth.
He retaliates against God by attacking God’s chosen people.
The dragon is going after the woman who gave birth to the male Child.
I remind you that that male Child is Jesus Christ the Messiah, the one who will rule the nations with a rod of iron.
Israel gave birth to the male Child—meaning that Jesus came to earth as a Jew.
The Jewish people are the privileged people to have the Messiah come into the world!
Satan will persecute the woman when he sees that he’s been cast to the earth.
His retaliation will be quick—he will not wait around or fool around!
David Jeremiah said, “When I read the history of the Jewish people, both ancient and modern, I am astounded at the awful sinfulness of those who have persecuted them.
And yet I realize that behind those human tormentors has been a mastermind of evil, Satan himself, doing everything he can to destroy Jewish people.
I realize the Jewish people have not been without sin in their history, but I also realize that God’s special place for them has caused Satan to focus special attention on them as well.
If for no other reason in today’s highly-charged political world, we should be pro-Israel because Satan is anti-Israel.
Whoever Satan is against, I am for.”
Satan will hunt, chase, persecute, do harm to the Jewish people.
We see the persecution of Israel in this verse, but we also see in the next verse:
The Provision for Israel
Verse 14 resumes the narrative where it was interrupted at verse 6.
What is now added to the statement of verse 6 is that God provides wings for Israel’s escape from the dragon.
Those who are protected are the Jews who are loyal to God.
The eagle’s wings suggest the miraculous swiftness with which God will help them to escape.
It’s not the first time God gave Israel wings...After their exodus from Egypt, God reminded them, saying, “Ye have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, and how I bare you on eagles’ wings, and brought you unto Myself” (Exodus 19:4).
Verse 14 also tells us there is a place prepared in the wilderness for the woman.
It doesn’t really give us any details other than there is a place...
The period of time that these believing Jews are protected is referred to as “a time, and times, and half a time” This period is further described as “a thousand two hundred and threescore days” (12:6), or “forty and two months” (11:2; 13:5).
The phrase “time (1 yr.), and times (2 yrs.), and half a time (1/2 yr.)” equals three-and-one-half years (cf.
Daniel 7:25; 9:27; 12:7).
Notice in this verse…God sends Israel into the wilderness, into a place prepared for her, where she can be nourished from the face of the serpent.
John tells us that Israel will find peace from the fight in the place that God has for them.
They will be hunted, chased, persecuted, but they will find a place of peace—God will provide for them.
◾ The serpent that longs to kill them;
◾ the dragon that longs to destroy them;
◾ the devil that longs to demolish them—
◾ will not be able to get to them!
The presence of the serpent will not be near them, felt by them, seen by them, experienced by them at all!
They will be provided for a time and times and half a time from the presence of the serpent!
Look on with me:
The Protection of Israel
We are now given more detail concerning the protection of Israel.
Satan will intensify the attacks, but God will supply protection!
Satan will try his best to destroy the woman, but to no avail!
Satan will try to drown the woman, down the woman, and destroy the woman!
What a picture that John sees in this vision—he likens it to a great big serpent—dragon—that will spew water from his mouth like a great flood after the woman!
What does this mean?
We really don’t know…the phrase isn’t explained.
Here’s what we do know though…Israel is surrounded by enemies who want to destroy her; enemies who want to overthrow her, to take her down, to do away with her, but God is going to protect her!
God will protect Israel by causing the earth to open up its mouth and swallow up the flood.
The dragon may try, but he is no match for our God!
The dragon seeks to do his worst and send out his greatest attacks, but God will not allow Israel to be overwhelmed!
The phrase “the earth opened her mouth, and swallowed up the flood...” probably symbolizes a great earthquake with the earth splitting open.
Again, here’s what we do know...
God knows where Israel is and what to do to help Israel!
God is in time, on time, every time!
God will open the earth up to swallow the flood that the serpent spews out of his mouth!
Israel will be attacked, chased, flooded, but they will not be overcome, killed, and destroyed!
God has a place for Israel, God gives provisions for Israel, God gives protection to Israel!
Looking on to our final verse tonight, we see:
The Plot Against Israel
Satan is enraged at the woman—this is obvious because of his attack and intent, but he also is enraged because he can’t get to her.
Satan is enraged because God protects her—his anger boils because he cannot destroy Israel!
Satan is angered at the woman—his displeasure is not hidden or withheld.
His anger at the woman will lead to his further plot and plans for the woman!
He hates God so he takes it out on his people—he attacks Israel and seeks to destroy the people.
He is evil and has wicked intentions and actions.
He is a murderer—and he seeks to steal, kill, and destroy!
A battle is raging, and you cannot be neutral in this conflict.
You are either on the side of Satan or on the side of Christ.
If you haven’t received Christ as your Saviour, then you are still in your sins, under the wrath of God.
Acts 16:31 (KJV 1900)
31 ...Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved...
< .5
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