1 Bible Study It All Starts In Genesis: Genesis 1:1-2:3

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Talking About The Bible Series  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  18:49
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This week's episode looks at the purpose of the creation story in Genesis 1:1-2:3 What is the story's purpose? What is the Bible's purpose? I explored the major themes in the passage but not everything. I will come back to look at this passage more in the coming weeks. Write to me with your Bible questions at bob@revbobwood.com

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Hello. Welcome to the first episode of talking about the Bible with Reverend Bob Wood. I'm excited to talk to you today about a passage that is familiar to everyone. It is one of the controversial passages and in many ways in the Bible and today we're going to be looking at Genesis chapter 1. The first chapter carries on in 2 chapter 2, and we going to be talkin about the creation. There's a lot of interest in this. A lot of people try to use the Genesis 1 account of creation is a way to debunk the Bible. They talk about how the passage isn't scientific. It doesn't explain things, I've read, not only non-believing people that also Christian, who spent a whole lot of time trying to make a correlation between paleontology, geology cosmology and try though, and evolution, and try to work that somehow into The Genesis one account and make some kind of connection that says. Genesis one is really explaining everything that we observe in the scientific World. Why? I think there's a fundamental problem with that very Approach, at looking at the Bible in general, and especially in the creation story. We need to understand that God in his writing of his word is using a different genre than, maybe we're looking for. Let me explain, I have a cookbook here in my hand. In it are recipes that can be used to make some wonderful Foods. There's cakes and there's main courses, and appetizers, and all kinds of things in this cookbook. And this is a great cookbook and will tell me how to cook. But I can't use my questions about paleontology, geology and look at the cookbook and expected to have the answers because that's not the purpose of the cook book. The purpose of the cookbook is to teach me show. Me and instruct me on how to cook and that's the same thing with the Bible, the Bible's purpose, Is not explain to me the scientific creation of the universe. The Bible's purpose is to teach me important things that will help me and lead me to Salvation is to explain. What is important to God to me. Those things that seem important to scientists about geology and paleontology in. And the origins of species are just not part of what the Bible is about, how God knows how he did it. But it wasn't important for him to tell me about it. Same way when I go and eat sausage, we all talk about, we have a in English, it a phrase that we eat sausage. No one wants to know what's inside it. No one wants to know the details of making sausage and the thing about God is he's relating the creation, story to us. It's he's not getting into the details of how things were made in the way of physics. All came together, the former Universe, he's telling us some very specific things about creation and how it will relate to our Salvation. Look at the passage Genesis chapter 1, you're very familiar with I'm going to be reading from the King James translation in the beginning, God created the Heaven. And the Earth and the Earth was without form and void and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters, and God said, let there be lights and there was light and God saw the light that it was good. And God divided the light from the darkness and called God called the light day and the Darkness, he called night and the evening. And the morning were the first day and God said, let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament and divided the waters, which were under the firmament and the waters, which were above the firmament. And it was so, and God called the firmament heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day and God said, let the waters under the heaven, be gathered together unto one place and let the dry land appear and it was so and God called the dry land Earth and he gathered together the waters and called he sees, and God saw that it was good and God said let the Earth bring forth grass, an herb yielding seeds of the fruit trees, yielding fruit after their kind whose seed is in itself unto the Earth, and it was so and the Earth brought forth grass and Herb yielding seeds after his kind and the tree yielding fruit who seed was in itself after his kind and God saw that, it was good. The evening and the morning were the third day and God said, let there be lights in the firmament of the Heavens to divide the days from the night and let them be for signs and four seasons in 4 days and years. Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the Earth. And it was so, and God made two great lights. The greater light to Rule the Day in the Lesser light to rule the night and he made the Stars also and God set them in the firmament of the Heavens to give lights upon the Earth and to rule over the day in over the night. And she divided the light from the darkness and God saw that. It was good as the evening. And the morning were the fourth day. And God said, let the waters bring forth abundantly, the moving creature, that hath life and fowl that may fly above the Earth in the open firmament of heaven and God created great whales. And every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth, abundantly after their kind and even winged fowl after his kind. And God saw it was good. And God bless them saying be fruitful and multiply, and fill the Earth and fill the waters in the seas. And that foul, multiply and yours and the evening and the morning were the fifth day. And God said, let the Earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle and creeping things, and beast of the earth after his kind. And it was so, and God made the Beast of the earth after his kind of the cattle after their kind and everything that creepeth upon the Earth after his kind. And God saw it was good. And God said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over the cattle and over all the Earth and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the Earth and God created, man in his own image in the image of God created. He him male and female created, he them and God bless them, and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and replenish the Earth, and subdue it. And have dominion over the fish of the Sea and the fowl of the air and over every Anything that move it up on the earth. And God said, behold, I have given you every herb bearing fruit, which is upon the face of all the Earth and every tree in which is the fruit of the tree yielding seed to you, it shall be for meat. And every beast of the earth and do every fowl of the air to everything that creepeth upon the Earth we're in there. At life, I have given every green herb for meat, and it was so. So and God saw everything that he had made and behold. It was very good and the evening, and the morning were the Six-Day, not going to chapter 2, does the heavens and the Earth were finished and all the host of them and on the seventh day, God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his Works, which she had made, and God blessed the seventh day and Sanctified it because that in it, he had rested from all his work which God created and made You can make a lot of observations from that passage the chief, the four observations that I want to talk about. And the first one comes right there, in the very first verse where it says in the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth. Now, this is very important when you understand, the Bible has been written for a span of time that covered ancient history. Not only for our day in ancient times, when the Hebrew read this passage attributed to Moses, And early Christians in all them through the centuries. They were often competing world religions and views of God around many of, which had creation story in which creation, kind of already existed in there. God's just kind of came into being, and we're in charge, or maybe certain areas of it. You know, God of the storm and got out of the river and different things. And this passage tells of clearly that the teaching of our God is that, he is the creator of the Heaven and the Earth. In other words, he is the creator of everything straight, this story or this idea. Clearly a story from Jonah comes to mind in the first chapter of Joan, as he is trying to run away from God. He comes into a gets into a boat and comes into contact, with a group of sailors who are trying to keep their ship from sinking in a storm. And they come to him as they are praying to their gods, and they come to him and ask, who are you? Where do you come from? And he says, I'm a Hebrew and I worship the Lord, the God, who is the creator of Heaven and Earth. And in that, he is making a statement of that his God is in reality in charge of everything. And that is what we're learning from this passage from this verse particularly about our God, our God is the god, who is the creator of everything, the chief God, the starter Guy. The one who everything comes from, we're going to talk more about that later. And later, and later passages, we look at a Christian biblical view of other gods.

the next passage in Genesis chapter one that comes to mind is what happens on the fourth day, starting in verse 14, where talks about that God made the star, the Moon, and the Sun, And it talks about that those were made for the purpose of measuring time. They are to determine seasons and years and days and it's important for us to understand that God is teaching us that he is the creator of time. But he's not. Bound by time. I think the Apostle Peter put it the best when he said that about God that's a god. A day is like a thousand years and thousand years but a day he's not bound within the elements of time he is outside of his Universe. Even though he's inside his Universe even though he's connected with us he is not bound by the laws of it. God doesn't get tired.

Now when we went, when he what he saying here is an end support and for us as Christians, one of the things that you'll hear non-believer say is, will you, you believe Jesus is coming back in? Jesus said he was coming back, two thousand years ago. And where is he had shown up yet? Well, the idea that we need to understand is that the time for God is not the same as time for us. I will pass from this existence, maybe I will. Be alive when Christ returns maybe I will not but that doesn't change the fact that Christ will return and God is the controller of time the establishment of time who have Jesus. Come back in the right time in his time. the next passage that really, Grabs me.

Is When God Says in verse 26, let us make man in our image. After our likeness, let us make him and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea in the Battle of the Year of the Cat on over all the living beings. And he goes on to say a verse 27. So God created man in his own image and in the image of God, he created him male and female he created them. We are different than the other creatures on Earth. This is an important fundamental understanding of the Christian faith. We are not like the animals. We are different, we had the image of God, that doesn't mean that God. Looks like Mia man. In my mid-fifties with graying hair. Know what it means is that we have like the Heavenly being like God and Eternal Soul The next chapter in Genesis chapter 20, give us a a better view of that deep for teaching on it, but that we are the image of God and we have a purpose. As a passage, goes on to say, for our lives in the earth, we are God's image on Earth God's Representatives on Earth and we are to protect protect, take care of manage his creation. Now that lays on us, the burden of taking care of the animals and the plants of our Earth of our planet, that is our job. He gives it to us to manage to take care of him to use. The next thing is comes in Chapter 2 that really grass me a rap song about this passage and that is when God has finished from his labors, he rest on the seventh day. Now I got to let you know God isn't tired, God doesn't get tired. And the whole idea about these seven days, we need to also understand within the realm of time, God could have created the entire universe. In a matter of seconds, he could have spoke it into existence, but I think the whole basis of this story as it is presented to us. As creation passage is to understand that God made things and 6 days and he rested on the seventh because he created us in His image on Earth. Do you understand it? There's a 6 day cycle And we need to rest on the 7th. A lot of Studies have been proven. I've been done a lot of things in history. Have been seen that cultures that had this natural six days and then a day off or more productive more happy a better family life than those who do not one of the things that is a jeopardizing. Perhaps our whole civilization is our exact of taking a day of rest. Now, I know some of you work on days that you can't I work on on Sunday as a minister, but you need to look at yourself and find a day where you rest preferably with your family and your children that you relax and you get ready to continue with the work that God has given you when the first day come now I don't mean to imply and I want to get this clear that we as Christians should be resting on Saturday and not going to church on Sunday. I'm not some kind of Seventh-Day Adventists and then we'll get into that as we stutter that study later on what the New Testament says about when is The Lord's day. But even in a Christian realm, we still have a 6 day work week and one day where we rest? And enjoy the Creation With God, I want to thank you for listening to this park at. There's going to be more coming every week and I want to ask you to send me your questions about the Bible, things that you want to talk about questions. You have send it to my email address which is a red Bob Wood at icloud.com r e v b o b, e w, o, o d at icloud.com I will. I'm looking forward to communicating with you answering your question. Please tell your friends about the podcasting. Get them to subscribe using their podcast players with Spotify or apple podcast on Google podcast, Stitcher wherever they happen to listen to podcast, encourage them to join in our conversation. As we talked about the Bible,

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