June 5, 2022 - Freedom or Slavery

Galatians  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:55
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If you were with us when we began our trek through the book of Galatians - HOPEFULLY, having been outside of Galatians through the month of May...
...you remember the apostle Paul calling the Galatians to - BE WHO THEY HAD BECOME…!
To recap where we left off in our journey through Galatians...
Let’s look back...
If you recall - False Teachers had come into the churches of Galatia - in order to PERSUADE the people that they needed to be CIRCUMCISED if they wanted to be a part of the Household of God...
And so - OF COURSE - Paul has been combatting the false teachers and their claims.
- And one of the arguments that Paul uses was how he had confronted Peter - publically about how he had - BY HIS ACTIONS - preached a false gospel!
Do you remember?
Peter was in Antioch…and he was eating with the Gentiles...
BUT THEN when Judaizers came to Antioch…Peter separated himself FROM the gentiles...
And in doing so - he REBUILT the wall of hostility between Jew and Greek - the WALL that Christ had torn down!
Paul then began to hammer the point home that we are justified by FAITH and not by WORKS of the Law!
And so Paul continues...
Using Abraham
the Law
And more recently - IDENTITY
as arguments against the False Teaching...
Paul wants the Galatians to - THINK...
to really contemplate - who they had become BY FAITH - before God - and UPON WHAT BASIS.
When we were last in Galatians - Paul - REMINDED the Galatians about what the Law actually says...
And he DID so by taking them to the story of Sarah and Hagar...
Paul had said...
Galatians 4:21 ESV
21 Tell me, you who desire to be under the law, do you not listen to the law?
As we know - the Galatians - who had embraced the truth of the Gospel - INITIALLY - from Paul...
had TURNED from that truth - and were now choosing to embrace Circumcision as a means to their salvation!
And Paul - had decided - to help them understand what they were actually doing by embracing the False teaching within the churches!
He showed them that they were actually - By GOING back UNDER the LAW - - running back to a sinful path of disobedience!
And so TODAY - Paul’s gonna lay it all out there!
Today Paul’s going to MAP out- 2 Paths of Humanity
And so if you were EVER going to share a sermon with your lost family member, friend, coworker, neighbor - this would be it!
Paul’s going to show us that there are ONLY 2 paths in this life…!
That IN this life - you WALK ONE of these paths -
and if THIS ONE - then NOT THAT one..
if THAT ONE - then NOT THIS one!
And in explaining these paths, Paul will show us the consequences of our choices...
Let’s get to our text...
Galatians 5:1–6 ESV
1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. 2 Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you. 3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace. 5 For through the Spirit, by faith, we ourselves eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness. 6 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.
If we circle back to verse 1 - we see this verse is saturated with the CONTEXT of the situation happening in Galatia at this time...
Galatians 5:1 ESV
1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.
Paul is speaking to those IN THE CHURCHES - in Galatia - who are standing at a FORK in the ROAD!
These people had HEARD the TRUE Gospel....from Paul...
And NOW - they’re faced with a FALSE Gospel… from the false teachers
And so Paul - speaking to THOSE people - says -
Stand Firm - in the TRUTH of WHO YOU ARE!!
Several weeks ago - I preached a sermon TITLED - Be Who You Have Become!!
That’s what Paul is saying HERE!
And Paul HOLDS UP - two opposing STATES of Spiritual Status!
at this FORK in the ROAD!
[Freedom] & [Slavery]
And so Paul is saying - OK - you have a choice to make...
You can REST in the Freedom of Faith IN Jesus Christ
You can submit yourselves to a YOKE of slavery...
What’s a YOKE?
It refers to an instrument that was used for DRAFT animals...
So you can REST in the Freedom of Faith in Christ...
OR - go back to SLAVERY!
So- Submitting to circumcision…ACCORDING to Paul - equated to - Submitting AGAIN to a YOKE of slavery!
This circumcision here - is a PHYSICAL circumcision ...
THAT’s why this was part of the FALSE teaching in Galatia...
The teaching was - you MUST be circumcised PHYSICALLY in order to get saved!
So Paul is saying - ACCEPTING circumcision…or RECEIVING circumcision....GETTING circumcised....FOR THAT PURPOSE
MEANT - that you were now TRUSTING in circumcision to EARN you a place with GOD....
AND THAT - meant that you now were CHOOSING to USE the LAW as your path to GOD...
The False teaching in the Galatian churches said -
The Law is your path to get to God
And so PAUL - a JEW - then clarifies what THIS ACTUALLY MEANS…for those choosing that PATH...
FOR those choosing SLAVERY over freedom...
Galatians 5:2 ESV
2 Look: I, Paul, say to you that if you accept circumcision, Christ will be of no advantage to you.
Ok, THINK of what this is saying....
Remember - Paul is a - JEW - thru and thru!
And he’s now - holding up -
[Physical Circumcision] (part of the Abrahamic Covenant) (and we all know how important Abraham was to the JEW)
holding THAT - up against...
WOW - Paul’s saying - you EITHER - take one or the other!
AND IF you take - CIRCUMCISION....
Jesus will be OF NO ADVANTAGE to you...
In case we’re NOT CLEAR on what THAT means....Paul clarifies!...
Galatians 5:3 ESV
3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.
See - it’s a PACKAGE deal...
SLIDE: Spiritual Slavery: If You Choose One Law, You Must Keep the Whole Law

Spiritual Slavery

We call this Spiritual slavery - because THAT’s what it is....ultimately...
BUT listen - we can’t even keep the law - PHYSICALLY!
FOR UNBELIEVERS - trying to get to God...
Romans 3:10–12 ESV
10 as it is written: “None is righteous, no, not one; 11 no one understands; no one seeks for God. 12 All have turned aside; together they have become worthless; no one does good, not even one.”
Let’s go further back...
Genesis 6:5 ESV
5 The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intention of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
Mankind - by DEFAULT - are EXPERT law breakers!
And the deeper we get into the scriptures - the more clearly we see that BY DEFAULT...
Man CAN’T DO ANYTHING - BUT - be in a constant state of Law Breaking....
Law # 7 - You shall not commit adultery
NOW - When I say - Adultery....our minds run to - a spouse sleeping with another
But Jesus confronts that thinking in Matt 5
Matthew 5:27–28 ESV
27 “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ 28 But I say to you that everyone who looks at a woman with lustful intent has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
What does Jesus do here?
He takes the LAW - and pushes it - INWARD!
He’s saying - it’s DEEPER than merely - physical!
*Unbelievers - as they STAY out of bed with someone NOT their spouse...
AS they physically adhere to this law...
They STAND in DEFIANCE of it! (repeat)
HOW? - How is that true?
Physical adherence to God’s Law can’t overcome spiritual disobedience to God’s Law
Law #6 - You shall not MURDER
Now - when I say MURDER - our minds run to - Uvalde, Texas…John F. Kennedy...
But Jesus confronts this thinking in - Matt 5
Matthew 5:21–22 ESV
21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’ 22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.
Jesus takes the LAW - and pushes it - INWARD!
It’s DEEPER than merely - physical!
*Unbelievers - AS THEY restrain from ENDING the physical life of another...
AS they physically adhere to this law...
They STAND in DEFIANCE of it!
They stand in DISOBEDIENCE to it!
Physical adherence to God’s Law can’t overcome spiritual disobedience to God’s Law
We are SATURATED with SIN....thru and thru!
And that’s a PROBLEM for us - BECAUSE - when it comes to God - HE IS HOLY!!
We can’t even COMPREHEND how PERFECT He is...
And so - Here’s the thing - THAT’S the standard!
Perfection is THE Standard!
Let’s go back to v3 and bring it into our context...
Galatians 5:3 ESV
3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law.
**Let’s go over to the High School gymnasium...
Make a free throw - win $100 - Who’s in?
No strings attached.... (i LOVE this church - let’s GO!)
OK - now - new rule...
IF you decide to take that challenge...
You then have to make 200 free throws in a row - OR - you lose your house.
Who’s in? (i HATE this church - what’s happening!)
When it was just 1 free throw - EVERYONE was in....
but when it turned into - 200 in a row.... No one was in....
Paul says here - If you choose to accept circumcision - you’re choosing ALL the LAWs - for ALL TIME...
And you MUST not break ANY of them....EVER!!
James 2:10 ESV
10 For whoever keeps the whole law but fails in one point has become guilty of all of it.
See - some people THINK that they themselves are - GOOD
UNTIL - you take them to the LAW of God!
And here’s the thing - the LAW of God returns the SAME diagnosis - EVERY . SINGLE . TIME!!
You wanna see?
Hi Mike! I’m the Law of God, how are you?
Answer: Good, how are you?
I’m perfect … unlike this projector.
Answer: Yeah I get it....so what’s up?
Well, I have some questions for you Mike. May I ask you some questions?
Answer: Sure why not?
Great! Ok, first question… Do you think you’re a good person?
Answer: I would say - yeah
Ok, well… have you ever lied?
Answer: Yeah…sure
What do you call a person who lies?
Answer: A politician!
Hahahhaha you’re funny Mike.
Answer: Aww thanks!
Correction: You’re a funny LIAR, Mike.
Answer: Ok, yes, I’ve lied before - so I’m a LIAR
Next question: Have you ever murdered someone?
Answer: No, never!
Well, did you know that if you’ve ever had hatred in your heart toward another, you’ve murdered them in your heart, and you’re guilty of murder?
Answer: Ahh…YIKES! Ok...
So let me ask you again… Have you ever murdered someone?
Answer: I…guess so…yes
What do you call a person who murders people?
Answer: A murderer
Correct. Next question...
Mike, have you ever committed adultery?
Answer: No...
Well, did you know that if you look with lust upon another that you’ve committed adultery in your heart?
Answer: Well that’s not good.
You’re right Mike…that’s not good.
So I’ll ask you again… Have you ever committed adultery?
Answer: Yes
We started this conversation by you telling me that you were a “good” person, but up to this point you’ve admitted that you’re a lying, adulterous murderer at heart.
So if God judged you according to His law, would you be innocent or guilty?
Answer: Guilty
Shall I continue?
Answer: No, no need.
Do you see....
The LAW is NOT the remedy!!
And THIS is what Paul has been saying to the Galatians!
He’s said - THE Law is not your TICKET to get you to heaven! to God!!
SEE- - if you SEEK the Law - AS your savior - then you’re ACTUALLY DECLARING - that you YOURSELF - are your savior!
That’s what Paul is saying...
If you’re going to embrace circumcision as a MEANS of your salvation...
then you’re ACTUALLY trusting in YOURSELF - to be your savior..
You’re TRYING to SAVE yourself!!
But - the WHOLE LAW - becomes your obstacle course…!
*Some people hate to fly (scared to fly)…JOE / my mom
But flying isn’t really something you can - TRY
You can’t say - Well - i just wanna try it for a minute (take off, turn around and land)...
It doesn’t work that way...
Once they close that DOOR - you’re going to WHOLE WAY!!
You’re going the distance!!
You either - REST in the Freedom of Faith in Christ - OR - you return to the YOKE of slavery - UNDER the law…with YOURSELF as your savior...
Do you see?
it’s either - JESUS - or - You
And Paul confirms this in our text....
Galatians 5:3–4 ESV
3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.
SLIDE: Spiritual Slavery: Severed From Jesus Christ

Spiritual Slavery

And it’s THIS POINT - that confirms the idea that if one seeks to GET TO GOD - by way of the law....(good deeds)...
You are at that point - TRYING to SAVE YOURSELF....
You’re SEVERED from Jesus - and the ADVANTAGE that He supplies!
If you wanted to TAKE A PICTURE of the TOP of the clouds.....
● How much of an advantage would an airplane provide?
Would you agree that WITHOUT the airplane - it would be IMPOSSIBLE?
This is the type of ADVANTAGE that we’re talking about here...
● Losing the advantage of Christ is like losing the airplane when the goal is to take a picture of the top of the clouds.
● Without the plane - it’s IMPOSSIBLE!
Matthew 19:26 ESV
26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”
And so for the UNBELIEVER - still under the wrath of God - the LAW can’t FIX man’s problem here!
The Law is POWERLESS to help the UNBELIEVER come to God - BECAUSE - the LAW simply diagnoses our PROBLEM!
Can a THERMOMETER cure your fever?
Can an X-Ray heal your broken leg?
No - why?
Because those things SIMPLY let you know there’s a problem!!
They don’t have the POWER to fix the issue!
And not only that - but by the Galatians believing now that CIRCUMCISION is necessary for salvation...
they are demonstrating that they don’t even understand their AILMENT…before God.
They haven’t understood the Diagnosis of the Law!
*You ever try to fix a broken bone with essential oils? (who would try that?)
*You ever try to heal an ingrown toenail using - oxycoton?
NO - why?
Because those remedies don’t LINE UP with the issue!
Those are the wrong REMEDIES!
Paul’s saying - if you choose Circumcision -
MEANING - if you decide that you MUST be circumcised - in order to gain favor with God -
THEN you’re taking upon yourself - the WHOLE LAW…and you must KEEP IT - Perfectly!
If you decide - I’m gonna get to God by way of the LAW - then you’re DECLARING that you are PERFECT!
Why? - what’s the connection?
back to our text...
Galatians 5:3–4 ESV
3 I testify again to every man who accepts circumcision that he is obligated to keep the whole law. 4 You are severed from Christ, you who would be justified by the law; you have fallen away from grace.
● You’re all alone!
● ALL alone...and OBLIGATED to KEEP the whole law!
● Anyone who SIGNS up for THAT - is declaring that they are - PERFECT!
● And as we’d all affirm - there is only ONE PERFECT person - Jesus Christ...
And the consequences that Paul lays out for those who RECEIVE circumcision...
...Have implications that not only correlate with Christ - but something else as well!
SLIDE: Spiritual Slavery: Fallen Away From Grace

Spiritual Slavery

● So - those who PURSUE God by way of the Law...are NOT ONLY severed from Christ and His perfect work!....
● BUT...
● They are ALSO - severed from God’s grace!
- Now - how are those 2 things different? (His work / His grace)
● What if Jesus Christ would have done ALL that He did...
● Came..
● Lived the perfect life...
● Died for sins
● Then rose again...
ONLY to HAVE God - THEN SAY - Ok, He’s your example - NOW go - Do the same thing!!
● Well THAT would be VOID of - - God’s Grace!
See - it’s one thing for Christ to come and DIE for us....but just as important FOR US - is the Grace of God...
● Who’s grateful that God didn’t just point to Jesus after He rose and say - Ok, now DO THAT and you can spend eternity with me!...??
We’re GRATEFUL for the Grace of God...
John 1:14 ESV
14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth.
● Jesus Christ and the Grace of God are inextricably connected...
● “Full of grace and truth”
John 1:17 ESV
17 For the law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
● And so we can say that the Grace of God is FOUND - IN Jesus Christ.
And that’s WHY - when you are SEVERED from Jesus Christ - you ARE - by implication -
SEVERED from Grace as well!!
● So if i was tell you - OK, I just found out that you have FALLEN away from Grace...
● Where would your mind go...what Bible verse? My mind would immediately jump to Ephesians 2:8-9
Ephesians 2:8–9 ESV
8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast.
It’s BY God’s GRACE that the work of Christ is APPLIED to us!
And so if I fell away from God’s GRACE - I would have fallen from that which saves me...
I would have FALLEN AWAY from - - Salvation!
Not that I would have once HELD salvation, only to lose it, but that my heart will have proven that I NEVER held it.
Trying to get to God by any means other than the (WORK of Christ on the cross) - KEEPS you enslaved to DEATH itself!
SLIDE: Freedom / Slavery Pic
It’s the difference between FREEDOM & SLAVERY
Again - we come to God on HIS terms - or we don’t come at all.
If You Choose One Law, You Must Keep the Whole Law
Severed from Jesus Christ
Fallen Away from Grace
The apostle Paul prayed that the Galatians would REST in the FREEDOM of Faith in Christ!
To embrace any part of SELF - is to REJECT ALL of Jesus!
May we share this message with the world...
Those around us who are trusting in themselves to get to God.
Let’s Pray
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