Looking At Signs - Genesis 8:20-9:29

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1 Looking At Signs Gen 8:20-9:29 20210711 By grace we have life, through God’s covenant promises we have a future! Introduc)on Church, right here in the early chapters of Genesis we are in the middle of one of the greatest stories that has ever occurred in the history of the planet. God has given us a tremendous account of preserving the human race along with all the animals from the devastaIon of a worldwide flood that he justly released upon the face of the earth…while at the same Ime by his loving kindness – extended grace to Noah and his family by moving forward his plan of redempIon for all of mankind. Let me remind you of what is taking place in the early history of man. God created the heavens and the earth and all that is within them by the power of his word. All things that God made were good. Man and woman defied what God had commanded them to do choosing instead to sin against God resulIng in their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. This did come with a promise being made, even in their state of tragedy, for a beUer future was declared by God in Genesis 3:15. Subsequent generaIons conInued to struggle in their relaIonship with God to the point we read in Genesis 6:11-13 “Now the earth was corrupt in God’s sight, and the earth was filled with violence. And God saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for all flesh had corrupted their way on the earth. And God said to Noah, “I have determined to make an end of all flesh, for the earth is filled with violence through them. Behold, I will destroy them with the earth.” By God’s grace Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD (Gen 6:8) and he responded in faith resulIng in him and his family along with all the creatures of the earth being saved on board the ark. They were all carried along in a vessel of mercy that was designed by God and built by a faithful man. Now today the Ime has come to depart from the confines of the ark and to take to the land once again. It is so hard to imagine even fathom what it was like to disembark from the ark aber over a year. The landscape of the earth was altered dramaIcally by the flood – we see evidence of it to this day. The vegetaIon even would have been devastated by the deluge of water requiring new growth. It was very much a new beginning for the earth – like a second creaIon in many ways. The big difference of course is that sin had already entered; it too was on the ark. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that Noah wasn’t perfect. We will see during our Ime in the Scriptures today that he clearly had corrupIon and sin present in his life and in the life of his family. We share this with our ancestor – in fact we share this with every human that has walked upon the face of the earth since the Ime of Adam. That is why it doesn’t take long to conclude that it is not by what is within us that saves us nor was it what was within Noah that saved him from destrucIon but rather: By grace we have life, through God’s covenant promises we have a future. 1) Recognizing God’s Grace 2) Receiving God’s Covenant Promises 3) Rendering our life to God’s Ways Recognizing God’s Grace 1. As I already stated the flood came upon the earth because of the wickedness of man (Gen 6:5). So here now it is Ime for Noah to come back out of the vessel of God’s mercy that preserved him and his family and look at what he does: Gen 8:20 “Then Noah built an altar to the LORD and took some of every clean animal and some of every clean bird and offered burnt offerings on the altar.” 2 a. This is not something we see God requiring of Noah but it is exactly what you would expect Noah to do. I mean just consider what the last 100 plus years has been like for the man! i. “Noah build an ark of gopher wood because I’m going to destroy the whole world with a flood. Make it really big because you are going to have company.” ii. Noah believes God and devotes a century plus to making this thing that he has now just come out of – which did exactly what God said it would do. The ark preserved his life, the lives of his family, and those of all the animals onboard. b. I can’t help but consider Noah’s thoughts here. Sin, violence, and corrupIon are present in the heart of man. This is why God cleansed the earth of all the living creatures save those onboard the ark. Noah must have thought, I was on the ark along with my family and we are sinners. i. We deserve death too but by God’s grace we were saved, our lives were preserved. c. So how else can this sinful man who has been preserved by gracious God come before the Holy and Righteous God? i. This is the most reverent way he can possibly come before God with burnt offerings. ii. Slaughtering animals, showing that blood must be shed for sins, though it should be his own blood, he places a collecIon of subsItutes before God in humble worship, he comes before the LORD, recognizing God’s grace and worships. d. Is this ever your experience when you recognize God’s vast grace lavished upon you? To just drop down before him in reverent worship? i. From what is given to us in the Scriptures it is obvious that Noah is uUerly dependent on God’s grace! ii. How much more, from our vantage point, having the whole of Scripture, which reveals the life, death, burial, and resurrecIon of our perfect Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who grants eternal life to all who belong to him, to the regenerate, to the believer cause us to be dependent upon God’s grace? iii. Eph 2:4-7, “But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love...” iv. By grace alone we have life church! – So, we have to be looking at where we are receiving God’s grace – how it is he is blessing us and live worshipful lives before Almighty God as our right response. 2. Throughout this secIon are numbers of graces elaborated and given to Noah, his family, and subsequently to the generaIons that follow. a. One that may not be appreciated fully but is of immense worth is the reiteraIon of being made in the image of God. In v6 we see, “for God made man in his own image.” This has previously been seen in the book of Genesis in 1:27 and 5:1. i. This fundamental aspect of who we are helps establish how we are to treat one another and how we are to govern society. 3 ii. We should recognize God’s grace in establishing the value of the human life as bearing the image of God. We can therefore hold evil doers accountable with a just law which states that should a life be taken through the heinous crime of murder the taker of that life also surrenders their own life. 1. We all should recognize the merit of this in preserving the livability of a society while at the same Ime lamenIng the state of the jusIce system that is in existence currently. 2. It is more common to see what Isaiah 5:20 states, “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put biJer for sweet and sweet for biJer!” 3. This corrupIon should not take away from what we know God gave as the basis for just living – for simply recognizing the image of God in another human sobens us when we would rather be hard. b. That is an ordering of human to human but we also see God’s grace in placing mankind over the animals. 9:2 “The fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth and upon every bird of the heavens, upon everything that creeps on the ground and all the fish of the sea. Into your hand they are delivered.” i. This is how it was in the beginning and now in the new beginning aber the flood God reiterates how the order of the world should be. ii. AddiIonally, God graces man with the ability to eat meat which comes from the animals. 1. While always being reverent of the blood. We will come back to the significance of blood shortly. c. We also see here and recognize God’s grace in restaIng the blessing of “Be fruiKul and mulLply and fill the earth” in v1 and again in v7. Why does God want the earth to be filled? He wants to have us, his image bearers, upon the earth acIng justly, living in loving kindness, and offering reverent worship of him. Transi)on: Recognizing God’s grace in all these areas is how we have the very means to live and yet I will tell you we have even more. When we Receive God’s Covenant promises we see more clearly that God intends for there to be a future as well. Receiving God’s Covenant Promises 1. The whole reason we are where we are in the text is because God started making some promises – even staIng that he would make a covenant back in Gen 6:18, “But I will establish my covenant with you, and you and you shall come into the ark, you, your sons, your wife, and your sons’ wives with you.” a. Here the covenant promises just conInue to flow from God. He is pleased by the sacrifice made by Noah on the altar (v21) and then the LORD states he will never again curse the ground because of man. 4 i. v21 God chooses to do this unilaterally. Man’s heart hasn’t changed! It is evil from his youth. This is post flood and God sIll says this is the way man is. ii. Jesus stated, “For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theO, false witness, slander (MaU. 15:19).” 2. So, where does the covenant begin in earnest here in our passage? Specifically, we see it in 9:9-11 and look at how broad the covenant is. a. Remember, man’s heart hasn’t changed from pre-flood but rather God is going to deal with man in a different manner. This should catch our aUenIon as we study the Scriptures and make us ask what is going on here? Why is God showing his grace so freely and why is he making a covenant with mankind and the animal kingdom that he alone has to uphold? i. We have signs doUed throughout the passage that are of great help to us in our understanding of where this is all leading. Look at the signs with me and let’s see where they lead. 1. The first sign is God’s reacIon to an animal sacrifice vv20-21 – he is pleased. Does this seem strange that a few animals offered on an altar would have this effect on the Creator God? 2. The next big sign, I believe, is found in God’s instrucIon on blood vv4-6. In these three verses God equates life with blood. That is the blood of animals and it is also the blood of man. Three Imes God says that if blood is desecrated, meaning if life is not honored, he will require a reckoning. a. Think about that. God the Creator – the grantor of life – will not tolerate that which he has created to be treated in a way that is not reverent. A reckoning will be required. 3. Of course, we cannot pass up the sign God puts in the sky – the bow – the rainbow which God says he will see and remember his covenant promises made to every living creature. ii. So many signs and they all point to what we call atonement – that word atonement carries significant weight. For it signifies that the relaIonship between human beings and God is fractured but can be temporarily restored by covering over the sins with animal sacrifice. Atonement produces a purificaIon on the human for their sins and propiIaIon on God’s side meaning appeasing him. 1. We caught a glimpse of it aber Adam and Eve sinned – when the Lord took an animal – nothing explicit in the text but the skin of the animal was required to cover their nakedness and the animal would have obviously given its life for their sin - poinIng to atonement (Gen 3:21). 2. LeviIcus 16 is dedicated to what the LORD required of Aaron and of Israel to make atonement for their sins. There we find the blood of goats and bulls being the requirement. 3. These are significant but we know even in considering our passage before us that God has given animals to mankind, for us to rule over, to steward, to 5 use as food, and God sancIons their use for sacrifice – but can they carry the weight of blomng out sin? 4. Romans 3:23-25a “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God….” 5. Heb 9:11-14 “But when Christ appeared…he entered once for all...” iii. We bring these observaIons together and recognize that even from early in the pages of Scripture that this is what the LORD is pumng together through his covenant promises. A complete work, that is the work of Christ, that is unveiled a liUle at a Ime as the revelaIon is given. A complete work that is dependent upon God’s grace to live now while the covenant promises give us all that we need for the future. Transi)on: This is really just scratching the surface of Receiving God’s Covenant Promises – Of great significance to our understanding of God is that he will oben enter into covenants and will cause the covenant to be binding upon himself knowing that we are not a faithful partner – so he carry’s the weight of the covenant himself – and thanks be to God for being preeminently faithful (Col 1:18-20). A proper thankfulness and praise lead us to Rendering our life to God’s Ways. Rendering our life to God’s Ways 1. Aber seeing all the good that has been wriUen about Noah – most of which we have covered we should have no illusions that he was a perfect man. He wasn’t. God even let us know the condiIon of man’s heart saying, “The intenLon of man’s heart is evil from his youth (8:21).” a. He walked with God. He was seen as blameless. He was called a righteous man. He makes the list of faithful Saints in Hebrews 11. b. So, what does such a life look like when faced with a hardship, a temptaIon, a sin? c. If we just observed what we have on Noah’s building of the ark we would think he preUy much nailed it – yet when Noah tried his hand at a new profession post flood he doesn’t do as well. This is also helpful for us to see in the Biblical characters because we can be lulled into thinking they found favor with God because of their diligence in tasks or because they made no mistakes. d. Of course, that is not true of the wonderful characters we have in the Scriptures just as it is not true of the ChrisIans we intermingle with today here in the local church. We sIve to live as God would have us to but as has been stated mulIple Imes today, we have a sin problem. It is inherent to us being passed along from the Adam all the way to us (Ro 5:12). 2. Out from the ark came Noah – his wife, his sons, and his sons’ wives. His sons were Shem, Ham, and Japheth. These were blessed of God and received the covenant we have already looked at (9:1). Noah tried his hand at something other than building, sailing, and animal husbandry – the text says he began to be a man of the soil and planted a vineyard (9:20). a. What do you do with the fruit of a vineyard? – you make wine and you drink. That is what Noah did and here we are not too far into the new beginning, very reminiscent of the 6 Garden of Eden, and Noah ends up naked and ashamed. He fails to render his life to God’s ways. i. He is in a compromising situaIon that is embarrassing enough – but then Ham, his son, makes it worse. ii. Ham does not honor his father but dishonors him and brings disgrace upon the family. He too fails to render his life to God’s ways. iii. The other brothers, Shem and Japheth, take a different approach. They choose to assist their father in his state of shame and sin by covering him with a garment. Taking care not to look upon their father’s nakedness (9:23). Being mindful to honor their father. b. From our perspecIve we look at the curse that Noah places on the descendent of Ham and tend to think it was really quite harsh but here we fail to see the depth of the breach of standards that occurred by Noah and then by Ham – they both miss the mark. i. Therefore, we would do well to think about the importance of what it means to honor our father and our mother. The basic authority structure God insItutes in the family over children is their parents. ii. So valuable is this to the Lord that next to commandments about how we are to be in regards to him is the 5th commandment as found in Exodus 20 to honor father and mother. iii. How are you doing in regards to upholding the honor of your father and mother? We all can readily idenIfy with Ham – finding our parents as imperfect and sinners. 1. Some, sadly, have been hurt tremendously by those who have been placed over them in this life. If that, is you, you may even find that alcohol or drugs played a factor? a. The substance allowed the contents of the sinful heart to be expressed with less restraint. 2. Most, people are like Ham, seeing sinfulness in their parents they magnify it with their own sinful response. AccepIng sin and turning it into a game using it to humiliate and shame. a. Consider how you have been rendering yourself to God’s ways in this area. Are you taking the way of Ham? It resulted in a further demise of his family – becoming enemies of God’s chosen people in the generaIon that followed. Are you willing to act in the way Shem and Japheth did? SIll very aware of the nakedness of their father yet rendering themselves to God’s ways in service to him in a most honorable way. Conclusion 7 Beloved we look at the Scriptures. We look at what God provided us with to guide us in this life and we are forced to ask such quesIons. And it humbles us because though we haven’t been brought through a world-wide flood each of us can say we have been preserved by God in ways that we cannot fully understand. This is especially true when our own sinfulness is considered – our sin condemns us right along with all those who perished in the days of Noah. Right now, you might be saying to yourself that is exactly what is keeping me from God – You might be saying I have no right to be anywhere near a Holy God. Friend, that is the whole point of what we have been looking at this morning. That is why we have to be like Noah when he departed from the Ark and Recognize God’s Grace. To be brought to a place where he could stand on dry ground once again, it was all because of God’s Grace. This put him in a mindset, it put him in such a place, where he could receive God’s Covenant Promises. God said he would preserve the earth and the life contained upon it. Allowing the seasons to conInue, seedIme and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night while it conInues to serve his plan. His plan being that people would Render their lives to his ways. The Scriptures reveal that God, being perfectly just, provided a covering for us. A covering beUer than animal sacrifices a covering beUer than a garment simply draped over our bodies. The Heavenly Father chose to save a people for himself by atoning for the sins of mankind by sending his own Son. That is Jesus, he lived the perfect and sinless life being tempted in every way and yet resisIng. Offered his life as an atonement for sin being acceptable to the Father – set the capIves free. Jesus is the one who covers our sins perfectly making us acceptable to the Father allowing us to live now and granIng us eternal life. By grace we have life, through God’s covenant promises we have a future.
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