Genesis 32:1-32: Winning the Fight of Your Life

The Fighter   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Unexpected Halloween treats: fruit, healthy snacks, temporary tattoos, cracker jacks, pretzels, toothbrush, etc.
If you happen to get Oreos, be on the lookout:
You’ll pay a lot for what you want… Jacob has paid a lot for what he wanted...
Jacob’s life been about fighting to get what he wants out of life: birthright, blessing, wife, wealth from Laban, etc.
Fight against his father, brother, Laban… What he doesn’t realize is that he’s actually spent his whole life fighting God to get what he wanted out of life.
It’s not a good idea to fight God… BUT, strange story. Jacob fights God and survives… Not only does he survive against God, he prevails (Genesis 32:28).
How do you prevail with God? How do you win with God?
Two truths in this passage that you need to know if you are going to prevail with God.

You will never win by continuing to fight with God.

Jacob left Laban. He’s on his way home, but before he goes home, he needs to have a confrontation with Esau. He’s spent years running from Esau. He can’t spend the rest of his life looking over his shoulder wondering if Esau is pursuing him to kill him.
God promised to protect Isaac. Would God do it?
32:1 - Angels met Jacob. A reminder that God was with Jacob, protecting him. Confidence to face Esau.
Jacob sends messengers to Esau - Jacob wants a truce. Jacob gets news he didn’t want to hear: “Esau’s coming. He has 400 men.” Jacob afraid. 400 men? They’ll slaughter Jacob. He divides all that he owns into two camps, so if one is wiped out the other will survive.
Jacob prays. First time recorded that Jacob prays. But, Jacob is desperate. He’s been able to outsmart Esau before, but he can’t now. He just doesn’t have the resources Esau has.
The prayer: (Gen. 32:9-12) - Confesses that he’s unworthy of all of God’s kindness! “God, do you remember what you promised me? I really need you to make good on that promise… Please rescue me from my brother… (vs. 11)” Jacob prays when he’s out of options - like many of us.
Next… Jacob sends gifts. Sends several herds… Leaves distance. Esau would receive a herd, admire, and then a new herd. vs. 20 - Jacob’s one attempt to appease Esau.
Impressing Esau with his wealth. Is Jacob truly trusting God to protect him, or is he taking matters into his own hands yet again?
During night… he sends his wives and sons ahead of him, and he’s left alone (vs. 24).
It’s dark. Jacob’s afraid. He’s pacing back and forth wondering what the next day would hold when he finally met Esau face to face.
Then it happened… from out of nowhere, Jacob was tackled to the ground. Was it a robber? Was it Esau?
Jacob wrestled for hours… A life and death struggle… Would he survive the match?
Jacob not wrestling with just any man… Wrestling with God.
Wrestling God? Why would God take on Jacob in a wrestling match?
God wrestling Jacob to show Jacob what he’s been doing his whole life. Jacob has been fighting his whole life… fighting Isaac, Esau, Laban, his wives… God shows Jacob who he’s really been fighting. “Jacob, you’ve been wrestling me...”
And, when you fight God you’re not going to win. It’s not a fair fight! He’s God. You’re not. God always gets His way. God always accomplishes His will. You can try to fight God for what you want, but you will never win when you continue to fight against God.
For some of us, it’s time we acknowledge the fight.
Every time you tell God, “No...” You’re fighting.
You feel the struggle…
Broken relationships.
No real joy.
No confidence.
Instead of fighting God, you need to determine to cling to God.
At daybreak… “He struck...” In the language, it’s a tap. God barely touches Jacob and his hip pops out of socket. It’s obvious Jacob isn’t wrestling a mere mortal.
Jacob knows he can’t win… All God has to do is barely touch Jacob, and He can destroy Jacob.
Instead of fighting, Jacob clings. He holds on for dear life. God says, “Let go..” Jacob says, “I will not let go until you bless me.”
Jacob can’t win, but he does’t run. Jacob can’t win, but he doesn’t give up. Instead, he holds on to the One who is all powerful.
He’s finally seeing that the way to blessing is not deceiving or conniving but holding on to the God of the Promise - staying in His will.
God to Jacob: “What is your name?” God knows Jacob’s name – but the question brings Jacob face to face with his reality – His name reveals his identity. “Heel-catcher” “Jacob, know who you are – a deceiver. And, know that I have the power to change you. You are no longer Jacob – you are Israel – I am going to make a worthless, deceiver like you into someone great in my eyes.”
Some of you need to cling to God, but to cling you have to let go.
Self-sufficiency – “God, I don’t need you.” How many of you live your life that way? “Your life motto: I can do all things in my strength.” No you can’t. Does our church operate as if we are dependent on God or dependent on our own ingenuity, resources, and talents.
Ego – His whole life Jacob thought he was somebody. There, fighting with God, he realized he wasn’t anybody. He was powerless. You are nothing apart from the grace of God. “I’m a millionaire. I’m an athlete. I’m the mother of the year.” Don’t hide behind your ego. You aren’t somebody. You are a weak sinner. Only God is somebody.
Sinful ways – deceit – what sin do you have to let go of in order to cling to God? “…let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.” (Heb. 12:1)
Bugs bunny costume… Only option… You need to come to the place where you understand God is your only option.

You’ll always win when you are willing to lose everything.

vs. 28 - “You have struggle with God and with men and have prevailed...”
Jacob didn’t actually win against God. He held on for dear life. And, when he walked away the next morning to go and meet Esau, he left the fight with a limp.
Jacob didn’t win by overpowering God and finally getting his way. Jacob won by losing.
Jacob won because he finally gave up. “God Im not letting go. I can’t do this without you.”
You win when you give up. When you say to God, “I can’t do life without you. I give up my desires, my dreams, my ambitions in exchange for you. You are what I need.” That’s when you win!
Gospel: Jesus won by losing. In the garden of Gethsemane, Jesus wrestled with the Father. Yet, in the garden, Jesus said, “Not my will but yours...”
Then Jesus went to a cross.
The cross seems like the greatest loss in human history – God dies at the hands of sinful man. Sin triumphs over the creator. However, The Jews and Romans didn’t defeat Jesus. And sin certainly didn’t defeat Jesus. Jesus willingly lost on Good Friday. He gave up His life for those who killed Him. He gave up His life in obedience to the Father. What seemed to be the greatest loss in human history was actually the greatest victory in human history. He burst forth from the grave completely defeating sin and death so all who believe can have eternal life. Jesus’ victory over the grave is your victory. Through faith and turning from your sins, you now look forward to resurrection victory because of Christ who won by losing.
Jesus is the true Israel… He struggled and overcame for us. He has given us a new name.
Have you been wrestling with God? It’s time to lose, because when you lose you win. You’ll never get what your heart is after until you lose – until you say, “God, I’m giving up everything just to hold on to your perfect will.”
When you lose everything to live for the will of the Father, you win, and you win big. When you lose, you get everything – you get eternity.
This morning, some of you need to lose. You’re wrestling with God, and it’s time to stop. Unbeliever – give up. You’ll never win. Trust Him today. Believer, we know better, but we have a tendency to keep fighting God even after we say we believe in Him and trust Him. Believer, make a renewed commitment to lose. Let go of your self-sufficiency, your pride, and your sin.
Church– let’s lose. What if we were a church that lost? Let us be a church that loses – let us put aside our preferences, our agendas, our ways of thinking and say to God, “Here we are, your church, you do in us what you desire, and we will not stand in your way
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