(048) Baptism: Repentance and Rebirth

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Topical: Baptism: Repentance and Entrance/Rebirth

October 12, 2008


·         DPL, baptism passages

·         Early church baptism

·         Sermon: 06-11-12

·         Repentance: DJG

·         Child dedication/infant baptism (Col. 2:12-13)

Opening: Response to Alfred

Prayer: Alfred, India, & Kaplan’s

Let’s talk about baptism

Next week we will have my first baptism her at TG; this is such a celebration of what God is doing in our midst.

·         My first baptism...

So to prepare for baptism, today’s sermon is about baptism and what it means, because I hate it being only just a ritual.

Ä  But if you already baptized, you may wonder why you have to listen to this.

Of baptism and weddings

Baptisms are kind of like weddings, though less romantic. The attention is centered on the few people that are getting baptized, but everyone there is a part of event.

·         We are not observers, but participants, who celebrate with them and support them.

So we all need to be reminded of what we are holding them to. It’s also a great reminder of what we’ve committed ourselves to.

·         It’s like wedding vows which mean more to the older couples than the bride and groom.

\   It’s good for us all to be reminded of the meaning of baptism.

In a sentence: Baptism is a symbol of repentance, rebirth, and entrance into the Body of Christ. 

·         There will be time for Q & A at the end.


Baptism is a symbol – a simple thing as a reminder of a greater thing.

·         Not sacramental, doesn’t “do” anything.

We do not believe that baptism actually takes away sin, and hence it is not required for salvation.

Baptism is “only” a symbol, it does not change us or save us, but it is a still a real and powerful reminder of a spiritual reality.

It’s a mistake to confuse “symbolic” with “not real.” Symbolic things can be very real. There’s another symbol that we all use on a daily basis and, good or bad, it drives most of our lives.

Q: Any guess what that is it? A: Money.

·         It symbolizes goods and services, but has no intrinsic value.

Teaching moments

The use of symbols to teach us is a key theme of the OT.

Baptism is one of two ordinances of the church. That means that is a physical act that symbolizes a spiritual reality. While He was on earth, Jesus gave us only two ordinances.

Q: Baptism is one, what it the other?

A: Communion

Communion and baptism both take something from ordinary, earthly life – a shared meal and a bath – to demonstrate and symbolize extraordinary, heavenly truths.

Baptism probably had roots in Jewish Mikvot, a ritual bath symbolizing washing away sin and repentance. What made baptism so unique was it was a one-time act for Jews.

·         Ancestry did not guarantee a relationship with God.

Ä  This leads us to ask, and answer, what it symbolizes: repentance, rebirth, and entrance into the Body of Christ. 


Baptism is a symbol of our repentance:

Acts 2:38 ESV And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. 

To repent means to turn away from self-centered ways and turn to God and His ways.

·         This isn’t a change of behavior; repentance is a change of belief and allegiance that brings a change of behavior.

At baptism, we all remember our desperate need of Jesus and choose to follow and obey him with all that we have.

Genuine repentance is not very popular these days, nor has it ever been. It requires humility and change

·         Baptism is us coming to God with nothing, cap in hand. That is too bitter of a pill for many to swallow.

Without repentance, baptism is as meaningless as a bath, so only people who call Jesus Lord and Savior should be baptized.

·         Baptism, whether ours or someone else’s should inspire repentances.

Child baptism

This obviously assumes that a person needs to be old enough to repent, which is why TGCC does not baptize infants, rather we dedicate them (or more so the parents dedicate themselves).

There is no Biblical age limit, but the person being baptized must be old enough to make that decision for themselves.

·         I was about eight when I was baptized.

Ä  But to leave it at repentance makes it sound like it’s all us.


Baptism also symbolizes the salvation God give all who believe in Christ. Baptism symbolizes several key aspects of salvation.


Baptism symbolizes that all believer have died with Christ and are raised to new life with Him.

Romans 6:4  ESV We were buried therefore with him by baptism into death, in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might walk in newness of life.

Jesus was our representative in death. Because His death was accepted in payment for our sin, we know that we will also be accepted. And as He was raised to new life, so we will be.

Change of attire

Baptism symbolizes a change of attire. In these next two verses, notice the two actions that accompany baptism:

Colossians 2:12 ESV ...been buried with [Christ] in baptism, in which you were also raised with him through faith in the powerful working of God, who raised him from the dead.

Galatians 3:27-28 ESV For as many of you as were baptized into Christ have put on Christ.  28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

·         Baptism symbolizes God removing our sinful nature and giving us Christ’s righteousness.

In the early church, they pressed this symbolism by having the participants strip off their old clothing as they went into the water and putting on new clothing as they came out.

summarize the all the symbolism of baptism as rebirth this way:

·         As we go under the water, we die to our old way of life.

·         As we come up from the water, we are raised to our new life.

by immersion

Because of this symbolize, it is best to completely immersion is the preferred methods of baptism, even though others have been used historically, such as sprinkling or pouring water.

·         This isn’t always possible; there’s room for exceptions

But situation permitting, immersion gives a better picture of salvation. Additionally, it was also the method used in Jesus’ day. Throughout the NT, baptism was done by immersion.

Entrance into the Body of Christ

Baptism also demonstrates our connection to church, the body of Christ here at TGCC and across the world. It breaks down all barriers of race, gender, class, or nationality. All these are washed away in the water, uniting us in Christ.

Ephesians 4:4-6 ESV  4 There is one body and one Spirit--just as you were called to the one hope that belongs to your call--  5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism,  6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.

·         Baptism served as the original “membership covenant.”

Public declaration

Baptism is also a public declaration of our repentance and salvation. Throughout history, new believers would suffer persecution or even death for being baptized.

Even in modern times there are places, such as some Muslim or Hindu nations, where new believers are persecuted after they are baptized.  There is a real temptation to skip baptism.

·         Compared to that, our church’s baptisms are pretty easy!

Because baptism is public declaration, we encourage those being baptized to say something before they go into the water.

All they risk a little stage fright. But in turn, these testimonies are a tremendous encouragement to the entire church. Anyone who has attended a baptism will agree.

Q & A


1. If you are a believer, but have never been baptized:

·         Is it time to respond in obedience and make a public declaration of your repentance and rebirth?

2. If you were baptized as an infant, dedicated to God by parents:

·         I strongly recommend and ask you to seriously consider being baptized now as a believer, making a personal declaration.

3. If you were baptized as a believer:

·         I encourage you to join us at the next baptism, to encourage those being baptized and remember the meaning of your baptism.


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