Sermon Transcript Tone Analysis

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A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

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Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Even if you're online with somebody, I can't see a thing.
Well, good morning.
What are you going to welcome you on this beautiful Resurrection.
Sunday is risen, Amen?
To that, everything that we talked about today plays right into the resurrection.
We are in a Roma chapter 9 through 11 were in that section.
We'll talk about that.
And then 9938 the understanding that last week, I wasn't feeling good.
So I just have to recap the whole week before.
So we forgot to thank you for not coming in a minute.
I will, I will.
Take that correct.
Protecting your for typing, it show that sounds good.
That sounds much more spiritual father.
I thank you so much for the great morning will week.
We celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead in the grave could not hold him.
The fact that you received the payment for our sins.
The sign that you received that was, you brought Christ back from the grave.
We praise you.
For that this morning, Holy Spirit, I would pray that you would be our teacher this morning Jesus name.
Okay, so course we are in this one section of God's sovereignty and get your right as seen in chapters 9 through 11.
Now think about this.
We talked about salvation, talk about the particulars of Salvation.
You know, this, this is righteous.
God, dude, Drew Jesus Christ to bring about our justification.
Now when we go to this chapter is 10:51.
It's particularly important for us to focus in on his plan.
On them who this was for and how this was to come up.
Sometimes we take these chapters in isolation, you know, supposed to be 10:10.
We bought it from Austin and the Romans road, as you bringing someone to Christ, you use those whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved, you know, but they all fit into this is all part of this.
Who was this for and how is it, how is it, passed in particularly with regard to the Jews?
So it lit up all we see, first of God's saving promise to Israel and chapter 9, verses 1 through 29.
And then the second section of this is Israel's rejection of God saving promises.
And then, the third section is God's righteousness in his plan for juice and Ghent Hut, so this is all he Civ unified section on the sovereignty of God.
In particular, you were talking about with relationship to Jews and Gentiles but the Jews, the Jews.
And if it's not to what extent is it, does it continue.
What is it that we can expect God to do for the Jews?
And I'm hoping to answer that in this section would just review what we talked about 2 weeks ago, since it's been a whole week since then.
And we were in this section called God's saving plan to Israel that first part of those three that I talked about.
And week, we started out.
You remember God, post concern for his brother and Israel.
He was saying that, you know, I, I, I, I wish that I could be accursed for my brethren.
Love them so much.
And some of us have felt that before we wish that that God would save our loved ones and not you be willing to take, take the rap for our own loved ones for even seeing them in any event.
Haven't talked about in verses 1 through 3, his great concern for them.
And why, why is it that they missed?
Nothing, but the salvation and that's a good question.
Where I answer some of that as we go through 9 and 10.
They had what they had many, many blessings.
They had he listed for verses four through five, eight different blessings.
If you remember that, some of those, let's look at some of those.
He says there is no bison, David Wong, the adoption and and all those things were given to them.
They were blessings.
They were given what no one else on Earth was given, you know, so in some respects kind of bewildered about why, They were put but in this we want to understand that nothing went wrong, right?
Let's be real careful about that because Israel rejected.
God does not mean that something went drastically wrong.
Remember that.
This was all part of God's plan.
Is this beautiful wonderful thing in God's eyes that we don't understand.
This human responsibility in God's sovereignty, they do come together.
We may not get them.
We may not fully understand him.
Israel is responsible for rejecting Christ, but also in some mysterious way.
This is all part of God's Sovereign playing.
But these things that he is listing, okay.
Yes, the Israelites had them but every other person who became part of the Jewish face proselytes, that Israel is also its the isolated to the Jews alone.
When you go down this list.
We are all of us are adopted as Sons.
Also yet those things pointed forward to Christ.
But in in the physical sense of what they received at that time.
Yes, these were considered to be the unique.
I realize they were rejecting God from the very beginning.
I mean, it's nothing new testament and in time and in the book of Exodus,
You know, they just left just left here.
And there they are that supposed to be an indictment on the Israel of God are in.
This is the section to we we got into this a bit a couple weeks ago.
But it is.
I who was it?
That God had in mind to be his children, who wasn't?
I'm going to go quickly over this cuz we did talk about this.
You are the true children of Israel.
They are, as we found out, verses 6 through 13, the children of promise, not the children of the Flash.
I remember he reversed 6 after 9 verse 6, but it is not as though the word of God has failed.
For not all who are descended from Israel belong to Israel.
There's a there's a very important understanding gear.
We need to be careful.
When we talk about the true Israelites, okay, cuz you are the true Israelites.
The Believers are Druids, real.
A child is born into.
It doesn't automatically mean like if the parents are Christians at the correct end in n n e goes into an explanation of Denver.
7 is not all the children.
They were man because they were his offspring.
He said but through Isaac show your Offspring be named and then he goes on to talk about Isaac and up are how that Jacob and Esau were born and before they had even were even born God is declared that the younger, the older sister of the younger and that Jacob have I loved.
< .5
.5 - .6
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