What to do when God seems far away

Psalms  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Good morning it is so good being back home. Today we are going to ask the question what do you do when God seems far away? You know this is a common question or statement that I have heard countless times. Someone will say “ pastor it just seems that God is no longer walking with me” it is almost like we hit a dry time in our spiritual walk, as if we went from a lush tropical rain forest to a dry and arid desert. One time we remember that we have felt God’s presence or at least had the faith to know that no matter what went on, no matter that we were walking in the valley of the shadow of death that God was there. And then one day, bam it is like a brick wall and it seems that God has jetted has gone away from us and has left us not only dry, but now in despair. I want to say a few things before we get into the meat of this sermon that this feeling is very common in the Christian walk, and at one time or another we have all faced it. So if you are in a dry place a desert place in your faith, understand you are not alone and you are not an anomaly. Second thing is this if you recognize it, then fix it, or at least fix what you can and let God do the rest. (we will get to that little bit later). Find help… If you are a Christian, a broken one, a flawed one, a christian just trying your best to connect and grow with God, a christian that is willing to learn, then look around you are in good company. Like I said we all have experienced dryness on our journey…ask Hey Im feeling down, im feeling like God is not with me lately how have you dwelt with that in the past. You have sweet folks like Sherri and Rebahka will be gentle and give ya smile and hug, then you have the meemaws and the pastor jays that will be a little blunt, use them both you need them both.
So what do ya do? what do you do when God seems far away? Today we are going to look at a psalm that actually deals with this topic. In fact the writer of the psalm remains nameless yet writes his sorrow and dispair at the thought the God is no longer close to him.
Lets turn to psalm 10 and read
As we look at this psalm today we notice three movements so to speak. Three areas that we can read that the author is dealing with, the first,
I. The Despair - vs 1-2 the one thing that has crippled many people in their journey with God and their christian walk is when we enter into a season of despair. No one is immune no one is above this happening to them. Yes it should be something that we must fight against and prepare for, but sometimes it just comes very quickly. I have to say this as kind of a disclaimer; This is not situational, what I mean is just because you may be going through a hard does not mean you will have despair or thoughts that God has left you. I have experienced many heartbreaking things in my life, it is usually these times that I feel God’s presence the most. The loss of Abigal, the loss of my mother… And many here will also say the same thing. Please know that just because you are a christian you are not immune to bad things happening to you, they will, the pain is real and will hurt. But what causes the time times when God pulls away from us?
Lets look at our psalm… He asks two questions
1. Why do you stand far off?
2. Why do you hide in times of trouble?
These two questions are impossible to fully answer however there are reasons why God would seem to step away from us and allow trouble to come.
1. Sin - Rebellion Isa 59:2 “but your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God, and your sins have hidden his face from you so that he does not hear.” not that we lose fellowship with God that is impossible, but we do lose intimacy. God will allow you to run off in folly
2. Unbelief/lack of faith - sin but more specific Rom 14:23 “But whoever has doubts is condemned if he eats, because the eating is not from faith. For whatever does not proceed from faith is sin.” again can cause a loss in closeness
3. God steps aside sometimes to teach us - There are days when I get up long to seek God (holy spirit) then there are days I wake up and have to shake my spiritual bones and seek God without His influence. God also steps aside sometimes to strengthen us
In our psalm we are not given a definite answer yet a huge chunk of our text does give us a little bit of what the psalmist was focusing on and it was not God, it was others -
II. The Drama - vs 3-11 we notice that the writer has an obsession with what other people are doing and this is somehow related to his complaint. As we read we see the writer is like God… Dont you see what these people are and what they are doing but you are far from me? The Psalmist for a time focuses on others around him which causes his faith to wain. It is if he walks away from God and goes to the crowd and starts pointing out them and their sin (Now sin is wrong and should be called out when seen especially in so called believers, however sinners act like sinners, this should not shock us or distract us). 2 Cor 13:5 “Examine yourselves, to see whether you are in the faith. Test yourselves. Or do you not realize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you?—unless indeed you fail to meet the test!” James 1:23-25 “For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.”
Notices their pride - vs 3-6
notices their corruption - vs 7-8
notices their delusion - vs 9-11
One of the major reasons we fall into distress and despair is because we focus on the wrong things. We get so caught up in other peoples business, not for the reason to help them or to spread the gospel, but simply because we like drama. Remember God wants you to focus on you first. In the airplane we are given instructions if the plane loses cabin pressure and the masks fall. Put it on yourself before you help another. The reason is cause if you don’t take care of yourself you wont be able to help another. The same is true here. The writer focused on others instead of God and fell into unbelief and despair, feelings that God was not around. If you do not keep the main thing the main thing, then the main thing becomes secondary to you. God is the main thing
III. The return of faith - vs 12-18 Finally we see the psalmist, getting his wits together and coming back to the main thing and it made all the difference. When the writer refocuses of God and who He is then the psalm is redeemed. The questions are answered and the writers strength is renewed, even though he may not have all the answers its ok because his faith is restored and God becomes his focus. If you really are going through a dry spell in your life you have to ask what is your perspective, what are you looking at, are you focused on other people, situations, or circumstances, or are you focused on God.
1. We notice his focus returned to God - vs 12
2. remember what God has done in the past -
3. And he remember what God has done in the past and who He really is -
We all at times lose focus on what truly matters, and it does affect our spiritual walk. It can make it feel that God has walked away from us and is no longer close. Most of the time it is not God who walks away but us who walk away. When we do we hit spiritual deserts spiritual funk, We will even blame God, when we should blame ourselves
Focus on God instead of others - Think for a minute if you spent as much energy on seeking God as you do worrying about others, or things you cannot control, how would your spiritual life be different?
Remember God’s promises - His word is our anchor Heb 13:5 “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.”” You need an anchor in your life let the bible be your anchor
3. Remember to walk by faith and not by sight - 2 Cor 5:7 “for we walk by faith, not by sight.” Heb 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” Heb 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.” Eph 6:16 “In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;” Gal 2:20 “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”
So are you experiencing a dry spell, maybe you cried out “Why do you stand far off? Why do you hide in times of trouble?” Maybe it is because you are not focusing on the main thing, who is God. or maybe you have never by faith believed on the Lord Jesus for your salvation? I’m gonna tell you your life is always gonna be a mess a wreck, until you get right with God. The Bible tells us that perfect peace is from God alone and He wants that for you. Will you decide to follow Him today, The bible tells us to believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved. How do we do that, know in your heart that you are in desperate need of a savior, believe that Jesus died to offer you salvation, turn from your sin your disobedience, your rebellion and pray to Jesus. right here right now in your seats, “Lord Jesus i need a savior please save me” then commit your life to following Jesus.
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