Prophet: The First Office of Jesus

The New and Living Way: Phase 2  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The work of Jesus in his earthly ministry was that of a prophet. This tells us something particular about what it is he came to do.

Where are we?
New and Living Way
Phase 1: Person and Work of Jesus
Connection between Person and Work
Work - organized according to three offices

Three Messianic (Anointed) Offices

The person of Christ is the requisite premise for the work of Christ
The concept of “office” draws together and seals the unity between person and work in sacred Scripture

What does it mean that Jesus is the Messiah?

He is the “anointed one,” he is the Christ
Hopes of Israel’s deliverance

Can you think of people who were anointed in the Old Testament?

There are three “anointed” offices (or ministries, or duties, or roles) to which servants of God in the Old Testament were anointed:
Prophet: Deuteronomy 18:15-22.
E.g., Isaiah (Isa 61:1); [general] (Ps 105:15//1 Chr 16:22)
Priest: Deuteronomy 18:1-14.
E.g., Aaron (Exod 28:41)
King: Deuteronomy 17:14-20.
E.g., Saul (1 Sam 9:16; 15:1); David (1 Sam 16:12; 2 Sam 2:4)
Jesus, as the true “anointed one” perfectly fulfills all three of these offices, and they all perfectly cohere in him
There is a sequence to these offices:
Prophet in earthly ministry
Priest in sacrificial death
King in exalted reign
There are individuals who prefigure each:
Prophet like Moses
Priest like Aaron, Melchizedek
King like David

Jesus as Prophet

What does a prophet do?

Authoritatively teaches God’s will
Makes public the knowledge of the events of salvation
Calls people to repent and receive that salvation
Matthew 4:23–24 (CSB)
Now Jesus began to go all over Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people. Then the news about him spread throughout Syria. So they brought to him all those who were afflicted, those suffering from various diseases and intense pains, the demon-possessed, the epileptics, and the paralytics. And he healed them.

Words (Teaching)

Matthew 7:28–29 (CSB)
When Jesus had finished saying these things, the crowds were astonished at his teaching, because he was teaching them like one who had authority, and not like their scribes.

Deeds (Healings/Miracles)

John 10:25 (CSB)
“I did tell you and you don’t believe,” Jesus answered them. “The works that I do in my Father’s name testify about me.

Example (Life)

1 Peter 2:21–23 (CSB)
For you were called to this, because Christ also suffered for you, leaving you an example, that you should follow in his steps. He did not commit sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth; when he was insulted, he did not insult in return; when he suffered, he did not threaten but entrusted himself to the one who judges justly.

Jesus, a Prophet Like Moses

Deuteronomy 18:15–22 (CSB)
“The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your own brothers. You must listen to him … I will put my words in his mouth, and he will tell them everything I command him.”
Deuteronomy 34:10–12 (CSB)
No prophet has arisen again in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. He was unparalleled for all the signs and wonders the Lord sent him to do against the land of Egypt—to Pharaoh, to all his officials, and to all his land— and for all the mighty acts of power and terrifying deeds that Moses performed in the sight of all Israel.
Acts 3:18–23 (CSB)
In this way God fulfilled what he had predicted through all the prophets—that his Messiah would suffer. Therefore repent and turn back, so that your sins may be wiped out, that seasons of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord, and that he may send Jesus, who has been appointed for you as the Messiah. Heaven must receive him until the time of the restoration of all things, which God spoke about through his holy prophets from the beginning. Moses said: The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among your brothers. You must listen to everything he tells you. And everyone who does not listen to that prophet will be completely cut off from the people.

How is Jesus like Moses and the Prophets?

Signs and wonder

How is Jesus more than Moses and the Prophets?

Teaches on his own authority
He is himself God
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