Abraham, Separated for a Reason

Genesis   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Intro: Abraham, can we tell this story well. I really think this is important to learn to tell the story of Abraham well. He is the hero of the faith who is referred to quite often in the NT. I read through 6 or 7 chapters yesterday and was struck with this faith. God calls him to go out from his people at the age of 75. He was promised many descendants in God’s covenant with him in chapter 15. Then in chapter 17 Abram is 99 years old and God changes his name and gives him instructions to circumcise himself and all the males. I am sure Abraham was like what about the promises a long time ago? Just do that and we will be good. Why this? Through this narrative we get to see Abram in this school of faith. He progresses from elementary to advanced.

Abraham, Hero of the Faith

Our eyes should light up when we get to speak of Abraham!
Heb. 11:8-19
Abraham is called the father of us all. Rom. 4:16-17.
Abraham and the other heroes of faith in Genesis - Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, and Judah - are the holy root from which the Lord Jesus Christ sprouts and of the tree into which the Gentiles have been grafted.
Abraham believed God and it was accounted to him for righteousness. James 2:18-24

Called out

God called Abram out first. (We will look at why later).
From his country.
From his family.
From his fathers house.
God separated him.
Why? Possibly as a first step of teaching Abram faith.
This was going to be a nation and a people of God’s doing.
He had the good of all humanity in mind.
The followers of Jesus are the descendants of Abraham.
This is instructive to us today.
The church being the manifestation of the kingdom of God on this earth.
The church is made up of people who are called out and separated.
Deut. 14:2
Titus 2:11-14 Zealous for good works.
I Pet. 2:9 That you may proclaim....
As individuals and the bride of Christ we are the people who are separated unto God.
How is this to be?
The church should be the witness of God on this earth.
We can ask ourselves. How are we doing in this?
Are we being God’s people.
Is there even any reason for someone to switch over to the church, or are we so enmeshed with the world that there is nothing to be gained by it.
How are we in the world but not of the world?
If we follow Jesus we are separate.
The more we mingle with the world, the more we are keenly aware of this.
The doctrine of the 2 kingdoms constantly reminds us that we are not of this world.
The doctrine of the permanence of marriage constantly reminds us. Joshua May: another pastor told me this is ok. One muslim here: Other people see it differently.
Not giving ourselves to pursuits of pleasure and consuming wealth if we can.
Media and television influences.
It is healthy for us to feel like strangers and pilgrims in this world.
How can we build bridges. How can we connect better with those who are not yet part of this people of God yet? These are worthy questions and become even more relevant as we deal with the reasons why we are a separate people.
Separation is not an end in itself. Not just to be Separate, but there is a purpose.

Blessed to be a blessing

Who is doing the blessing and the making here?
I will make you a great nation.
I will bless you.
I will make your name great.
I will curse him who curses you.
And you shall be a blessing.
Just be a blessing.
It’s really quite simple.
Don’t worry about cursing. God didn’t say Abram would do this.
As we follow the line of Abraham we know that the fulfillment of all the families of the earth being blessed, is Christ.
As followers of Christ we are grafted into this family tree.
We seek to lead others to this great blessing.
Conclusion: I say this often but I am constantly reminded of the fact that; the gospel is really good for people! The ways of God are good!
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