Our God is a Promise Keeper - Genesis 21:1-34

Genesis  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  1:03:59
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Genesis 21 Our God is a Promise Keeper INTRO Before we move into Genesis chapter 21 this morning. Please turn with me to (Matthew 5:33-37). JESUS has clear instructions on making promises. “Again you have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not swear falsely, but shall perform to the Lord what you have sworn.’ But I say to you, Do not take an oath at all, either by heaven, for it is the throne of God, or by the earth, for it is his footstool, or by Jerusalem, for it is the city of the great King. And do not take an oath by your head, for you cannot make one hair white or black. Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” An oath or solemn promise. JESUS takes serious the promises we make. Saying to not swear by anything to verify that it will be done but simply “Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil.” In light of our Lord’s instruction here I rarely if at all use the word promise or make a vow. Not that it’s wrong to do so,…. but that there is great weight behind doing so. Often times along with my ‘Yes’ if that is what I say, I will include “Yes..I aim to do so” or “I have full intentions,..Lord willing” because in all honesty something may come up that prevents it from being fulfilled OR I simply fail to follow through as I said I would. This could be something in the realm of “Dad, would you play catch with me today?”….. “I’d love to son…and there should be no reason why we won’t be able to…so let’s plan on it.” And what is intended to take place…takes place….most of the time. But there are times where I don’t follow through for a number of reasons….some…..justifiable ones,….but also by cause of simply failing on my part to do so. And that hurts. Whether it be not playing catch with my son or of commitments of much greater magnitude. We all know that place of being promise breakers….ourselves…and also being the recipient of promises made to us,…..being broken. In our fallen sinful state, this takes place. There is one….and one only, however who never breaks His promises. And that is our “Everlasting Father”. Our God is a Promise Keeper. He makes promises and He fulfills every last one of them. Our God is a Promise Keeper. And that is pinnacle TRUTH I want us to receive deep into our hearts this morning. Receive and remain abiding. Our God is a Promise Keeper. Now with this abiding in your heart, I aim to expound upon it in 3 fold measure in today’s sermon. First and foremost, like every promise God makes… seeing God’s Promise to Abraham come to pass in the birth of Isaac. God’s promise… fulfilled Our First point BODY 1) FIRST POINT - (Genesis 21:1-7). Promise . Fulfilled Promise . Fulfilled,…Read with me the first 2 verses of the 7 we’ll be looking at with this point and note the intentionality in God’s Word to emphasize God’s Promise Fulfilled. Hear the intentionality there Saints and receive it as comfort to your soul where any trouble lies upon your heart in growing weary or in bearing frightful doubt of waiting upon God to come through on His promises. - read “….as he had said,…as he had promised,…at the time God had spoken to him” God will fulfill every promise of His at the proper time. WHAT Promise or Promises of God’s right now,..in this season of life of yours, …are you waiting on Him for? Perhaps it involves the promises in God’s Word as it relates to raising children. Maybe it’s promises of God in assuring us of His provision in our lives. Food, shelter and clothing. Maybe it’s in regards to relationships, relationships with nonbelievers, with believers, with those closest to us. “….as he had said,…as he had promised,…at the time God had spoken to him”. God’s Promise made to Abraham was fulfilled. By FAITH, We believe in the same God as Abraham, by FAITH we worship the same God as Abraham, by FAITH we can trust the same God as Abraham,…that He will fulfill every promise of His made to us. Our response to God on this truth is represented well here in the next 5 verses. The response is one of obedience and testimony. Let’s read these 5 verses and identify them along the way. - read Starting with (3 and 4) When did this command come? Back in (Genesis 17:19). One of the times God was reassuring to Abraham of His covenant with him…and Abraham…very old and…99 years old to be precise…and still childless,…is pleading with God that the promise would come through his son Ishmael,…born to him by Hagar who is 13yrs old at the time. “God said, “No, but Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him as an everlasting covenant for his offspring after him.” Abraham obeys God on this command now seeing,…with his own very eyes,…the fulfillment of it. He names his son Isaac which means “One who laughs or one who rejoices”. He continues his obedience to God by circumcising his son Isaac on the eighth day of life as instructed by God in (verses 10-14) of that same chapter 17 of Genesis. ALL TO SAY…Obedience and Gods promises Go hand and hand. For strong emphases on this I offer to you to read (Deuteronomy chapter 28) These passages provide clear layout of the great blessing for obedience and troubling curses for disobedience. WE may not be facing nations in war NOR have crops to harvest that we depend upon alone as our source of food…. but the principles obtained in the treasury of God’s Word in those passages….. (Deuteronomy chapter 28) ……the principles are wise to take seriously. Obedience and God’s promises Go hand and hand. YOU may be asking,… “Well what do I obey? I am not knowledgable in God’s Word. I know-verylittle.” To this I would say…Obey what you know. Obey what you know. Obey God in what you Know…and Regularly seek to Know God more and as He reveals more of Himself to you in His Word,….continue to respond to His grace in doing so by obedience to what He reveals. God’s Word sanctifies. (John 17:17) “Your Word is Truth. Sanctify them in the Truth.” …. God’s Word sanctifies. …..Which means…to put it in very simple terms. It exposes sin in your life …by the working of the Spirit of God…the Word of God exposes sin to confess, repent and turn away from and it leads you to greater manifestations of Christlikeness in your life. God’s Word sanctifies. Obedience and God’s Promises Go hand and hand. As do the wonderful testimonies we have the joy to share about to the glory of God of His promises believed by faith coming to pass in our lives. Give testimony. LOOK at (verses 5 - 7). - read It’s like, ….Sarah would be saying to all she knows… “Do you want to hear something amazing?!. I was barren…like forever, have always been barren….and menopause…(pffff..) that ship sailed by long ago….. And check it out. I am now nursing my son whom I gave birth to by my 100 year old husband over there…just as God promised I would.” “What!! You’re kidding right?” “No, not in the least. We have even given him the name Isaac, as God told us to, which means, get this… ‘One who laughs or One who rejoices.’ Fitting right?.” “That’s amazing! WOW! Ha ha…I am seeing the impossible with my own very eyes.” And that is it…isn’t it? Seeing the impossible with our own very eyes. God’s promises fulfilled, the impossible being witnessed by your very own eyes,…are to be testified to that we may bring glory to His name. Another question to lay before you then. What promises of God have come to pass that you may give testimony to and thereby bring glory to His name? Think on what they are. Know them and testify of them. A warm up for you. If you love Jesus. Give testimony of God’s saving faithfulness in your life. That promise found in (Psalm 69:13) “Christians prayed for me, Christians shared Jesus with me. GOD, who is rich in mercy, answered their prayers and worked powerfully in me to believe in the gospel message of Jesus Christ. For those who shared the gospel message with me embodied Paul’s words in” (1 Corinthians 15:14) “For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received: that Christ died for our sins in accordance with the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day in accordance with the Scriptures,” The message of the cross of Jesus Christ. (1 Corinthians 1:18) “For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is….the power of God.” “I know this power…I know this power…God SAVED me. Hallelujah…Praise the Lord… God SAVED me! …..I BELIEVE! I testify to His promise to powerfully save sinners such as I who now loves and longs to be with Jesus continually who is my Lord and Savior.” Our God is a promise keeper who Fulfills every Promise made. Promises we are to walk in Christian….amen? And this is where God’s Word is going to apply an uncomfortable amount of pressure….for all of us. For walking in God’s promises means we are walking in freedom. And this is easy to say….but not easy to fully do. This second point I am stating as Promise verses Law. Seen in (verses 8-21) 2) SECOND POINT - (Genesis 21:8-21). Promise verses Law Promise verses Law. There is a story piece here that has some heartache in it yet another beautiful testimony of our God being a promise keeper. Hagar and Ishmael. To refresh ourselves with who they are and why they are here I’ll remind you of what we learned about them in chapter 16 of Genesis. 5 chapters ago. They were brought into the storyline of God’s redemptive work by the ones He made a covenant with to do so. Abram and Sarai. Sarai devises a plan that Abram doesn’t flinch to get on board with. The plan in essence. We are going to help God out. His promise is taking a while….let’s take matters into our own hands….and get’r done. Sarai acquired a slave woman when they were in Egypt during the famine…her name is Hagar,…and she (Sarai) took Hagar and gave her to Abram to have as a wife that Sarai may have children through her. This work of the flesh…not of the promise…but work of the flesh…works…in that she (Hagar) conceived and bore a son to Abram who named the child Ishmael. But this wasn’t according to the promise God made to Abram and God would not accept Ishmael…a work of the flesh…to be the one through whom God would fulfill His promise. God does show compassion to Hagar and the child as we will see fulfilled here in the text but God does not accept this work of the flesh which is now present, Hagar and Ishmael present….in the picture and a regular contention piece within Abraham’s household. SO that is who they are and why they are here in the midst of all that is going on. Back to the storyline piece now. Isaac is born, has grown to the age of being weaned…Ancient Hebrews completed weaning at about three years of age. Abraham is throwing a party to celebrate it. So we could conservatively could say..Isaac, at this point, was at least 2yrs old and likely more?… Which means Ishmael then is probably about 16 years of age at this point. We know he was 13yrs old when he was circumcised..chapter 17 tells us that…it’s been over 2, if not 3 years now…He is a budding adolescent teenage boy. And we all no how bridled in tongue and respectful they can be. Right on cue with that, Ishmael laughs, which we can understand to be an act of mockery…not the laughter of “One who Rejoices” like the name Isaac means….but a laugh or forms of expression that exhibit clear mockery at the target. Isaac…a baby…is the target and Ishmael, 16y/o teenager, is the one delivering the blows. Momma bear Sarah who witnessed the whole thing doesn’t miss a beat. She goes straight to Abraham in (Verse 10) saying. “Cast out this slave woman with her son, for the son of this slave woman shall not be heir with my son Isaac.” This is very upsetting to Abraham, and understandable so…but watch this (verse 12&13). God says to Abraham. “Be not displeased because of the boy (that’d be Ishmael) and because of your slave woman. Whatever Sarah says to you, do as she tells you, for through Isaac shall your offspring be named. And I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring.” God doesn’t rebuke Sarah for such a harsh demand to her husband, …but rather affirms it. WHY? Hold that question. We’ll get there shortly. First let’s finish the storyline. God affirms Sarah’s demand to Abraham to cast out this slave woman with her son. As if saying,… “these two…..Son of promise and son by man’s efforts…by works of the flesh,….cannot go together. God affirms…cast them out,…cast the work of the flesh out…but know this… which is so awesome of our God. Know this…“I (God says) I will make a nation of the son of the slave woman also, because he is your offspring.” Which is not a new statement but rather honoring His promise made to Hagar back in chapter 16 of Genesis when God hears the cries of the rejected, alone and pregnant Hagar and visits her with this wonderful promise in (verse 10&11) of that chapter. “I will surely multiply your offspring so that they cannot be numbered for multitude.” ….“Behold, you are pregnant and shall bear a son. You shall call his name Ishmael, because the LORD has listened to your affliction.” The Lord listened to Hagar’s affliction, makes this promise to her and shows to Abraham … in this moment here (verses 13&14 of chapter 21) shows … His undying faithfulness in keeping it. Our God is a promise keeper. God makes this promise to Hagar who is cast out of her home for good…not to return…sent into the wilderness with only some bread and a skin of water for her and her 16 y/o son Ishmael. The two of them very much fitting the picture of a widow and a fatherless child.…and even that of sojourners…wondering the wilderness with no place to call home. Abraham is alive YES, but this action of casting her out of his care and oversight renders her in the same despairing predicament of a widow…and their son…as being fatherless…and both as sojourners without a home. Alone in the wilderness…weak…destitute and now afflicted with thirst…. more or less are in a place of…awaiting death. This is captured for us in (verses 15&16). It is here where. “The LORD who watches over the sojourners; who upholds the widow and the fatherless, thats…(Psalm 146:9)…” It is here, in (verses 17 & 18) of our text,….where this Lord of ours,…hears their cries and provides for them. Our God is a promise keeper and He fulfills His promise HE made to her. He hears their cries and provides for them. In (Verses 19-21) we see GOD provide water, provide an ability for Ishmael to make a living as becoming an expert with the bow and then ultimately a wife from his mom’s homeland of EGYPT,…whereby God’s promise to multiply Hagar’s offspring is fulfilled…which He does…through the line of Ishmael a great nation comes. Heartache in the storyline piece yet another beautiful testimony of our God being a promise keeper. And WHY was God okay with Hagar and Ishmael being cast out? WHY did He affirm Sarah’s demands to her husband Abraham to do so? I believe it has to do with what this storyline teaches us as an allegory. Teaching us that to walk in the freedom of God’s promises,…TO WALK IN THEM….we must cast out enslavement to the law…to the works of the flesh. We must cast that all out of our lives. Remember this second point is stated as Promise verse Law. Or you could think of it this way…. Freedom verses Slavery. As I stated at the onset of this point….THIS is where God’s Word is going to apply an uncomfortable amount of pressure….for all of us. For walking in God’s promises means we are walking in freedom. And this is easy to say….but not easy to fully do. “Preacher, you said this is an allegory. Where do you getting that?” Well, I’ll show you. Turn with me to Galatians chapter 4. Paul is contending strong in this epistle against a works based righteousness. Saying that if we are in Christ, if we believe all the promises of God find their yes in Christ (2 Corinthians 1:20), that if we believe in a righteousness of God that depends on faith (Philippians 3:9, Romans 4:16)…then we are sons and fellow heirs to the promise to the promise (Galatians 4:23)…according to the offspring of Abraham. If this is you,….who you are,…then the allegory of the free woman represented by Sarah and the slave woman represented by Hagar, ….has a lesson to teach us. And this is what I intend in (verses 21-31) of his argument in Galatians 4 to draw our attention to…for what it teaches us in regards to walking in the freedom God has promised and purchased for us in Christ. - read And though it would take an entire sermon if not more to fully unpack what is in there,…..the key truth I want to draw our attention to in it,….for application of walking in the freedom God has for us in regards to casting out all that would bring mockery…all that would go against…all forms of persecution to the promise of righteousness that depends on faith in which we have in Christ and are to walk in the freedom of. This would be Anything,….anything that one would do or impose upon others in thinking it adds to God’s saving work in their life and ones righteous standing before God. Any work of the flesh….helping God out,….so to speak. ANYTHING. The Righteousness of God is a “Righteousness that depends upon faith….” it is an imputed righteousness on the merits of Christ’s Righteousness…His spotless, sinless, perfectly obedient, submitting to the Father’s will in totality…LIFE. Any work of the flesh that would bring mockery to that MUST be cast out of our lives. If it shows it’s face…cast it out! And this includes,…now listen…here’s the pressure. This includes - not being known. Withholding who we are. What we are struggling with. What fears we have. What lies we are tempted to believe. What temptations we suffer from. What sins we are guilty of. Matt Chandler, a pastor and author stated it this way. “Being 99% known is not being known at all”…. “Being 99% known is not being known at all”. IF that is you…IF that is I…we are enslaved to that 1%. And IF a slave to 1% then a slave we are,….and are not fully walking in the freedom God promises we are able to walk in through the gospel of His beloved son. God promises righteousness by faith….we have a sinful bent to challenge it with works of righteousness. Either by adding to it OR by putting up a facade to paint a picture of what is not real. Concealing that which is real…the very things God is calling us to walk in the freedom in…concealing it keeps us enslaved to IT. God is saying cast that out. It doesn’t belong. (Galatians 5:1) “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” The yoke of trying to portray a facade of who we are not,….is a heavy and exhausting yoke to bear. Cast is out God says. Consider this…If I put upon myself…OR,…if I put upon anyone else for that matter…something more…something to add to the finished work Christ has done to set me free,…to set us free. IF, figuratively speaking, I say…. “I’m going to bear this additional burden…this additional yoke, OR, here…you bear this additional yoke with me to add to the light one Christ told us we are to to bear alone.” How would you describe me as being to myself?…OR,.. if imposed upon another, what would doing so describe me as being? Oppressive. Oppressive. So also is the yoke of trying to portray a facade of who we are not. I preach this not as one who is innocent in remaining enslaved. But we must hear this Word from God and receive it into our hearts and in His strength act on it if we are to experience the fullness of the freedom Christ died to purchase for us. It cost him is life,…Saints. He bore the shame and guilt of it all to set us free to say YES this is true of me, YES this was who I am and where I am presently at and praise be to God the blood of Jesus cleanses me of all unrighteousness. I am a child of God by faith and He who began a good work in me is faithful to bring it to completion. Do you hear that…he is not done with me. No matter what the baggage I bring. HE is not done with me and I am free to be known. It’s his burden to bear. He came to bear it for me, how dare I insult him by reaching to put it back on. It is my redemption song I am to sing and give praise to His name for,…ALL because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. (Galatians 5:1) “For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery.” Whenever a yoke of slavery shows up to mock God’s work of grace in your life. Cast-it-out and live free. How does this look in relationships? I believe our closing point provides a helpful example of walking in this freedom of God’s promises. 3) CONCLUSION. - (Genesis 21:22-34) Promise in Relationships Third and concluding point. Promise in Relationships An example of walking in this freedom of God’s promises as shown to us by Abraham’s dealings with Abimelech in the final verses of chapter 21 (verses 22-34) Abimelech. Do you remember him? This is not the first interaction Abraham and Abimelech have had. The prior chapter, chapter 20 is dedicated to their meeting and first time interaction. And I’ll say this. Abimelech shines and Abraham doesn’t in that chapter. Abraham clearly wrongs Abimelech… repeating a sin he does in the past of being deceitful of who Sarah is…namely presents her as his sister and not his wife. He plays the sister card again out of fear for his own skin and Abimelech, believing Abraham and Sarah’s story….sends for Sarah to take her to be one of his wives. And before he “had approached her…” before he had any sexual relations with her…God visits him in a dream by night and says. ….(Genesis 20:3). “Behold, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.” How terrifying would that be? And a type of judgment came to his home for God told him…as a part of making things right….Abraham needed to pray for Abimelech “so that he shall live.” (Genesis 20:7) And this included his whole household for God had “closed all the wombs of the house of Abimelech because of Sarah, Abraham’s wife.” That’s heavy. Abimelech contended that he was innocent and he was! YET the acts of Abraham adversely affected Abimelech and his whole household. Not a good start to their relationship. But God intervenes and peace is made between them. NOW, how do we see this peace between them lived out in walking in this freedom of God’s promises? Well, for starters…there is peace between them. The gospel message is a message of peace. It promises peace. First and foremost. Peace between us ‘sinners’ and God who is ‘Holy’. The gospel is a message of peace. It’s part of the spiritual armor we put on….(Ephesians 6:15). “..and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.” “For in him (in Jesus) (Colossians 1:19-22). For in him all the fullness of God was pleased to dwell, and through him to reconcile to himself all things, whether on earth or in heaven, making peace by the blood of his cross. And you (you and I), who once were alienated and hostile in mind, doing evil deeds, he has now reconciled in his body of flesh by his death, in order to present you holy and blameless and above reproach before him,…”. making peace by the blood of his cross. And this translates first, vertically between us and God and then horizontally…..between one another. The hostility against one another in our world today is razor sharp and the only remedy is the gospel of Jesus Christ…the gospel of peace. JESUS is the remedy. JESUS… “The prince of Peace.” (Isaiah 9:6). There was once not peace between Abraham and Abimelech…and now there is. And the example of this carries into the first few verses (verses 22-24) where Abimelech seeks to strengthen their now good and peaceful relationship as neighbors by an oath…or promise. - read A pleasant interaction. Abraham swears…Agrees to this promises between the two of them,….to live at peace with each other. And inevitable….as in life…this gets tested. (verse 25) is the start of a whole other scene. TIME has passed between (verses 24 & 25). This is a whole other scene. A scene in which a wrong has been committed and it’s being confronted between them. A ripe example for us to learn from. Let’s read through this dialogue between them on the matter and I ask you to please pay attention to some marks of walking in this freedom of God’s promises. Note the Respectful Openness that is present between them. Very open yet not defensive or hostile to any degree. Note that Abraham reproves…. which is a correction given gently with kind intent. He doesn’t raise an accusation against Abimelech who respectfully conveys his innocence. And then the Eagerness they share to make things right along with the great cost it comes with to do so. Which implies taking the matter seriously and carefully in working together for absolute resolve. They go to great lengths to ensure everything is clear and well between them. (verses 25-30) - read And what is the result?…They continue to live at peace with one another and mark the place where this covenant is made by naming it Beersheba (verse 31) Which, by the way…a side note…Beersheba can be visited today…It’s One of the largest city’s in Israel second only to Jerusalem. It’s on today’s map… Beersheba which means “Well of Seven or Well of the Oath”. As named by Abraham and Abimelech,…marking this occasion where peace between them was preserved and by oath,…whereby they continued to live at peace with one another,….and so should our aim be who walk in the freedom of God’s promises purchased for us by Christ….As Paul states it in….(Romans 12:18). “If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.” And the gospel message of Jesus Christ is God’s promise provision to us as the way to do so. And our God is a promise keeper. Always trustworthy and always faithful to His Word. So like Abraham, in (verses 33-34) “..who plants a tamarisk tree in Beersheba and called there on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God. And ….sojourned many days in the land of the Philistines.” So should we, as sojourners ourselves in this world but not of it (John 15:18-19) So should we plant firm in our hearts, like a tree deeply rooted by a well,…plant deep in our heats to call upon the name of Lord and worship this great Everlasting God with all our lives unashamedly…walking in the freedom of God’s promises purchased for us by Christ all the days of our lives. For Our God is a promise Keeper. - PRAY COMMUNION (Romans 8:1-4) says….. “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life has set you free in Christ Jesus from the law of sin and death. For God has done what the law, weakened by the flesh, could not do. By sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not according to the flesh but according to the Spirit.” The table is open that commemorates the life and sacrifice JESUS gave that we may be set free. As the music team leads us in a time of responding to God’s Word….i invite you, the believer, I invite you forward to partake of the elements of communion and declare his death till he returns. BENEDICTION (Joshua 21:45)
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