David and Goliath

Samuel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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I. Goliath’s Terrifying Challenge

The location of the battle
The imposing Giant 2 Samuel 21:22
About the variability of the cubit - Goliath was most likely between 8 and 9 feet tall, since the one measuring him would have been shorter, probably 5-5’3”, and the measure probably included his helmet.
Robert Wadlow [picture]
Edouard Beaupre [picture]
Cause of Giantism was genetic.
2 Samuel 21:22 NKJV
These four were born to the giant in Gath, and fell by the hand of David and by the hand of his servants.
His Armor and weapons. Most important - they are all close-range. Also, his armor weighed about 3x normal (125lbs), and Robert Wadlow’s suits took 3x as much cloth. So Goliath had to be approximately 8-9 feet tall or he would not have carried that much armor.
The challenge to representative combat

II. Only a Boy Named David . . . Trusted God enough

He met the Giant while engaged in faithful service
Why does it say Jesse was old?
Why only Jesse’s first three sons?
David’s Faithful Service record
Juggled times between helping Saul and Feeding his Father’s Sheep
Carried provisions for his brothers, getting up early
Left his sheep with a servant
Contrast between David’s faith and the Israelite’s cowardice
“this man” “defies Israel” get stuff
“Takes away reproach” “uncircumcised Philistine” “defy army of the living God” - “oh yeah, gets stuff too.”
Contrast between Eliab’s anger and David’s courage
Eliab falsely accuses David of dereliction of duty
Eliab falsely accuses David of spectating
David’s defense.
Contrast between Saul’s cowardice and David’s Faith
objection 1 - you’re a kid who doesn’t know how to fight. Note that Saul is the most logical person to fight, but he won’t.
answer 1 - God helped me kill lions and bears. He’ll help me kill the philistine
answer 2 - This uncircumcised Philistine defied the army of the living God.
objection 2 - I can’t fight in this armor

III. The Lord Defeated the Giant

Chose five stones from creek [See picture]
Goliath cursed David by his gods, and was defying the God of the armies of Israel
David invoked the Name of the Lord
That all may know
That there is a God in Israel
That the Lord saves without weapons
that the Battle is the Lords
Why David won
Effects of David’s victory energized the Israelites.
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