Real Men

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A Fathers Day encouragement about being Fishers of Men

Sermon Tone Analysis
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I. Introduction

What is a REAL man?
I have heard lists of things that REAL men ought to be able to do....
For instance, I saw a thing on Facebook a while back that said “If your boyfriend can’t change a tire, you have a girlfriend.”
REAL men can change a tire....
REAL men don’t cry....
Sounds nice and macho....but it’s nonsense. Jesus wept and there ain’t a man in this room more manly than Him.
REAL men don’t share their feelings....REAL men bottle up their emotions....REAL men are never vulnerable....
On and on and on....that was the previous generation’s version of a man....and frankly it’s not healthy. Older men have trouble telling their children and their wife even that they love them.
I have news for you this morning....Christ had no trouble saying I love you....and it didn’t make him less than a man.
He had no trouble expressing himself....he was a great communicator.
Unfortunately, a lot of men are so bottled up and scared to be vulnerable that it makes it impossible for them to work on their relationship with their spouse or their kids.
As a pastor....I can’t tell you how many times I’ve sat with a family who just lost their dad or grandfather and had to listen to them say “You know my daddy NEVER told me he loved whole life.” And I, of course, always say “well you know he loved you” and they say “yeah…I know. He showed me....he was a provider....but it would’ve been nice to hear it.”
It breaks my heart every time. What can I say? They wouldn’t say it....and it mattered to somebody who loved them.
So that view is wrong. So let me tell you…I have NO problem telling people I love them. If something happens to me after church today, I don’t want a soul who knows and loves me to be able to say I’ve never told them I’ve loved them....that’s important to me.
But let me tell you something…I’m not here to pick on the older generation that tended to be a little too gruff, this newer generation’s view of manhood is messed up too.
We have a generation today that tells us that manhood and womanhood are meaningless terms…that they can be appropriated. Men and women have become meaningless terms to the current generation and have been appropriated to not much more than a costume that can be taken off and put on at will depending on how a person feels.
If God made a person to be a man…he expects certain things of that person. If God made a person a woman, he expect certain things of that person....and his expectation is NOT that those two roles be traded or conflated. Period.
The newer generation sees masculinity, or ANY sign of manhood, as toxic. It sees it as mysogenistic. When man was built to protect his home and family, today’s culture demands he be immasculated and sidelined....when women are expected to be strong in raising their children to love the Lord and strong in supporting their husbands in a complimentary way, today’s generation would prefer to yank her out of her role and instead of SUPPORTING and TEAMING up with her husband, they would prefer for her to be in competition with men. God made women to compliment the deficiencies in their husbands…and God made men to do likewise with their wives....they are to compliment each other…not to compete with eachother....but the newer generation calls that toxic.
They don’t believe in God’s design for marriage....that God designed men and women to form a cohesive, unbreakable marriage union…and to bring up children in that loving, strong household and to bring them up to love the Lord....the world wants to corrupt that.
So, I can tell you this....I don’t care whether you can change a tire or not…I don’t care whether not you’ve ever shot a gun....or if you drive a jacked up Ford F-250 or a prias....Real men love the Lord....Real men love their wives....real men are FAITHFUL to their wives…and Real men fulfill their roles as the protectors, providers, and preachers of their family....and they love their families. They don’t depend on mama to take the kids to church because THEY make sure everybody gets there.
Now....all of that being said....that’s not the main message this morning....
So let’s take a look at Jesus’s very first lesson to his very first disciples.

a. Scripture: Luke 5:1-11 (“Gen-nes-a-ret” is how you say the name of the lake)

I’m going to ask you to stand with me, if you are able, as we read from God’s Holy, Perfect, Sufficient and inerrant Word.
Thank you, and you may be seated.

II. Major Points

Real Men Trust the Lord
Real Men are Obedient to the Lord
Real Men are Evangelists

III. Point #1: Real Men Trust the Lord

Explanation So here we have Simon Peter and some of his partners....they’re tired....they’ve been fishing all night and have caught nothing. Now, to be clear, these men weren’t fishing for pleasure....they weren’t leisurely fishing to see what they could catch. This was their very livelihood....I think we can all relate to that....anybody in here ever wanted to work…needed to work....but the work was dried up?
You know it was a lot like that back around 2018 when the recession hit....people couldn’t work that WANTED to work....Now we got the opposite problem! People have gotten so sorry that places can’t stay open because they can’t get workers that are worth two cents.
But you can kind of get inside these men’s heads....they were depressed....worried about paying their bills....worried about feedig their families. This wasn’t just a bad night....this was a real crisis! Not only did it affect them, it affected the entire village! If there’s no fish caught, people don’t eat! I mean this is the desert....they live on a lake, that’s true…the Sea of Gallilee…They called it the Lake of Gennesaret (Gen-es-a-ret) because of the area they were in next to the body of water. It was known back then as both. The area was very fertile and many things grew there, but fish was a staple in just about everybody’s diet.
If EVER there was a need for a was now.
So these men are cleaning their nets…and up walks Jesus. Jesus was being followed by people who wanted to hear the Word of God....and though these men were in a real pickle....Jesus was in need too....He needed a pulpit.
So Jesus steps into the boat and says “hey, take me back out there....”
Now listen....this sounded crazy. First of all....Simon, who we all know as Peter, knew who Jesus was....Jesus wasn’t some bum off the street. This was the second year he had been Peter knew who Jesus was when he came walking up with all of these people following behind.
Besides....In the preceding chapter, Jesus had been at Simon’s home some scholars argue that the events in chapter 4 happened AFTER chapter 5....but I don’t believe that Dr. Luke writes like that....he’s the most logical and chronological of the Gospel writers in my opinion. But either way....know this: Peter knew who this man was before he stepped in the boat....but listen to this: he didn’t KNOW Jesus yet.
Now again....this request sounded crazy....CRAZY....first of all, from a fishing perspective....Peter and his friends knew how to fish. Here comes this preacher…and HE says....let’s take the boat out....sounded crazy. Now listen....if I come up to my good friend Jeremy Claxton here while you’re working on a big piece of equipment and tell you to do something’d be crazy to listen to me…I know history and I love the Bible....but when it comes to the type of work you do, bro....I’m totally useless ok? So from a fishing perspective, this sounded nuts, ok?
Secondly, from Jesus’ own perspective....this sounded crazy....Jesus needs a pulpit so all the people on the land can hear him. When they get in the boat and move further out…the further they move out, the harder it is going to be for the people to hear Him....
So Peter HAS to be thinking: Man, are you nuts?
Have you ever been asked to do something that sounded CRAZY at the time, but made perfect sense later?
Several decades ago.... the country of Jamaica had one of its greatest athletes to get injurred, killing their chances for glory at the Olympics.
They were desperate for a replacement Olympic sport so they could try to bring some pride and glory to the small island nation.
Somebody had a CRAZY idea....why not have a bobsled team?
CRAZY! First of all, Jamaica doesn’t have ice…it’s a tropical island nation very near the big mountains....most people there will never see snow in their made no sense!
But, while they didn’t have snow, they DID have a sport called pushcart many of you remember the soap box derby? Those pushcarts were a lot like that....they were just a shell of a small vehicle on wheels....and they would role it down a hill....and in a lot of was similar to a bobsled....
As crazy as it sounded, the Jamaicans put a bobsled team in several Olympics, but in the Olympics of 1994....amazingly....nobody thought they’d even qualify, not only did they qualify, but they came in 14th place…which doesn’t sound like much....but they beat the United States, Russia, Australia, and France that year.
It was CRAZY....but in the made perfect sense. It was a moral victory for them.
A movie called “Cool Runnings” was made about them.
Folks, I want to tell you something: when the Lord calls you to do something, no matter how crazy it do it. You have to have faith and believe and trust the Lord.
Men....Jesus was asking Peter to do something listen. To trust....even though what He was asking sounded nuts, he wanted Him to just do it.
Jesus has a purpose for all of us. But MEN, listen: if YOU don’t show your faith and trust in the Lord, why would your family do it?
Men: Your family needs to SEE you praying.....they need to HEAR you praying....They need you to LEAD them TO Jesus. They need to SEE you taking a chance on the Lord.
Men: when their world is falling apart, your kids need to hear YOU telling them to trust the Lord and that everything is going to be OK…not just mama....
Listen, it might mean so much to a child to hear mama say Jesus loves you and to trust Him when the chips are down....but there is NOTHING....NOTHING…like hearing your daddy say “listen baby....God’s got this....God has got’s going to be OK. Put your trust in Him.” them how to them how to trust the them that YOU trust the Lord.
Dad’s listen to me....REAL men....REAL dads might be a lot of things or might NOT be a lot of things but I can tell you this: Real men trust the Lord....Real men Trust Jesus....especially when the chips are down.

IV. Point #2: Real Men are Obedient to the Lord

Now when Peter and the others got in the boat....they didn’t understand the purpose nor the reasoning....but as we have already established, they trusted Him anyway....they had faith. They trusted Him…They did what He asked and left the results up to Him.
Then they get out there…and Jesus begins teaching. Now remember....they had to get out there far enough to catch fish in a we aren’t talking real close to the shore....Jesus said to “put out into the DEEP water”...the people, as I already said, probably had a hard time hearing....but we’ll deal more with that in a minute.
Jesus instructed the men to put their nets out. Now Peter, an expereinced professional fisherman, was probably a little annoyed.
But let’s not judge him too harshly....YOU know who Jesus is....and I know who Jesus is. We KNOW He is the Savior and all powerful Son of the living when we say “why would he question Jesus?” Well, because while he had met Him....seen Him....heard Him....He didn’t know Him as we know Him yet.
But even so....there was just something about Jesus that Simon Peter couldn’t deny....He figured he’d give it a shot anyway....crazy as it sounded. He says “look man....we have been fishing all night....we’re exhausted....and we’ve caught nothing....but....I’ll do what you say anyway.”
Listen: Peter…despite his doubts....was obedient. He trusted Jesus....and then he was obedient. And then what happened?
Illustration Let’s watch....
Jamie Faith play the clip on the next slide, would you?
Application That, of course was from the internet sensational show called “The Chosen”....I highly recommend it…you can watch it online for free if you haven’t seen it.
So Jesus tells them to drop their nets again…and not only do the nets fill up....they fill up so much that they had to call a second boat over to help with all the fact, there were so many in BOTH boats that the fish nets were breaking and, in fact, both boats were sinking! SINKING!
They not only trusted, but they were obedient.
You see, listen to me folks: God knows what He’s doing....even when it sounds CRAZY to us.
First of all....they go out in the boat so Jesus can preach....but they have to go out to the deep where it would be hard to hear....but here’s the thing: Jesus was far more interested in them SEEING who He was than listening. They came for a lesson....and He gave them a miracle. Jesus knew EAXCTLY what He was doing.
Peter wasn’t sure what was going on…but Jesus knew. And it took Peter trusting and then being obedient....doing what He was asked....and think of this: Because Peter was obedient....perhaps dozens, perhaps hundreds of people saw the power of Jesus Christ.
Men: You can trust the can say the can talk the talk....but Brothers....if you don’t walk the walk....your family…your kids can see through you like glass. They knew when your words don’t match your actions.
Men....Fathers....Grandfathers: Let your family see YOU being obedient. The Bible says
John 14:15: Whoever has My commandments and keeps them is the one who loves Me.
1 John 5:3: For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments
Men....if you SAY you love the Lord....then show it.....we like to say that love is a “verb”’s a thing you do. Don’t just SAY you love....actually do it. Love the Lord. Love Him by being obedient.
Men: Don’t do that “do as I say not as I do” stuff. If you do that, your kids aren’t dumb. They know you aren’t authentic.
Don’t just believe its right for a man to lead his family…LEAD your family!
Men....women are gifts from God Himself....but the men of today in our churches have been absolutely and totally derelect in our duty to pastor and lead our own families. Men are supposed to be the spiritual leaders in their homes. That doesn’t mean just ask the blessing once in a while fellas....
When is the last time YOU talked to your family about the Lord, men?
When is the last time YOU read the Bible out loud with your family?
When is the last time YOU volunteered for something at church....not just leaving it to the men.
We have some men in the church in America today who have the gift of teaching and leadership, but they leave it to the women....that’s not all their job!
Listen guys....we need men to mentor these young guys! We complain about how guys act today…but goodness gracious where are the men to teach them how to act? We rely on the women to do all the teaching and then wonder why boys don’t know how to act like men....what are we doing fellas? We’re letting our ladies get burnt out on stuff that’s frankly not their responsibility and then whining about the outcome....
Let me tell you something....I’m going to be a daddy real shortly…and I don’t have a lot of experience....and I know I still have tons to learn....but I can promise you this and I can make my wife this promise right and now: I’m going to teach MY little girl about Jesus. I’m going to lead my family.
I’m going to be obedient…As Joshua said: “As for Me and My House, We Will Serve the Lord”
Hey guys listen to me....Real men....REAL MEN....are obedient. We need to reflect that in our lives.

V. Point #3: Real Men are Evangelists

At the end of this story....Peter sees the was no longer about fish anymore was it? It was all about Jesus.
Peter hit fell down at Jesus’s feet and realized just how unworthy he was....that’s the very first step in being saved, by-the-way....did you know that? The first step is to realize how messed up you are. You’re a sinner that needs to be saved by Grace....Peter saw it....He saw the power of almighty God....and realized how insufficient he is....he hit his KNEES before God....he said “God…I don’t deserve to be in your presence!>…go away from me....I’m a sinner!” You want to know what it looks like for a man to get saved? There it is…From that moment on…they took Jesus as their Lord.....Verse 11 says: “When they had brought their boats to land, they left everything and followed Him.”
They followed Jesus....Simon, also called Peter....James and his brother John of Zebedee too....
And listen to this....Jesus gave them a brand new profession and a brand new passion: Jesus says “from now on…you will be fishers of men.”.....I like the way that the NASB says it: “From now on, you will be catching men.”
Let me tell you something....if you love somebody, you show them off, isn’t that true?
I’m going to tell you something....when my little Sienna Rose is born....I hope yall are ready for some pictures cause yall are gone see him, you hear me? I hope you’re ready for cute videos and to see her in all of her cute know why? Because I’m going to love matter what. In my eyes....she’ll be absolute perfection.
I keep telling Hannah that, though I don’t want the discomfort and all that....she gets to be with Sienna all the time…and I just want to hold her so bad....and she’ll be here soon enough…and I don’t want her to come a second before or later than she’s supposed to.....but I want to show her off.....
I love walking with my wife....holding her hand....why? Because she’s MINE! And she’s dang good lookin....Hey…I KNOW I outkicked my ain’t got to tell me....she’s gorgeous....I like to show her off.
But isn’t it interesting that we love our families....we’re proud of our kids and grandkids....we share pictures of our dogs....I’ll be the first one to show you Kirby....he’s a beautiful animal....
But we’ll do that....but we keep Jesus to ourselves....come on. Come on men.
REAL men....share Jesus....REAL men are fishers of other men....and we share His love with them and we share His Gospel with them so they can get saved.
And Dads…let me tell you something: if you’re a fisher of men…if you’re a fisher of need to start with your own kids....and grandkids, amen?
Men....if you are a dad....I’d like you to stand right now, I have something for you.....Aaron is going to help me pass these out.
<pass out>
Each one of these has a red rooster I hope you fish....but it’s to remind you that while you’re out there catching red breasts....that you need to be catching people need to be fishers of men....
Each one of those bags has some other goodies too…but they also have this poem in them and I want to read it to you real quick:
“Lord, I love the great outdoors,
Enjoying this great world of Yours,
A fisherman with countless dreams,
Of fishing in Your lakes and streams.
I cast my line, then cast my cares,
And I know You’ll answer all my prayers.
I’ll catch a fish and when I do,
I’ll always offer thanks to you.
And, like Simon, I want to be,
Just like the Man from Galilee;
Who shared God’s love with everyone,
A fisher of men, like God’s only Son.

VI. Conclusion

a. Let me ask you this morning men....are you willing to lead your family? Are you willing to stand up and help lead this church? Are you willing to trust God and be obedient, even when you feel like its crazy or that you aren’t worthy or able? Because wherever you aren’t able, HE is, amen?
And are you go out men....and be fishers of men....
And you may be a woman sitting there thinking “man, does this apply to me?” Oh yea....definitely. In the first place....YOU need to encourage you man to be who he ought to. You need to not fight Him when He tries to lead. You need to support Him. Not tear him down. You need to love him.
And ladies....real women trust the Lord....and real women SHOW it by being obedient too. And you know something ladies? Real women are fishers of men too.
So how about this: men....ladies....let’s all be obedient and be who God has created us to be, amen?
b. Let’s Pray
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