Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
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.8 - .9
> .9
[ Pray ]
The Reading
A reading from Genesis 3:1-8.
This is God’s Word —
[ Scripture Reading ~3 min ]
Say Amen
This is God’s Word.
If you receive it as such, would say amen?
The Exhortation
I have a book in my library by the great British minister of the Word, G. Campbell-Morgan.
G. Campbell-Morgan lived from 1863-1945, and in 1941 he published a book called “The Voice of the Devil.”
In this book, G. Campbell-Morgan says that the Devil speaks in only three places in Scripture, and only three!
He speaks in Genesis to the woman in the Garden.
He speaks to God in Job about Job.
And he speaks to Jesus, in the Gospels, in the wilderness.
While the Devil makes an appearance in other parts of Scripture, it is only in these three places that he speaks, that he is given a voice, so that we hear what he says.
And three times is enough!
Three times is sufficient for us to hear, and know of the Devil’s intentions and schemes.
I was intrigued by G.Campbell-Morgan’s study and thought it would be a helpful way to organize a preaching series for our church on this theme of Spiritual Conflict.
And so, for five weeks we will continue to exposit the Scriptures, but rather than working through a book of the Bible, as we normally do, we will work through texts related to this theme of Spiritual Conflict.
We will look at these texts where the Devil speaks, we will hear what he says and how he says it, so that we might recognize his voice when it manifests in our lives and in our church to lead us astray and to oppose the Word and Work of God.
We’ll also learn ways to engage the conflict in the power of God and with victory, devoting a sermon to Spiritual Wholeness, and the last to Spiritual Warfare.
And throughout this series, we’ll remember that the Devil only speaks three times in Scripture — God speaks far more, Amen?!
We have more of God’s Word than we do of the Devil’s.
We need only to recognize the Devil’s voice so that we do not give him a voice, but rather gain victory by obeying the Word of the Lord!
And as we listen to the voice of the liar, we will also hear the voice of truth, guiding us through the conflict!
You might wonder what value there is of preaching on spiritual conflict.
What does spiritual conflict have to do with me?
What does spiritual conflict have to do with my family?
What does spiritual conflict have to do with us, the Church?
even Southside Baptist Church?
If we aren’t experiencing spiritual conflict, we aren’t engaged in the work of the Word.
If we aren’t experiencing spiritual conflict, we aren’t advancing the Gospel.
If we aren’t experiencing spiritual conflict, we aren’t attacking the gates of Hell.
We aren’t making disciples of Jesus.
We aren’t calling for repentance of sin.
We aren’t purging evil from our midst.
The same is true in our homes.
If we aren’t experiencing spiritual conflict, we are not engaged in the work of the Word.
The same is true in our lives.
If we aren’t experiencing spiritual conflict, we are not engaged in the work of the Word.
In other words, to be a people of faith, in obedience to God’s Word, we will experience spiritual conflict!
Adrian Rogers said it this way —
“If we are not in collision with the Devil, we are in collusion with him.”
- Adrian Rogers
It’s a matter of what direction we are going in.
Are we travelling the broad road of sin and destruction with the Devil?
Or are we living lives of repentance, on the narrow road that leads to life, following Christ?
If we are living like the Devil, accepting of sin, opposing God’s Word, or we simply don’t care about spiritual things - then we should not expect any conflict in our churches, in our homes, or in our lives, because we are simply not engaged in any kind of spiritual work.
And if this is the case, we should call into question our Christianity.
As it pertains to spiritual conflict, we find ourselves in different positions in our church, even Southside Baptist Church.
This is a spiritual conflict assessment based on what I have seen and heard over these last two years in this church — both in public, and in private.
Few of us are Courageous.
These are those on the front lines.
Willing to stand on the word.
Willing to die to self.
Willing to sacrifice it all for the sake of Christ, and engage in the fight!
We have few among us in this category.
Many of us are Clueless.
We have a segment of people in our church that come on Sundays to check a box and that’s it.
You don’t invest in ways to really contribute to the ministry and mission here.
You live your life in a constant state of unawareness.
You close your eyes, stop up your ears, plug up your nose, because it is better not to see, hear, or smell the stench of sin than to feel conviction.
Conflict is painful.
It’s better not to know than to hurt.
A group of us are Cowards.
I’ve seen this.
Your not clueless.
You know what’s going on.
But you don’t want to fight for whatever reason.
You are content to leave the battle for others to fight — if there will be others.
You are content to leave the battle for future generations to fight — if there will be a future generation.
But as for you, you bow out.
Scared to stand in the truth.
A handful of us are Conduits.
I’ve seen this too.
It’s a small group who are conduits for conflict in this church.
Giving a place, an opportunity for the Devil to oppose the work of God through this church.
Some of us just don’t Care.
Sadly, I’ve seen this too.
The conflict has gone on long enough that your heart is hardened and you have become numb and don’t care to enter in.
Church — as an individual, what fighting position are you in?
As a Church, what is our battle formation?
God wants us to care.
This is our wake up call.
It may even be our last chance our last hour as a church to fight.
God wants us to be strong and have courage.
Because the Word of God is worth of fighting for.
It is the Sword of the Spirit, designed for this very task!
God wants us to be engaged in this conflict that is spiritual in nature— because it is a conflict He assures our victory in for His names’ sake!
These are not suggestions.
These are commands and provisions of God for spiritual conflict that we, the Church of Jesus Christ, are to be engaged in.
And church, I exhort us all to wake up and gear up for the conflict!
Because if we do nothing, we all become complicit together in allowing sin and the Devil wreak havoc over the household of God.
God is patient, but judgment is coming soon.
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