Feast of Weeks (2)

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Good Morning. You know there is no words to describe the desperate nature of God. The word of God the Holy Scriptures attempt to put into words the divine desperation of God yet our human nature cannot fully grasp this concept. We can only catch a glimpse at what God desperately desires, a passionate joyous love between Him and His creation. The central command of the scriptures is that we reciprocate that love back to Him. o love ADONAI your God with all your heart, all your being and all your resources. Deaut 6:5. God throughout the scriptures reminds His people of His love for them and that they should love Him. God himself has shown each of us special love and care throughout our lifetimes, He demonstrates His love for us daily. Each morning we awake from sleep is a reminder of God’s mercy and faithfulness, every good thing that happens and every bad thing that He brings us through is also a reminder of His Love for us. throughout the generations he established feast, Holidays Holy-days throughout the year as reminders of His Love for His people and their obligation to reciprocate that love back top our creator and king.
Throughout the series on Jewish feasts we looked at how not only do they serve as reminders but they also cause His people to look forward. For the Hebrew nation they were to look forward to God’s promise of a coming messiah a savior. For us these feasts cause us to look back in remembrance as well but also cause us to look forward with hope and expectation of the return of the messiah Jesus.
Two major feasts that we have examined was that of Passover and first fruits. Passover for us represents not only God bringing His people out of slavery but it is the picture of crucifixion, first fruits take place a couple of days after passover and that is the start of the barley harvest (new growth begins) this day is to commemorate God providing for His people. For us the first fruits represent the Resurrection. At first fruits the priest takes a sheave of barley and offers it as a wave offering before the Lord. Beautiful representation of New Life that God provides.
Today we will look at another feast that takes place 50 days after the passover and first fruits, Pentecost
Turn to Leviticus 23:1-2, 15-22
The feast of Pentecost was not a celebration of the Lord’s deliverance for the old land, but rather a celebration of His provision in the New land.
Occurred 50 days after the first fruits 1 Cor. 15:20
priest was to present 2 loaves as a wave offering, 7 lambs, 1 bull, 2 rams and a drink offering
only feast where a peace offering was presented for the nation
cease from work
Passover was to eat unleavened bread “Leaven” represents teaching . Jesus warned against the leaven of the pharisees. At Pentecost the bread was to have leaven, The two feasts represent the removing of the teachings of men and receive the teachings of God
I. Pentecost was a celebration of God’s provision The 50 day count begins with the barley harvest and ends with the wheat harvest. The feast is closely tied with the Book of Ruth (2:23) The book is read during the time of the feast to show God’s provision and protection. The story of course is closely tied to Jesus as our kinsman redeemer. During Pentecost the Torah is also read particularly the 10 commandments. God giving His law on Sinai...
!. God makes a way when things look hopeless
2. He honors the Humble and vulnerable - the true meaning of blessing. Blessed be Adonai our God and king of the Nations.
3. He Blesses those who bless (live lifes that honor Him)
II. Pentecost Reminded the people of God’s Forgiveness and Mercy.
During the feast He offers forgiveness
b. During the feat he makes peace with the Nation
c. During the feast He brings two peoples together. For the Hebrews it was a joining of God and his people.
III. Pentecost foreshadows the joining of 2 the Jews and the gentiles, but even more it foreshadows the the Joining of God’s spirit and God’s people
There is a Jewish tradition that when Moses went on to Sinai and God gave the Law it was not only in Hebrew. But the scriptures tell us that there were rumblings and through the rumblings God spoke His law in all languages. This is a long standing Jewish tradition. It is no coincidence that when the Holy Spirit fell among the followers of Jesus that they spoke in multiple tongues that all nations heard the gospel.
The day of Pentecost Joined Believers with God Himself
2. The day of Pentecost joined two people groups Jews and gentiles to God’s redemptive plan.
3. The day of Pentecost was the Birth of the Church under the kingship of Jesus the one and true Messiah
Pentecost reminds us of God’s provision
Pentecost reminds us that no peoples group , no tribe, nation, or tongue is left out of the Gospel
Pentecost is the glorious reminder that it was God himself who not only touched humanity but dwells with those who believe on His Son Jesus Christ
God Blesses us we must Bless God and Be a blessing to others. We must be humble, we must be vulnerable, we must become fools to be wise. In order to do that we must By faith believe on the Lord Jesus and be saved.
Blessed be Adonai our God King of the nations. In Jesus Name
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