Intro Restoration

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All right. That's the best I could do a trust that you guys can hear me. We're going to have to just roll with this and we will fix it at another time is just admitting also on the camera. All right, so we have already pray. Thank you so much for being patient with us. We're trying to protect this and get it right. We're in a new year and we have been praying about restoration but not just restoration. We have been praying about biblical restoration. There's a big difference. So we're going to take a little journey. This is only the introduction. So I'm going to do an introduction and then we're going to have a few versus just to solidify and kind of give us a foundation because what we going to learn here. Is this principle? I want you to see it. So, before we get started. God has to be God in our lives all the time State. Amen. To this. What does a suggestion here? Is that in the good time? He just can't be God and we throw our hands up a Hallelujah. He has to be God in the bad times as well. So we're talkin about restoration, when your health is at his best. He just can't be gone when you are healed. And when your well, he has to be God in our lives, when we're sick. And we don't feel well at all. When we have terminal illness. He still has to be got when we are a field in our bellies or when our stomachs are empty. He has to be guarded at all times. Now, what we have developed in America, in the western world, is a bunch of Believers, Christians, that only want to celebrate Jesus when all is going well with their soul when he's blessing. And we love. They were, don't we? I want to be blessed, highly favored, and all these colloquial phrases that we use. But the real test of Christianity is he is God all the time in the good times and the bad times. I know how to praise him when things are going well, and I know how to praise God when they are not going so well at all. We have to build tenacity mention to you last year. We've talked about several a subject matters. And one of them is that we are developing growing Christians that know how to fight the good fight of faith in the times that we were headed towards. I've been wanting you guys. I have been calling out. Proclaiming declaring that you're going to have to grow up spiritually and get ready for this in time bat. But we have other voices in our heads don't. We are telling us to take it easy. You know what, let's just be alive future and all of these other things that kind of distracted or sometime. I'm staying focused staying in prayer. Giving God the praise for everything that you do isn't remembered. Not so much that God is here to serve us but we are here to serve him. Let me say that again. We talked about it in the absorb Christianity that Tracy and it this type of Christianity this here in America in the western world is about God. Blessing us take care of us, and he's our big Santa Claus. He told very little about our service to God. So when we're talking about restoring. Restoring only comes when something is being damaged or broken or faded or outdated and we're going to use some of these are synonyms. I want you may be familiar with some of them. I want them to be with sound in your hearing so we can get familiar with the mess is not this particular series and we as pastors. This is our job. Our job is to get you to know. God. We're not here to be your friend will be here to be friendly, but I will ultimately responsibility is to get you to know. Theo, Theo is God in the Greek and we talk about Allah. Geology is study. So it's the study of God. Just like biology is the study of the body, so forth. And so, on sociology, you get the point. But my job is to get you to know God better. And I don't have all the answers that I'm not be created and constructed to have all the answers to things that we do. We are Guided by the spirit of the Lord and God guides me. There's some things that I see this in our fellowship that I will address it publicly. I told you, I don't have the Leisure of my opinion. My opinion must be extrapolated upon the word of God, the foundation of my comments, and my old pin up. Do you remember that the way you see it is, it must be based on the word of God, but what we're seeing now, people are saying all kind of things because they are peeing in the Box, all types of things in their given bad counsel. And when I say people, I'm talking about, the people got, but before we start this series, you have to make up in your mind. He's God all the time. When you are alone and you feel like there's nobody there, you know, that's a lie. Don't buy into his God. I would never he promised us that I will never leave you nor forsake you. That's a promise of God. We have a arch enemy of our faith. He is called Satan. The Bible calls him the evil one as well. He's also called the evil one. Satan the devil, Lucifer, all types of descriptions that we have of him, but he is our arch, enemy of our faith mean, if you don't believe that, You're already deceived. We have a battle to fight. We fight, not against principalities and Powers but against spiritual wickedness. If you don't believe that you already defeated, and this year. Half the stuff that you lost last year because some of the reasons are he come to steal kill and destroy? Who did he come? Only for that reason. He's stolen some of your things, other things you've given up by default, you forfeited them. You was disqualified, because of your relationship, you call some of the things in your life that happened last year. You going to have to own up to it, but I have good news for you. This is a year of restoration. Now, the Restorations are not on our turn. The restoration is on God's terms and as we journey through this, we will see this clearly. You don't have to up the ante if you will. You don't have to get on your high horse and you don't have to do some things. You never did before, you going to have to stop being lazy and shiftless as Believers or I know this is a I know this is a Height on you. This word here may not fit your fancy, but this is like medicine. The doctor doesn't care how you feel about what he's giving you if he's trying to make you better. You have to take the prescription. Having you sitting on the side of me dresser. Does it help you does it? You don't have to put it on the inside of you. The shot doesn't feel good. The surgery doesn't feel good. The aftermath doesn't feel good. But these things are designed to make it better. Well, we're talkin about the word of God and we talked about being led by the spirit. There are some things we going to have to challenge ourselves with According to the word of God. Now, let's get right into something. I want to share with you. Now that we are up and going, what does restoration mean. I'm so glad. You asked the biblical meaning of the word restoration is to receive back more than what has been lost to the point where the final State. The in product. The destination is greater than the original condition. I want you to think about furniture when Furniture is being restored. Reposted. I mean, it is being here, it is. It is restored, is received back to its original state. That's what that means. So, when you're talking about God restoring you, he is taking you to an original state. And he is restoring you back to where you should have been all the while if that's the good thing about restoration. Let me. The latter part says, the main point is that someone or something is improved beyond measure. So the biblical meaning of the word, not the definition in the dictionary is slightly different in a biblical definition. And this is why we talk. Like we're talkin about biblical restoration, oftentimes. We can't take a definition of the dictionary and applied to the Bible. You have to be careful because it's written in Greek, in the New Testament of oil are married. And in the Old Testament is written in Hebrew close words, doesn't necessarily always coincide with English words. So, if you take an English definition and try to applied in the biblical sense, you can get the wrong meaning and you can walk in error, thinking you're understanding or you have developed a working knowledge of that word. So we want to be clear. We're talking about the biblical. Meaning of the word restoration is to receive back more. Then what has been lost to the point where the final stages better is greater than the original condition. Now that the dictionary says, to restore back to original state, and talks very little about having more. But in God's system of restoration. God gives us back more than what we've lost. That's important to know that and we shout and we give God glory for that. Now, let's look at a few synonym. Restoration can also mean repair repairing, fixing mending, refurbishment recondition, Rehabilitation out of. These are some words. We can understand that in the English language. But let's let's go further. It means to rebuild. So when God is restoring you, he's rebuilding, you reconstructing, you remodeling you, we declaration, you remembering you. It means to revamp that it's going to be a very important word in the time to come. Now, watch this makeover. Will you remember that a makeover, overhaul Redevelopment? I love that word here, renovation remodel ization, remodel ization, updating. I was the update, you bringing up-to-date restoration, upgrading gentrification updation. See if I refurbish or a rehab. Now. I know some of them words. Sound familiar to you, perhaps some of them don't, but we going to establish this on a Biblical principle. Let me go back to a one particular word it in. In general. You may have heard gentrification. They're doing a lot of gentrification. They go into neighborhood, NFL my developer. They see dilapidated homes may be derelict still living there, their broken-down broken, windows faded paint, destruction of the building and may be damaged. It just look really bad. That sometimes it's the condition of a person. Life has beat him down bad and things are just not working. And if you look at him in comparison to what gentrification is gentrification is a person or group of people that comes in to buy up all of the property at a low value and invest into that property to modernize it to bring it up-to-date. Aesthetically makes the whole neighborhood look better. And the value of that neighborhood goes up gentrification. They take over and everything that is dilapidated unkept unmaintained. They purchase. India vest in it, to make it better. In other words. They are Masters at restoration, bringing not just things to is formal Place. Remember how that house when it was first built. It was beautiful, it was strong and it will. Of time depending on how it was care for it. Lost its strength, the color faded, the Aesthetics around it, the upkeep of the strawberry, and all of those things important role of how the value of the neighborhood. I want you to think about your neighborhood. How are you keeping up? What you have or perhaps there's people in the area. Looking at gentrification in your area, bringing things up to date. You could do it with your own place. Just take some time. But the thing that's most important here is that God looks at our lives and because we have gone through so much each and everyone of us. The thing is really interesting about restoration. Biblically restoration was never given to, or supposed to be supported by or the hand of God given to one particular person. God looks at this as a. It look like we have some people in the waiting room and I don't know how to get a man with a cheetah run to come back for that. But it brings you back up to date. God wants to restore rebuild refurbish and do a rehab on your life, but it always comes from when you've been broken. See if you is like we talked about when healing people say, we call those things that be not as though they were and sometimes we are in that application. Sometimes we call those things that are as though, they are not that strong application. Now, we learn that God is our condition is Sauron, and God is the only person that could cause something that be not as though it was, but we've taken on God's role and responsibilities. We like that kind of stuff. So Christian, a stroll with the face Movement, we can get God, to do whatever we want. We can be God's read our little gods, and when you try to be a little God, go ahead. I invite you tried out right now. Please don't just change because you speak it like that. It has to be reinforced by the spirit of God. And what I'm saying is that this thing is a God thing, we talk. About this book is spiritual. And we can fancy and we can have our opinions about it. God has the final say. So God is the ultimate is going to be what God says. It is in the way. And this is why we call it the word of God. What God says matters and What God Says, is the final say so. So let me take a drink.

Let's go to this verse. I want it just established just lift it up. Just a little. Brother me. If a man be overtaken in a fault, you which are spiritual restore, such a one in the spirit of meekness. Considering that selfless. Also be tempted to look at it in another version. I'll get to it dispersion hitters. Look at it in another person Brotherhood. Any person is overtaken in misconduct. Or seeing of any sort, the operative word is sin, and of any sort, you who are spiritual will what is spiritual, who are responsive to in control by the spirit? It doesn't matter how well you single. How will you preach or what verses? You know, it's not the versus, you know, it's the versus you live and we can't leave these verses without the spirit of God. How many of us have tried to live the Christian Life and we're failing miserably because it was trying to do it in a Own Strength. And if we don't release our life to the Holy Spirit and allow him to lead and guide us, this is going to be a miserable experience and I'm talkin to you didn't know the law and talking to you. That know the truth, this take a dedication. Because when we talked about restoration, we going to have to talk about why we need to be restored because we've broken down on something and our life is in shambles and we need the hand of God and the mercy of God. It's not about being popular. You know, that's what you two, been a tick tock, and all of that stuff, didn't have nothing to do Christianity. That's so it's there. So many Believers that are consumed with the platform of this world. We call to stay focus in the distracting world. It is designed for the lights in the glitter, to take our eyes and our commitment off of God. It's a clever trick of the enemy and in most areas is doing a fine job, but in other areas, he's not doing so well. Because we have dedicated Our Lives to the cold weather is good times. God is still God rather than a bad time. He is still god brother. A baby is born. He is God real though. A loved one dies. You still got in every situation. Listen, folks. He has to be God equally in every situation in our lives. Rather. We don't feel this Christianity. Let him still be God. Let him be ultimately God in every John every and every situation. I live. You have to make up in your mind. People can't do this for you. All that babysitting. Am I My Brother's Keeper? Yes. Should I babysit you? Carry? Each other's burdens. We are we are we responsible to a certain degree to him that knoweth right? And do it? Not to him is sin. So the more, you know, the more your counter before. So if any brother--and and it's sisteron any person is over hating. And misconduct think about these words here or in sand of any sort where they say. She was saying whether its moral sin, we have all types of us in Nature's. Y'all will be clever about Ally. We act like we did something we didn't do but we didn't say we did it or we're taking credit indirectly that scent of any sort. You be asleep. I tell you can't slip up. Can oil be desolate? Your conscious. The voice of your spirit, man, communes with God and we keep teaching, feel God. We keep teaching. Yahweh God, we keep teaching Jehovah God and who Christ in us? He is the hope of glory. This is a message that is needed more and more as we see these days approaching. Let's go back to this verse and this take our time here. If any person out that maybe you or someone, you know, is overtaking in with talking to Believers in a misconduct of sending intercept you who are spiritual.

That means you are responsive to and are controlled by the spirit. I want that the sink in just for a moment.

If I am controlled. And if I'm responsive to the spirit, I responded. Very sensitive to the things of God, not because I'm better than anyone, but because I have trained, my senses to discern the difference, between, what's right and wrong, what's good, and what's evil. That's something we all can do. You just have to make the dedication and commitment to do. Stop. Whining about life. You have enough power guy has invested enough in all of us to make a difference in this world here. He said, you who are responsive to not know. This is other work. We are controlled by the spirit. Should set him, right? Say who write the person that is overtaken in a scent of any sort and do what after you are dressed as Sin. Not to be a friend. I'm addressing this and I'm not trying to be your friend. I'm addressing the sin. We are responsible for one another. This is not a Lone Ranger religion, its Collective. Is the body of Christ is not the part of Christ. It's the body in biblical days. When God address Israel. He addressed him as a nation. Not individuals, know when we use the word me. Or I will think it's personal and individual in the English. Vernacular. It is but in biblical expression. It's not God is talking to it, everybody. He's talkin to the whole nation when they was at Mount Sinai. Remember that time when he was in the wilderness got was Talkin at all of them individually. Bill corporately as individual. He saw them as one body. That's when one did wrong door, hold em.

Was judged by God, but here in our Biblical. Understanding of God in the Western World. We think about me, I and us not think we talked about that and self-absorbed. Christian it to some extent. I want to make it clear. So you don't have to waste a lot of time. Being hurt by things that you should have victory over that. You're not giving in to week and beg of the elements of this world that you have a understanding or you have to develop a working knowledge that you are stronger. Then you are projecting yourself to be. You can fight better. The things are overcoming. You, you should be overcoming these things. And so when the restoration of God is operating, you're like he's going to return you back and we going to see, it's not just for you. It's going to always be about his purpose, that fit our lives. God will restore us back because it fits is purposeful a lot. He should set them right and restore and reinstate him, you know, what real estate be just like the license get suspended, you do reinstate back to a functioning privilege again. Without any sense of superiority, and with all gentleness, keeping an attentive eye on yourself that she should be tempted, also, and I might add, he's talking about with the same Temptation in the same Temptation trial or s. I hope it's making sense. Now. Let's go to the next verse. Psalm 51 restore unto me, the joy of thy salvation. And uphold me with the Willing free spirit, the word, three mean he's willing to do it with a willing spirit. So you restore unto me the joy of my salvation. Now, let's talk about that just momentarily. Remember, this is more of an abduction to our series that it's coming ahead. So believe in and I'm almost done, but I want to talk to you about this Joy, the Salvation. We remember scripture. The joy of my salvation is my strength. The joy of my salvation is my strength. When we think about strength, what comes to your mind? We tend to think about being strong, right or physical strength, and even sometimes internal fortitude that is internal strength, but the strength in the Bible is the word called me old, meod me old, and it's more. Like a pronoun, is not a noun, or verb is more like a pronoun. Meaning it intensified or augment a word, which means like, You can use very glad you can say me old, Glad or me old salvation Mio simply intensifies that word. So salvation, it would say, I'm very glad I hope you understand in the meeting here. So, we talked about strength, stretch actually mean muchness, strange word, right, but that's the definition of the word strength. We think of strength, as internal, or being strong or overcoming. But it said that the joy of the Lord is my knee old or if my muchness, what does that mean? That means everything that I am and all that. I am. I do it for God. Remember, he says, we serve the Lord with all thy heart. All I'm on all our strength. Can you send with all our muchness? Will they give God? Everything? I say, Amen to. This will give me everything I give God my tears. I give him a hurt. I give him my I give him my rejection. I give him everything about me. My money belongs to him. My car is blown him. That job belongs to him everything in the possession, that anything that I possess, when God said, give it away, I give it away because I have nothing except God give it to me, because I have what much this, or the joy of the Lord is my strength. And I am to love the Lord. Thy God with all my my, oh, my soul and all my muchness. That means with all you have you and I will to give it to God. I will pinions. Don't belong to us. We don't have a right to an opinion. That is at Bruce Lee against the word of God. We agree with God, told you in the beginning, you have to make up in your mind. Did he is gone all the time when we come in and we're dealing with all the conflict is happening in this world. The world is flipping. What's wrong is now right? And what's right? Is now wrong. What is, Tristan is outdated. And without data is now, becoming the popular lies and some of you have jumped the board and I'm telling you, you are in for Devastation. You going to have to restore your relationship with God, and we're going to talk about it in one of these. Let me see. Where's my paper here. We're going to talk about one of these main point is, I will restoration of Health. We're going to talk about our restoration, all relationships ultimate our relationship with God relationship, or our restoration of finances. Our relationship of the vision that God has given you. A lot of would have lost a lot of things in the restoration, also of hope, some of your giving up having you you have no more hold and it says, hope deferred makes the pic and we're living in a world that is filled with a distraction debauchery. That is distracting us from our commitment, or our muchness. I will alness With God, he said restore to me. The joy of my salvation. I want you to think about that. It's challenging, is it? Yes, I smile all the time or do you? Are you entitled to have a bad day as a Believer as a Christian? Or you have to pretend that you're happy in your smile and everything is hunky-dory. You just do roses and pedals. What? That's not a real life. We're not here to live a fictitious light. This is why there would be no need to say. The joy of the Lord is my strength because the whole implication is that if you live long enough and just in the daily of your strong today, let's say this. Let's use in this type ology. If your cell phone, you use your cell phone all day. It's going to lose strength, isn't it? It's going to lose power. It's going to lose energy. You going to look at the phone different because it's losing energy. Why is it losing energy? Because it's being used restoration. They that wait upon the Lord shall renew the same word. Renew is restore. Data restore a wait upon the Lord. What where's the waiting coming from? Your charging port? Is your way in dock? You plug the battery up or the phone to that bear report and it restores your strength or the energy that was lost during the use. You want me to wrap it up. Thank you, ma'am. Thank you, sir. If you're going to be used by God and if you are being used by God, you're going to get worried about it, but don't get weary in well-doing. It doing you will reap if you faint. Not why? Because there is a time of restoration, this use another word refreshing. God is going to restore, he's going to renew your strength, your muchness because we serve god with a muchness, and if you're giving away and you're putting your hand to the plough like you should be doing or you somewhere playing around as Believers. Your lost somewhere in the field is Satan is take you captive. Silly to do his will and because you want to put a Christian Banner on it. That does not make you an effective Christian and just because you call this man, you said they will say to me that day, Lord knows we have done this. In your name. We have done that in in your name, and you said depart from me you workers of iniquity. I never knew you. Who you talkin to God? I know you not talkin to me cuz I'm the best thing since sliced bread. I am your favorite child. I can send. You can love me or and in spite of my team and despite of my seeing, you can still love me. I can't be as Samson anointed of God stamps. It was never anointed for him. Shuffle was annoying to deliver the children of Israel out of the Captivity and a tyranny and a terror ization of the Philistine. God created and imprint had a woman be blessed and impregnated. A woman raised up a child just to get rid of One Tribe, his purpose, his whole purpose of living or being created, and designed, and being anointed, and help was because God had a purpose that fit his plans, but you know, what? Sounds him when he got her age. All of that training, he had to his parents. The instructions that did Angels gave his parents. They never let any razor touch his hair. He had to eat a certain way. He couldn't be around certain things, and it just like we try to tell you about your children, but no. You going to let them do whatever they feel and you rather be their friend in the big, a parent know. You raised them up in the Atman ition of the Lord. My girls are on you. Ask him about it. Did it was many, many days that they was at conflict with me. You could go out on Saturday night, but you getting you going to be at that church house, Saturday, more Friday night. You can go out and enjoy your friends and do that. All things being equal. Now, I'm not over you. I can't see, I ain't, I'm not following you, but I'm trusting what I put in, you can keep you and that's God's word and a consciousness of the awareness of God, when your daddy can't see you, but guess what? When Saturday morning came, they was at prayer, sometimes mad. And all, I kept looking straight ahead because I wasn't trying to be their friend. I was grooming him and and developing them maturing them in the things of God, and you should be doing the same. Benson parents did the same thing when he became believe he went into the City and did everything opposite of what he was reared to do. He married outside of his Covenant with our covenant tribe and it cost him. Greatly. We see us a story that at the end of a man, anointed by God, beg for the restoration. God restore unto me this one last time and God granted him, the restoration of his strength. Now, this was physical strength, but it was super naturally given by God. He found himself chain between two pillars with his eyes. Gouged out blinded by his indiscretions in his sin. And God granted him one more time to do what he called him to do and he destroyed the pillows and destroyed the city. That was a on a delivered on top of them. You want to go to that extreme? No restore unto me the joy. the joy of my salvation because the joy of the Lord Is what makes me strong. It was it's his what gives me the meaning of life, my salvation, my salvation, that Jesus died for on the cross. I don't make light of it like, it doesn't really work know it works. We just have to embrace it, restore unto me. The joy of my salvation. Give it back God. And he said, I'll give it back to you in abundance. You will be stronger than you ever been because you have more, Jordan, you ever had you and I'll smile. Even when the situation is found it, you can still smile because your smile is not based or predicated upon the situation is pretty predicated upon your condition in God. The Lord is my strength of Whom, Shall I Fear? He is the strength of my life of whom. Shall I be afraid? I know the 1st Peter 5 and 10 in his kindness. God called you to share in his eternal glory by the means of Jesus Christ or Christ. Jesus. So after you have suffered a while, we don't like those were no passing, you need to do something. Don't we not going to say pass? It just says James. I'm good with that. I'll be James when I was born James, when I die. And only reason I said, it didn't mean to cause any clean this up. This whole idea about the statement. I just made It's not appealing to me to just be called. The pastor is more appealing to me to be a pastor in being, a pastor, is by calling, and that's a call in Ohio. What my name is James. Guess, who got called me? When I was James before, I was a pastor. So many people, they think that they get being Pastor because of the position, makes them who they are. No. I am who I am before I got the position. So I made the position. The position doesn't make me. We have to qualify for the position. And in my experience just my spend, I've seen so many Ministry. So many pastor, this stuff is all over the place is almost like you can get online to become a pastor and it Waters down the Gospel of Jesus Christ and commitment and dedication that it take. Do you know how hard it is to get people to come on one Accord and when one mind and one spirits to Galvanize people together to believe in to fight together. Not fight each other but to fight together against the Unseen photos of the enemy to develop them spiritually. Man, can't do that in his own strength. You need somebody who can learn to hear from God and we start, this thing. You don't always hear from God correctly. It's a development of a. Of time. You learned to hear from God. And as you hear from God, you develop an ear to hear. He said he didn't have an ear. Let him hear what the spirit has to say. So I may be a little salty about all this Pastorius. Do get all this extra Glory. That's not even needed a club. This is a serious conquer. We're dealing with the colonel destination of souls. Just Things become really serious. So what Ministry is a lot of work, it's a lot of hard work. If you do it, right? It's not about instant success. It's about a commitment and dedication to put your hand to the plough, the gospel Jesus Christ and don't look bite back, don't get fascinated and it was full of sin. Pays them about big crowds and wonderful. Program and we're not doing what God called us to do and that's the rest reconcile the world back to him, but we're not doing it with my with shut it down, having June calls, and all this wonderful. But if you're not reaching the commission of the Gospel will working in vain. That's my take on that. So if I'm going to be a past, I have to do with a pastor does and if I don't do what a pastor. I'm not worthy of that title. I hope I'm doing a good job though, and it's kind of dark hallways, you to share in his eternal glory by the music Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a while, after you have suffered a while, after you have suffered a while. He will restore.

Support. And strengthen, you did y'all see that? Let's see it. Yes or no.

In his kindness. His who is his God. He called you.

To share another word is partake. That's why we beg. You guys half the time. Get

And get on the prayer line. In his kindness. God has called you. Stop making an occasion to the flesh, this Freedom that you have for the occasion of the flesh. Because when that prayer time is over, that's time you lost. And if time you could have put a notch on your belt and make the most of every opportunity that God gives you, cuz we never know when we're leaving here. I know that sounds scary and more bit. But that is the reality of life. We used to talk about it all the time hate. If if you was to something was to happen to you and you was to die. Are you sure about your internal security or a? Are you certain that you will be in heaven? You will you ask people that now? It seems our kid right? That you scare folks and then they won't come to your church and it won't listen to your broadcast of something. I did. What, what question is more important if you lose your Eternal destination.

What profit a man to gain the whole world? And lose his soul. We need to come back to God's going to restore his message. He's going to put it in the mouth of prophets. We're going to see this as his lesson progressed. He's going to put it in the mouths of those that are willing. And those that are not impressed with themselves, which I bought. The kind of people that feel like they know they're not nothing. Then the one God wants to use, cuz God could trust them. Then not overconfident did not narcissistic. We call it Eagle maniacal. You're not full of yourself. No. I rely on God. This coming back a restoration of ministers that now come to grips with who they are. I am what I am by the grace of God and guess what? So are you in the more? We think about it. The way we look at ourselves, we preach it that way. And let me says not with superiority looking down. On people know, I am in a greater need of God and you are or just as much as in need of God as you are. I'm not Better than you. My mission may be different. My responsibilities may be different, but I need God to. Here's a verse all Health, what sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. It were talking about God's glory the eternal glory by the means of Christ Jesus. So after you have suffered a while, he will restore support and strengthen you and he will place you on a firm foundation.

I'm not preaching yet. Cuz I guess you could get me route. I get Stir It Up on this because I understand the implication of what's been said here, not through the ears of the western world, but the biblical interpretation of dou study study to show yourself approved unto God, a Workman that need not to be a shame because you correctly handle or you correctly divide, the word of truth that takes commitment cuz may have to, I'll be working over 14, 15 hours. I'm trying to go to sleep. That's human. But I have another responsibility. You guys are depending on me to hear from God, to get, whatever I can get. Imagine if I was a full-time Pastor, what I will be doing probably sleeping more and more time to sleep. I'm just teasing with you guys. I just teasing, but I would have to fight the flesh. Just like some of you fighting. I am so impressed with all of you that come on Saturday morning. I said it again. Not to toot my horn. 22, but what I'm saying is that it takes to NASA. Do you have to challenge you? You know if it's worth doing is worth fighting for? The app I work on Saturday or Friday morning. I go to work at 2 a.m. In the morning. I get off about 6 or 7 at night, that's it's an all day Affair for me. Again, I'm using this as a reference of contrast. I can easy justify why? I don't get up. Most people may not argue with it. Unless you don't know what I'm doing. You expect your pastor to be on the prayer call, don't you? I have news for you, my friend, your pastor, expect you to be on at 2 because there's not a member of Christ. I told you, it's the body of Christ and we keep preaching this and teaching it.

All right. Let me go on. Let me go on.

Psalms 100. Mercer Street. Know you that the Lord your God, or he is God. And it is, he that has made us and we are not. We ourselves. We are his people. And we are the Sheep of his pasture.

The Lord is God. You haven't made you. You & I, we don't reserve the right, we are the plate. He's the Potter. We didn't even determine what we were. He could have created me to be a lion. He created me be a human, a human made in his life In His Image. He determine my gifts in my talents. I didn't do that. I can't take credit for that. He determine what wound? I will go in. Who will mother me? Who will be my siblings? I can determine that. I had no power over that. Neither. Did you guard attorney? You think you determine that you're part of heart for the family? So, did I thought I did this? And I thought of, and I drifted up on my own and says, no, it is God. We are his people and we are the Sheep of his pasture. God is responsible for incognito on the inside of US Vision. And we're responsible to the bring it to pass by trusting him. You can't do what you want. And get away with it. Now, you could do what you want because you are free more agent, but whatsoever, a man soweth that shall he? Also reached. So if you want to be 21 about it, that's fine, but don't cry and belly ache. When the reaping time, come. We just don't know enough about life. I'm 53 years old. What do I really know about life? In 53 years? The world is a classroom and we all the student. Some of you that are younger than I am King. If you don't really know a lot about life, for example, when you in a relationship, if you your first girlfriend of your first boyfriend, what you know about a man, what do you know about a woman know? You think, you know what, you know, cuz you think you don't want what you want, but you don't have the experience to verify. You. Have, you don't have your resume to say, hey, I'm good at this or I'm bad. It is, you don't know it. So, what we do is we get in precarious situation and we just try to make life work because we have babies out of wedlock. We don't know anything about children Cosmic Kids ourselves, but we do the best we can, and don't we? And we impose upon our child or children, the childishness that we have. When I was a child. I spoke as a child, a reason, the shop, I understood as a child, but when I became a man o Becoming or being a man. Is something be coming with all the development. It's a process. You just not a man because you are male, you just a male because you're born with male apparatus has, but to be a man is not some of the title. It's a responsibility likewise with a woman. So we're always learning. But nobody has he says, no, you know, this that the Lord is, God, know that say, Amen to that, I want to hear somebody man. We already messed up all the equipment. So, You buy with a man that thank you. Ma'am. Thank you for that. Amen. It is. He that has made us say it man. Again. I'm going to coach. U8 you God made me. God made me and I'm proud of who I am. I don't need to be used to be happy. Whatever God has made. He said it was good. Didn't it in the Book of Genesis? Right? So when he got to you and God made you with all your proclivities and all of your strength, your weakness is whatever comes along with you. God still made you. He shall deliver hair, that's on your head. Don't try to augment who you are. That's why I'm a man can never be a woman and a woman can never be a man. It doesn't matter with science fee because it is more than that to physical. It is in 8 lb because even if you try to change it, you still going to be a woman regardless of what the world says. They don't like you talkin like that. So we got hush-hush money because we have power down and we are free. To say what God Said. Ain't nobody homophobic. Oh now you got the title. What about Christian phobic? Know, you was okay for you to say what you want to say. But when I say what I want to say now, I'm hating and you know the dumb get down to scare you up, know we've been preaching that way when it was in the closet. We would have been preaching that it should have been pretty but guess what? That's not the only thing we preach, we preached her adultery. We preach fornication. We preach all kind of different adverse vices that ass against the character, in the word of God, so don't be afraid to say what's in your heart. God Made You To him. You answer to because every human being on this planet with no matter what position of authority there in

They have to answer to God when they close their eyes for the final time. No matter how awesome you were no matter how much you can fly across the stage or you could be a great military leader, or you can be a great president of the United States. Whatever your John re in, whatever, you you did in this earth and you got the credit in the glory, and the honor for the grave equally, claims us all. Who can give thanks from the grave? And this is why we saying, why we all live listen to me for why you are alive. You better remember that God Made You, we're not. We ourselves. We are his people and only what you do for Christ has any Everlasting value. Get that in your head, put it down, pick it out of here. Cuz I remember in the Hebrew, they didn't have a concept of the brain. Everything was heart. That's how they do the heart of your emotions. You know, it out of the issues flow out of your heart, frozen issues, a life. Everything was a heart name. So they didn't have that concept of brain isn't it's not a real Hebrew word. So he talks a lot about the heart. So we think the heart and we separated in the soul. Nethys the soul. We think it's something different note that one in the same. It's the animals parts of a man. When we leave here. Our body is separated. That's what death means. Separated. The spirit and the body, that's what death means separation or we all have our time of Separation. So why you have time now, look at his strength. Look at that muscle their big muscle, right? Guess what? I used to be bigger than this. I was overweight miserable, but when there's anybody know it be spooky scripture over. I'm with fearfully and wonderfully made not with a blood pressure 180. You not see you calling those things that be not as though they were no you call those things that are not as though they are. You have to be responsible for this Tabernacle. This is a temple. I couldn't, I can't join this temple with anybody. I can't sleep with anybody. I'm born again of the spirit of God. His holding. This protects me. If I'm willing to walk in it. I can't say anything. I want to say, I can say it. But I can't say anything. I want to say, I can say it. I can't say anything, I want to say, but I can say it, but I can't say it without the consequences. Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouths, but that which is good to the use of edifying building up spitting, a minister serve grace to the hearers. You just can't go around cursing because your situation don't got too much for you. You can casually joke around and curse in a conversation and be talking about. I'm a Christian but God knows. I'm not perfect. We not talk about you being perfect with time. I serving a perfect God. He doesn't expect us to be perfect. But he expects us to be faithful. Destiny, faithful to his word. I make an effort. You should make an effort. You should follow me as I follow Christ.

Yeah, I can get Amen on that one. So I guess they don't want her.

No, you did the Lord, your God. It is he that has made us and not we ourselves. We are his people and the Sheep of his pasture. Now, I don't know why. I'm there. I should be there. Let me go back. Now, this is the Book of Revelation and it talks of Jesus is speaking to the churches. He comes to the Church of Ephesus. And this is what happened. Until the angel that were Angels, the messenger of the Church of everything. He's right. These things says, he that hold the Seven Stars in his right hand, who walk in the midst of the seven golden candlesticks. I know that works and I know your labor, I know your patience and I know how thou has Candace, not bear them, which are evil and I'll has tried them. We say they are Apostles, but they are not and have found them to be liars and has born and has patience. And for my namesake has labored, and you have not given up. You have not fainted. Remember you getting weary in well-doing. Don't get weary in well-doing. What kind of whale doing serving God. Tell mom taught it is. This is just ridiculous. I would know. I am well. Develop and well prepared to do the work of Christ. That means put your hand to something. Now. This is one of the things that we talked about in our session here at the house. Is that the reason some of you are not dedicated and committed to the things of God? Remember now as a pastor. That's what I need to be talkin about all that other stuff that you doing. I'm not opinionated about that. What I'm talking about is, how can I get you to see him lift up? Jesus? They draw all men unto him. My job is not make you look at me, but they look at you and to learn how to live a Godly life. As I learned. I teach you. That's the deal to all that other stuff. You want me to be that? Be that I'm not that. What I am is your spiritual Minister. And that's what Minister should do, Minister the spiritual Theo's of God, so that people can get to know God's. Not one of the reasons that some of you don't know because you have nothing to do for God. There's nothing to connect you. So we have to give you something to do to keep you connected that labor. See that my namesake have labored and has not fainted. Some of you fainted don't have nothing to do but you might as well fight with something to do. If your painting with nothing to do you say now this is important for you to understand. If you have nothing to do, you have nothing to keep you connected to the things of God, so we have to give you something to do like four isn't example. When we talked about the House Church, some of you playing not to come. You. Don't plan to come you playing, not to come. You find ways that you are not going to come. You find excuses and reasons and explanation not to come once a month.

And had borne, you have patience for my namesake and has labored and you haven't seen it. you want to fight, because A stress and pressure in labor and weariness. All of these things qualifies you to be restored. It restored from what? If you're not giving up energy, what you need restoring for. It's kind of like with the spirit of God. It says, the spirit of Holy Spirit. Anointing us. Remember that word. We use it all the time. I am annoying it. He said, the purpose of the anointing is to remove burdens and Destroy yolks. Now, if you're not removing burdens and destroying, yo. What do you need to be annoying it for now? That's a lot of type of burdens. There's all kind of jokes and couldn't control. Invites is in our lives and that that we can't stop doing. So God, give the the minister of the Lord and an anointing. We call it super on our natural mini Spirit on flesh. Empower us to do what otherwise I could be done with natural human strength or reasoning or ability. So we still get credit to the spirit of God. It is the holy spirit that empowers us and he gives us that anointing, that will remove a burden cuz you can't counsel or devil. Uni power over. The devil. He has given us power over the devil and all the works of the enemy. He said he's taking principalities and Powers. He's made an open show of them. He's spoiled principalities and Powers. He went down to the lower parts of the earth and they had a showdown Jesus. Stripped him of all his power and he gave it to the church. So we have the power.

Amen. Nevertheless, I have somewhat against thee because thou has left that first love.

And this is where most of us as Christian as a whole. We are we did not and say all that. Didn't say your name, but I'm talkin about opinionated in the sense of from verification. We got in statistics will look at the data Christian that we look at the tennis. Chris is not coming to church anymore. Lov Zoom just fall in. Love with you. You want to do nothing? No, the time is coming. God's going to restore back into us our health. He's going to reverse, the curse will coming back to our fellowships. And God is going to give us something to do. He's going to North us and we're going to be thankful that we're now at Fellowship. I know some of you I've heard that you've already told me Zuma school, but I'm tired as on I'm with you. But we used what we can, we still do what we can but the church is organic, is a organism is not mechanical. We need an interaction that interdependence and that interdependence, we depend on one another. And we depend on the spirit of God to Galvanize to bring us together for S not dissimilar to get her some of the manor. Do we know we need to get back together. We need to get back together and can nobody to do something. Anything about all this Covenant. What was the other name? You called? I had never even. Heard of that all kind of different name. They did not going to give you a break because it's a controlling mechanism and not going to let us go. It takes the power of God in the purpose of God. Remember God is Sovereign. He is allowed to happen or he caused it to happen and God will sit back you a lot of things that take place because it fits his purpose and going to wait. We need to stay focused on God. Remember, he's God doing the covid and he's God went over this not here. Hope it doesn't change him.

And I wish you would change us because we're dedicated, right? I said with dedicated, right with dedicated, what unto death, Sable dead. If he said, I am the resurrection and life. Do you be dead yet? I live, he believed it on me. Shall never die. Can you believe this? Sure. I can't because we walk by faith walk by faith. Not by sight. We walk by faith, not by sight. The just shall live by faith. And the truth is we going to die. Anyway, sometime. When are we going to be separated? Yes. I said it. I want a jar, you. The candy cane teaching is over. It's time to give you solid food. So you could develop and grow and be the spiritual giant. He needs. He said you feel you left your first. So the first thing we want to look at restoring is our relationship with Christ.

Resume won't do it for you. Need more God than this. You need to have your own time of devotion. You need to get into the word of God, the Bible, which we call the word of God, God's word. You need to listen to the spirit developing ears so that you can hear what the spirit has to say. There's many voices in our heads. Sometimes. We don't know who's talkin will get, we get confused cuz we we lock down on rent. That's all. We think about the word already told you about that. She don't believe it. Call Faith come by hearing and hearing and hearing and hearing the word of God. Until you don't just hear it. And if you just you receive it, and you don't just receive it, you believe it and you don't just believe it, you get to the place where I know God, shall supply all my niece. I'm not going to give all that time to no rent. But you know, when the real test come about that when you don't have the rent, I told you it's easy to talk when you got the money for the rent. Oh your God. So good, but when you don't have the money, You may be, but potentially be evicted. This is when your faith is strengthened the most, but you shouldn't try to strengthen that then you should be strengthened and all the, while while you are at peace, what you don't have no adverse situation work out your face, muscle. Find something to believe God for it has improved. Remember says, study to show yourself approved unto God.

Many of us have left. Our first Love Is Love Church. Who was faithful boy in at the you be calling the pastor. You got anything? You need me to do. You set up a smoke sleeping? Now. I told him. I need one of those sword that Lionel has the pastor in trouble. Passing need some assistance. And so everybody can see that this here. We have to take care of one another. This is not the peace that the world, give me the world, give it and do what they take it away. You say, but this peace, I give to you the same piece that calms. The storm ain't said, it was a great. So we can talk about all kind of subjects, all kind of reasoning. All kind of question. The years we have many questions about our relationship with God. God has the answer to every one of them and it may not be something. Your minister is covering. What the holy spirit is available 24/7. That's why I said we walk by the spirit. We will not do without developing will not feed and satisfy the lust of the flesh. The craving, the appetites of the flesh. We talked about this some while ago. And the before we go there, let me Skip and go to Psalms. He renews my strength. We talked about me or strength, muchness. He renews that were in the newest, the same as restored. He restores my strength because of a, the time you get week. When you're waiting on God, you get weak, you get weak awaiting, some of your waiting for a spouse. You wait for somebody that you could be with, don't compromise, don't cheat, don't cheat the system. God has the person for you. When you wait upon the north of the Lord. He will renew your strength. Your strength is depleted because you're waiting faithfully, Faithfully, consistently and persistently. I'm waiting on God or I can go do my own thing pick my own present. Sure. You could do that. Most of us. Do we look at what we like? And we go for it and we make a lot of mistakes on me. We have a lot of her greatest regrets. Don't we yell? Because we thought we wanted that until we got that. We realized that wasn't what we wanted. It was an illusion. Most of life is like that because we have a temper. He is called Satan. He helps us as he did. I will master. In the wilderness, he will tempt you, he he will renew my strength, the song that says. He guides me along right pass bringing honor to his name, and I think I have that in another translation. No, that was good. That was good. So he renews your strength.

God restores your strength, you don't have to be weak in Christ. He says that we we did the strength of the Lord. That's that's the God's arm. That's the might of got. The power is God a hand, the power denotes, the hand of God, the armed. No speed of light of God. And so we're talkin about the strength of God supporting and coming in. And replenishing, the things that has been depleted and it takes a lot to wait on God, our ministry still waiting on the Lord. The thing that helps us to wait and not give in not faint, not whiny, bellyaching complain like the children of Israel, what it God causes you to wander for 40 more years. Or 40 years. They wondered because of complaint. They don't know how to wait. They want things now that you want a situation changed. They start crying. And it's a lesson 2 of the Bible said they was given as examples for us to date. Not and I'm not talking about just individually onto my corporately as a church. When we ask you to help us. We mean it helped us and I'll give it that know. That does not mean you. That means you two don't ride on a free tab. Note. Do your part and that's all you ask. God is responsible to responding to you for doing your part. And ultimately this, what I love about it, it takes the pressure off of me. It is the holy spirit. That is the administrator of this miniature. You remember, Israel sings the song. Jesus be the center of our church, but I love that song called. Take it off me. Yeah, it's his church and he had to prove it in the book of Acts when a nicer and Sapphira. Try to. Manipulate the man of God because you just did just me or me and, like me. They want. No, no, it was a spirit of God that revealed to them. He said he dropped dead. It was a lesson to all the children of Israel. It was an object lesson. Don't play around with the spirit of God and just because you're not in a church with a spirit, of God is moving, does not mean the spirit of God is not moving out of their gods, moving in our lives, as a corporate of people brother will congregate together, Remember the church is us. We it is other, if it's who we are, we are the Tabernacle. So if we don't meet in a building will steal the church in the spirit of God Hoovers, and he moves among us. So you not tricking. Nobody ain't fooling nobody. You may be getting by. What you're not getting away, he renews our strength ski gods of along the path of righteousness and he brings us. See, I told you that, if it's God's purpose for our lives bringing honor to his name. This is one of the reasons for restoration. Now, this song 51:10 talks about create in me. A, what kind of Heart come on? What kind of hard a clean heart and renew a, right? Or a loyal spirit wear Within Me. Notice for Jesus, says, in Revelation. You have left your first love. Not your heart need to be clean because it got contaminated. How did it get to file by the cares of this world? But the scripture teaches lust of the Flesh and pride of life. Then he says that you will get contaminated by the cares of this world that chokes. The word and I will not in the world. We will Tik Tok. Y'all love that tick, tock tick tock is talking about time. Photos is talking about time is winding down you're full of it. Don't get distracted. I'm not saying that there's something wrong with it end up of itself. What I'm saying? Is that when you replace your time with God, that becomes idle and whenever we erect Idols in our lives, we are automatically judged by God. That's what I'm telling you. Trust me as your spiritual leader because if you are doing it, obviously you don't know that. So you need a man of God, immensities going to tell you what, we call the truth. Not a truth, the truth, you will know the truth and the truth, you know, what set you free from the LIE. There's a lot of line Spirits out there and their fashion themselves in all kind of activities. Don't be deceived is what I'm saying to you. Is no different than Facebook your whole life on Facebook be wiser than that. He said, Redeeming the time because a days, or even understanding what the will of the Lord is live. Not as fool's, but live as wise. You are not part of the world, unless you become. He said, he delivered us out of the world where in the world, but we're not of the world to stop trying to be like them.

That would be a good place for a man, as well. Imma, let the spirit of the Lord work on y'all. I can't see, nobody. Let me find out what's going on.

The cameras on to tell me, who's, who's paying attention because it's going to give me the idea. If I can't see you in and tell her what you doing. Oh, I heard a man that there was somebody know how to make correction. That's call self-correcting. But we going to have to get this thing together for, let me just hurry up. Okay, so I'm looking on time sweetie. I have six minutes. Okay, we've already read this particular verse. It was in another version. Okay, we talked about the joy of thy salvation and I'm not sure. Why is my thing going backward? Okay. Let me go to this here. And I think I'll probably finish on this. Now, remember, this is a introduction. Will Anna Foundation, two aspects, restoration. God has to be God. When you broke he still God, I will Brokenness and until my Brokenness and dualism not just broken cash. That's a colloquial phrase. What? In fact I'm glad I mention that because somebody I had a question. They said that you use the word coloquio. Often I wasn't sure how to spell it. So they go get it with the voice Google and can you explain to me? What is a colloquial of? I need to do that in the beginning and I just remembered what a colloquium will use a colloquial phrase. The best way I can describe a coloquio. It's like everyday term that's used, but is use different depending on where you come from that colloquialism. For example, my wife is from Michigan, Detroit, most of the Southfield area, but she's from Detroit, in Michigan death. They were say the show. We're here in the South. We don't call it the show we call it. The movies does a colloquium. They also say, pop, we say soda. Those are Colonials. That's all I want to see about that because my time is almost gone. But that's for the colloquy of a colloquialism is what kind of using interchangeable depending on the region you from. We could be saying the same thing almost like a synonym, but we'll talk a little bit more about the SI. We talked of in this lesson here everyone who hears my teaching in the project to his life can be compared to what a wise man. Who does what Bill his house and unshakable Foundation?

When it rains fell and the floods came, the fierce wind be upon his house. It's stood firm because it's strong Foundation. Now, watch this next set of verses, but everyone who hears, who hears my word my teaching and does not. Apply it to his life. Can be compared to a foolish man. Who does what his house on Sand built is past tense, not building. He built his house on Sand. Everyone who hears? My teaching, both of them hurting the first group. Heard it this group, her ears it but this group hope. That's not you. But some of you out there this is you. You do not apply it to your life. Well, Jesus says, will, you could be compared to a foolish person who built past his house on fan when it rained, not, if it rains, when it rain, and it rained mean, it rained and rained. And the flood came what caused the flood much rain? with when and with Waze. So the flood came with winds and waves and it beat upon his house, it collapsed and it was swept away that house needs restoration, bringing back to a former State, not on saying one, that is better than what it was originally on. This is how God increase our knowledge will increasing wisdom. You'll be smarter when things Crash in your life. When you have nothing, all has been taken away and remember it during the time of Katrina. So many people lost everything that you have. You ain't never trust God, like you would when you lost everything. Some of us are so blessed and fortunate that we haven't experienced losing everything and you lose your cell phone. You lose your mind with it. Don't you? You misplace your key? You go crazy. Can you imagine you don't have no key? Cuz you need to keep going to have no car. Everything. Swept Away, the house to have, no clothes. You have no destination. You have no shelter. You have nothing, you have the credit cards, don't work. You have no money. You have nothing, but guess what? You have God. He knows God knows that we have need of these things. Before we act, we talked about that. He said, but did it collapse? And it was Swept Away by the time Jesus finish speaking. The crowd was Dazed and overwhelmed by his teachings because his word carries such great Authority and quite unlike their religious Scholars. All right. That's all I have. That's all I have. I do want you to hear this with your Eternal internal ears. There's some things you're going to have to give up. Yeah.

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