
CPMT  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Game Time

Something fun (eg. Game, video, etc.). It is not necessary for this to have a tie in to the lesson, but it can.
Game 1. Build a Burger (15 Min)
Game 2. Shuffle Your Buns (15 Min)
Game 3. Name that Burger (15 Min)


This is culture
Basic Opening Statement: Thanks for coming tonight. Here in just a few minutes we will head downstairs and enjoy some time together eating some good food and having a conversation. But before we do that, I just want to take a minute to pause and consider somethings from the BIble. At bcsm and we talk a lot about community, purpose, mission and truth. We want you to know that this is a safe space to process your faith and ideas, to ask questions we are better off with you than without you. We want to prepare you to experience and tell your friends that a relationship with God is possible.
You have community. You have purpose. You have a mission. You have truth.
And for the past few weeks we have been exploring those things a little more in depth. Today we are talking about Mission.
Now before we get started, let me pray.”
*Pray for God to use what you have to say to move someone further along in their journey towards Jesus.*

Discussion Time

Tell a quick story that introduces the message
WE talk about you having a mission a lot. What do you think that means?
Whether you travel across the world or just down the street, one thing you would learn from traveling is that different places and people have different worldviews than you do, especially when it comes to their views of God. Some of them desperately need to hear about God from you. We talk about this alot, but most of us have a hard time actually doing it.
Why aren’t most Christians more bold in sharing their faith?
What usually holds you back from sharing your faith with friends?
The Bible teaches that each and every Christian has been given an incredible and crucial task to reach the world for Jesus Christ. In fact, if we aren’t motivated by this task and dedicated to fulfilling it, we are living in active disobedience to God.


Matthew 28:18-20, “Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
These are the last words Jesus said to his disciples, so obviously they are very important. This passage is called the Great Commission, because a commission is defined as:
An authoritative order, charge, or direction. Authority granted for a particular action or function.
Jesus states right away that He is not only an authority, but the authority in the universe. The word for authority here means “power,” in the sense of control and ability. Jesus sets up his final orders with a reminder that He is the God of the universe, so His instructions override any other authority on earth. The instructions He then gives are very clear and straightforward – and - this may be a stretch, but I call them the Great Comission Hamburger.
Every Hamburger has a bottom bun, right? Well the Great Commission Hamburger’s bottom bun, foundation is this word “Go” or “as you go.” While you are living your life, while you are going around in school or work or wherever, you are in the Great Commission Hamburger. Whether you realize it or not.
Then there is the meat in the burger, right? Make disciples. Disciples are followers, but you aren’t supposed to accumulate followers of you, but followers of Jesus. So our aim with every one in our world is to lead them to a relationship with Christ.
And then the top bun. Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you – This is the next logical step after leading someone into a relationship with Christ. In order for people to grow deeper in that relationship, they need to be taught how. And that’s where you come in.
That is a pretty plain burger, right?
What is really great is Jesus doesn’t give the orders and ride off into the sunset. He promises His presence and power (the toppings) until the end of the world, as you undertake this huge task. When you think about it, this is an incredible statement by Jesus. Here’s how the Bible Commentary author A.T. Robertson describes it:
“…The Risen Christ without money or army or state [is] charge this band of 500 men and women with world conquest and bringing them to believe it possible and to undertake it with serious passion and power.”
So the Great Commission is the job of every believer, which is why we need to have it in mind wherever life takes us. When this happens, you get a whole new perspective on life. School and work become your mission fields, and unsaved friends become your responsibility to lead to Christ and help grow in Christ.
Acts 1:8, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
These words from Jesus to the disciples indicate what fulfilling the Great Commission would look like. The word for witness used here is where we get our word “martyr” – and it meant someone who would testify like a person on the witness stand about something. The disciples were to testify about who Jesus is and what He’s done in ever increasing geographical circles until the whole world was reached with the Gospel. What Jesus means for us is that fulfilling our part of the Great Commission is to start with those closest to us, then moving outward to everyone we meet as we go through life.
We’re called to be witnesses, not lawyers. A witness just tells what he/she knows.
Although living a Christian life is good, at some point we have to use words, either verbal or written, to share the Gospel. Otherwise, our life testimony is no different than a good Mormon’s life testimony.
The Great Commission is meant to be one of the things that gets you out of bed in the morning, because you will never have a class at school or a career in the future that is more important than this responsibility. There really are people who are dying and going to a Christless eternity, and we have the cure. Every morning should start out with a prayer for God to empower you as a witness, so you can do your part in the most amazing mission on earth. The key to fulfilling the Great Commission is found in one simple word: GO!
Don’t expect people to come banging on your door asking how they can be saved. Jesus didn’t, which is why He commanded us to get off our butts and start telling people about Jesus! Think about it, you come into contact with the unsaved EVERY DAY. Pray for them by name, invite them to youth group, witness in a chat room, IM the gospel, write a letter, share your testimony, support a missionary, or come up with your own strategy.
What is the message we’re sharing?
The Gospel: God wants to be in a relationship with you.


Ice breakers
Best Burger in the city. Discuss.
If you had to re-make the world out of only one food, which one would you choose?
What are the top two songs on your playlist right now?
Pray together
Take a few minutes of your time together to listen to what God is doing in one another’s lives and pray for any specific needs people in your group may have.
Do most Christians take the Great Commission seriously? Why or why not?
If Christ gave these orders from His authority as God, can anyone tell us not to carry them out? Does knowing this motivate you to help fulfill the Great Commission? Why or why not?
Why is every Christian called to be a witness? Can you be a “witness” without using any words? Why or why not?
If every believer took this responsibility seriously, would the gospel reach the ends of the earth?
Do you take it seriously?
Closing Thought
“At the end of the day, the biggest problem with the Great Commission for Christians is that they don't share the gospel.” ― Jonathan Hayashi, Ordinary Radicals: A Return to Christ-Centered Discipleship
What do you think about that quote? What does it mean? Do you agree?
How can you fulfill the Great Commission this week?
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