Romans 13

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I don't know how many times you have accepted Christ as your lord and savior. But what I can tell you is the first time you were truthful about it, really meant it was when you got saved. Sometimes we make deals with God or we try to make deals with God. Lord. If you get me through this, then I'll serve the rest of my life. My father did that, he talks about that in his life a few times where he made those deals with God and wants to situation, got back to normal. He went right back to the way his life was in. We do that many times. We want God to help us get out of our problems and out of our trials. In the moment. We get back to normal. We just want to forget where God has brought us. I want you today not to forget what God has done in your heart what God has done in your lives. Trials and tribulations come our way. We talked about those some things last week and Romans chapter 12. Today. We're going to be in Romans chapter 13, but it Romans 12:2 biblical pattern that we need. That is related to Doctrine and two Duty.

We when we become a member of a church. We are agreeing to obey by the doctrine of that church in the polity of that church. Now whether you like or doctrine or don't like her doctor, that's her problem. We have some beliefs here at the church that other churches may not have I don't believe according to the word of God that you can work your way into heaven. I don't believe you can earn your way into Heaven, by your way, into heaven. I believe that the only way to get to heaven is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. Believing in him. That's it. Otherwise, why did he die in a cross if you and I can earn it or we can buy it, there was no purpose for that for him to die in a cross. That's just foolishness right there. And if God didn't know that, then who is God. But I believe God understands. And the plan is there for you. And for me to follow him yesterday. I had the privilege of doing a funeral service and burial funeral. Burial. It was at the gravesite, the whole, the whole thing yesterday about 3:30. So I was dressed up in a suit and tie. You know what the weather was like yesterday about 3:30. So by the time I was done, I was dressed up in a swimsuit and tie because I was wet all the way down to my socks. That's how warm it was. But in spite of the warm in spite of all that, there was a joyous time, a man who would have turned it 98 in July, July 5th, is his birthday. You would have turned 98 in July and some in from the area may know the Thompson family Leslie, Thompson, big monument in Elmwood Cemetery for the Thompson family and everybody is buried there so far around in a circle by the spot, but here's a man who grew up in the area went into the military.

What became a lieutenant got out and got his own business car dealership was in Boston from what I understand in this car, dealership retired at the age of 75 move to Florida. He move from Florida to Sedona, Arizona, and that is where he passed away. What's so great about that? Wasn't? What are you? What's the point? The point? Is that 8 years ago? 8 years ago he accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior 8990 years of age. At the time. He said that the Lord is his strength in the Lord is his God. Turn Up played off of that. I had my plans of what I'm going to say, what I'm going to do. And I met the family for the first time yesterday at the graveside and the grandson is Sherry with me. What's going on. There's some scriptures that they found in and their grandfather's Bible that he had Mark. They're going to share those three scriptures, and they were perfect scripture. Great scriptures for the whole aspect of the meeting and the Gathering at, for family and friends. His face showed through in the scriptures that he used.

On the side of one of the scriptures. There was a note that said, when he accepted Christ as his Lord, and then as his savior back in 2014, he accepted Christ.

With this purpose, the older we get the harder it is for people to accept Christ as your lord and savior. Why? Because we think we understand, we think we got it, figured out. We think our way is better and we be in to make the word of God. Fill our lives. Instead of worrying about our lives fitting, the word of God. So the grandson got up and everybody who got a beneduce themselves as who they were in the old grandson, number one from the daughter, number one and the whole scenario 99 children that he had all the great, all the ranch and all the great grandchildren and there was a group of people there quite a few. I was impressed. They told me when I was speak, so I got up to speak and I stood at the podium and I said, I'm Reverend Clyde mccaskill. I'm Leslie, Thompson's brother. And the Lord, when I said I was his brother.

In the Lord. And I use that of all the things that they had shared all the things that they were where they were headed. They had no idea what it where I was going. I said, I'm his brother. But when I said in the Lord, they understood, here's a man at 89, 90 years of age, changing his life and realizing he needed Jesus. Can you imagine? 89 how many scripture says suffer? The little children to come unto me and that we need to have faith as of a little child. This guy is been through a lot. He's been through the, the word Japan and and all those things in his life. That wasn't part of his life, a lot of things that he learned, he was very successful. And worldly, stands great business car business, and retirement was awesome. All of his children, had nothing to say but good things about their dad and grandkids nothing but good things. And what they all talked about was his faith in Jesus because he began to share with them.

There was a point in time where they couldn't go to church anymore for whatever reason, so they started watching church on television. And, you know who we tuned in to on a Sunday morning?

Charles Stanley. And they liked him, they listen to him and that's where he understood. His need.

For a savior. His daughter got up and his daughter sent shared the fact that you know how she goes, you know, how those televangelists are ministers. They they always got to share that gospel message at the end of how to how to get saved.

So when I shared what I had to share. At the end of all that I said, and, you know, those television ministers, share that gospel, message of Salvation. And here it is. Well, I wasn't going to let that opportunity go by here. It is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. What do we do? If we confess our faults? We're Sinners play man. Yeah, the lady many years ago about all of us being centers in I said your son, right? I don't know. I don't send.

Yes, we do it. Whether it's an attitude, whether it's whatever it is, whether it's thinking something wrong about. We are all sinners, most of us here today. I would say or Sinners saved by the grace of God. I even had a pastor friend argue with me. I I'm just a sinner saved by grace. We all are, but by the grace of God. Paula sharing with us in Romans chapter 12 in Romans chapter 13. Some ideas of how we need to transform ourselves our documents very important today. As we look at Romans chapter 13, there's some things that he talks was about as being Believers and being citizens of have. It. Look what he says in verses one through 47. Romans chapter 13, let every soul be subject to the governing authorities for there is no Authority, except from God and the authorities that exist or appointed by God. What in the world is he doing then? Have you seen some of these authorities over us? That's not what he saying. It doesn't mean they're approved by God their appointed by God. There's a big difference. In the Old Testament, 1st Samuel. The people in the Old Testament wanted a king. God has been given them. Judges got that. I'm going to give you another judge know. We want a king know. I'm going to give you a judge know. We want to kick know, you needed your know. We want to get, okay. I'm going to let you get what you want. So I gave him a King. Samuel was chosen by God, to be the king in, to lead the people. He was following God. He was trusting God. He was chosen by God, but eventually he got his eyes off of God and got his eyes on the things of the world. The number of his army was more important than God, you know, the story I've shared that with you eventually. David Gets chosen to be the king at a young age. He's chosen while she was still King, David was chosen to be the Future King the next king. It jumped over Jonathan Saul son to go to David. Saw despised. David saw was not good. We know the story. His eyes were no longer on. It was on the things of the world. So now he's looking at David as a threat, why because Saul has killed his thousands and David his ten thousands. He didn't like that. He didn't like the fact that his record of killing thousands was being broken. God appoints people in position based upon what we allow or don't allow think about that whether we make choices that we make choices that God's got, this is the way you want to live. This is what you going to get. and then there's repercussions from what we allow. Got to listen. I've appointed these things all that are there exists verse 2 weeks it. There for whoever rest resist, Authority resist, the ordinance of God, and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. For rulers are not a terror to good works. But the evil. Do you want to be unafraid of the authority to do? What is good and you will have praise from the same for he is God's minister to you for good. But if you do evil be afraid for he does not bear The Sword in pain for. He is God's Minister an Avenger to execute wrath on him who practices evil. Therefore, you must be subject. Not only because of Razzmatazz also for conscience sake. For because of this, you also pay taxes for they are God's ministers. Attending continue to this very thing. Render, therefore, to all their do taxes doing taxes, or do custom to whom Customs Fear, To whom fear to home honor? What is he telling us? He's telling us here in Roma, chapter 13, that you and I are as Believers were citizens of Heaven. But we must not minimize our responsibility here on the earth. We have some responsibilities. And if we don't care about those responsibilities, we're going to get what you pay for. So to speak, we need to be exemplary citizens. So that the Lord Will be glorified, not a person. Not a man. Not a woman. God, are we glorifying God and our life in an hour walk? One of my pastor friends. I mean, I know I posted this saying this past week. Maybe you've seen it if you're on Facebook and maybe you're not, if you're not a member or not a friend of his, but he says Jesus walk 24 hours in your sandals. Horror somebody that somebody else. If somebody else walked 24 hours in your sandals. What would they find out about Jesus? Think about that. If somebody walk 24 hours in your sandals, what would they find out about? Jesus walking in your sails? Well, depends on the day for Sunday. We're all good. Cuz I get up when I go to church. Well, that's one out of six others, right? What about the rest of the time? What about every day of your life when you get up? Where is Jesus and all that? Where is Jesus? We need to be exemplary examples to the world as best as we can be. So that the world. Can see what Christ is enough that light that he has. Sometimes we cheap out. Don't we on the things of God?

This past week was, my wife's birthday, is May 20th. We don't do a lot of Celebration. It's just it's just another day. It's a birthday, but it's another day and she and I are okay with that. But anyway, I I asked you a while back. What, what do you want for Mother's Day? And what do you want for your birthday? So she wanted some raised bed planter. So I had a friend, bring me a couple of those blue plastic barrels. I cut them length ways and cut them in half and fill them with dirt and rock in all the things that you need in order to rocks on the bottom. And they're so you'll some holes in the bottom for the excess rain to run out. Lori planeta, might build some racks to hold them on and the rep range knobs right here. She can work on him. Then you don't have to bend over and and everything is good and then God's in a tarantula downpour the other day. Remember that? You got a, A half a bucket of dirt and now that dirt is full of rain. My braces, brackets didn't withstand two of them fell apart both, but I thought you were a carpenter. Well, I guess maybe not. You didn't want me to build in the yard. A cheap that I went and got what I thought I needed, but I knew I needed some more bracelet, but I was too cheap to put some more brains. All these would be fine. You just said, I'm there. Nobody's rocking and rolling on them. They will be fine. Do that rain got in them? So then I had to think up something else and I called Tyler over. Hey, can you help me move these barrels? Get them up off the ground, the ones that are still on the racks, get them off. I got to change some things up and they were heavy. So, I changed it up made something a little more sturdy, or so. I thought we were done. We're sweating, cuz it's hot, and we're sweating and talking about some stuff and all the year round. Great.

All right. Thanks for your help. Tyler. Worthless know. It wasn't his fault. I built. It ain't easy. Have the blame. Somebody else. I built them.

So now I'm thinking, you know, there's some Amish people over Cambridge. They build these planters. Maybe I'll just go buy the wife, one of those. I went over and I looked and I didn't buy in the day. I looked and there's a there's a three-foot planter and get for $125. 2 ft by 3 ft.

I'll get that one yesterday. We went. My wife and I went and bought 6 ft planter. I'm looking at the wood and I think you know what if I had to buy the wood and do all the planning and everything as they say, it's going to cost me that much. If not more. Let's get it. So I was going to call the boys. I did. I called the boy silent ran over cuz he buckets are heavy. I know Tyler. I struggle last time. So another another pair of muscles on his thing would be easy. Will it take the barrels going to put them in the planner? Wife had a different idea. We're going to take the dirt out of the ones there and I'm going to dig the plant out and we're going to transfer the dirt that I'll replant. Okay? Takes a little longer, a little more work involved in all that but Got it done. So what's your point is sometimes in our life we do like I do in Christianity. We Chief out knowing what you need to do, but thinking all I can get by with doing it this way because

But God knows our heart. God knows where we stand, God knows where everything is about us more than we know ourselves in the funny thing about that. Is many times that which is on the inside? Works at the way out and those around us see the true us and know the real part that what's what's with Anna's? And we're not being that exemplary Christian or exemplary Chris citizen that we need to be go with me. If you roll the First Peter chapter 2 First Peter chapter to look at verse 11 through verse 17 1st Peter 2 verse 11, beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims abstain from fleshly lust, which war against the soul, that's part of it. The fleshly lusts at around 4 with nobody's going to know know that what you comes in has to work its way out. Having your conduct honorable among the Gentiles that when they speak against you as an evil. Do they met by your good works, which I observed glorify God in the day of visitation. Can people glorify God about your life? First 13, therefore submit yourself to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake, whether to the King as a frame, or to the governor's, or those who are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers. And for the praise of those who do good for this is the will of God that by doing good. You may put the silence, the ignorance of foolish men as free yet, not using Liberty as a cloak for vice, but as a bond servant of God honor people love the Brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. Are all people love the Brotherhood, fear God, honor the king. If this is right with it within our lives, if I relation with God is where it needs to be. No, we can't hide things in the corner of. Okay. I got this right, but I got this thing here that I'm just not going to let go of. That's not this relationship is not right. This relationship has some something wrong with it right over here. So when we get rid of that, then we can have a right relationship with God. And when we have a right relationship with God, our relationship from here, going out is what it needs to be. I will preach that till the day I die. You're going to hear it again again. And it. Why? Because I want you to have a right relationship with God, when you have a right relationship with God, guess what happens? That man, that was found in the Bible. John 14:27. Jesus says, peace. I leave with you. My peace. I give to you. We are as the world gives give I unto you, let not your heart, be troubled. Neither. Let it be for you. Want God's peace, or you want the world's piece? Which piece do you want to know why the world's piece is a little messed up. Let me change the world. Peace is a lot, messed up the world tells. Hey, here's how you need to act. Here's how you need to react. And God says, no, here's how you need to act have the love for the brother, is the love for those are the way that God wants not the way the world says, this is all that Paul is talking about teaching about in in a new test when he's going to different churches. And you're letting the philosophies of the world in a rant and you're you're living your life according to the philosophes. Not according to the word of God. What's more important, what the world thinks of me or what God thinks. I mean, really, we know the answer, but we allow the world to dictate. Our pattern of life. God, establish human government because people are sinners and people need to be controlled. Imagine what life would be like if there was no speed limits. Look what life is like when there are speed limits, right? We need to be control. We need to know when to slow down and and when do I take it easy on the curves? Governmental Authority comes from God. He sets kingdoms up, he tears kingdoms down. So we need to trust him. Okay, the person that I vote for may not get in the office, may not get in the position that I vote for, but I did my part, and God, you have to do the rest and he will He allows us to get what we deserve. Even if is not what I might deserve about the world around us affections. Have you noticed that those around us affect our attitudes, those around us affect our lives? Why? Because we're focused on the world and we're not focused on God, lord, your will be done. You know, where David was with saw hated him. He's playing the songs on, on the harp to Sue this distressing spirit that Saul has. So I'll throw the spear mr. Was another spear Miss David leaves the time. Play for me again, because he has his distress distressing Spirit Saul throws. Another spear at him mrs. We talked about that Wednesday night, bible study, and somebody said well, that's that's why David killed his ten thousand so lonely. Maybe something there. We need to understand that is not other people's fault for the position. We're in. Right? We have choices in my relation with God. My choice is here. Let me serve God. And then serving God, it flows out freely. Levar Stoney River. I just looked at the water as it flows past you. I just see all that water that goes. You'll never see that water again. That water's gone somewhere else. Something one Downstream might see the water that you just saw that you will never see that water again, cuz it's not going all the way around the world coming back.

And yet you stand in that stream and many times, the screen keeps flowing. That's the love of God. That's the power. He wants us to have a look at verses 8 through verse 10 hear Romans chapter 13. He talks about loving our neighbors, has all, no one anything except to love one another. For he who loves another has fulfilled, the law. For the Commandment you shall not commit adultery. You shall not murder. You shall not steal. You should not bear false. Witness. You shall not covet. And if there's any other commandment all or something up in this, it once a name and you shall love your neighbor as yourself. Love does no harm to a neighbor. Therefore, love is the Fulfillment of the law. When Jesus died on that cross, he fulfilled the law. His love for you is love for me. Took care of that, abolish, the lost. And now here we are under grace. But yet he told us not to abuse that Grace for our own benefit. Not to say if I mess up when I mess up, it just confessed and move on. If we know that, it sort of loses its power. We're human. We're going to make mistakes. We are sinners, but that's not an excuse to send just so I can ask for forgiveness and be made, right? Again. You heard me. Say if I slap you upside the face and I I apologize for slapping you. Then I slap you again, and I apologize for slapping you again. Okay, the second or third time it just sorta. Okay, I'm not going to be around this guy. This girl so I can get slap. No, it's not going to happen. What God Says, listen here. It is. Love Turn the other cheek. And after that, it's on. No, keep turning, keep turning, right? Cuz we all have an attitude of wanting, our pet, our pound of Flesh. Do we not love for God? Love your neighbor. Is the highest motivation for obedience. Do you love God today? What are you willing to do? Because of that love to go with that for that love that you have. 1st Corinthians chapter 13 and verse the whole chapter talks about love, but the word love in that chapters charity. You cannot have charity for somebody without doing something. I can say I love you in. That means nothing if I do nothing about it, but I cannot have charity for you and do nothing. We need to have that luck. We need to have that direction and faction. The First Corinthians Chapter 13, Verse five. It is says thinks no evil has no wrong intentions.

There are beasts as this. Love keeps no record of wrongs. My wife and I we argue sometimes a little bit wizard. We're not a big arguing, family or not a big fight, fight, kind of, and we don't always agree on stuff. She look at me and maybe shake her head at me and I'll look the other way and roll my eyes, so she doesn't see me.

No, we don't argue a lot. We don't fight. We don't always agree. But you know what? I don't come back to her and say, Hey, you know, last time we had a fight, you said. That's not healthy. That's what the devil wants, you know, the devil is doing, the devil is having a heyday. Think about it. Have you felt like the devil's knocking on your door? Don't answer. It. Don't answer it. All he wants to do is crack the door, open. Get his foot in and he boy, he, he makes get in for awhile. Don't answer that door. Jesus said to Peter over and over again. Peter get behind me. Satan, your thoughts and your ways are not godly.

And he also said, Peter beware Satan wants to sift you like wheat. He wants to work on you. He he wants to turn you away for the things of God, and we know where Peter was in his walk course he did. Jesus, didn't throw them away. Jesus went to him on the seashore. Peter. Do you do you love me? Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord. Yes, Lord, feed my sheep. Take care of my sheep. Provide for my sheep. Take care of the most precious thing. Yes. You denied me? Yes, here it is. But I want you to go forth and ministry. That's where love is. Does. What is right? And love. Does seek what's best for others? Not, what's best for me? My marriage is not one why I'm going to do what I want. I don't care what my wife has to say. How does that work? Ladies? Not well ZackScott. Strop is telling me a while back a few years ago about going on a hunting trip. And one of the guys going on a hunting trip with him, and the other guys that were going didn't tell his wife. He was going on a hunting trip. And that is a got out of the state of New York. He calls his wife's at all. I'll be home in a couple of weeks. What do you mean? The guys goodbye? Hung up? Write, what? What, what what, what the f***? Well, it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission.

I guarantee you his first few days home wasn't very easy. Shouldn't be but that's alright. I'm just going to do it and then I'll just ask forgiveness, we do that with God.

Don't tell me you don't wear human. Yeah, I know I'm going to do it looking asses. You idiot? Scripture says call. No man. Any other guy. He's got even call us an idiot. You know, and now you're asking me to forgive you. Okay, I'll forgive you but you're going to have to pay the consequences of your actions.

Imagine how much we would miss use that? If there were no consequences.

By Nature. By Nature, we don't have this kind of love that gots talking about. We need to work at it. We need to put it into practice each and every day of Our Lives, Titus 3:3 says this, before we ourselves. We were once foolish disobedient, the seed, serving various lost in Pleasures. Living in Malice and envy hateful and hating one another. That's where we used to be. We shouldn't be there anymore. Love. Overcomes love rules as what he's talking about it versus 80%. Having that love. He said to remember what you were. God has forgotten our sins and we should do so too. How far is he forgot to be removed? As far as the East is from the West.

That amazes me because when you really think about it, who would know that other than the creator of the universe and know that you go east forever and ever and ever you go west forever and ever never to meet again. But she going north for a little while. Then you have to go south and you go south for a little while. Then you have to go north who but the creator of the universe would have known that.

He removes our sins as far as the East is from the West.

But it's good for us to remember what we were like, when we were sinners. Do you remember? We'll just remember your life today because we're all Sinners. We're all sinners. The Lord gives us that kind of love when we seek it Romans. 5:5 Hope does not disappoint because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts. By the Holy Spirit who is given who was given to us. Has been poured out to us by the Holy Spirit who is given to us. Are you allowing the Holy Spirit to rule and Reign. Are you ignoring the Holy Spirit and doing your own thing? Then you get what you deserve. But when we listen to the Holy Spirit and Obey, what is always be at the holy spirit that convicting Spirit within us, when we know that maybe we shouldn't do something and we had that conviction license. Listen to the Holy Spirit. If I have an idea or situation that I'm say, okay, should I do this or not? What would Jesus? When I asked a question and I might not get an answer.

But then I'll ask the next. Why what would the devil want it? When I find out what the devil wants. I'll do the opposite. Because I know if I do what the devil wants, he's taking me in the wrong direction. Is what I'm doing is my life pleasing not to those around me but to God. And if my life is pleasing to God, it's going to be pleasing to those around me. I can't help it. If somebody despises me for being a Christian. I'm still going to live my life and let the light shine through me. Because if we're living our life, the way Christ wants, they really have nothing wrong to say about us. Look, 11 verses 11 through verse 14 that we wrap this up this morning. Christian citizens live in the light of the Lord's return. He's coming someday. Are you ready? And do this knowing the time that now, it is high time to awake out of sleep. For now, our Salvation is nearer than when we first believed the night is far spent. The day is at hand. Therefore, let us cast off the work of darkness and let us put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the day, not in the revelry not and drunkenness not include Miss, and lost not in strife and envy, but put on the Lord, Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to fulfill the lust thereof.

What are you allowing? In your life. Our world is changed. Our society has changed around a toilet. The idea that many have his will society change. We need to change along with it. Not if it's contrary to the word of God.

I turned on the television the other day and just running through some channels. There is a singing show on that. I just want to pause for just a moment to see what was going on. And I saw that the women on the singing show where scantily dressed.

I change the channel real quick. This was 7 at night on on a regular channel. On a regular station voices are so great. Who's listened to the voices? Some people are okay. No, I wasn't going to go there. I wasn't going to allow that.

I'm seeing that it's still in my head. That's the world. We live in the days of Ricky and Lucy. Write. Remember when twins when they're in the bedroom. You always saw them fully clothed in pajamas and their feet were always on the floor. That was a rule. Not anymore. Not anymore.

When we better off. With Ricky and Lucy. Whatever else is out there today. Fine, fine. Call me old-fashioned. I don't mind. But look, where it's directing our lives today. Look where we're headed. We need to be aware of what God says. Not what the world says. All password. You're a little ridiculous fine. I've been called worse. And that's okay because I don't have to stand before you I had to stand before. God. And I have to give account of everything that I say and everything I do before God, right or wrong. And, yes, I have a responsibility to you. But here is the word of God. It look when he says, there's no last verse of this world that we live in all the things time to wake up because we're living in a world of. Drunken, this, we're living in a world of revelry in lewdness and lost. He says, put on. Put on the Lord Jesus Christ. And make no provision. For The Flash, Fill the lust thereof. What are you putting on what's important in your life? What is important that other see in you if somebody was to walk in your sandals for 24 hours? Would they see Jesus? What would they say? Will they see the real person?

It's in the heart. This morning where to take a moment. We're going to pray before the music people come up here, where they take a moment and just pray for God's guidance and God's Direction. You know, why? Because we need it. Satan is at work in our world. Satan is at work in our church. Satan is at work in our lives. I say that Satan is doing his thing. Are we going to let him just have full rein for? Let's stand up and say, God guide us in direct us. Help us to stand up against The Wiles of the world because those Wiles of the world, Are so slowly. Infiltrating into the church. You know how? Through our eyes through our ears to what we do. And we need to stand up and say, okay. Here's a pastor. We're in the twenty-first century. I know it. And it's going to get worse before it gets better. Did you know that? But God is the same God yesterday. Today. And forever is scripture is true. That's what he says. He hasn't changed. So we need to serve him. Not the world. Let the light of Christ enter into me so that the light can go out to those were not my light but Gods fight that people see Christ in me. Let's pray this morning. There's needs in your heart, needs in your life. Give him the God. Today allow him to rule and reign in your heart and your life. Allow him to have Center Stage, removing. Whatever it is. That's keeping you from having the love that care. The Compassion, not the way you think it ought to be, but God's way to our thoughts and God's thoughts are not always the same. Let this mind be in you which is also in Christ Jesus. So it's where we need to be put him first. Father. We ask your blessing upon us today. We ask that you guide us and that you direct us and that you help us to be individually individually. What we need to be to put aside the things of the world. The things that are holding us back, the things that are keeping us from being what you want us to be. Cuz you tell us in your word. I can do all things through Christ. Who strengthens me? We can do things without Christ, but we're doing it on her own power. We're doing it under our own expense. But with Christ, he guides, he helps he directs and father idea of the burdens of my heart and the burdens of my life. I lay them at your feet today. Asking you to take them away and you fulfill them and take care of those needs and remove the burdens and do what needs to be done with them. Let me not allow Satan, any A specter, Avenue to enter in. The my life, I pray for those who this morning, who may be struggling in certain areas that you will guide them. You will direct them. You will help them to trust you. I pray for somebody here this morning who may not know you was Lord and Savior. And If today was a day that they were to meet you face-to-face. Are they prepared? All we have to do is confess their faults. We're all Sinners and we confess our faults before you Lord. I believe in you. I asked you to come into my heart, be my Lord, and be my savior and help me now, father to walk in the path of your light path of righteousness and goodness, and have the love that I need to have as you had. That's our prayer today. That's my prayer for our church as my prayer for our nation. Turn us back to you. We give you the praise in Jesus name. Amen. Whatever. Praise and worship team to calm and will see her closing him. If there's a need in the burden in your life. Let me encourage you to give it to God. He will take care of that. He will provide for that. He already has given his son to die on the cross for you. And for me, that whosoever will May Come. Father, we thank you. We. Thank you for this day. We thank you for another day to worship you in the serve you and to leave this place and Share the Light with those that we come into contact with help us to honor you in every aspect of our lives. In Jesus name, we pray.

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