Kingdom Turnover: Part 1 - Sins of Saul

Kingdom Turnover  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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God is choosing men and women after His own heart for kingdoms big and small, in the home, on the job, in our churches, in our neighborhoods, all this to positively impact the lives of God’s people, His inheritance!

In December 2019, God gave me this word, just prior to the Pandemic of 2020. I saw in my spirit a great shaking! It was a loosening of foundations, like that which happens during an earthquake, a breaking apart of strong barriers. And I saw entire kingdoms being SNATCHED away from the wicked and given to the righteous.
In saying this, I do not want you to think I’m insensitive to the pain of the pandemic; but you must understand that God has a purpose for the pandemic. When I first began releasing this word, because of the timing of the message and the political climate in the US at that time, many thought I was ONLY talking about politics and what was then the upcoming presidential election. But now that is all over, my prayer is we can all see, through this teaching, that this message is about the saints!
This message is about God is choosing men and women after His own heart for kingdoms big and small, in the home, on the job, in our churches, in our neighborhoods, all this to positively impact the lives of God’s people, His inheritance. The Bible says that So, what is a kingdom?
A Kingdom is a territory, realm or sphere of influence upon which one can assert authority, that is independent action, dominion, or control. A Kingdom then is that position of authority God has placed within your control to lead and be a blessing to His people.
In our scripture text on tonight (bring up Tecarta/Switch banners) I want to talk about Saul and his kingdom and use his life to share what God gave me about Kingdom Turnover. So let’s dive in:
1 Chronicles 10:13-14 NKJV summarizes the outcome of Saul’s reign. It says,
1 Chronicles 10:13–14 NKJV
So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the Lord, because he did not keep the word of the Lord, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. But he did not inquire of the Lord; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.
So Saul died for his unfaithfulness which he had committed against the LORD, because he did not keep the word of the LORD, and also because he consulted a medium for guidance. [14] But he did not inquire of the LORD; therefore He killed him, and turned the kingdom over to David the son of Jesse.
King Saul started out in his reign of Israel doing right. The book of Acts says Saul reigned for 40 years. But later, in his reign he became more focused on fame, being honored before the people and following his own will. As a result, and what you see in verse 14 Saul’s kingdom was turned over to David.
Because Saul reigned over God’s people, he should have been more focused on the will of God and leading God’s people in the ways of God. And so it is with the places of authority God has given us. God always wants the best for His people regardless of whether it’s in the church, in the home, on our jobs, from our Government political leaders. God wants His people led in His ways. Saul did not continue leading in this way! By observing his life in this review of the Sins of Saul, we’re going to uncover the behaviors and decisions that draw leaders away from God. By identifying these poor leadership behaviors, it will help us to identify and characterize the kingdoms, or realms of authority and control, that are positioned to be turned over to God-fearing, God-obeying people. People of God we must be ready. God is ready to turn over kingdoms to men and women after His own heart. God is ready to give authority to His people because He cares about His people.
So, let’s review the Sins of Saul.
The first ones we will review, and most influential to the outcome of Saul’s reign are sins Saul committed against God!
Saul’s sins against God caused him to be rejected by God!
The major sin was the sin of DISOBEDIENCE: The complete story of Saul’s disobedience can be found in 1 Samuel 15. I won’t go through all the verses there but I will pull out some for us to discuss together.
1 Samuel 15:1 NKJV Samuel reminded Saul you were hiding from these people and the call to be king at first and the Lord blessed you still. People who neglect the responsibility of their authority realize they are already operating under grace. So, it is especially an insult to God when you don’t recognize that or act as if you are beginning to think more highly of yourself. People of God in identifying places of authority that are about to be turned over understand its usually currently occupied by someone who acts as if they are their own Sovereign authority. The Bible speaks of us being in authority, but also under authority. But, there are leaders who operate as if they are under NO authority. EVERYONE is ultimately under God’s authority, that’s saved and unsaved as He will judge all!
1 Samuel 15:3 NKJV Saul’s instructions were clear. He was to destroy ALL!
1 Samuel 15:9 NKJV Half obedience is disobedience and notice only the worst was destroyed. Saul and the people kept the best for themselves. Selfishness and Self-centeredness can’t be tolerated in a leader that should be watching over God’s people.
Now, some may question in the case of the unsaved, would they actually know what God says, or want God’s will is. Romans 2:14-15 RSV makes it very clear, that God is still judging their thoughts and the intentions of their hearts as their conscious let’s them know what’s right and wrong. They know when they’re mistreating people and they also have a fearful expectation of Someone outside of themselves dealing with them because of it. The unsaved may call it ‘karma’ or ‘bad energy’, but as people of the Living God, we know that He judges all unrighteousness, especially as it pertains to His children.
1 Samuel 15:11 NKJV Strong’s on Regret, Turned Back, Performed, Grieved and cried out.
1 Samuel 15:17 NKJV Again, Samuel reminded Saul you were hiding from these people at first. You were afraid of the call and insecure. Yet, the Lord still blessed you and called to be king over His inheritance, His people!
1 Samuel 15:22-23 NKJV Now, we get to a scripture well known in the faith and that is rebellion against God is as the sin of witchcraft. Saul especially realized the impact here because he had banned witches from the land according to the Law of Moses. Saul goes on and gives excuses about fearing the people and then has the audacity to ask Samuel to honor him by going with him to worship. Saul wanted to save face before the people, being worried about appearance and reputation. As Samuel the Prophet refuses Saul grabs his robe and tears it and its here we see Samuel reiterate the judgement of God!
1 Samuel 15:28 NKJV Strong’s Torn
Finally, and we’ll move on to the next sin against God for the sake of time, but Saul admits as I said in 1 Samuel 15:30 NKJVthat it was all to save face before the people not to obey God. As leaders, what we must realize is that We must honor the God that controls the hearts of the people.
Psalm 18:43-44 NKJV
You have delivered me from the strivings of the people; You have made me the head of the nations; A people I have not known shall serve me. [44] As soon as they hear of me they obey me; The foreigners submit to me.
Now, I know we spent a lot of time on Saul’s disobedience. We did so because that was the primary sin that positioned Saul to have the kingdom snatched from him and given to another. It would seem God was being harsh towards Saul if you didn’t know his history. So, we’re going to look at two more sins against God, one committed before this great episode of disobedience and one after.
The next sin against God committed by Saul was the sin of presumption.
PRESUMPTUOUS: Saul acted presumptuously, meaning (of a person or their behavior) failing to observe protocol, or the limits of what is permitted or appropriate. Saul failed to recognize and obey protocols, God’s own protocols.
Saul was presumptuous!
This incident takes place in 1 Samuel 13:7-12 NKJV. The Children of Israel were in war where they had no military advantage. King Saul was waiting on the Prophet Samuel to come and perform priestly duties of leading the people in sacrifice and supplications before the Lord. So, we start this review of the Sins of Saul at verse 11.
1 Samuel 13:11 NKJV Saul, focused on the actions and behavior of the people instead of leading them, decides to act out of his fear.
1 Samuel 13:12 NKJV This fear “compels him to offer the burnt sacrifice, a responsibility God said was solely for the priest.
1 Samuel 13:13-14 NKJV So Samuel replies of course that he’s sinned against God’s command.
It was here Samuel first tells King Saul that God is seeking someone to take his place. This was due to his inability to follow protocol, stay in his lane, and obey the law of God.
IDOLATROUS Exodus 20:3 NASB tells us “You shall have no other gods before Me. Later on in verse 5 it goes on to say [5] You shall not worship them or serve them; However, the sin of witchcraft involves relying on a satanic power and serving those powers to achieve carnal benefits and desires.
King Saul, in obedience to the word to destroy witches, banned witches, sorcerers, and mediums. However, in this next sin chose to trust in a medium because he could not hear from God. By way of review, here’s what God had said about witchcraft: (Scroll thru Lev/Deut scriptures)
1 Samuel 28:6 NKJV The Prophet Samuel is dead and King Saul is in constant war. God is not answering any of his prayers.
1 Samuel 28:7 NKJV Saul, acting above the law, goes to inquire of a medium against his own ban and God’s law.
1 Samuel 28:10 NKJV The woman tries to warn the disguised Saul that to inquire of her is against the law and punishable by death. But now being so corrupt, he perverts justice and promises immunity to her if she commits crime for him.
1 Samuel 28:16 NKJV The woman is in shock as the spirit of the late Prophet Samuel appears and reaffirms to King Saul that God has rejected him and has become his enemy. (It’s a scary thing to have the living God as your enemy. Leaders corrupt and currently in positions of authority have positioned themselves, through unrepentant sin, to be an enemy of God. Remember, Jesus said if you’re not for me you’re against me.
1 Samuel 28:17-19 NKJV It is for this reason Kingdoms are being turned over to the faithful. As men and women after God’s on heart, we must be prepared to walk anointed and in obedience and faithfulness to God.
Saul’s sins against Man caused him to be judged by God!
HYPOCRISY: The depravity of Saul knew no bounds. When in war, Saul held his own son Jonathan accountable to an oath Jonathan hadn’t heard, when he didn’t obey the laws of God he had heard. In 1 Samuel 14:24 NKJV we understand the oath as one where King Saul declared a fast until victory was won over their enemies. Of course, the fast made the people too weak for war. Jonathan also became hungry and weak but not hearing the oath, 1 Samuel 14:27 NKJV tells us that he ate anyway. Unfortunately, this caused God to not hear their prayers. So, casting lots they realize that Jonathan’s eating contrary to Saul’s rash oath caused them to be out of order with God. Saul being hypocritical says in 1 Samuel 14:44 NKJV. The people, understanding right from wrong, redeem Jonathan in 1 Samuel 14:45 NKJV.
The next thing we’ll address about Saul was his Jealousy. In your own lives, you may have experienced the level of envy and jealousy demonstrated by Saul from people who are in authority who can’t perform at the same level as people without authority, especially if those high performers are under their authority. In 1 Samuel 18:5a/b NKJV King Saul had placed David in a leadership position over his soldiers. The bible says David behaved wisely and that all the people loved him. King Saul would have been happy with David being a high performer as long as David’s performance glorified King Saul and NO OTHER. However, as soon as the light began to shine on David, as in 1 Samuel 18:7 NKJV, then that’s when King Saul’s jealousy and envy began. King Saul by this told had been told twice by the Prophet Samuel that God was taking the kingdom from him and giving it to his neighbor. So Saul was already sensitive to one coming behind him greater than him. You’ll find oftentimes corrupt leaders have a fearful expectation of the divine judgement and retribution about to befall them. Why? Because God has already been convicting them. Remember, our God doesn’t wish any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. So when there’s a fearful expectation to the point of jealousy, it’s because conviction has happened, but repentance has not! So, in 1 Samuel 18:8a/b NKJV, King Saul’s fearful expectation is revealed. And, in 1 Samuel 18:9 NKJV Saul “eyed” (Strong’s Eyed) David from that day.
The same people he listened to when disobeying God are the same ones that elevated David over him. His words became a self-fulfilling people. Besides, he has made an idol out of the people, a god out of the kingdom!
Next on the list of Saul’s sins against man is his abuse of authority. King Saul was a tyrant! He was oppressive and it all stem from FEAR! 1 Samuel 18:12 NKJV says it clearly “Saul was afraid of David”. That fear prompted Saul to demote David 1 Samuel 18:13 NKJV to a military position where he had to go in and out of battle. This type of malfeasance is common in leaders who act or react out of fear and insecurity. Despite this David still remains humble and according to 1 Samuel 18:14 NKJV behaves “wisely”, which of course causes King Saul to fear all the more (1 Samuel 18:15 NKJV). David, resisting fear and grumbling, went on in excellence and allowed his victorious battles that demotion gave opportunity to win, endear the people to David. And in 1 Samuel 18:16 NKJV the Bible says the people loved him all the more. All things were adding together for David’s good, making King Saul realize his time of ruling was soon coming to an end.
The final sin of Saul we’ll review is the murderous nature. King Saul sought to kill his rival David and in doing so, kill innocent people, even priest, who dared to help David. 1 Samuel 18:20-22 NKJV begins the unfolding of Sauls devious plan to manipulate David into marrying his daughter in order to set up to be killed by the Phillistines. His narcissism drove him to attempt to sabotage the battles and position David to be killed. However, when David still won the battle and conquered the Philistines, the Bible declares King Saul became even more fearful and intimidated by David, realizing even further the Lord’s intent on establishing the kingdom in David’s hands. King Saul, being the shiesty tyrant he was, became David’s enemy and even tried to get others to murder David.
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