Afraid of What? - June 5th, 2022

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Pastor Walker discusses the role of suffering to bring about humility, and God's solution for bearing that suffering.

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Good morning. It's nice to see everybody in our service today. If you're in the fellowship hall or out in the gym, please, and make your way to the auditorium and we'll look forward to beginning our service this morning. At this time, at First Baptist Church of Westminster are a.m. service, please take your handbook. If you would and sing page, 500 course, they're up on the screens here, also, but will sing When the Roll is Called Up Yonder, by help you'll be there. Cuz I know I will Beige 500. Let's tan is Wee, Sing. All three verses. When the trumpet sound in time, show me no more.

When the same as sugar.

I'm not riding with my dad in Christ shall rise and the glory on the side.

Call Luis, Carlos Galan.

Play my former master from my tonsils, a Nissan.


Thank you for your singing. Please be seated. At this time, we'll have a special. The faith duet sing till the storm passes by.

Midnight. Have I hid my face and there's no hiding place the song Under Pressure

Till the storm passes by the thunder. Sounds. No More call me. Let me know how many time Satan whispered. There is no need to try and of Sorrow. There's no Home by but I know with me and

When the long night has ended and the storms comfortable, let me see. How do you spell shorts? Are the Tempest, never comes when the storm passes by. Will the storm passes over till the thunder? Sounds, no more. Let me keep me safe till the storm passes by.

We'd like to open our service with a word of prayer. And to do that this morning, we are delighted to have less Campbell With Us Faithful member of the church and just a friend of mine for many, many years. And I'd like to ask him if you would sir, I'd rather less Campbell please open our service with a word of Prayer. Let us pray almighty. God and Heaven, we come to you given you thanks and praise for another day. Thank you for this house and that we may join together. And Brotherly, Love almighty God how great thou art by your blessings. Be upon this service this morning, may the Holy Spirit. Find us together with brotherly love and maybe we humble ourselves together. Thank you Heavenly Father for all the pastor this morning that are preaching your word, the true word, the Gospel of Jesus Christ and his Saving Grace. We pray how many father for all our missionaries, all the missionaries wherever they may be in as they travel In Harm's Way, Heavenly Father, take care of them. Grant your every need as they preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and build houses to look for them to Worship in Heavenly Father. Heavenly Father, we ask that you'll send us a great and glorious. Revival one Heavenly Father Sent From Heaven and it's a paper love. This whole world will repent and come to you before, it's too late and my way up, my all our hearts be joined together in prayer. We give you. Thanks, honor and glory in Jesus name, amen. Amen. You may remain seated. While we sing all three verses 506.

On the happy Golden Shore. Where the phrase don't party no more. When the storms of life tend to think that I am going home to say meet me there. On the tree of life is moving me when the storms of life. Why are the Facebook part? No more harm. Beach me but I'm starting to learn Sorenson play. I didn't have enough. Drama pay. Hey meet me by the river sparkling right in the city made this hole since I need to meet me there. Life is long and make me laugh.

I'm not happy golden shop where the baseball park number spring and the blasphemer ever sing in the Palace of that can make people wearing sweet communion in a world that Mary Shelley and meet me there.

When the storms of life are on, on the happy golden show, where the Facebook page number 511 is Wee. Sing face-to-face with Christ, my savior, 511, sing, all four verses,

Jesus face with my man with Francesca. I beat him speechless by Raffi.

A blessed day handsome in French.

I'll be home. All right. I'll be placing in a fried squid or banish refund when a good way to start a race car.

We're going to ask you to stand now. As we prepare for our scripture, reading will ask you to stand as we sing this last verse 5:11, to face, all Blues.

Jesus Christ.

John race car. Race car?

I shall see. Thank you very much for your singing brother. Rodney Humphries will now lead our scripture reading.

He'll be Luke chapter 10 verses 16 through 37. I should begin. He's at here are you here with me? And he's a despises. You despises me and he's at despises me to Spicer's. Had this sent me and the 70 returned again with Joy saying Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through the name and he said unto them I beheld Satan is lightning fall from Heaven. Behold, I give I've given you unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means hurt. You not with standing in this Rejoice, not that the spirits are subject unto you, but rather Rejoice because your names are written in heaven and that our Jesus rejoiced in spirit and said, I think the old father, Lord of Heaven and Earth to tell has hidden these things from the wise and prudent, and has revealed them unto babes. Even so father for so, it seemed good in our side. All things are delivered to me of my father and no man knows who the sun is, but the father and who the father is, but the son and he to whom the sunshine will reveal him and he returned and he turned him in unto his disciples and said, privately blessed are the eyes would see the things that you see, for I tell you that many prophets and Kings have desired to see those things which you see and have not seen them and to hear those things which you here and have not heard them and behold a certain lawyer stood up and tempted him saying Master what should I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, what is written in the law? How we dispel and he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all that strength and width My mind and I neighbor as thyself and he said into him, Dallas, Kurt answered, right? This to, and now shut live, but he willing to justify himself said unto Jesus and who is my neighbor? And Jesus answered said a certain man went down from Jericho. I mean from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among Thieves with stripped him of his raiment and wounded him and departed. Leaving him half-dead, a chance. There came down a certain priest, that way. And when he saw him, he passed by on the other side and likewise a levite when he saw that place came and looked on him and passed by on the other side, but a certain Samaritan. As he journeyed came where he was and when he saw him, he had compassion on him and went to heaven bound up his wounds. Oil and wine and set him on his own beasts, and bought him and brought him to an end and took care of him and on the morrow, when he departed, he took two pence and gave them to the host and settled him. Take care of him and whatsoever. They'll send us more when I come again, I will repay thee. Which now these three think it's, that was neighbor unto him that fell among the thieves. And he said, he's a short Mercy on him. Then said, Jesus and Tim go and do likewise Baker, add his Blessing to his word.

I don't know about you tomorrow. I just live from day to day from its Sunshine storage, may turn to gray. I don't worry for the future for he know what is I have anything about you. Why don't you understand?

And I Know Who Holds my hand, every step is getting brighter as the grand stairs hike, every every cloud silver lined. Their, the sun is always shining their notice of the rainbow where the mom

I don't know about tomorrow. It may bring me papa is the one who stands by me and that is my Porsche maybe through the weather tomorrow. I don't seem to understand but I Know Who Holds my hand. Yes I know and I know

Amen. And amen. Thank you for the Mike Johnson and mrs. Summers on the piano. A company that what a truth and song. I don't know about tomorrow but I Know Who Holds Tomorrow thank God for that. Truth would like to invite our children that are with us to join our team for a children's service and my wife will be making an exit with the rest of the team and you can follow her to your classroom where you'll go and have a children service. For those that will be remain with me here in the main service. You're listening and watching along perhaps online or by other means to the services of the First Baptist Church of Westminster and I'm co-pastor. Pastor. Walter bring into Sunday, morning message, simply entitled, afraid of what I bite you to join me in your Bible this morning in 1st Peter, chapter 4, our main passage will be in chapter 5, but I want you to start with me in chapter 4, I'm going to read more of the contacts so that we have the surrounding verses. 1st Peter chapter 4.

I want to thank one of our deacons were the Rodney and then also I didn't mention. But brother Tim also is it is our other Deacon and he leads music at does missions and all that. So just to connect the dots for our deacons and brother Rodney doing our scripture reading this morning, I know that was of the Lord and hopefully it'll it'll, it'll also be a parent to you as we get into the message. Why we had that scripture reading on today, I'm thankful for the leading of the Holy Spirit, you found 1st Peter chapter number 4 and I that I'd invite you to follow along with me. As I begin reading the holy scriptures, inverse number 12, a First Peter chapter 4

The Apostle Peter recording beloved. Think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you as though some strange thing happened. Happened to you, haven't done to you. But rejoice in as much as you are. Partakers of Christ's sufferings that when his glory shall be revealed, you may be glad also with exceeding Joy. If you be reproached for the name of Christ, happy are ye for the spirit of glory and of God, rest upon you in on their part, he is evil spoken of. But on your part he is glorified. But let none of you suffer as a murderer or as a thief or as an evildoer or as a busybody in other men's matters. Yet, if any man suffer as a Christian, let him not be ashamed but let him glorify God on this behalf. For the time is, come that judgement must begin at the house of God and if it first begin it us, what shall the end be of them? That obey? Not the gospel of God? And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and Center appear? Wherefore, let them that suffer according to the will of God, commit, the keeping of their souls to him and well doing as unto, a faithful Creator, the elders, which are among you. I exhort who am also an elder and a witness of the sufferings of Christ and also a partaker of the glory that shall be revealed feed the flock of God which is among you taking the oversight thereof not by constraint but willingly not for filthy lucre. But I've already mind neither as being Lords over God's Heritage but being in samples to the flock, And when the chief Shepherd shall appear, you shall receive a Crown of Glory. That fade is not a way. Like, why is he younger submit yourselves unto the Elder, ye all of you be subject. One to another, and be closed with humility for God, resisteth, the proud and give us grace to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time. Read verse 7 out loud with me. If you would casting all your care upon him for, he cares for you, be sober, be vigilant because your adversary, the devil as a roaring lion walketh about seeking whom. He may devour whom resist steadfast in the face. Knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all Grace who has told us on His eternal glory by Christ Jesus. After that, you have suffered a while make you perfect stablish, strengthen settle you to him. Be glory and Dominion forever and ever. Amen. Lord, that is our prayer this morning that you would receive the glory. For all that is said and done certainly you've been glorified by our songs this morning and your name has been magnified. And now Lord, magnify your word above all your name. Help me Lord I pray as I deliver that, what you've given me? To Faithfully feed the flock, that's among me as I was exhorted to by Peter here. And I humble myself before you acknowledging that, if anything comes out of this service, that will have any Eternal value, it's because your hand moved mightily, father. Give us what we? So hunger and thirst for today. For what your people are hungry for, for what I'm hungry for. Lord, you are Our Shepherd in the cheapest of ways and I has the cheapest among Sinners, as Paul said, come before you and acknowledge that, you are everything and I'm nothing and may, I decrease, as you increase, I asked this for the furtherance of your glory, in the gospel of your kingdom, My Savior. Jesus Christ. Amen! Amen. Have you ever said the phrase or heard? Someone say the phrase. If you been around me any length of time here recently, you've heard me use this phrase boy. The Lord sure knows how to keep you humble.

Now, you know, I'm not about to stand up here and go through every embarrassing instance that I've ever had. I know very well, the taste of shoe leather and and further acquainted with it. Almost every day of my life. If you don't believe me, just ask my wife. She'll be quick to tell you everything about the shoe leather, and how that tastes for my perspective. Nevertheless, think about where you are and your life, certain things that the Lord might allow certain things that we might bring upon ourselves things that we do that. We were late with that phrase even though we say it in lightness, the Lord knows how to keep you humble. Join me as we look at a man. This morning. Who knows the sentiment of that statement very well. Also. I invite you to consider with me who wrote this letter. Marvelous letter. It's in the general Epistles of the New Testament it's a general letter to all the labor. So if you're a Believer, if you're a Christian, you can take something away from what Peter has said that we stand on the shoulders of giants. And I'll defer you to someone who might be able to wax an elephant, a little better than me on some of these topics. But Peter asked, you think about him. I agree with dr. Vernon McGee. When he describes this letter, if you hear is it his introductory statements on it? Talking about, you know, where it was written from To Whom It Was Written to all of those things that I think. That'd be a good resource for you to go remind yourself of his arguments. He does a good job. I believe of pointing us to Peter. And who this man is by the time he writes this letter, Peter is a man who knows. What it is to be humbled.

And if you've read the gospels, the accounts of the life of Peter studied, anything about him, you know, Peter is one of those guys that we can relate to really easily sometimes and other times we really don't want to relate to, but we really do.

Peter. I buy some have been hit been their favorite. You know, Bible character to study much because of the humility that we find in Peters later life and with the relation that we can have with him being called and ignorant and unlearned fisherman From Galilee, and I think Peter had an accent that was betrayed around the crucifixion, fires your of Galilee. We can tell you're not from around here, when I come out to Colorado. People say that sometimes, especially when I get tired, they say we can tell you're not from around here, where did you grow up? And I tell them with affection, I grew up in Georgia and in so I do have at times they ignore all that comes through. We have dialects what Peter is a man who is down to earth? He's a fisherman by trade. He didn't grow up to be schooled as a rabbi. But, can I tell you? This man is, by far ignorant. He is by far unlearned. And I can do you one better. This man speaks not only from the great knowledge that he learned. May I submit to you in the school of Jesus, no better Seminary to attend then at the feet of our savior. And for the time that he spent learning from Jesus, this man is is by no means ignorant. He is a man of great knowledge. One who has learned many things not only by way of learning from Christ directly as an apostle sent out by him. But Peter also has much to his Advantage. I'm saying all of this to just tell you when Peter says something we want to listen It's kind of like me with some of my predecessors and those that mentored me in the face. Those that had been down the road a little further than I had and I still have those that I look up to. I still have pastors that I would love to just sit at their feet and soak it in everything that they say. I still have others that are leading and guiding me even in this phase of my life. And if ever get past, that would help because I'm probably on the way to being humbled. I think about people in my life that I couldn't wait to just sit down. And listen, maybe it was my grandfather or maybe my grandmother if she had a lot of wisdom to and she could talk from experience, not just knowledge Beyond thankful for my education. I went to Seminary and finish my bachelor's in Bible and went to Seminary and I'm still trying to get this thing called an education. I don't know if I'll ever arrived or not but we always want to keep sharpening ourselves and continued learning but I interned with the pastor who made the statement to me. And other interns likewise the ministry will require you to know within two weeks of being thrust into it. What you can never learn in a classroom setting. Boy, was he right? I still have a lot to learn mind you, I haven't figured it all out. It has a, as a young man, you know studying for Ministry and thinking about preaching and teaching the word of God and in the hospital visitations in the funerals in the weddings and the celebrations of life, that a ministerial, a person gets to be involved in and so many capacities I had a lot of theory you know I had good resources. I had teachers that tried to tell me what was coming down the pike And I did the best I could especially early on. You know, I would go and visit with someone. I would try to pray with them and in my faith was strong in the word of God. I knew what the Bible said, what the Bible is, I wasn't completely without experience because I had to have some experience along the way. It would Jesus have done for me and why I could tell them that they could really trust. The Bible in the Bible is true and and if you need to be saved, you can trust Jesus for your Eternal Soul because he'll never let you know. I had to have some kind of experience with that, right? but even at early on in Ministry, I would go and visit make calls and, and I believe, by Jay Vernon McGee had the same sentiment and I really related with what he said about going, and making these calls and telling people trust in the Lord, it's going to be okay, you can rely on God. He'll never let you down. And I say those things and maybe like he said, you know, we hold their hand, we pray with them and we encourage them and then we leave, you know, in for for his testimony of those who listen to Jay Vernon McGee, he tells you that all that changed. When it was flipped around and he was now the one in the hospital bed. Can I tell you? I I really relate with that. Not in the same sense that he did in that regard. But I know there have been times in my life where I have no other explanation to give you. Then God was with me. Invite you to consider Peter and what he has to say because when we understand where he's coming from it changes everything we read by him, he's no longer just telling us some theory that was concocted in a classroom. This is a man who has had feet-on-the-ground, who has had his hands dirty in Ministry. Yes, his feet dirty and Minister because the Lord came and said I wash your feet. He was a man who knew what it meant to fail multiple times. And yet by the strength of the Lord and no other strength arise and go on for Christ, he is one who truly knew what it meant to be humbled and to allow himself to be humbled. He is one who knew what it means and every sense to know the mighty hand of God. To observe that in his own life. And as Peter encourages us and edifies us here today, I don't think he could have imagined how God would take his words. Some thousands of years later to a group of Believers called out together in a place called Westminster Colorado and use these words by the Holy Spirit to encourage us today, as we follow the same Jesus that he left the Nets by the Sea of Galilee to walk in the footsteps of Our Lord and savior, he called him affectionately. The chief Shepherd when the chief Shepherd shall appear. You see, there's something worth living for. There's something worth suffering for. There's something worth dying for.

Peter knows very well the path of suffering, but boy, the Lord sure knows how to keep you humble. Doesn't he? How have God's people suffered down Through the Ages down through the corridors of time? These words from Peter means so much more when they're coming from experience rather than Siri. And having been in Ministry, just the short time that I have. I'm sure Pastor Ward can verify this because he's walked in the corridors of ministry longer than I have others in this room, you can share stories about how experience makes all the difference in the world. Sometimes we always want to learn my education if we can but some things you just have to experience and the presence and power of God is one of those. You have to experience that in your life, in order to be able to tell others that it's true that we can rely on him. Peter rounds off the body of his letter with admonitions, followed by encouragement. He wants his readers to accept a difficult times. They're facing us from God's hand, but yet to be on guard against the devil's evil desire to take advantage of their circumstances to their own destruction.

In a nutshell Peter's trying to prepare God's people in. Verse number 8, we read it. We have an adversary, we must be sober. We must be vigilant. There is someone that wants to devour every one of us if we name the name of Christ and follow him, but this writer went onto to explain a little bit more of the context. Peters readers are not alone in their plight, which is shared by Christians throughout the world. Because God is Sovereign over. Even the hardships, they suffer, they can trust him to put things right? Strengthening empowering, securing them. We give you a 30,000 ft flyover. Well, maybe we'll pull it down to about twenty, okay? I don't know I'm in verses 6 through 8 we can summarize it. Perhaps this way accepting difficult times. As from God pant Do you want to just a brief outline of what we're looking at here? Accepting difficult times? As from God's hand verses 6 through 8 of chapter 5 verses 8 and 9, then go on to give us an overview of standing fast against the devil. Our enemy verses 10 and 11. Then help us to know how to trust God to put things, right?

With that, in mind, we look together at chapter 5 and verse. Number 6. And I'll spend the majority of my time here in verses six and seven with the surrounding verses in purview. Peter says humble yourselves, therefore. Well, those are for is therefore there for a reason. It's tying us to what came proceeding, therefore, in light of all of what we just talked about in in in the elders Peter give some of his credentials here, being an elder also and a witness up Maher to we get our word martyr from that witness of the sufferings of Christ partaker of the glory. You see these words that are connected the chapter 4 you can't escape them was suffering. Some partaking Glory. The witness Peter has an argument to make. And he does. So, It in a well-thought-out manner. Humble yourselves. He says this is an interesting phrase. Let me give you some other places where this word is translated. So that we understand what? Peter says humble yourselves. Therefore, beautiful translation. Humble yourselves, therefore what we answer general questions of journalistic questions? What is the antecedent to the pronoun? Okay, I don't want to get too far into grammar on that. Sorry, I lost you most of you there. Who is it that Peter was talking to for them to be humbled. Who is he telling humble yourselves? Therefore, it's got a reflexive tone to it. This is something we have to do our self. Who is this? The context tells us? It is those who have leadership, those, who are engaged in Ministry. But if you go back to chapter 4, really, we could broadly applied. I believe to all Christians who suffer in any capacity, your cell and Peters riding to anyone, that would fit that bill. Have you suffered for Christ then listen to Peter? Humble yourselves? Therefore, under the mighty hand of God verses where we find this word humble, humble yourself. Therefore notice the imperatives that are woven throughout this passage imperative after imperative. Imperative is a command command. After command the second command over, 7 really ties to the First Command over 60. Explain that in a moment. But here's a verse from our savior. Jesus who said in Matthew 18 for whosoever therefore shall humble himself and it goes on and 3:12 chapter 23 of Matthew verse 12 whosoever, shall exalt himself shall be abased, some contrasting ideas. Matthew 23 verse 12. Again, goes on to say he that shall humble himself shall be exalted. That sounds strikingly familiar to what Peter is saying here to me. Let me give you some visual the tattoo in Luke chapter 3. Verse number 5, Jesus said, Every Mountain in high heel, and in Hill, excuse me, shall be brought low. Brought low. That's the picture Every Mountain. Just think about this. Front Range here with the Rocky Mountains just behind us to the West think about every Mountain. Every one of those. What kind of power would it take? To level them.

Every Mountain and Hill shall be brought low. You think about the power that does that hill at those mountains there and Adam and objects, right? If I were to go out here and try to have a conversation with the mountain and say hey can you make yourself low?

Put me in a straight jacket. Hold me off.

Well there are many verses that we could go on whosoever shall exalt. Himself shall be abased or humbled. He that shall humble himself? Shall be exalted. And we see this making this point when Jesus was giving the parable of the Pharisee in the, in the Publican, Luke 18 for, to use this same word, Tempest eyes, the truth that Peter's driving home as well, Paul use this word talking about God, humbling him. And him humbling himself for the furtherance of the ministry and in second Corinthians 11:7. He says, have I committed an offense and a Basinger humbling myself that he might be exalted, Paul humble himself, so that the Corinthian Believers could be exalted. It wasn't about Paul, it was about the furtherance of the Gospel in the glory of Jesus crying. As he answered, his critics poll went on to stress that he was Christ's Apostles prices. The one who appointed him for the ministry was humble and walk in humility. We have that example in to learn of Jesus and Matthew 11:29 learn of me from meek and lowly posted as Jesus is humble. So too. He is he must deal humbly with the Corinthian. Believers. Paul did not approach them to flaunt his applesauce, Apostolic Authority. I know Paul had the heart of a pastor told them, he was concerned about their spiritual well-being and please hear me this morning as a pastor is co-pastor here. First Baptist Church of Westminster. The things that I tell you this morning is only because I'm concerned about your spiritual well-being and I want you to know what it means to thrive, not just survive, I want you to drive as we suffer for Christ, as we're called, on to do that as it be, according to his will spiritual welfare growth of the church. That's what Paul was concerned about. If you read through his letter to the Philippian Believers a missionary letter, if you want to know, what a missionary letter looks like, read the book of Philippians, that's a missionary letter in every shape waiting for. Paul said in that letter, he had learned some things, he had learned how to be a based and how to bound. And whether he was in a situation where he Made Lo he rejoiced and he found contentment in his low play whether he was a bounding and he was on that Mountaintop peek. So to speak, he still rejoiced, he found contentment and he tells the Philippian Believers. As he does us rejoice in the lord, always,

Again, I say rejoice, can we live that way? When he was a based, he had little when he had much sleep pants for 12. As we do this, we follow the example of Paul Peter. We follow the example, of our savior who humbles himself Philippians 28, let this mind be in you which was also in Christ. Jesus who humbled himself took upon in the form of a servant became obedient unto death. Even the death of the Cross. That's a sense of, when you see the word, even in your translation, that means it's building to a climax. He went so far for you that he died on the cross of Calvary to save your soul. That's a humbling thing to think about our Saviour doing. Even to the point of death James quotes. This idea of humbling yourself before God, God resists the proud. Peter. Knows what he's talking about. From experience. He says, if you'll do this, you'll be better in the end for it. I think I'm ready to listen to Peter. I may not like the journey to get from point A to point B, it may not be exactly in my timing according to my my thinking but if I learn to trust the way Peter learn to trust and I can do like he knows and like he communicates to us that it's going to be alright in the end.

That's really what I want you to believe this morning. And I don't tell you some some hope that's hanging out there in front of you. I'm not here to dangle some proverbial carrot before you. I really want you to believe not based off of my promise. I want you to believe based off of God's promise that hey it's going to be alright. It really is going to be okay. Maybe you want to put it this way, like some have in the past, I read the back of the book and we win.

It's going to be alright.

What? An insight. Linda Peters. Mine, humble yourselves. Now, there's a reflexive action happening here that I pointed out humble yourselves. Therefore, now, when you when you line It All Out, Come Away with this idea, I think it was Wallace in his Greek work that he did, and I won't go down that with you this morning, but he takes it. As allow yourselves to be humble. Do you know, think about it in perspective? Those mountains? I mentioned if I go out there until that mountain, can you do this to yourself? No the mountain has to have an external force, it has to have a power outside of itself that brings it low

As we think about our own journey, I think about my life, I can certainly go back to times when something outside of me, brought me low. I didn't do that to myself necessarily. Now I can stiffen against that and I can say, no, I'm not ready to be down there yet, it's not time in my thinking yet for me to be down there. I still have more allow yourselves to be humbled to be brought low and maybe some things that we need to acknowledge about the hand of God in our lives at certain times. And maybe you need this for your journey right now. Maybe you need to tuck this away for something that's on the horizon that when you get into it, you're going to come back to June 5th Sunday morning at Westminster First Baptist Church and you're going to say, yeah. I remember I'm going to bring that out and I'm going to say, Lord, I'm ready to allow this. I'm not going to fight against today. I'm going to see it as a broader working of your plan. You want a Biblical example of this. Just go study the life of Joseph.

You talk about external circumstances bringing somebody low, his brothers, threw him in a pit for crying out loud. And how long was he there? What? A Biblical picture of what Peter trying to bring across that he didn't mention Joseph, but that way of application, I think we can illustrate it. With the biblical story. Of Joseph was a long time in that prison false accusations flying around this man. And people coming in, that he would help him and he would give himself to a just tell them. Don't forget me when you go back to Pharaoh, remember that couple more years go by and he seems like he's forgotten again. But in due season, In due time. Joseph was able to make the comment, you meant it for evil. But God meant it for good. Joseph had to allow himself to be brought low. And that looked different for Joseph than it might look for you or me. Whatever. That bringing low is. Peter tells us there for you, think about the chief Shepherd, appearing? You think about the glory? That is to be revealed. You think about once Jesus comes again, you think about the, the, the end of all things. The last days you think about the consummation of all the promises of God, you think about everything we have to yearn for that. We call Heaven. The things we've sang about this morning and he's wonderful. Hymns, these truths that anchor are. So you think about what's on the horizon, it makes it a little bit easier to say. Lord, I don't understand at all. But I'm willing to be brought low.

I'm going to allow myself. Thunder, stand, there's something greater working and it's not because I I desire some kind of prize in the end, that's not my motivation. My motivation simply is. I want to look more like Jesus today than I did yesterday, and if that means, I've got to be brought through the valley then Lord, I know you'll go with me. I don't know about tomorrow but I know you're going to carry me through it and someday. I'll see you face to face in all your glory. Boy, what truth? Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that? Let's set the stage a little bit here, a little more. We've already considered some of this, but in my mind, I asked immediately who is Peter writing to from? Where does he write these words? Any good? I take this at face value, you might Consider a different application. But if you look at 5:13, we didn't read this. But Peter says here, the church that is at Babylon elected together with you salute, you and so does Marcus my son. So, where is Peter riding from? He's riding, he tells you he's riding from Babylon, son of tried to spend that and say that it's wrong that I want to pack all of that this morning some have said, it could be Jerusalem, you know, metaphorically speaking, he's talking about but in my mind it doesn't make sense. I really believe that when Peter says he's in Babylon, his writing format, maybe I'm not you, but I just want to take it at face value, and when he says he's writing for Babylon, Peter, was it possible to the Jews, right? And if we trace the history of Israel, they had a large number of Jewish people that went into Babylon. Did they not under Nebuchadnezzar in and out of those, that win the battle on how many returned, maybe $49,000 or so. Give or take under as run, and then Nehemiah when they came back into Jerusalem. So whether you take it metaphorically, I do take it. Literally, if you want to know where I come down on it, I think he's writing from Babylon. And he's writing if you if you look at how he lines out the, the provinces in the areas he's riding to. It makes sense in my brain at least. You know, if I talk about going from Atlanta Georgia, where I grew up to Denver Colorado or maybe I want to go all the way to the West Coast. Will it make sense that I talk about crossing over the Mississippi first? You know not saying I'm going to go from Atlanta Georgia over to to Los Angeles and then back to Topeka Kansas and then back to Denver, I mean I'm hopping all of on all sides of the Mississippi. At that point, it makes sense for me to say, you know, I'm going to go up, I'm going to take it Lana, we're going to go up, probably take the North Route will go up and walk across five states in half an hour. And we'll go through, you know, Tennessee and in all of that beautiful part of the country there and they will come through and will spend three days in Kansas and and then, you know, that's after we cross the Mississippi, you see the logical progression. So for Peter to be riding from some of you got that you'll you'll probably get it after lunch.

then you see those Rocky Mountains in the distance and, you know, I finally made it out of Kansas

But I keep going, right? I go in the desert and more desert. After I cross the mountain, it makes sense to go in a logical progression. I think Peter is doing the same thing here. If you look at the list, he gives he's riding from Babylon. And it goes from this year. Did this air to the shirt and it's to the Jews are scattered. These Jewish Christians that are suffering for naming Christ, their juice Believers, I believe that is who Peter has in mind in the context, as well as you know, a broader application to all believers. As we mentioned, Boosie riding to from where these are, these are Christians who are scattered abroad that they have a Heritage, that they have, they have a faith to them. Does Peter know from experience, what he's telling them. Of course, he does, we've already hammered this out. We've nailed this down, a, I'm beating a dead horse at this point, right? This is the same man who's telling them allow yourselves to be humbled, it's the same man who said, I'll die with you, Lord. The same man that Jesus told him, you're going to deny me Thrice.

3 * no turnaround ever do that. Lord the same man that had that experience. That when that rooster crow. And it's one of those moving pictures. You see between Jesus and Peter. They just made eye contact. That's all it took. And Peter went out in a text tells us, he went out and wept bitterly. There's a lot to unpack in that image alone, Peter says, allow yourselves to be humbled.

It's Peter mind you that looked on the c-store one day after the resurrection and saw a figure in and understood after John said, it's Jesus. And he went right out of that boat, lift everybody behind and came to the shore and they had fish and tiring and fellowship and and he was with the Lord. He remember. What the Lord did for him based on his Thrice denial? There was a Thrice restoration, Peter. Do you love me? Do you love me? Do you love me? It's this Peter mind you that Jesus told before he was to be crucified, he told Peter, he said Satan has desired to have you all of you my disciples but I have prayed for the singular Peter. I prayed for thee that thy faith, fail not. And when thou art converted strengthen thy brethren sandwiched in between all of this. You know, you have that statement by Jesus in his Thrice, denial his price restoration. Peter now comes with the experience under his belt, not just a classroom knowledge to say, allow yourselves to be humbled, who, these Christians that are suffering persecution abroad, who are scattered abroad for their faith and they're catching it on every side from their Jewish Family and their friends from the world around them, they're catching suffering on every angle and it's simply because they name the name of Christ. Hello America.

I'll leave that right there. So what is the reason? Okay. Yes, Peter knows. It's the mighty hand of God. This also sets the tone for what he is using this phrase for if we understand, Peter is riding to these Christians, that have a Jewish background when Peter utters, the phrase, humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, what do you think is going through any Jewish person's mind? The mighty hand of God few times, you see it used and it's an idiom and it signifies the kind of power that would bring them out. The kind of power that would part the Waters of a red sea. The kind of power that is, obviously, outside of ourselves that is working circumstances that we can't understand the end from the beginning, like, he can because he's hovering and Peter says, humble yourself, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, if I could encourage you, if you're suffering today or if you're fearful about anything in your life, if you have anxiety, if you are full of care over anything, I tell you this morning stand still and see the salvation of God when you see it. Then we'll make all the suffering worthwhile. But if you're mixed in your face, if you're part of that mixed multitude and you still want the leaks in the onions of Egypt, you better watch out because unbelief will destroy you in the end. It will destroy you because you lose sight of what God has done and deliverance and will do in the Deliverance to come and you all you can see is the pleasures of Egypt. The pleasures of sent that Moses knew was only for a season that the pleasures of sent that. He said no to So that he could suffer shame for the reproach of Christ. Simos is understood what you and I need understand. Peter is telling these Jewish Christians, the mighty hand of God Work circumstances, beyond our control. Allow yourself to be humble, humble yourselves. Therefore, under the mighty hand of God? What's the purpose of allowing this Peter? That he may exalt you in due time. Was Joseph. Exalted in due time. Was the nation of Israel. Exalted, in due time was Jesus Christ. Exalted in due time. He said, yeah, if I be lifted up, I will draw all men unto me, high. Lift it up. We see our savior. If God Did It Before. Who are we to think that he couldn't do it again? Whatever your suffering might be. Take a step back, think about what God might be doing in a bigger way and allow yourself to be made low. Why? Because you believe what Peter is promising that in due season, you know, Seasons come and Seasons go. We're in transit transition of Seasons right now. We're transitioning from Spring to summer and winter is, is hopefully gone here in Colorado. It may come back in July. We never know. But Seasons come and Seasons, go and seasons change. And this season of being Melo will one day bring forth a season of exaltation. And you see that pattern over and over again in scripture while I can't give you the answer to every problem you're facing and every care you might have. I can tell you in general. That's the Timeless truths. Trust God it's going to be alright it will be okay in the end. I know we have to go through suffering to get there sometimes but it will be okay. In the end, we will have exaltation in due season. So my challenge to you simply is trust God's timing. Not your own Trust his time. He knew when it was the right time to part the Waters of the Red Sea. So we've seen what is imperative? What is the imperative that we're looking at this morning? I hasten to draw your attention. As we wrap things down towards a time of closing this morning. I didn't say I'm concluding, just just hold on. Okay, we're getting into the next point that I'm trying to get across to you. We have seen. What is absolutely imperative. What does Peter say is absolutely imperative for you? As you think about the sufferings, you might be in as following Christ. It is absolutely imperative that you allow yourself to be made low.

With the understanding that in due time, you'll be exalted. Are you with me? Everybody on the same page? Okay, if that's imperative Pastor, did Peter tell us how how in the world and I am I supposed to allow myself to be brought low, to be made humbled to be humbled. How am I supposed to? Excuse me? Humble myself. Now it's plural. I used a singular there. Humble myself, but this is all plural as a group as a church. As a body of Believers following, Jesus Christ. Christians across our country and around the world. Missionaries, can we allow ourselves to meet to be made low? Contextually, I think that's more on target. What is God doing to Humble Christianity? To get Christianity down from his high horse.

I don't know, but I read the headlines, like you do, and I see atrocity after atrocity come across the headlines. That seems like a lot of people, they print, a lot of bad news, because bad news, sells better than good news. I guess I'm thankful God gave us all the news. The bad news, the good news, the ugly news, he gave us the best news. The greatest news and even Peter said, hey, you know, they're kings, that would love to hear what you're hearing that. There are rulers around this world that that haven't been privy to what I'm letting you in on. You want to know the secret of the universe will hear it is right from the mouth of Peter. Okay, I'm having a little fun but we move on. Allow yourselves to be made low. That's imperative. But how, how do we do that the answers in verse 7? no, I might miss quote this verse occasionally

and do the text to do service but I think the sentiment is there. Have you ever heard anybody quote, the verse and say cast all your cares upon Him for he cares for you? maybe you didn't even realize, I just missed court of the verse Read it and it says, cast ink. Your care. That is a participle in Greek, and, in English, it doesn't matter. That's participial. Okay. So, what does that do? It ties it to verse 6. What's the impaired? Humble yourselves.

How? This is the answer. 7 is the answer 2 vs 6.

Casting, not just some, you see, Peter quotes a song, but he adds the word? All Casting all your care upon him. Because or for he cares for you. By casting all your anxieties upon him. What get you anxious, what? Gets you worked up. You cash that upon him that we could dig in and we could do some some more diving on these words and look him up out. Encourage you to you know, if we just looked at this word care casting all your care upon Him, casting has the idea of burning an animal with that maybe putting a cloth over. Maybe, you know, we've got some folks in here. They could tell me how to saddle a horse. You know, maybe you want to put a blanket down first I don't know. I'm really green in that area. I don't know how to do all of that, but how would we put a saddle on a horse at? How would we put that on? You, think about the Lord? When He rode into town on that donkey. They laid their clothes down, as you think about casting the word, you really, it's not the word that I thought it would be. If you look it up, you note to Casbah low to throw. That's where my mind went and I looked it up it said that's not the word, it's a different word. It means to burden like like a beast of burden to put that burden on that animal that's going to carry that for that, that's an action that we must take. And we must casting all your care upon him. Like, you would put that garment Down on that animal. Casting all your care. The word really is tied to anxiety to anxiousness and then, you know, in the counseling round we go to fear and all those other things that we talked about Casting all your anxieties upon him. Now, keep it in context. Clue is anxious to hear those who were living for. God, those who are suffering for his glory, those who are going through difficult times, simply because they name the name of Christ in the world doesn't understand the devil is after them. Those are the people that can get full of worry, full of care. And we know, Flippin Sports Sixers were to be careful for nothing. But in all things by Prince supplication with Thanksgiving, make your requests be made known unto God. So we understand that. But here, Peter tells us this is how you actually lay that on. Someone who is strong enough to carry it for you. Take my yoke upon you Jesus and learn of me from meek and lowly in heart cast. All your cares, anxious care apprehension. The word is used. To talk about the power of God.

Selfish anxiety.

Psalm 55 verse 22 is the reference that Peter Peters making and he's adding the word. All And all means, all, that's all. I'll means that's what my preacher told me. And so, I take his work work, all means, all, and that's all on me. Okay, let me unpack this for you. This was Thomas Schreiner, let's put it together. This is important casting. All your care. Casting all your anxiety upon Him is important because there's trying to point out. He said, giving an to worry is an example of pride. If you're going to give in to that, then you can't be trusting God at the same time. You see how that works? He went on to say, The Logical relationship between the two Clauses is as follows Believers. Humble themselves by casting their worries on. Conversely. If Believers continue to worry, they're caving in to Pride how can anxiety and worry, be criticized his pride. We can see that it might be a lack of faith but does it make sense to identify a worry as Pride? Worry is a form of Pride, when Believers are filled with anxiety, they're convinced that they must call the problems in their lives in their own strength. The only God they trust in is themselves. When Believers, throw their worries, upon God, they expressed trust in his mighty hand acknowledging that he is. Lord and Sovereign over all Affairs. As another writer said, Affliction either drives one into the arms of God or Sever's one from God. Now, I'm not ready to unpack what he meant by severed. You'd have to ask him but I understand his sentiment. Are Polarises. Casting all your care upon him. So are you giving in to Pride thinking that this is something you have to solve on your own? That you have to figure a way through this. It's time to cast out on him and say Lord I trust you for what you are going to work out that I may not even see yet. That's powerful. No, he uses a play on words, casting all your care upon him. And I love that him how we get into the realm of superautoss here in some of these. Some of these words casting all your care upon him for he careth for you now in English we translate it like it is here he is. The subject pronoun becomes the subject but it's really not the subject. To him. It is a concerning matter, to go to. Who to God? You cast your cares on him, okay? Peter. Why should I relinquish complete trust to God? Why should I put all of this? Worry, all of this anxiety on him to do. What I can't do? Why Peter? Because he takes care for you. He is concerned about what happens to you. There's a song that talks about riding on. Riding the Storm on on the shoulders of my father. You think about that image riding through storms on the shoulders of daddy? You Can Let the Rain Fall. You can have some joy in that because, you know, your Daddy has your best interest in mind and your daddy is never going to let anything happen to you. That's beyond his care. Now, that's an Earthly illustration. You think about how much your father in Heaven cares for you? Are you not of much more value than many sparrows? Why take, ye thought for the morrow? Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. God already knows the things you need. Before you ask him, you can see how Peter learn from the feet of Jesus.

Can you trust your heavenly father?

That he really does care for your best. We might have to deal with some pride this morning and swallow, some things like I've had to do time and time again and Ministry that I can't solve everything. Some of the most helpless times I've ever had in my life is when I'm praying with someone that's going through something that I can't fix. I can't change it. I want to I wish I could make it better. I wish I could take it all the way but I can't.

Humble yourselves therefore, under the mighty hand of God? So that he may exalt you in due time. Just the fact that you're there means you care if you don't have all the answers that's okay. Someone does. And if we can get others to see to trust him like we do then they're going to be okay in the end and it'll drive them to guide. The goodness of God lead us leads us to repentance. He has a play on words, as I mentioned, casting all your care upon him for he careth. He just keeps on caring. He keeps on taking care and he does it concerning you for you. That word care. He careth for you. That has the idea behind it is for thought. He's thinking a step ahead of where you are Miles Ahead of where you are. He's already here, he knows the end from the beginning, he's a mission, he takes interest in you and it's really in contrast to anxiety. It's the same root word but it's a type of metric contrast. Boy. I need to hear this. I need to be encouraged to allow myself to not be afraid of things. You know, I had a whole nother outline here, things that we could be afraid of you. No, fears concerning those. We love Pierce concerning Health, fears concerning, Financial Security, fear of people, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of death, which involves the fear of Eternity, there's no shortage of things that we could be full of care for is there and your list might look different than mine. Submission is an Act of Faith. Now I give you my conclusion tied all together. Tide altogether. Allow yourself to be humbled by God. Wiersbe said submission is an act of faith. Can you trust God can you believe? That's what God's calling on you to do perhaps that to trust him to believe in him? Not just for salvation, but for every matter of life, we are trusting God to direct our lives. And to work out his purposes in his time. Is that what you're trusting got to do after all. There's a danger in submitting two, others, they may take advantage of us boy. How true. But not if we trust God. And if we are submitted to one another, Peter said submit yourselves, one to another younger submit yourselves to the Elder yet. Every one of you be subject to one another, that's what the body is for. We bear one another's burdens and fulfil the law of Christ. Why do we need Church? I'm glad you asked. I just told you why? We fellowship and that's part of it. He went on to say after were submitted to one to another, a person who is truly yielded to God and who wants to serve. His fellow Christians would not even think of taking advantage of someone else saved or unsaved. The mighty hand of God that directs our lives can also direct the lives of others. It's my prayer that there be no safer place for you to come cast, all your care. Then among the Believers, at First, Baptist Church of Westminster. That you don't have to worry about them using you, for some ill game. We're not greedy of, filthy lucre all these credentials. It's my prayer that our church always lives in accordance to this That we this is a place where we can come and be fed. We're to hospital to our solar where we understand that the devil is real and we have a fight on her hands for face. But we also understand that we walk through life and we get heavy. And we have cares, and we have concerns. We don't ignore those, we do not ignore do, but what I do challenge you to do, whatever your care might be, whatever you may be thinking about, and wondering about how am I going to figure this out? How am I going to work this? Maybe it's a, I don't know. I don't even want to begin to apply because there's no shortage of the way the Holy Spirit might be speaking to you right now, what is it that you are full of care for right now you come and you follow Peter? Who tells you it's going to be okay. You can trust his work because he's been there. He's been down the road and I to as your pastor this morning can tell you. I agree with Peter. I've seen the Lord move in ways that you could never even explain and if you will come to him and trust him without reserve and cast everything you have on him and just lay that down on him and didn't notice it didn't say picking back up, okay, that just is needs to be clarified. You lay that down on him and say Lord I trust you. For my life. If you will do that today. Whether it's to be saved, I trust you to take me to Heaven, you can come and do that today. You can cast all of your worry about your Eternal Destiny on the Lord Jesus Christ. And he can save you and wash away your sin and take you to heaven. This very moment, but Peters riding to Christians. We can get full of care. What's got you burdened? What are you carrying today?

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