Psalm 19: Nothing Compares

Praying Through the Psalms 2022  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Good morning, my name is Matt Prine and I am one of the pastor/elders here at RCB.
I want to encourage you to keep praying for Pastor Jonathan as he is out on Sabbatical - that he would be able to connect with and hear from the Lord.

Explanation of the series:

Today, we start our praying through the Psalms series that will continue through the next four Sundays.
Today, we are going to be in Psalm 19, so go ahead and turn there in your Bibles for when we jump in.
I want to give us some context here for why we are doing this series.

First, To give you some Prayer tools

We want to equip you in your own life to pray more strategically.
As we walk through each of the Psalms that we are preaching on, my hope is that they will serve as an example for you - so that you can do this anytime with other psalms and scriptures.
As we are going, pay attention to how we pull out the themes of each section of these Psalms and turn them into prayer points.

Second, To help you process life better

Part of the beauty of the Psalms is that they express a wide range of thoughts and emotions about life and the Lord.
I have always said that they give me permission to feel a certain way and give voice to the emotions that I walk through.
As we are given this voice, we can take those thoughts, emotions, and experiences to the Lord and better pursue Him in faith.

Instructions for the prayer times

Before we get going this morning, I want to take a moment to prepare us for the flow of this service…
We will be breaking into groups of 3 or 4 to pray over each of these prayer points.
If you are not comfortable doing this, that is totally fine - just when I tell everyone to look around to find their group, don’t make eye contact with anyone… you can close your eyes and bow your head like you are in prayer... Or you can check your phone to make sure it is on silent…
So, without talking, do that now…
Look side to side or front to back and make eye contact with those people - and give them that look like - “You, want to be in a group” “Ok, great, let’s do this”
During our prayer times, you will have time for one, maybe two of you to pray, but while one person is praying, the others in your group will be agreeing in prayer - saying things like “Amen, yes Lord, that’s right!”
When it is time to bring us back in to get back into the text, I will say “Lord…” and that will be your cue to wrap up your prayer.
I will pray to close that time of prayer, and then we will dive into the next portion of scripture.
Make sense?

Why we are praying out loud together corporately

WHY are we doing this?
First, I want us to gain a tiny perspective for what the Lord hears when our church prays.
All our voices lifted up collectively to the Father in a holy roar of prayer.
Amazingly, He hears every one of our prayers simultaneously, which is incredible.
Second, to encourage our church body with the prayers we pray
Your prayer will be a ministry to others
It may be that the Lord will speak to someone through the prayer that He leads you to pray.
Sometimes, our own prayers can help others who are walking paths similar to those we have walked.
Third, to frighten the enemy.
The enemy HATES it when he hears God’s children talking to the Father.
The enemy cannot read your mind, so praying out loud lets him hear our words to the Lord and it terrifies him and he cannot stand it.
Part of our goal today is to remind Satan that he is a toothless lion who has already been defeated at the cross.
I want to make something crystal clear… We are not going to be speaking to the enemy…
We are talking to our Father loudly enough for the enemy to hear us.
God’s truth, when spoken out loud drives the enemy away from us
so we pray out loud, in part so that he will flee.

Open in Prayer

Illustration: The guy on the plane back from Montana

Two weeks ago, I traveled to Bozeman Montana to connect with a church there for my job with WorldVenture.
While I was there I wanted to see the sights, so I hiked over 6 miles around this giant reservoir and I drove out to Big Sky to take in the views.
Each of the scenes that I encountered was breathtaking.
Mountains covered in snow
The sun shining through these huge fir trees
Creeks carving their way through the land
Big horn sheep and elk casually grazing near the bases of these mountains.
It was surreal - and honestly, one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.
When I got on the plane to fly back home, I sat next to this guy who had just wrapped up his vacation.
He was a single dude who just loves Montana and had spent the past week camping and traveling throughout the mountains of Montana and down into Yellowstone.
I mentioned how beautiful the mountains were, and he leaned over to me and said:
“Man, I don’t know if you believe in God, but I think that these mountains are proof that He exists.”
Amen, brother…
Theodoret, who was Bishop of Cyr - in the mid 400’s said this
If you observe a most mighty and magnificent building, you admire the builder; and if you see a skillfully and beautifully designed ship, you think of the shipwright; and at the sight of a painting the painter comes to mind. Much more, to be sure, does the sight of creation lead the viewers to the Creator.
All of nature and all of creation is meant to do one major thing in our lives…
Point to an all powerful creator.
It would be foolish to see a magnificent building and deny the existence of the builder, it would be asinine to observe God’s creation and handiwork and deny the existence of God.
We are literally living in a world that is comprised of things that are screaming to us about God’s glory.
And that is part of what Psalm 19 says…

Prayer Point #1 - God’s Glory Is All Around Me (vv. 1-6)

Let’s look at Psalm 19:1-2...

Unpacking the Text

Psalm 19:1–2 ESV
1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. 2 Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge.
Andrew Knowles - a Bible Scholar said this about God’s creation: “Not a word is said, but the glorious evidence of his majesty is transmitted continually everywhere and to everyone.

Look at the words

Let’s look at some of the verbiage that David uses here to describe what is going on.
He says that the Heavens declare the glory of God
This word “declare” actually means to count…
David is saying that the heavens are numbering glories of God - 24/7.
Heavens declare or count His glories
The Sky proclaims His handiwork
Which means to make His handiwork apparent
Each day pours out speech
The Hebrew means to gush or to go on and on
Each night reveals knowledge.
This means to prove
And this is just the first two verses!
This is happening all the time, and never stops
Which means that every human being on the earth is inundated with it… which is what verses 3-6 tell us.
Psalm 19:3–6 ESV
3 There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. 4 Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, 5 which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. 6 Its rising is from the end of the heavens, and its circuit to the end of them, and there is nothing hidden from its heat.
The words that creation is pouring out about the Lord do not go “unheard...”
Every person on the planet has in some way encountered these truths - through the experience of the beauty of His creation - particularly the beauty from the heavens.
When you gaze up at the beauty of the night sky or when your skin is warmed from the heat of the mid-day sun...
Every millisecond of that is meant to communicate - “Wow, isn’t God amazing!” “look at God’s glory!”
There isn’t a second in the day that the Lord isn’t speaking to us through His creation!
Paul was surely thinking about this Psalm when he wrote Romans 1:19-20
Romans 1:19–20 ESV
19 For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. 20 For his invisible attributes, namely, his eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly perceived, ever since the creation of the world, in the things that have been made. So they are without excuse.
It is inexcusable to deny or miss the existence of God - plain and simple…
The universe has the undeniable fingerprints of the Lord on it, but we have the tendency to do one of two things.
1. We miss it entirely because we are too busy going about our own business.
2. OR We seek to explain it away as a scientific phenomenon.
We cannot allow ourselves to fall into this trap of missing God’s glory that is right in our face all the time, because we’re too wrapped up in our stuff.
Creation gets it… why don’t we?

Enter into prayer

During this prayer time, there is just something very simple that I want you to do:
Take a few minutes to declare the Glory of God…
Talk to Him about where you see His glory clearly displayed - like that guy on the plane with me two weeks ago who saw the Lord revealed in the mountains.
Recall moments where you saw the Lord the way that David saw Him in the first six verses of Psalm 19.
You can even go verse by verse in vv. 1-6 and pray those back to the Lord.
If you know the song, So Will I, from Hillsong United, there is a refrain in the chorus that says: “If Creation Sings your praises, So will I!”
That is what we are aiming for in this time!
Ask for Him to empower you to declare His glory like the heavens declare His glory
When we are ready to close this prayer time and move on in the text, I will simply say “Lord...” and that will be your cue to wrap up your prayer.

Allow 3-4 minutes for prayer

Close prayer

When we talk about the revelation of God through His creation - and the fact that all humans get access to that revelation, what we are talking about is common grace.
Common grace is grace that is available to all people - regardless of who or what they worship.
Common grace is getting to experience a beautiful mountain range, or having rain fall to water crops. It is tasting a delicious steak or enjoying relationship with another person.
But common grace does not make someone right with God.
Common grace is meant to make us see the beautiful mountains and give us a desire to know the creator of those mountains.
Common grace is meant to make us hunger for saving grace
Saving grace is only available through God’s revealed will - His word.
Romans 10:13–15 ESV
13 For “everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.” 14 How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? 15 And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!”
It is God’s Word that brings us to true knowledge of God - not the sun or moon, stars or sky.
But we need both!
Again, Andrew Knowles says: “The two belong together—the sun ruling the cosmos and the law ruling the conscience. Without them, there would be darkness in both the outer world and the inner heart.
Let’s look at vv. 7-11

Unpacking the text

Psalm 19:7–11 ESV
7 The law of the Lord is perfect, reviving the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple; 8 the precepts of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart; the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes; 9 the fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever; the rules of the Lord are true, and righteous altogether. 10 More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb. 11 Moreover, by them is your servant warned; in keeping them there is great reward.

Prayer Point #2 - God’s Word Sustains My Life (vv. 7-11)

David uses his words in very intentional ways when he talks about God’s words and he uses several different words to describe God’s Word.
The Law is the totality of God’s Word - the whole counsel of God
He describes the totality of God’s Word as perfect - or blameless.
God’s Testimony is meant to convey the truthfulness of His Word
Just like in court when someone gives their testimony - they are expected to give a true account.
David says that His testimony is sure, or reliable.
God’s Precepts are the procedures that he has set for us to follow - a way in which we are to live.
David described God’s precepts as being Right - or straight.
Commandments are what He has told us to do - and expects us to follow thru on
He says that the commandment of God is pure - not only pure, but the standard of purity
Rules (Better translated as Judgements)
God’s judgements are what He has determined to be right and wrong.
David says that God’s judgements are true - they can be trusted.
Derek Kidner says that “these terms show the practical purpose of revelation, to bring God’s will to bear on the hearer and evoke intelligent reverence, well-founded trust, and detailed obedience.

Why can we submit to God’s word fully?

Because of what He accomplishes in us and because of what the Word is on it’s own....
God’s Words will
Revive the soul
Make wise the simple
rejoice the heart
enlighten the eyes
Additionally, God’s word
Will Endure forever
is altogether righteous!
Is worth more than gold
and is sweeter than honey
What does this sound like to you?
This sounds to me like the most fulfilling life ever...
Revived soul, wisdom, rejoicing heart, and eyes that are full of vigor - counseled by something that will never go away and never lose it’s relevance, that is perfectly righteous, worth more than gold and tastes better than honey?
Gimme some of that!
The truth is that nothing in our world compares with the light and effect of the sun
And NOTHING in our life that can compare with the light and effect of God’s Words.
This is part of the reason that Pastor Jonathan, Pastor Kevin, the staff and I are so adamant about getting into the Word of God daily!
If you do not have a reading plan, you need to get one, and get in the Word!
There are so many times that I meet with young men in particular and things are not going great in their life - and throughout the conversation, it becomes apparent that they do not have a disciplined devotional life.
Matthew Henry said that “The Holy Scripture is of much greater benefit to us than day or night, than the air we breathe, or the light of the sun. To recover man out of his fallen state, there is need of the word of God.
But we put any number of things before God’s Word in our life...
We think that what we need most is
a relationship
What we need more than all of this is God’s Word
Waltke, Houston, and Moore rightly point out in their commentary on the Psalms that “people who trust God and his covenant find the law ranks higher than all earthly values and pleasures.”
Is this true for you?
Do you see God’s word as being better to you than the best thing on this earth?

Prayer time

As we begin this prayer time, my question for you is “What have you elevated over God’s Word? or What are you hoping will revive your soul, or give you wisdom, or rejoice your heart?”
If it is anything other than the Lord and His Word, then you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment.
Pursue the Lord in prayer
Repent for those things that you have sought fulfillment from other than God’s Word.
Pray vv. 7-11 back to the Lord, personalizing it for yourself.
Lord, Your law is perfect, reviving MY soul
Your testimonies are sure, making ME wise.
Turn to your group and begin to pray - and remember, if you aren’t the one praying, you are letting that person know that you are agreeing in prayer
Yes, Lord; Amen; That’s Good; Uh huh!

Give 3-4 minutes to prayer

One of the results of us knowing the Word of God more fully is that our sin becomes more evident.
We become more keenly aware of our ongoing need of divine grace.
Just as nothing is hidden from the sun’s heat on this earth, nothing is hidden in our hearts from the divine heat of God’s Word.
He will uncover, expose, and uproot sin that we have buried deep in there.
This is usually not a fun process, but it is a necessary one.
His goal for us is to form us into the image of Christ - to present us as blameless - which means we must release our grip on sinful patterns of living.
Look at vv. 12-14
Psalm 19:12–14 ESV
12 Who can discern his errors? Declare me innocent from hidden faults. 13 Keep back your servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me! Then I shall be blameless, and innocent of great transgression. 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight, O Lord, my rock and my redeemer.
This is the key to it all, right here…
This is the key to being united with the God of all creation whose Word is perfect and true.
We appeal to His goodness and love.

Prayer Point #3 - God’s Love Covers Me (vv. 12-14)

There are three big requests here that King David voices to God - and this is what we are going to close out our time with.
First, declare me innocent
David expresses an almost heartbroken plea - saying “Who can discern his errors?”
He get’s that there are so many ways in which he is broken, he would never be able to completely and fully own each of those things.
When measured up against the Law of the Lord which is perfect, our brokenness and imperfection becomes deeply apparent.
Therefore, David (and you and I) need the Lord to declare us innocent.
This is the first stage of salvation that we call justification.
We need to be declared legally innocent of our sins, saved from the penalty of our sins.
Without being declared innocent, we are still under condemnation.
When we come to Christ, this is the initial cry - Lord Jesus, forgive me!
Second, keep me back from sinning
If you are in Christ, you still need the grace of the Lord to restrain you from evil.
Although we have been declared innocent, and that doesn’t change, we will still have sinful tendencies.
David knew himself well enough to know that he will still wrestle with a strong desire to sin - and if you don’t know this about yourself, you need to realize it..
The fallenness of our world, our flesh, and the enemy actively seek to lead us away from Jesus and back into sin.
But Jesus is working to strengthen us against these forces.
This is the stage of salvation we call Sanctification
Each day, we need to be helped to look more like Jesus - saved from the power of our sins.
As we are saved from the power of sin, we are empowered to say no to sin and yes to God.
As we walk with Jesus, this is the ongoing cry of the believer - Lord Jesus, help me!
Third, Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight
Lastly, David asks for his thoughts and words to be acceptable to the Lord.
Do you see the connection here?
When you recognize the beauty and glory of God in His creation
And when you treasure His word more than gold
Then you cultivate a desire to please Him rather than yourself or others.
David is asking that his words and thoughts be an acceptable sacrifice to the Lord.
This is the cry that we need to offer up to the Lord today as well.

Last prayer time…

As we dive into this last prayer time, before we move into worship through music, I want the Christ-followers in the room to be praying about the following things.
First - Keep me from sinning…
Second - Let the Words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in your sight.
So, in a moment, I am going to have you turn to your group and pray over those things...
But, before we do that...

Altar Call

There may be some in this room this morning who cannot see the Glory of God all around them, they are not sustained by His Word, and they not covered by His love, because they don’t know Him yet.
If this is you, and you aren’t following Christ, then I would beg you to wake up and hear His voice…
He is calling you to Himself
He has been revealing Himself to you your entire life through His creation, and today He has given you a taste of His perfect Word.
Now, He is calling you to offer yourself to Him, be forgiven of your sins, and he is inviting you to become part of His family and ours.
Don’t resist that call - respond!
Jesus bled out and died on a cross, was buried, and then raised from death on the third day so that you could be granted eternal life and a faith from HIM that weathers the storms of life.
Romans 10:9 says, “if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.”
The question is are you going to embrace that or are you going to leave the offer on the table?
For you, I want you to spend this prayer time saying “Lord, save me!”
repent of your sins and believe in Jesus.
There is nothing better in all the world.
As we move into this prayer time, I want to make you aware of a resource for you that is new.
We have launched a prayer team at RCB that will be focused on a variety of different prayer initiatives.
One of the big ones will be our Response Prayer Team.
These are people who are going to be available to pray with you during the response time of each service.
They will have prayer lanyards on, and they will be standing in the back, near the door heading out to the rest-rooms.
Whether you want to pray to receive Christ or if you have a prayer request that you would like for our prayer team to be lifting up for you, please use them as a resource.
At this time, turn to your group and let’s take the next few minutes praying over these prayer points.
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