A Dysfunctional Family

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·         Baseball is a team sport.

–         Regardless whether you are a player, a supporting coach, or a head coach.

–         The success or failure of the team depends on how well each of them functions individually and corporately.

·          “Pete Rose” was a professional baseball player and a coach.

–         He was a National League Rookie of the Year, a (2x) Golden Glove Winner, a (3x) Batting Champion, an MVP, and a (17x) All-Star Player (involving 5 different positions).

–         He was a World Series MVP, and on (3) World Series Championship Teams.

–         He is Baseball’s Career Leader in Hits, Singles, At Bats, and Games Played.

·         He functioned well both individually and corporately.

·         He was a baseball legion on his way to the Hall of Fame.

–         That all changed on March 6, 1989

–         The commissioner of baseball launched an investigation that determined Rose was engaging in conduct NOT in the best interest of baseball.

–         The accusation was that Rose had been betting on baseball games, which included the team he was actually coaching. This was serious, because he was in a position to affect the outcome of the game.

–         This was extremely embarrassing for Pete Rose and baseball. It was in both of their best interest to minimize any further damage.

–         Therefore, they agreed to make a deal. The commissioner agreed to give up his rights to prosecute; BUT Rose had to agree to give up his rights to play, to coach, or to be eligible for the Hall of Fame.

·         Pete Rose individually, and baseball corporately, suffered consequences because of this dysfunction.


·         Do you realize that your family is a team

–         Regardless whether you are a single person, a married couple, or a married couple with children.

–         The success or failure of your family depends on how well each person functions individually and corporately.

–         Husbands, as the spiritual leader of your home, God has placed you in a position to affect the outcome of your family.

–         The question is, do you want your outcome, or God’s?

·         Do you realize that your church is a team

–         Regardless whether you are a layman, a deacon, or a pastor.

–         The success or failure of your church depends on how well each person functions individually and corporately.

–         Pastors, as the spiritual leader of your church, God has placed you in a position to affect the outcome of your church.

–         The question is, do you want your outcome, or God’s?


·         Father, speak to us through Your Word today. Help us to hear, understand, and apply Your truth to our lives. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!


·         Long before Pete Rose and even baseball, God gave us an example of how Isaac’s dysfunctional family suffered series consequences.

·         Our main text is Genesis, chapter 27, verses 1-41

·         BUT first, let me share with you a few glimpses of what leads up to this story


·         Let us start by looking at how God built the faith of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac’s parents.

In Gen 17:4, 16-18, 21; 18:10, 12-15

–         We see God telling Abraham and Sarah that at THE set time (him being 100, and her being 90), they would have a son, and call him Isaac “meaning Laughter.”

–         What they do, they both laughed.

–         Abraham said, “That is ok God, I have Ishmael.”

–         Sarah said, “I did not laugh.”

In Gen 21:1-3

–         We see God removing Sarah’s barrenness, and at THE set time, she bore a son, and called him Isaac.

–         What did God do? Exactly what He said He would.

–         It is clear that God got the last laugh.

·         God builds our faith, but He also tests it.

In Gen 22:1-3, 7-13

–         We see Abraham (in faith) lay Isaac on an altar, pulling out a knife to slay his son, and at THE set time . . . the Lord stopped Abraham and provided a ram to be the sacrifice instead. Isaac’s life was spared!

In Gen 24:2-4

–         We see Abraham and his servant seeking God’s will as they find the forty-year-old Isaac a beautiful wife named Rebekah.

·         Next, we see Isaac and Rebekah start to follow their parents’ example.

In Gen 25

–         Rebekah is barren, so what does Isaac do? He pleads to God FOR his wife. God answers and she conceives.

–         Rebekah senses something wrong because it feels like there was turmoil going on inside her. What does she do? She sought God’s help.

–         God tells Rebekah, at THE set time, she will have twins; one is stronger than the other is, and the older shall serve the younger.

–         Keep in mind this was totally against tradition and customs, but so was having a baby at 90.

–         At THE set time, she had twins. Just like God had said.

–         The first came out red, and covered in hair and they called him Esau “meaning Hairy”

–         The second came out holding on to the heel of the first, and they called him Jacob “meaning Supplanter or Deceitful”

–         In verse 28, we begin to see dysfunction in the family when the parents start playing favorites

–         There is more dysfunction when Jacob persuades Esau to make a deal

a.       Esau sounded like Pete Rose – I want a meal vs I want a deal

b.       Jacob sounded like the commissioner – Give up your birthrights vs give up your baseball rights

–         The baseball right was very important because it entitled Rose to a lot of endorsements, and a Hall of Famer has even more benefits. It also can lead to executive baseball positions or lucrative broadcasting jobs.

–         The deal however, was legal and binding.

–         The birthright was very important because it entitled the firstborn son to a double portion of inheritance as well as leadership rights.

–         Once given, it was legal and binding.

·         Like current day beneficiary

–         If you have three children, and set it up with 50, 25, 25.


·         In chapter 27, we see a tragic story about Isaac’s dysfunctional family who knew God’s will but tampered with it in many ways.

–         Isaac, tried to bypass it

–         Rebekah, tried to rush it

–         Jacob, tried to wrongly secure it

–         Esau, tried to divert it

·         Let us learn from this biblical account.


·         Dysfunction is a sin that carries serious consequences

1. Isaac dysfunctions when he tries to bypass God’s will (vv. 1-4).


Isaac and Esau

·         He acted in secret, v. 1

–         Calling out only to Esau, shows he knew it was wrong

·         He was impatient, v. 2

–         He was 137, and the boys were 77, but he lived another 40 years

·         He encouraged irresponsibility in Esau

–         Obsession with hunting

–         Not caring about business affairs or family welfare

–         No spiritual development

–         Isaac had the right to bypass Esau and give to Jacob

·         He did what he wanted

–         He knew the blessing was meant for Jacob but planned to give it to Esau anyway

·         He used tradition as an excuse

–         Eased his conscious by planning a traditional feast for his firstborn like every other father did


·         As the spiritual leader of the house, when you sin, it causes a rippling effect throughout the whole house. Just like if you threw a rock in a pond.

–         You will answer for your sin, and those you cause to stumble.


·         Trying to bypassing God’s will is a sin that carries serious consequences.

2. Rebekah dysfunctions when she tries to rush God’s will (vv. 5-17).


Rebekah and Jacob

·         She told Jacob he was going to miss his blessing, v. 5-7

–         She knew Isaac was disobeying but did not talk to him

–         Instead she used Jacob against him

·         She suggested a human method, vv. 8-10

–         Jacob taking goat stew to Isaac

·         She rationalized the plan and then justified it, vv. 11-17

–         Planned for exceptions

–         Agreed to accept the curse if caught

–         Convincing Jacob


·         You can be right in identifying something wrong, but then wrong in trying to make it right.

·         Seek God’s face, and wait on Him until He shows you beyond question that it is time to act.


·         Trying to rushing God’s will is a sin that carries serious consequences.

3. Jacob dysfunctions when he tries to wrongly secure God’s will (vv. 18-29).


Isaac and Jacob

·         He allowed his mother to convince him to do wrong

–         Approached his father deceptively

–         He was 77 years old

·         He falsely attributed his success to God

–         Stated that God gave him the successful hunt

·         He impersonated his brother

–         By words, hairy touch, earthy smell, his clothes, and his cooking

·         He received blessing early

–         He knew it was not God’s time, but he pursued it

·         He accepted God’s blessing through wrong method

–         Through deception in many ways


·         When we try to act or be like someone else, we are not being the unique person that God created.

·         God has a time for every person to begin his work and ministry on earth

–         God’s will was for me to come to SWBTS for Fall 04, but I tried to hold off until Fall 05

–         I questioned why God waited so long for me, and called others much earlier.

–         Starting too early or refusing to step out will result in failure.

–         Be satisfied with God’s timing


·         Trying to wrongly securing God’s will is a sin that carries serious consequences.

4. Esau dysfunctions when he tries to divert God’s will (vv. 30-41).


Isaac and Esau

·         When he allowed his father to convince him to do wrong

–         He knew God chose Jacob

–         He knew he had sold his birthright

–         He knew God was not on his priority list

–         He knew he was disqualified because he married unbelieving wives

–         He was 77 years old

·         When he refused to accept Jacob as God’s choice

–         He was wanting a blessing also

–         He refused to take any blame and said it was all his brother’s fault

–         Esau refused to accept God’s will

·         When he refused to accept his role in life

–         He felt a blessing should have been reserved for him

–         Isaac told him he would serve his brother

–         He wept and asked again if there was a blessing left


·         Esau wanted to enjoy the desires of his flesh and receive God’s blessing

–         The problem is they cannot exist together

–         Esau did not want God’s blessing bad enough to:

o        Change his life

o        Give God priority in his life

o        Begin following God with his heart


·         Trying to diverting God’s will is a sin that carries serious consequences.


·         Isaac finally got it

–         He trembled exceedingly, v. 33

–         List all the points from sermon

·         Two red flags for parents or church leaders to watch for:

–         Under-functioning, by allowing our children or members to just fend for themselves.

–         Over-functioning, by doing everything for them it encourages them to not grow up.

·         What are the consequences?

–         Individuals, families, and churches will suffer.

o        Disunity, where parents or church leaders are picking favorites, not working together, using children or members as weapons against the others.

o        Dishonesty, no one can be trusted, members are trying to be someone they are not, or trying to fulfill a role they were not designed for.

o        Disharmony, where goals are impossible because everyone has their own agenda, and heading in different directions

·         Dysfunction of any kind is a sin that carries serious consequences.


·         Have you ever notice the bumper sticker, “God is My Co-Pilot!”

–         I do not think they get it

–         I think we need to scoot over to the passenger’s seat and let God drive.


·         It is important to understand that we cannot do God’s will until we know God’s will.

–         (Hold up Bible) God’s will can be found in Scripture.

–         The more we get to know Him, the clearer His will becomes to us

–         Do you want to please God?

–         The only way to please Him, is to know Him, and to do His will.

·         Listen to the chorus of Carrie Underwood’s song

Jesus take the wheel

Take it from my hands

Cause I can’t do this on my own

I’m letting go, so give me one more chance

To save me from this road I’m on

Jesus take the wheel


·         Let us pray! Father, we praise You for Your plan, and for Your timing. Help us to recognize when we are tempted to take a hold of the wheel. Thank you for reminding us that it is a sin when we do, and that there are consequences. May the Holy Spirit guides us, and Your inspired Word directs us. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen!

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