Hope For a Change

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Hope for a Change!

As kids whenever we were out playing if something went wrong, or if the game went bad for some reason we could just say “do over” and all of a sudden all things were forgotten and we started all over again. When a movie is being made if someone forgets their part the director just says “cut” and they just stop and try again. Wouldn’t it be great if life could be like that? Just change all the good to bad! Or “un-wash” your cellular phone!

2 Corinthians 5:16-17NIV

16 So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view. Though we once regarded Christ in this way, we do so no longer. 17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!

1. An Immediate Change

A. Everyone has something in their past that isn’t pleasing to God. “Skeletons in your closet”

  1. Words we have said. Bad attitudes we have displayed, fights, hate, lust, pride greed, selfishness.
  2. God’s word said that all of us have sinned:

Romans 3:23KJV

23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

B. The wonderful thing is Jesus loves me enough to die for me He offers a chance for me to get things right. John 3:16KJV

1. We just need to believe in Him and we have an opportunity to start over!

2. Ever wonder why Christians are called “Born Again”? That’s all because at salvation no matter how bad the person is you start a whole new life!

2. A Continuing Change

  1. “He’s Still Workin’ On Me” even after salvation!
    1. Helping me become a new person in Christ isn’t an end it is a beginning!
    2. Whether we have been saved 3 days, 3 months, or 30 years God is still working on all of us.
  2. Nobody’s perfect we all have things within us that need to be changed.
    1. The Christian life is a life of continual change. Every day we walk closer to Him through study, prayer, and a willingness to follow Him.
    2. I may not be everything God wants me to be, but at least I ain’t what I was!!!!!!!

Conclusion:  Isaiah 1:18

  1. There is hope for a Change.
  2. God changes the past, present, and future.
  3. Will you let Him change you?  {song: I Won’t Leave Here Like I Came}
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