A Holy Nation

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Joseph Khabbaz
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International Day

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Into the Merge service. And I is that he is in love with his wife LaShawn. Isn't that evidence that he is in love with his wife and he just sits a great example for our campus, in our students away. So thankful for your leadership here at Southern. We appreciate all that you do. And I appreciate you inviting me here today. As we open up our time together in God's word together. I invite you to Bow your heads with me in prayer. Let us pray together. Father in heaven. We come we come easy. Go to hear a word from you. We come from every nation Kindred tongue and people but we know in heaven when we come together, the sole purpose of all Union to be worth two, will be to worship you. Dear Lord. We thank you for the blessing of our diversity. That is our strength and not a weakness. And so Lord. We thank you that you have brought us here under the blood of Jesus Christ. And we thank you. Dear Lord. That is we open up your word. Nothing to the cross. I bring only to the cross. I cling for, I ask it in Jesus name. Amen.

Will some of you may know where I'm from. And I do not have the clicker. So if you would just Advance the slide for me, that would be great. But you may know from my accent that I'm not from, it's not South Africa, not stuff from South Africa. It is not England. It is where that it is. Not New Zealand. It is from Australia. It is from a stray. Amen. Amen. All right. Estrella is in this. We can go back to the map is in the southern hemisphere Right Above. It is popping your guinea to the ride is New Zealand and we have some of the most amazing islands in the South Pacific like Tonga Samoa. Okay, we have Fiji. Will you pay $4 for a bottle of water? Fiji Water? Amen, beautiful crystal clear water. So it takes about 24 hours to fly all the way to Estrella with, with wait times and everything, but it is worth it. In fact, I grew up in Sydney week. Go to the next slide. This is beautiful, Sydney. We say, Estrella is beautiful one day. Perfect. The next. Okay. There is the Harbour Bridge that is right there and there is the opera house and I used to work, when I was an accountant, just a few blocks from here. And this is where I'd love to have lunch and spend lunch. You can you can catch a ferry or lacrosse The Hobbit. I would say, it's one of the most, beautiful, Hafiz. I know that you may compete with me on that, but it is one of the most beautiful places to be at Sydney, Australia. Some of the foods that we love to eat. Is that what I have next? Oh, by the way, let's go back yet. Okay, we drive on the left side of the road, the right side. Hey men, the right side of the road. We drive on the left side of the road in Estrella to get we even have the, the steering wheel on the other side of the car. Okay, so I had to practice being here but I'm I'm good with it. Now. You don't have to be afraid if you see me driving on campus. I'm good. I'm good. I'll write that. What else, what foods do they have that? They love meat pies? They're okay. That's that's what they eat. At the cricket game. At the rugby games. They will have me pies and they have vegetable pies, and all of that, if you're vegetarian, but they have they loved that meat pie with, we call it on top of their you call a catch-up. We call it tomato sauce. Okay, that's what we call it. Mine. Are you thinking of know? That's what pasta? Now, we call it tomato sauce. Okay, then I'm going to know what they you mean. When you say catch up, we call french fries, hot chips. That's what we call them hot chips. In fact, when my sister came for my wedding day. She asked for hot chips in the United States. Do you know what they gave her?

They gave her. I think the tortillas with cheese on top and said that's your hot chips, just warm chips. That's what they did. But she meant french fries. That's what she meant. The next what we have is, well, this is some desserts. This is called a lamington. A lamington. This is like a sponge cake covered in chocolate and then they roll it in dry. Coconut flakes. Oh, man. I know there's some people that don't like coconut flakes. I love it cuz it's cuz of the lemington. The lamingtons are really good. Don't knock it till you try it. Okay. What else do we have? A k o u r u, got to be talked about it straight you got to talk about the kangaroo and the a mirror, the kangaroo in the Emu. And so when you think about these two animals, what do does a kangaroo and an emu have in common? What is an emu? It's one of the largest flightless birds in the world. OK, people actually have any races that he's that you can. Ride an emu and then race, they have any races, but what do they have in common? These two animals find it difficult? To walk backwards. And I wonder sometimes in our faith, if we find it too easy to go back. We need to be more like the Emu in the kangaroo, a man that we're moving forward. In our faith that we're moving on. Holding our faith. Don't Look Back, move forward. Think about the Emu in the kangaroo. Amen. It's not a sermon, just a thought.

All right, here we have one of the most venomous snakes in Australia, okay. One of the most venomous snakes. In fact, I thought I would not see it snake until I move to Tennessee. I saw two snakes last summer in our backyard, but they said they weren't venomous. They went venomous. This is one of the most venomous snakes in Australia. It is a taipan and you will often see this in the in the center of Estrella. Be careful when you go to a stray and your apartment that you want to check your shoes cuz my wife and I were to Pathfinder camporee, we woke up in the morning and someone had a snake in the in the rainbow. OK? Google shoes. Okay, you still want to go to Australia? You still want to go?

You don't need to worry about people killing you. It's, it's, it's the animals worried about the animals. The people are friendly in Estrella. It's animals. You have to worry about in the reptiles. Okay, but not everything is dangerous. Everything is dangerous. We have the koala. Isn't a koala, an Australian fact koalas spend most of the day sleeping. Okay, that's that's that's how he wants to be a koala who wants to be a koala and spend your day sleeping. Alright, a koala spends most of the time sleeping because it eats eucalyptus leaves which a very toxic but it can digest eucalyptus leaves and those eucalyptus leaves cause it to get drowsy. In fact, I was once when we say we're going Camping. We say we're going to the Outback. We going to the bush, going to the bush, May going to going to go check out the bush. All right, we're going to the Outback. Going to the Outback in where they're in the outback. I literally woke up in the morning. Unzip, my 10:00 World Cup, literally a koala, fill out of the tree right next to me. It was just tied. It was just that sleepy head like this and kept walking and walking, don't mind me. Alright. Koalas and we have the aboriginals in Australia that the indigenous people of Australia. The first, the first land owners of Estrella KDs at the traditional owners of Australia, and they have lived there for thousands of years. I can't, they say that they one of the most continuous civilizations on Earth. Okay, and we have a tremendous history and a rich history without Aboriginal family in Australia. And one of the things that they use. As a hunting weapon is this. What is this? Everyone a boomerang, a boomerang and I'm going to just try this right now and I tried to send fact that people say will this come back now its most decorated. This is not what they would actually use. It's something that you just hang up on the wall at your house or put it in your bookcase. That's where I have it but a boomerang is not decorated. It's a hunting weapon. And it is a weapon that they use an end, if there's an animal or he don't throw the boomerang, and the boomerang will, will come to the side of the animal won't see it coming, and it will hit the animal. And if it doesn't hit, it will just come back. And then you get another shot at trying to trying to get the animal that you're trying to hunt like a. That's what the boomerang is used for. And the thing I love about a boomerang is it comes back, it comes back and I wonder this morning. If any of you have experienced God's love, that's drawn you back. How many URI here? Because God has brought you back. I am and how many of you are here? Because God's Grace has brought you back? God's mercy has brought you back. Thoughts. Goodness, has brought you back. Go to everlasting love has brought you back much like a boomerang. God will always look for us to bring us back. How many of you are? Glad that God has brought you back. This morning a man. I'm so glad I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for God. Enter as we spend a few moments looking at International day together, Elvis comes from 1st, Peter 2:9 1st, Peter chapter 2 and verse 9 in the Bible says, but you are a chosen generation. Can you turn to the person next to you and say, your chosen, your chosen, your chosen, your chose?

Some guy said, I Choose, You know, not, this is not the time you're chosen. But I Choose You, your chosen, your chosen, your, a royal priesthood. You're a holy nation, a holy nation. He's earned special people that you may proclaim the Praises of him who called you out of Darkness Into His Marvelous Light, the title of my message, this morning is a holy nation. A holy nation. And as we look at three areas of where I believe God has called us to be different at different kind of people, different to the world, a holy nation. We're going to look at various text with in the Bible that describes what kind of nation does God want us to be as his own peculiar special people, the first one. And the first idea was going to look at least idea of dominion Dominion Genesis, 1:27 says, so he created, man in his own image. In the image of God. He created him male and female, he created them in. The question is, how are we in God's image? How do we reflect God's image? There's a number of ways, but one of the ways I want to highlight is found in verse 28. And then he said then God bless them and God said to them, be fruitful and multiply fill the Earth and subdue it have what everyone have dominion. Have dominion over the fish of the sea over the birds of the air and over every little, every living thing that moves on the earth. Now when we hear this world Dominion, what thoughts come to your mind have dominion over something. What? Images come to your mind? In fact, when we think of the word dominion often times today, we think of something most likely - - we think of dominion as exercising control over someone. Dominion. We think of dominion as limiting someone's freedom of conscience Dominion. We think of exploitation we think of abuse. We think of depression, we think of mistreatment. We think of superiority that someone feels they have over someone else. That's what we think of when we think of dominion. But what is the Bible talking about when the Bible uses the word dominion? What is it referring to? Well, we'll go to Genesis 2:15. Look, what the Bible says. The Bible says the Lord, God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden, to work it. And to take what everyone, the purpose of dominion is not control. The purpose of dominion is to take care of To take care of. In fact, just follow me here right quick. The more power. God gives you, the more power you should use to take care of others. The motel with the God, grants you, the more you should be taking care of others. If you're the captain of your sports team. You should be taking care of your teammates. If you're the club president, you should be taken care of your members. If you're the CEO of a National Corporation, you should take care of your employees and treat them. Well, if you are a c u o u should be paying them. Well, amen. If you're a parent you should take care of your child.

If you're in leadership. Your responsibility is not to have dominion to control but Dominion to take care of. And I believe that God wants us to have dominion and he says he's holy people not to put out superiority on others. But to take care of the church should be the most loving community on Earth because we take care of others. That's what it means to be God's holy people. Did you notice that so long as Adam and Eve? Heard that agreement with God. Yes, we're going to have dominion. We going to take care of others. They had power, but once they began to disagree with God and disagree with each other, they lost their power. They did not take care of their relationship with God, and they did not take care of their relationship with each other. And when they didn't take care of one another, they lost their Dominion, they lost their power. And as a result, they lost their, their, their image that God wanted to form within their lives. You see, this is the point. This is the point. I hope we have it on the screen. When you do not take care of what God. Okay. That's the other point. That's do it. Here it is. When you do not take care of what God has entrusted to you. It will be taken away. It will be taken away. God has given you dominion over certain areas, possibly over this campus in your family. But God uses that Dominion not to control. But so you can take care of when they lost that ability to have dominion formed in its right place. They lost their power. And as a result, they lost their influence. But as you keep reading, you find out that they didn't disagree with everyone. There's not many people in the Garden of Eden right now. It's only them God and who else the Serpent's? They disagreed with God, but they agreed with the Enemy. And as they agreed with the Enemy, they lost their Dominion. When you read the text right there, the question is, who are you agreeing with? Who are you agreeing with in your own life? What voices do you listen to other voices? You listen to calling you to take care of others, or the voices. You listen to causing you to feel better than someone else. Dominion Dominion in the biblical sense. How do we treat others? How do we treat those that are not only close to us? But those that we would never consider a friend. How do we treat them? God says, if you're going to have dominion, you need to be willing to take care of others. That's the definition and we don't want to get the definition Twisted. Amen. That's what true Dominion is. The next thing we want to look at, I don't know if I'm going backwards or forwards right now. Is this idea of beauty? Beauty. Genesis chapter 3 and verse or 1:31. This what the Bible says, then God saw everything that he had made and indeed. It was very good. Did you look in the mirror this morning? A good man. This is very good. Very good. I look good today. Okay. God saw you, and he said it was very good. I hope you told positively to yourself, AKA it is very good. Very good. Amen. So the evening in the morning with a Six-Day, then it's Psalms chapter 1, verse 139:14. Assist. I will praise you for. I am fearfully and wonderfully. Made marvelous are your works and that my soul knows very well. Can you turn to the other person and tell them. You look wonderful. You look wonderful. Okay, you look wonderful. Okay, you look wonderful. Sometimes I feel like I'm more Faithfully than wonderfully made. Okay, but God Wants You to Know You Look Wonderful. Okay, when you hear that, as a guy, that doesn't impress you very much, but we have dinner with trying to be biblical be alright. Fearfully and wonderfully made that we made in all that we made to be celebrated by God. As we celebrate International Day. We come from all different Nation, but we are all wonderfully made by God. The world has tried to redefine Beauty. It's try to redefine. What is beautiful today. In fact, there's a quote here that I want to read to you buy a book. I read by Sarah. Shannon, says this human secular standards of beauty held in magazines and movie screen. Often dehumanizing. They reject the way God made us. They reject the way God made us. The Bible says that beauty is not only skin deep. Have you heard that before beauty is skin-deep? No, according to the Bible, Beauty goes a lot deeper than your skin. It goes all the way to the hot. Amen. The Bible says that beauty is not just something that's out what? It's also in wood as well. Now, I'm not saying guys, that therefore, you don't need to brush your teeth, some of your not saying that you don't have to comb your hair, not saying that you don't need to look good. That's not what we're saying. You need it through that. Do that. Please do that. Lady's please do that. Amen. Please do that. But what we're saying is

He's that don't Focus so much on what you're wearing that. You forget whose image you're bearing.

Don't forget that you are bearing an image and I think sometimes we focus so much on what's out with that. We forget that we made in the image of God. I don't know. That can sound cheesy, but I thought all week about this. Okay, but I'm in it rhyme so, so I put it up there. But let's not focus so much on what we're wearing on the outside that we forget whose image that way bearing. So much about beauty is concerned about the outward appearance, and I know it for myself, there were times when I was embarrassed about who I was and who I am. I was born in Sydney, Australia, and I mention that I've already gone through that, but my parents were not born in Sydney Australia. They were born in Syria and my dad was born in Lebanon and my mom and Syria, okay, and so growing up, I used to have these lavish Middle Eastern meals Falafel Hamas tabbouleh, like I owe this great kind of food, if you haven't tried it already. and while I was More people would ask me. Where are you from? And then I table born in a stray where your parents from, I'd say they're from Lebanon and Syria affect. If you want to see the live in these flag, if you want to see the living room swag, here it is, okay. This is it right here. This is a cedar tree. That's what this is. And it's mentioned in the Bible to Cedars of Lebanon. This trees in Lebanon that are over a thousand years old, like a seed, a tree. And so, during that time, I used to be very proud. But then and this is probably with some of you before you were born. September 11th happened. Okay, tragically two planes went into the towers and one hit the Pentagon. And we talked a little bit about this last night, at Vespas, if you were there. And after that, guess what? When people ask me where my parents were from? I didn't feel like sharing exactly who where they were from, because there was a misconception about who Middle Eastern people were they will I began to become embarrassed since this misunderstanding. Let people to think that everyone will from the Middle East is a certain way. People didn't understand that some of the oldest churches in the world are from Syria. In fact, when Paul went to Antioch Antioch is in Syria. The first place people were called Christians was in Antioch.

So there was misconceptions and and there was a psy.d that everyone from the Middle, East was a certain type of way, maybe an extremist than as pull found at that church in Syria. I needed to be good. Begin to think about biblically who my identity is in. So I began to read the Bible and when people would ask me. Where you from? I and I felt ashamed. I say God. Where do you say I'm from? Where do you say? I'm from in as I began to read instead of saying when people used to ask me that by the way, guess what? I would respond after 9:11, I'd say I'm, I'm from Aladdin is from, you know, you had a Magic Carpet Ride. Yeah. Yeah, A Whole New World from Disneyland. Yeah, Yeah, from Disneyland. Everybody loves Disney, happiest place on Earth. And so, I just want you to know a spot of Aladdin. Story. I married the princess a man. I married the princess. yeah, yeah, so so Thank you guys. So, I just want you to know that even though it was embarrassed. I needed to see where God where God was saying my identities from, I read about Solomon and how we use the seed of trees of Lebanon to build the temple. I read about Jesus and how he met the syrophoenician woman, who essentially is half Syrian and half Lebanese and how he answered her prayer. I read about how Jesus came from Nazareth, and the people said, can any what good thing come out of Nazareth. I needed to find my identity not in what people said about me, but what God said about me, I meant and I pray that you find your identity and who God says, you are not what people say. You are a magazine say you are or what you said? Line. Say you are. We need to as a holy nation, find our identity in Christ. In fact, this is what Isaiah says, Isaiah chapter 53, verse 2, for he shall grow up. Let's see. He get, he shall grow up before him as a tender plant. And as a root out of dry ground, he has no form of comeliness. And when we see him, there is what? No beauty that we should desire him. This is talking about Jesus. And if anyone could have been created looking a certain way, it is who Jesus. But when Jesus was created, when Jesus become became and,, he didn't want his external beauty to be the thing that attracted us to in. Look, Jesus could have said, I want to be looking like, Michael B, Jordan. Okay, he could have said that he could have wanted to be like that. But Jesus said, I don't want my outward appearance to be the thing that attracts people to me. It's got to be the power of my words. It's going to be my character and as a result because he knew who he was, he in your that looks will not sustain us during dark times, but character will, and as he was there on the cross, he ate was able to remain on the cross during dark times because he had Beauty in his character. I want that sometimes for some of us, if there is some of us where there's an area of Our Lives that we don't, like if there's something about us that we wish we could change, if it's something about us, we say God. Why did you make me this way? And God is saying, my beauty is not just out what appearance? But it is what's taking place Depot within your heart. As a chosen people as a holy nation. We realize that beauty is not just Skin Deep, even though we are beautiful, God created us beautiful, but it goes a lot deeper. It goes to the very heart of who we are. As a person. We need to redefine. What beauty is. And look at it from a Biblical perspective. The last one is the word ethnic. Ethnic. The word used here is in 1st Peter 2:9 and this is what the Bible says, but you are a chosen generation. We bred this, a royal priesthood. A holy. What nation do you know the Greek word? Therefore nation is ethnography. Ethnic. When we are part of God's people, we become and you ethnic. We take on the identity that God has given us. The word and the notion that if not, this this is why we get the word ethnicity in the Bible says, when you become a Christian you take on the ethnic of God. In fact, what is an ethnic? How do you, how do you know if Nick's differ from other groups? Well, unlike a group. Let's just say, Popov, find is anyone with pot. A Pathfinder is growing up like a, some of you. There is a difference between an ethnic and an organization or group. Now, when your potty pots mind, is there a certain things that you will do. There are certain things that will be a part of your experience as a Pathfinder. You'll learn different knots in and how to put up a tent and how to start a fire. But is there a difference between Pathfinder as in boy scouts? Yeah, right gender is one religious affiliation is another one. Okay, so they stood and differences. But what about ethnic? Is there a certain way that that if Nick is different from a organization will? Yeah, when you say when I say, I am from Australia, that will dictate many times. Okay, how I treat others? That will dictate. Maybe what food? I like to eat. It will dictate how I dress, it will mean, whether I'm a hard worker or not. It will look at humor in a different way. That's because of the definition of ethnic. In fact, ethnic means that impacts every area of your life, doesn't it? When you say I'm from somewhere culture, impacts every area of our life. And what God is saying is when you become a holy ethnic. A holy nation. It's meant to impact every area of your life. It's not meant to just impact you on Sabbath. It's meant to impact you in every single day of your life. It's meant to impact you in the way that you look at dress the way that you look at your lifestyle, the way that you look at how you treat other people, every area of your life is impacted, when we become citizens of a holy nation. The church is not limited to a lecture hall. The church is not just a social club. It is a counterculture. It is a counterculture. The church. Therefore is a stage of what Humanity would be. If Christ is Lord, in fact. Being a holy people means, the church is not election. Whole rather. It is the Central Intelligence Agency that informs every area of your life. That's what the church becomes when the world looks at us. We should see people who come to church, not just to have a good time and feel good. But you ought to get enrichment credits, A man for Vestas and that's a whole nother conversation. But, but when, when we talked about being a new ethnic a holy nation, we are doing things differently. The world does not dictate how we treat others. It's the word of God that dictates that for us. It means having a new ethnicity in God. In fact, I just want to go through this with you. When you read Matthew chapter 1 and we going to do this to a close, Matthew chapter 1. Sometimes we skip over all the genealogies of Jesus, right? We skip over all the genealogies of Jesus. And yet, there's the gospel, even in the genealogy. When you read Matthew chapter 1, verse 3. You read in Jesus's lineage Drew. But got Paris and Paris by who everyone Tama does any other some things about your family, you wish you could hide. Like, you know, they don't open up that skeleton in the closet and there are some things that Jesus could have hidden as the gospels were written. But then he benches mentions in his genealogy,. Does anyone know who Tamar is? Tama Tama was judah's daughter-in-law and it was sinful incest that led to the birth of twins mentioned in verse 3 or in Genesis of Perez and zerah. Okay, there was some sexual indecency, that happened. And yet Jesus says, in my genealogy, in my ethnicity. There are certain things. I don't want to hide about my life. There is the gospel even in Jesus's genealogy. Let's keep going. Verse 5, verse 5. Salman Salman begat Boaz by who everyone Rahab who was Rahab Rahab a prostitute who was spared when the people of God came into the promised land. That's something you may want to hide that that there was prostitution in my family. But Jesus says, don't exclude it from the Bible. You need include include that genealogy in my life include that genealogy in the history. As you write the Book of Matthew and is this gets shared around the world as the God who gets preached around the world. Jesus wanted these names to be included in his genealogy. What else?

we had Rahab and then we go to Actually, we'll go on back. There is roof roof. Who was Ruth? Ruth is a third woman mentioned. She is a moabite us at people known for sexual immorality and who were at the time forbidden to assemble with. People would have not been allowed to assemble and worship with us today. She would have been excluded but God wanted the gospel to be known that people normally excluded by Society. I included by my blood. Ruth is part of the family, even though she's a moabite us. She's part of the gospel story and finally We have in Jesse begat David the king and David, the king but got Solomon by her. Look at look at God. Why not? Just mention the name? God just mentioned the name. Do you have a skip over some of your story and your family? Just just let Swiss Miss the beach house, but look at this. Who had been the wife of Uriah?

God says, I'm not going to miss that detail. That's part of my story. That's part of my story and some of us may be ashamed of a story. Where is Shane. Maybe our history? Where is the, where we came from? Where is Shane's of who we are, but an international day through Jesus Christ, we can celebrate our story, not just the good parts of the story. But even the painful Parts, a man because it's the evidence of God's power in our genealogy. It's evidence that God is moving in our lives and our story. We don't need a gloss over us for even the difficult part because it shows the power of Jesus Christ in our lives. And so Jesus says, I'm not going to go over it. I came from a family where David. Committed, adultery and murdered someone's husband. So he could marry her. And through that line, Jesus came, did it, Jesus didn't try to hide his ethnicity. He embraced it by including these four women. And because Jesus is the promise keeper. And that's what this genealogy is all about that. Even though there is failure and hurt and pain in my life. Jesus can still keep it from. Doesn't matter how painful my history is, doesn't matter how difficult my circumstances. God is still the promise keeper. How many of you are? Glad that God can keep his promises. No matter. What else story is that God can still remain faithful to us, and that's what I love about Moon. Because these four women merged into Jesus's story. Did you like that? I thought about man. I was going to say it again. Isn't that what marriage is all about that? No matter what story? What background, where we come from? We can merge together through the blood of Jesus, Christ and worship out, savior, worship, Our Redeemer worship. The one that died on the cross for us and Rose on the third day. He resurrected and he can resurrect your story. He can resurrect your story. The Very thing that you're ashamed of God says, I want to celebrate because it shows my power in your life. Don't hide your story, then hide your story. And so, how do we respond to this? How to respond to this today? You can choose to be part of God's holy nation, choose to be part of God's. Holy ethnic. Choose to be part of his family. Once again, this is the reason we come together because there is a God that keeps his promises. There is a God that is faithful. There is a God that is able to take out story and make it his story. And so as we come together, this three things I want to leave us with. Firstly, take the things God has entrusted to you and take care of it. Don't try to control it. Take care of it. What areas has God? Given you dominion over to be God's? Holy nation. Take care of a God has entrusted in your life. We want to take care of others. We want to take care of our community who want to take care of those that the Bible cause the least of these. That's why God has given you Dominion. Secondly, remember whose image you back? Remember whose image you bad? We are bearing God's image. Everywhere we go and Sudley. We are a holy nation that you are a part of God's family. Through his blood. He has not forgotten you and he's not ashamed of you. Yeah, it is not ashamed of your story and where you've come from. In fact, as you think about these three things. I'll leave you with this final verse.

Found in Isaiah chapter 62 in verse 12. What does it mean to be a holy people? And they shall call them, whatever you want, the holy people, the redeemed of the Lord and you shall be called sort out as City, not what forgotten to be God's. Holy people also means that God has not forgotten. You God has not forgotten you and I want to know and I wonder if any of you today. Feel like you're forgotten feel like your story's been forgotten, feel like your pain has been forgotten feel like your situation has been forgotten by God when you're part of God's holy people. God is saying I've not forgotten you. I'm there for you. So I want to praise God tonight or 2 this morning. Rather. We're in the afternoon this afternoon.

To cover all three time zones are there. That you are not forgotten. I want to thank God that we are not forgotten. That we are a people not forgotten by him. People may forget us. God won't forget us Others, May forget us. He won't forget us. You may want to forget your story. But God hasn't forgotten that he wants to celebrate it. God is a God that doesn't forget his people and I pray that as we are God's holy nation. We will not forget him. You might His Image Bearer. He's coming back soon cuz he hasn't forgotten. You may God's people say hallelujah. Amen. God has not forgotten you

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