Current Issues 2: A Biblical Response – God's Image Bearers

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Went over this, a broad overview of transgenderism. It was kind of a drudgery to get through cuz there's some of that the things we have to talk about but this week it should be much better cuz it's all pretty much all Bible that encourages to answering

First Tech Federal.

The psalmist in Psalm 8, the study of man we have to know what is man. Who is man that we can answer so it'll help us answer transgenderism. The Thomas, what is man that's Insomniac? What is man that you are mindful of him. Mystery asking a thing, an ant ontological question like what makes something in or how did you make man or some deep theological question like that? But anytime we have we asked a question. We have to go to God and as a Samus ask God, what is man? So we have to ask God, what is man, what is Mankind? We can't begin to answer that on her own. We have to start with God, to know what man is.

Stop man. The unified person Genesis 2:7, Who d130 Genesis 2:7.

Just do 7. If not, I can read it.


Oregon form the band of her up from the ground freezes. Not. So we see here man has a unified person and I mean by that man is both the body and and when God breathed into him, the breath of life, he became a living creature. So his body alone, wasn't the living creature. In the back breast alone, wasn't the living, the living creature. It was when God breathed into his body and the body. The dust was animated and became a unified living person. We're not separating the body, from the the soul hair, the spirit that God breathed into, man. Second, we see that gender. So God is mayonnaise made by God. He's unified person body and soul and will get into more. So that later and then genders are guy traded things and very good Genesis 1:27, and then 131 Genesis, 1:27 and 131.

The guy who created the image of God created male and female 31 years old. It was very good.

Yes. So how many genders did God create here? Yeah, so what are they? Now, the female that was good, very good, very good. So he's not like, how this is what I got to work with. And I guess this says, it's very definite statement about gender of God, unified person to genders that God created. The gender is in a human construct, God made them male and female. Opposite ends of the spectrum and they are very good. Their complement is clear. Okay. So a man is what is known as a psychosomatic units that you fell into work? And I didn't make you feel in the word psychosomatic. You're welcome on this pointer, decides Define a psychosomatic.

Call Steven.

Yes, so break it down psycho, that's not the the movie. Mind and body somatic is great for body. Soma a psychosomatic, unity and mind. remind so, psyche in in the Greek with the spirit,

But psycho psyche would be the mind or like the life, you know what I mean? What get something life and somatic would be the body, this right here. And I'm not the best representation of a body but this is the only one I got so yeah psychosomatic unity and we've the reason it's not that we don't have you called dichotomy there's none of you called trichotomy where man is made of a body Soul spirit and we can argue from the Bible that the physical objects, Soul, and Spirit interchangeably. And often Bill, still not. Attributing to the spirit of the biblical writers on Tuesday, the song, the spirit does and anything that the spirit doesn't Bible the biblical I told us. So it's all in spirit in the Bible are not two separate entities. They are just one thing that the biblical authors will switch out words for And so we did we want to affirm that for the Bible. We want to say that man is made up of three parts but we awesome. We also don't want to say that man is just a dichotomy made up of two parts of body and soul, or body and spirit.

And your store could be doing things that don't affect your body and your body needs to be doing things that don't affect the soul. So we stay in the biblical authors of firmness. You seen all throughout the Old Testament, many pages of books have been written on the subject, when is a psychosomatic. Unity, you can't divide. You can't divide the body from the soul. Because that's just not how about the Old Testament portrays in the New Testament? Portrays it any questions on that any? Anything you want, you want?


Your song.


Right, right, right now. And then so we can get those combined together is what make a human. A human is Humanities humanist. That's good, right?

right, that Spirits are Eternal, but Jedikiah said the Jeremiah, the guy who created our Spirits, don't lie to me because got her start something like that and Jeremiah, and he says, it's a thing as particles. So if Wicked King jedikiah, realize that I got paid her spirits. Why I don't what's the temp OK? Google smack Unity. What are the implications of this for transgenderism? Let's talk about this. If we say man you can't divide the parts What is that mean?

Exactly. Hey, can we think of anything anything?

Someone says, I'm a man trapped in a woman's body.

What you normally have this single

Are you insane?


Your body.

Counseling psychology. So we need to make you come to terms with that and I'm living like that but now that's whatever you think of the inside is what you're going to be. I think therefore I am, I think therefore I am a woman so we will need to make your body match up with what you feel. So any other anyone else besides Rob, when I Davis?

I'm a person.

but you're also, What we're are desired of the wire for a deeper is that they say that they have.



Yeah, it is very good for you and you think you have a better path for a better idea of what it means to be human.

They're destroying themselves. And if we affirm,

Sexual ethics real quick.

Do dinner, appropriate distinction, should be maintained and we see this all throughout the Old Testament as well. Gender-appropriate distinction should be maintained

A woman should not wear men's clothing or nor shall a man put on a woman's clothing for whoever. Does, he sings is an Abomination to the Lord. Your God, so the word Abomination, there is Hebrew, it's toiba. And that word is often used in, in relation to sexual offense, to worry about what the men inside of did, was an Abomination to the Lord. A man in the next one. Cannot lie with a male as one lies with a female that is an apartment Nation. So it is an idea of sexual sin. Abomination isn't always use for sexual sin, but usually see it in connection with a sexual send line, a man. Cross-dressing with the intention to deceive with the intention to want people, to perceive, he's a female or female crush, dressing intending to deceive other. And I could have been down in Celtic worship, pagan gods to dress up as the opposite sex as part of worship and it would be definitely sexual scenes that went along with that adultery and fornication that went along with it. A nice idea of your assuming the complete lifestyle, everything, like a women, and that's like the commentator. I read said, you can do it. You want. Like, that's not just their clothing, and it's not just a man's clothing. It's you're taking everything. A man with you and you're trying to Become that role. You're switching Your god-given Role. It's not that it's laundry day and you have to put on your husband t-shirt because your clothes are all in the dryer. It's a complete role reversal, assume the other gender.

The Old Testament. Gender-appropriate distinction should be maintained.

And start our Geographic, write the mutilation of the sex organs was always a negative light. So Deuteronomy 23:1 anyone who would anyone who was a castrated or had their testicles prostate? Cannot go into The temple, and it had been accidentally, it could have been purposefully, but often this was in relation to Pagan, sexual practices, mutilation of your sexual organs, and that means you would be barred from going into work for the temple. So, in the Old Testament, mutilation was never. I'm not going to do that again. So if you're if you're doing this coming to worship,

The New Testament view of sexual ethics. So in the New Testament there's the affirmation of male and female. Jesus says it's a mark 10:6 someone please. Pull up Mark 10:6.

Yep, so she's it doesn't go back to tradition or to. This is how you doing in Jewish culture? He says in the beginning, he made them male and female. When people say Jesus never talked about homosexuality or or sexual ethics, in the beginning, he made them male and female their United in marriage what God has joined together. Let no man put asunder. So if you're trying to join anything else besides male and female, you're trying to tear asunder what God has put together. So, Jesus affirms male and female the assumption that natal sex gender roles be embraced in marriage. Not rejected. Not not, not not rejected, not changed, but in brakes and hand in marriage because not everyone is called to marriage. Some people are called a single man and that is a god-given thing. It is not for everybody, but God gives strength to those who are single. And so their generals are going to Look, a little different than someone who is married, and that's something else that we could talk to. And I'm not fully qualified to speak on at this minute but in marriage, they are to be embraced. Okay, sure. Is there are three main passages in the New Testament that speak about gender roles. Marry anyone who take a? Guess, it's one of those three. Common one, well-known one.

It's in Ephesians. Ephesians 5. Okay, Asians 5 is one. There's another one in this appalling letter. Colossians 2:7. Colossians, yes, Colossians 3 through 21. And then there's another one. And Apostle wrote it but it wasn't Paul. Here. Ephesians 5 2133 Colossians 3 18 to 21 first Peter, 3:1 through seven. So these are the three main passages that speak about gender roles in marriage, something's being embraced, something that are encouraged and it displays Christ and the church. Something to be celebrated. So it's not that the New Testament comes along and says, oh, there's a new ethic for sexuality.

Going back to the psychosomatic Unity, the New Testament affirms that sin affects the whole person. Pull up 1st Corinthians 6:18 and 19 please pull up 2nd Corinthians 7:1.

Do you understand?

Do transgender, they would say, you know what, it doesn't matter what my soul says, I'm going to bring my body and my soul back in your whole person. 2nd Corinthians 7:1. Who has that one.

One more time.

Yes, 32nd Street. So he's flesh and spirit. Start a bottle of sphere. Sol is affected by sin. You can't compartment compartment.

Oh yeah, yeah.

Right, and a lot of the time sets. What is plate off of that begins with with sexual acts. That are contrary to God's Will and it grows and grows. And as we read as a strawberry cream pie sweet from James, it just will grow and give birth to death and you'll be enticed by your own desires. So you only unnatural ungodly desires starts people. Down this path medical assistant for approach. Naturally. Simple people will reject the word of God by God's word will, it'll either soften their hearts or Harden their hearts. It won't do nothing. So sometimes people don't want to hear what the word of God says. You can show them what medical professionals say. Western Medical ethics first. Do no harm, Do no harm.

I'm doing says, I can't stand this arm. I hate this hand. Can you please cut it off? Doctor. They're not going to let you know. I don't identify as my my my agenda that was given to me at first. Please, please perform surgery. They're going to mutilate and and hard perfectly good body parts. And they're doing harm and they're going again. Every thing that science and medical doctors,

In the 1970s in Ohio.

Indicate the Democratic Recyclers of Saturday. Say I cannot play God. Well, what's going on today? And they are playing God. And they're going against their own oath to do no harm. They are harming people, irreversibly these General assignment surgeries irreversible its complications. Okay. So a gender reassignment, surgery, people think it's no excuse. Often the best way to do it. It's off of Cassens, increase risk for Cancer, all these things that they go into and maybe they're being lied to, or they are deluded. They think it's going to turn out good. And it's going to be just like having your appendix out, but which one I had my appendix out. It took three surgeries because those infections, so even an appendix surgery isn't super easy. Talk about it over lunch.

Is there complications?


Josh and I were talking yesterday and he's not out here, but I was telling you I was debating whether or not I should put up a picture of like Bruce Jenner and he jokingly said, you could put up pictures of people and say, guess what that you are like, no will do this. We're not going to do that idea. Okay, so most cases so dip gender dysphoria. Remember, it's wear for six months. A person says I identify as another gender and it lasts for longer than 6 months. Identify as another gender for 6 months but it's subjective. They can't diagnose it objectively. So, let's guess how this case is resolved before their CD.

I'm going to warn you these numbers. It's very wide range which I believe shows faulty research or faulty. Sampling. But who can guess what? Percentage of males? Their gender identity crisis resolved before they can teenagers 4%. Or maybe it last for years and but before puberty like, you know, a girl or a boy.

What reaction results. Okay.

Right. Right.


Really wide range. What's a guest for boys?

50. Understand. So yes.

Right. That you do what? Exactly. So they say this is mrs. Reverse, I'm I buy put the numbers in her on. This is how many people actually Go through with it. So I am I apologize. This is I put this in her wrong. So this is how many people actually say you don't know. I am a girl. So anywhere from two point to as low as 2.2% all the way up to 30%. And that's a really wide range. And if you were in the statistics class, I took statistics six or seven years ago. You would be like there's too many outliers. This isn't good. Reliable data 2.2% of 30%, maybe, like 2.2% of 5%, but this means that only as what percent of people, that's a young boys.

And there's a hundred of them so that means only two of them teenagers watch to say, I am a girl. So people want you to think when someone says there are girl, their whole life has changed and there are girl only about anywhere from 2.2 to 30%. Very wide range. So only 2.2 to 30%, actually continue on that path and say. I am a girl. Okay, so what do you think about girls?

Yes, I've heard of Arceus. I'm sorry. Yes, it is 12 to 50%. Once again, sampling. Like, who's doing the last Sunday? Pastor Robert sent me this article of a school system in Connecticut, New Hampshire, something back East, where they came out and said, a certain percentage of the student body in the school, district for transgender. And then the researchers said that numbers to low, I don't believe that after they came up with new questions and nude ways of research, and all the sudden the number chart up to 10%.

How did they go about Gathering?


Right now.

Right? And I didn't put the code in here, but medical professionals type either psychiatrist that called as some type of someone in the medical field said there is no research to show that external factors contribute to transgender identities. But no research shows that it attributed.

Okay, for Mom. My son is 308.

If you are a little girl, no more second. I was like I'm just so pissed that you believe it.

Your child tracking Evolution. Made a mistake.

Used to be the worst thing you can do. For your kid is turning into a baseball star because you were off at baseball as a kid.


Not Mother's Love, not love with Christian.

As much as you're able Peaceable towards them.

Be Peaceable. Not you're not answering to a truce with them and say I'm on your side body. That's not biblical peace. You are inflammatory. Towards them are seeking to keep the lines of communication open to point them to the gospel, appoint them to their desperate need for a savior.


Yeah, Charlie, I always knowed. I always knew you as duty, but I'm glad for you right in his sometime that affirmation. Are people created in the image of God 796? Is that if anyone kills someone they should be put to death because the person you're killing is created in the image of God. So they're the same to you think city of lights that God told Noah is rooted in the fact that people are made in the image of God when I buy products of evolutionary process faster,


Yes, that's that's good. I didn't I didn't come across that one eye, but that, that's very good there. In the image of God, their sanctity of life is rooted in that, We have to understand. They are both the perpetrators and victims out there. Since in Genesis 4, 7 through 15 King killed Abel. Okay incentives. Out the door rule over it is in pain, kills Abel. Perpetrates the sin and then he hears the penalty and he says my punishment is too great for me to bear. So he's supposed to perpetrator and victim of his sin and transgender people are perpetrators. Understand it's not like they're innocent bystanders date. They they perpetrate their sin and then they they fall victim to their own sinfulness If that's what you need to say. Dear, they are confused. They're likely, not making these decisions on a whim.

is being more normalized, now with younger Generations, but Think of what what mind that you have to be in to 630 change that. These are confused people and it They need prayer and I need, they need help. They are spiritual warfare Ephesians 6:12. We wrestle not with flesh and blood but against his spiritual leaders and powers of evil in Heavenly places and 2nd Corinthians 4:4. It talks about the God of this world has blinded the minds of people flying their eyes of the Tennessee truth. They can understand fruit. It's spiritual warfare. The devil blind their minds. There isn't a logical Warfare hormones or moaning cuz it looks like a fake word to meet hormone biological warfare. It might seem an example, but 1st Kings, 19, 1 through 7. The prophets of Baal has been killed and now, Jezebel was trying to kill you lie to you like your runs away. He hide. But he said it would be better for me to die. And what is God? Do sense of Angel and feeds. Elijah twice. When Elijah ate the food. It like it, helped them at Nordstrom.


Going to be this neutral ground anymore, it's going to be worth it to be fighting their own body at that point. I think of when Jonathan gets his fear in the honey and ate it and his eyes were opened because there's been fighting all day. Our bodies need food or bodies are fearfully, wonderfully made, and his biological processes going on. And if you alter those with, with unnatural hormone therapy,

Good luck.

Actions emotions are gauges, not kites. I feel like a woman. I feel like a man How to be a gauge for something going on in your spiritual life. Something going on biologically, but it should not be there for you. Emotionally ashes are gauges, not guys, Jeremiah 17:9, our hearts are desperately, wicked Above. All Things, who can know what you're going to trust your heart. It's wicked. It have to get you. Your gauges, not guide. And remember, last week, I support of the American Psychological Association Handbook of Clinical Psychology that says it is currently impossible to diagnose gender dysphoria on the basis of objective. Criteria psychologists are there for dependent on the subjective information given by the person so it's in the it's on side but that should be a gauge. Not a guide.

Dr. Robert Gagnon. Human passions are notoriously. Unreliable indicators of God's will. I feel this? Therefore I should be allowed to do. It would not pass muster on any Bible readings, a Biblical tactics. The Bible homosexual, practice, give this professor promotion. If you want to read one of the strongest biblical argument against homosexuality, read the Bible and homosexual, practice by Robert Gagnon. This guy wrote finitive the the standard work on, What the Bible has to say on homosexuality and he rips the arguments are stretched really, really solid on that. Okay, why you might be here right now? You're like, okay, you told me last week all about transgenderism, what it is, what it implies, and things like that. This week, you told me from the Bible, what it means, but can you just tell me how to talk to these? People might be a few 1016 be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. Why you might be here? Just tell me so I called Charlie Charlie are Judy. What do I call her? say she or he

What is up real quick? We don't have as many men as their names. You were working with a. You been working with someone for a few years now and they come to you in the said, hey, I just want to let you know. I'm I met you changed under please, don't call me Bill anymore. Call me.

I don't think so I can use that name anymore. Call me Beulah, and you've been working this person for years and you always on his bill, Do you choose the?

I mean.

Jordan. Tyler Destiny Aaron.

What is a pronoun?


Exactly. And it's like, it's a legal thing. Like you want to go buy that, okay?

I will call you that only to keep the lines of communication open.

Hardwood floor nail gun safe to use your phone. As I was like, just say Judy said, this order did this Friday username as much as possible. Don't don't act. And other creatures might disagree with me on that, and I think there's room for Christian charity. Here, we don't want to

Crucify. Someone who says, I am going to use your pronouns, but you have to realize the road that you're leaving on. Yes.

Stop & Go near and Bryson and realize that if you don't want to affirm their position, they are created in the image of God. You want to love them, you want to point them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But you don't want to affirm them, and you can start to go down the road a formation. So, if you decide to use are pronouns, or if you decide, if fight against that, you can you ask yourself these questions, one by have a clear, understanding of the physical stamp and enter and our grasp, the grooviest in my friend is committing Or am I just using it? Because I'm not, I'm kind of shaky a little dicey on how to put the Bible says about gender, and I'm not really sure if this is a sin. So when you're doing this, you have to understand that the next question you need to ask it. So I generally intend on making an intentional effort to share price of this person giving the right time opportunity and prompting of the Holy Spirit. Or am I just using their pronouns to make an easy with myself? Am I willing to share my convictions about gender based on scripture? Realizing others in our culture will strongly disagree. So I'm going to call them a key when they want to be called a she or I'm going to say see when they want to say, they them and they're going to disagree with me. Or am I looking for a way to avoid the stigma of being a Christian? And if I start saying she If I if I keep saying he will they want me to use a she they're going to know. I'm a Christian. So these are good questions. You can ask yourself, why am I doing this? What book has my going and a my gospel oriented in all I do. Okay, I have nothing else to say any final words or comments Josiah.

That'd be great.



Yeah, one-on-one people will get them in the group.


That's what they're doing.

Rob, this is happening.


Thelma Wright.

Is that celebrating?

What's the prayer for someone who definitely battle with the sin? And I pray that we just point them to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and show them that really that God has created them to be something special. Something very good and that we want them to the gospel for them, to their true identity, that they can find a Jesus Christ youth, pastor Robert, as he preaches today from James to use him and just open our hearts to receive the word of God, gladly into Living light event pricing pressure.

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