Power of the Heart

Luke - CrossFit  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  42:59
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Power of the Heart Power of the Heart Michael Morse / General CrossFit / Compassion; Power / Luke 7:11-17 The heart is capable of great strength and action. It is the only muscle that never rests. We need our heart in order to do greater things. Love from the heart gives us compassion to do great things also. Jesus said that we are to love one another with the love that He has shown us. Luke brings us to an event where Jesus displays his hearts compassion and His power and authority even over the grave. Introduction - Heart 1. The strongest muscle of the body - when it comes to endurance is the heart a. There are other muscles that are capable of great strength but only for a little while. i. It is only the heart that has the strength to endure throughout life ii. It is also the heart that gives the necessary nutrients and strength to the other muscles to carry out their work b. The hardest working muscle of the body - the heart i. It pumps with every beat 2 ounces or 71 grams of blood. 1. In one day the heart pumps at least 2500 gallons of blood ii. It begins beating while the baby is in the womb - at about 22 days or 3 weeks 1. The heart will beat from then until death - an average of about 3 billion heart beats a. Give or take when we have a few that are skipped when we are startled or scared to death 2. Never taking a rest - it truly has the strength to endure c. Cardio health is not something that you can skip out on i. You must do something to elevate your heart rate and maintain an elevated heart rate for a measurable amount of time. ii. The recommended amount of cardio is 30 minutes a day of moderate aerobic or 15 minutes of vigorous anaerobic a day (5 days = two days of rest) 1. Most athletes are only able to compete as far as their cardiovascular health allows them to 2. Limited by the amount the heart is able to endure 2. The heart also has another strength and role in when it comes to ourselves a. The heart is the seat of emotions - capable of deep feeling - and compassionate caring for not only ourselves but also for others. b. The heart has a strength in that it motivates us to act and care on behalf of others and possibly even people we dont even know c. Luke's gospel brings us front and center to a time where Jesus showed the strength and power of His heart. i. As we look at this interaction - lets look in and see the power of the heart ii. Jesus told his disciples in the upper room › SLIDE John 13:34-35 CSB 34 "I give you a new command: Love one another. Just as I have loved you, you are also to love one another. 35 By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another." 1. The power of your heart will determine if people know you as my disciples or not. iii. Lets look and see the power of the heart of Jesus › SLIDE His Heart Led Him to See › SLIDE Luke 7:11-13a Christian Standard Bible Chapter 7 11 Afterward he was on his way to a town called Nain. His disciples and a large crowd were traveling with him. 12 Just as he neared the gate of the town, a dead man was being carried out. He was his mother's only son, and she was a widow. A large crowd from the city was also with her. 13 When the Lord saw her 1. Jesus went from Capernaum to Nain a. It would be about 20-25 miles (on foot or sandal) i. The days journey would start out early and finish late afternoon b. Jesus went with His disciples - many who were not the 12 i. A large crowd followed as well c. Jesus was led by his heart for His Heavenly Father and His mission in this world to continue to proclaim the news that the Messiah had come and call people to come and believe i. From Capernaum He would go to Nain 2. As Jesus neared the gate of the town He saw something - another procession a. A dead man being carried out i. Jesus saw him - but he more than saw him - he truly saw him 1. A man - who was a son an only son a. The same word used for only son - is the same word used of Jesus as the only begotten of the Father b. Monogenes - one and only unique 2. The only Son saw another only son - the only Son destined to die - saw an only son who had died b. A mother i. Who had lost her only son ii. A woman already acquainted with grief as she had also lost her husband 1. It says verse 13 that Jesus saw her - though in a large crowd - He Jesus saw her in her situation - in her hopelessness and desperately terrifying situation 2. The death of the widow's only son was the greatest misfortune conceivable in those times a. This meant a miserable future lie ahead for this woman b. No man in her life to earn a living and take care of her - meant she would live out her existence uncared for and destitute › SLIDE The heart of the Lord leads Him to see - her and us in our dire situations iii. when it says he saw it could be also he understood or experienced iv. Life has the capability to suddenly swiftly and completely wreck us 1. Last week sitting down to eat lunch a news flash came across my phone - a helicopter crash claimed the life of basketball star Kobe Bryant and his 13 year old daughter as well as another young daughter and her parents a. Fathers b. Mothers c. Daughters d. Coaches 2. By sin death came into this world and has wrecked this life - has wrecked many of our lives a. January has been a rather difficult month with loss i. I lost a friend - who really encouraged Luana and I at the beginning of our marriage and family - suddenly he was sick and then he was gone ii. My friend Angel pastor of Fresh Vision Church lost his mother a little over a week ago b. Sin and Death continues to wreck lives - like it wrecked the life of this widow i. But know that the Lord Jesus was led by His Heart and He Saw and He sees ii. The Lord - kyrios - Messianic Authority - He is the one who sees › SLIDE His Heart Moved Him › SLIDE Christian Standard Bible Chapter 7 he had compassion on her and said, "Don't weep." 14 Then he came up and touched the open coffin, and the pallbearers stopped. And he said, "Young man, I tell you, get up!" 15 The dead man sat up and began to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. 1. To have compassion a. The Lords heart led Jesus to see this widow in her situation and trouble - it wouldnt allow Him to walk by without seeing i. His heart moved Him from seeing - to feeling - deeply ii. Compassion - esplanchnisthe - root word would be splanchna (inner parts or bowels) 1. They would say in ancient times cross my bowels and hope to die 2. We say cross our heart a. The bowels were the deep seat of emotion and compassion in ancient times b. For us it is the depths of our hearts - deeply moved deeply affected in the inner most being 3. Compassion - Wycliffe translators were working on a translation - Alaskan people - and they didnt have an equivalent word for compassion - so they translated it as - your pain in my heart › SLIDE - Jesus compassion - your pain in His heart Compassion - Your pain in His heart There is no stronger word in the Greek language for sympathy and compassion and again and again it is used in the gospel story of Jesus b. Quite literally His heart went out for her i. To the point He said Dont weep - stop weeping or stop sobbing 1. Now in the time of grief and bereavement - this is the worst advice - to stop mourning would be to stuff the grief and that would come out in other unhealthy ways 2. Tears of the mourning are cathartic and cleansing - they help to promote acceptance of the loss ii. Jesus instantly understood the situation and the grief of the mother combined with the terror of her unfortunate future 1. It is not of accident here that Luke uses the word Kyrios in referring to Jesus a. Messianic Authority - Lordship and connection with God 2. The noblest of faith was Stoicism a. Stoics believed that the primary characteristic of God was apathy or incapability of feeling b. They had a strong argument - at least they thought so - based on human logic If someone can make another sad,sorry, glad, joyful, it means that, at least for a moment, he can influence that other person. If he can influence him that means, at least for the moment, he is greater than the other person. Now, no one can be greater than God; therefore no one can influence God; therefore, in the nature of things God must be incapable of feeling. i. What a distant and uncaring god - definitely not the God of the Bible 2. To touch the untouchable a. Jesus' heart moved Him to not only have compassion and offer words of comfort but His heart moved Him to do something unexpected and something unusual i. Jesus touched the coffin - which in the ceremonial laws would be the same as touching the dead person which was forbidden to prevent becoming unclean › SLIDE Numbers 19:11 CSB 11 "The person who touches any human corpse will be unclean for seven days. ii. By touching the coffin Jesus would be seen and declared to be unclean and defiled. 1. By His heart He was moved to touch that which was untouchable - when everyone else would turn away - Jesus reached forward to touch because of the power of His heart. 2. Seven days He would be unclean › SLIDE Jesus didnt fear ceremonial defilement by touching ceremonial unclean things or people - the power of His heart moved Him to touch the untouchable b. So unusual was this tender touch of Jesus and willingness to handle this person - caused the pallbearers to stop in their tracks i. When someone encounters the willing touch of Jesus - it stops them in their tracks 3. To take action a. The power of His heart moved Him to compassion and to touch the untouchable but also to take action i. Compassion isnt true compassion unless we do something with it ii. Jesus took a bold step and said Young man I tell you, get up b. Jesus spoke to the man as if he could hear and was alive i. He didnt say young man get up - He said I tell you to get up ii. Jesus has a different authority - make no mistake He has authority - He says I tell you 1. The dead man sat up and spoke a. Two very difficult things for a dead man to do › SLIDE Jesus words brings with them the power to obey, the only thing stronger than the compassion of Jesus is the power of Jesus 2. By His word alone the sick are healed, the demons removed and the dead are raised a. He is Kyrios - Lord over all - death and disease b. Also note nothing is made of anyone's faith - Jesus' power over life and death is not dependent on anyone's faith but whole in His own power and authority i. If you touch a dead body and bring that person back to life - are you still unclean? c. Jesus then restored the boy to his mother i. Jesus did this miracle not as a show of Messiahship but to show compassion for the human condition - wrecked lives - obliterated by sin › SLIDE His Heart Sent Him › SLIDE Luke 7:16-17 CSB 16 Then fear came over everyone, and they glorified God, saying, "A great prophet has risen among us," and "God has visited his people." 17 This report about him went throughout Judea and all the vicinity. 1. It was the power of His heart that sent Him a. It was the compassion for the human condition - the decay of sin in the world and in the people b. The people recognized that they had witnessed a work of God in their midst i. They with limited understanding saw the miraculous power of the compassion of God 1. God has visited His people - this what they said 2. They gave glory to God recognizing that this something only God could do - bringing the dead back to life, to give life at all let alone give life or return life to a dead body 2. Witnessing the miraculous is not a pathway to automatic faith and wonder a. Sometimes there is a detour of fear i. Phobos - where we get phobias from - debilitating fear - fear that stops you in your tracks ii. Some commentators describe this fear as awe and reverence for God but I am not sure that goes far enough or is accurate enough. 1. In ancient times they witnessed a lot of miraculous things from God but never did they get used to it 2. If we witnessed a dead man sit up and talk - we would jump out of our skin - it would be a natural response › SLIDE - Lenski puts it this way He who snatches its prey from the monster death exhibits a power that must make us tremble 3. The people said God visited His people - reminds us why Jesus is here in the first place a. You shall call Him Immanuel - God With Us - God has visited His people b. Jesus was sent as Savior to take away the sins of the world - because God so loved the world › SLIDE The power of God's heart sent Jesus Conclusion 1. We must love with the same love Jesus showed - the power of our hearts can lead us to love like Jesus a. Jesus heart led Him to see this woman in her situation and pain b. Jesus heart moved Him to respond with mercy and compassion i. Jesus did not wait to be implored to help › SLIDE Isaiah 65:1 CSB 1 "I was sought by those who did not ask; I was found by those who did not seek me. I said, 'Here I am, here I am,' to a nation that did not call on my name. c. Jesus heart sent Him to save people from death i. See now there were 2 processions 1. Those with Jesus joyous and rejoicing at the works He has done 2. The second those not with Jesus - mourning - because death continues to have power over them 2. Every funeral Jesus had attended would be broken up a. Jesus is saying and showing - He has the last word when it comes to life b. Jesus didnt like death and regarded death as an enemy to be defeated - we know that through His death He put death to death i. Some call this miracle a resurrection - or Jairus's daughter or Lazarus - but the truth is it is only a resuscitation. We still look forward to the resurrection - for that will be when death is no more. 1. These three raised to life died again 2. In the resurrection there is no more death - the power of Jesus heart eliminates death and we have the glorious news to continue and bring through all the vicinity and land and the power of our heart should drive us to proclaim the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ › SLIDE 1 Corinthians 15:52-53 CSB 52 in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised incorruptible, and we will be changed. 53 For this corruptible body must be clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body must be clothed with immortality. › SLIDE 1 Corinthians 15:54-55 CSB 54 When this corruptible body is clothed with incorruptibility, and this mortal body is clothed with immortality, then the saying that is written will take place: Death has been swallowed up in victory. 55 Where, death, is your victory? Where, death, is your sting? Jesus is the only one who has triumphed over the grave and has promised that because He lives we shall live › SLIDE John 14:19 CSB 19 In a little while the world will no longer see me, but you will see me. Because I live, you will live too. Altar Call › SLIDE Communion Communion is a reminder of the power of the heart of Jesus to send Him into this world to die for His people because of His love - even for those who were considered His enemies - we partake of the cracker and the juice to represent his body and blood given for us that He would give us forgiveness resurrection and eternal life. 1 Corinthians 11:23-24 CSB 23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: On the night when he was betrayed, the Lord Jesus took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, broke it, and said, "This is my body, which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me." › SLIDE 1 Corinthians 11:25-26 CSB 25 In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, and said, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me." 26 For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until he comes. Page . Exported from Logos Bible Software, 1:05 PM February 1, 2020.
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