Revelation 1:1-8 - Sunday May 9th

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The revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his bond servants. The things which must soon. Take place, and he sent in communicated it by his angels to is Bond servant. John, who testified to the word of God into the testimony of Jesus Christ. Even to all that. He saw blessed is He who reads? And those who hear the words of the prophecy and he'd the things which are written in it, for the time is near John to the seven churches that are in Asia, grace to you and peace from him, who he is, and, who was and who is to come in from the 7 Spirits were before his throne, and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness. The first born of the death and the ruler is the kings of the earth. To him, who loves us and released us from our sins, by his blood, and he made us to be a kingdom, pray to his God and Father to him, be glory and Dominion forever and ever, amen. Behold. He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him and even those who pierced him and all The tribes of the earth will mourn over him. So it is to be amen. I am the Alpha and the Omega says, the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come the Almighty. I join your brother and fell apart during the tribulation. The kingdom and perseverance, which are in Jesus was on the island called Patmos because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. I was in the spirit on the Lord's day and I heard behind me a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet saying, write in a book, what you see and send it to the seven churches to Ephesus and to Smyrna and a pergamum andesite IRA into Sardis and Philadelphia. And then I turned to see the voice that was speaking with me and having thrown I saw seven golden lamp stands and in the middle of the lamp stands, I saw one like a son of man clothed in a robe reaching to the feet and girded acrossed his test for the golden sash. His head and his hair were white, like white wool, like snow. And his eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like burnished bronze when it has been made to Glow in a furnace in his voice was like the sound of many Waters in his right hand. He held Seven Stars and out of his mouth. Can a sharp two-edged sword and his face was like the sun shining in his strength. When I saw him. I fell at his feet like a dead man, and he placed his right hand on me saying, you not be afraid. I am the first and the last, and the living one, and I was dead. And behold, I am alive for Evermore and I have the keys of death and of Haiti's. Therefore, write the things which you have seen and the things which are and the things which will take place after these things. As for the mystery of the Seven Stars, what you saw in my right hand and the gold instead of the seven golden lamp stand, the Seven Stars of the angels of the seven churches. Seven lamps bands are the seven churches. Only father, we thank you. Lord, as we come together this morning, lord, it's good to be together. Lord, were excited to open this book, your revelation of your self and your plan to us. Lord. I pray this morning. We would come with hearts Open. Lord with our minds, ready to be engaged with your word, Lord, that we would come looking and expecting to see you in this this morning. So we just ask that you would have our hearts and our minds this morning, that they would be yours completely. And we ask these things in Jesus name. Amen.

so, we are going to take What state the next year? I'm probably being conservative. It might be longer than that, but we're going to dig into this book. So I want you to just kind of be prepared. Mentally for what we're about to embark on this journey. Delving into one of the most misunderstood least studied. Yes, that's true. Least studied books in the Bible. People tend to shy away from this book simply because of the imagery and some of the things that are said in it, but we are not people that are fearful especially fearful of God's word, right? So he preserved it for us. And so we're going to study it and we're going to go in-depth. And so I want you to just commit Thoroughly engaging with this book, right? Commit to being here and if you can't be here, you're going to need to going out and listen to each study online. You can listen on the podcast on the app. You can go to YouTube and watch it. But you're going to want to keep up your want to know where we are because otherwise you could get lost and once you get lost it's hard to get back on track. So we're going to we're going to be all over in the Bible because the Book of Revelation is the culmination of everything else. That's come before, right. So we're going to be all in the new testament, old testament, and lots of different prophecies and different things were going to look at. So, I hope you're ready to engage and ready to be part of this. So, let's jump in here, the revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his bond servants. The things which must soon. Take place, and he sent and communicated it by his Angel who is Bond. Servant. John, the first and foremost, I want us to keep in our mind that this is the revelation of Jesus Christ. Write everything about this book is about Jesus and him revealing himself. And his plan to us the churches. This letter. That that's what this was with the letter. And it was meant to go out to seven churches in Asia which were the representation basically of the Gentile Church in the world at that time. So those who are not Jews, but we're Christians and this was to be circulated among them. Some of it was written directly to them and the whole thing was meant to be for them. So it's important that we understand that this is about Jesus and him being revealed to us. Traps did a great job last week of kind of giving us the layout of the book breaking it down. And I hope that when we're done with this, you'll be so familiar with this book and display out. You will be able to confidently, discuss the Book of Revelation with people. You'll know it. I hopefully inside out and backwards or at least to the point where you feel comfortable having a discussion about it, which brings me to my next Point. How do we talk about the book of the Revelation and end times stuff for eschatology, is the word. Don't be dismayed by that word. It simply means the study of last things, when you hear the word eschatology, just means talking about End Time stuff for the last things. And here's the thing we major on the majors, right? The doctrine of last things is not essential that. You understand it, perfectly or know all the ins and outs of it. And one view versus another view, is not an issue of Salvation. If a person holds a different view than you that's fine. Don't make that an issue. DJ Maxwell says, while the world is going to hell, Christians are having slanderous and public discussion about wine or grape juice KJV or an IV, free mid partial or post. And all of these are things that we should try to understand, but they are not the things that one should stake their life on making it a life-or-death issue while people are perishing. We can discuss these things with others and I hope that we do at the time is getting short, but don't ever argue about this. Right? It's not. There's never a time where you should break Fellowship. Let me say that there's almost never a time. You should break fellowship with another believer over their view of end times. And I say almost because there is one caveat to death. There is one view of eschatology. That is heretical. Okay, and that view has taken root in some trick. Is it still a small minority? But it is growing and I talked about it a lot. It's the doctrine that comes along with the Manifest sons of God, teaching or those who were part of the lateral movement to end really. Now, it's going to take it on the moniker of Kingdom. Now, Theology, and understand, not everyone is heretical in their belief of in X, who are in that case. Okay, I just want to make sure we understand, but if they are part of that camp and the hold to the Manifest sons of God theology that Jesus Christ. The person is no longer relevant. He is not going to return to this Earth, but we are going to recognize our deity as the man Christ, collectively, and raise up and take over the Earth and Rule it if they hold it out the ology that heretical. Never believe. That believe me. It is taking root in our churches. It is taking root in, not in the Calvary Chapel thankfully but in churches, Christian churches, Evangelical Protestant mostly in the charismatic movement, but it's all over that. We just need to have our eyes open. That's the one place where I would say, you know, hey, we love you, but we have to correct you about that. And if you continue in that, we cannot Fellowship. Because the thing is, if you're taking the person in the pre-eminence of God incarnate, Jesus Christ. And you're doing away with him. Then. Where is your salvation? Who are you trusting in, for your salvation, Jesus, or yourself? Right? And that's an issue. It. Becomes a Salvation issue, but otherwise no matter what a person view is and we'll talk about a few of them, really two major ones. But and we will teach Ours from a particular standpoint, but I understand that's not a reason to break Fellowship. That's not a reason to get up. That is definitely not a reason to argue. We teach it from a particular standpoint because that's the way we see it in the scripture and I would not stand up here. If I could not teach the word of God. Authoritatively. That this is what I believe there are passages in the scripture where you just don't know, but if I see it a certain way, I have to teach it that way, right. Otherwise you end up with a kind of wishy-washy. I don't really know. So what's the point of us all being here, kind of teaching and we don't want that, right? So we're in a good, what we always are teaching something that's on good solid footing theologically not out doing weird things on her own with eisegesis and stuff like that types of hermeneutics where we're taking the wording on people and still come to a different conclusion than us and that's okay. Okay. All right. So we're going to Major on the majors in Essentials. Unity, non-essentials, Liberty Inn in all things cherry. Now, some people might say to you. What's the point of studying? The book of the Revelation? It's just too hard to understand. They're just too. You know, it's, there's too much symbology. There's too much, you know, apocalyptic imagery, which by the way, is Travis pointed out. The apocalypse just simply means the revealing. We've taken that word and made it into something, that it's not an ounce. But how do we, how do we answer something like that? Will? I think it's the answer is very simple. Why would God go through all the trouble of inspiring 40-plus authors over fifteen hundred years to record all of this stuff for us and preserve it for over two thousand years in its entirety. So that we would do all you can't really understand and just throw it on the shelf, right? People to all the Bible, just up to your own interpretation know it's not Peter was very clear about that. We study 1st and 2nd. Peter Peter said no. No Prophecy in the Bible is up to personal interpretation, right? There is one interpretation one, right? Interpretation of every passage of scripture. Now, whether or not we have discerned what that right interpretation is that might be caught, that might be up for a question, but there's only one right one, right? We'll talk about that a little bit as well. But yes, we can understand it. In fact, Dawn here. Make sure we understand that he wants us to understand it, right? He takes the time to write. It's a revelation of Jesus Christ that God gave to us. And he sent it to be communicated To Us by an Angel.

Talking about. So, yes, we can understand it and we should understand it. Henry Morris said, the Book of Revelation is not hard to understand. It's just hard to believe. If you will believe it. You will understand it. Right? That's what the problem really is when people say it's too hard to understand what they're saying is, it's too hard to believe what's written there. And so I need to look for some other meaning. But here's the thing. If you believe the first verse of the Bible, everything else was downhill from there, right? In the beginning, God created the heavens and the Earth and were told he spoke to them into existence of a God can do that. Nothing is off the table for him, right? So if you believe that this should be no problem. So let's just keep our minds around it. Everything in this book is possible. If God is doing it, right, and there's nothing that's impossible with him. Go by faith. We're going to study this book believing that God is able, but we're going to use some some some of this might be dry this morning and I apologize for that. But we're building a foundation for studying this book. I want you to understand and I want you to have a good grasp on what we're doing as we studied this. So we're going to use for more a method of study, what hermeneutics mean. It's our method for studying and interpreting the Bible, a method of interpretation and we're going to use what is considered the kind of the gold-standard method in that is the literal historical grammatical approach and you don't really need to know this all that. I want to explain to you it the way that we study until you understand when we're looking at a passage, why we're coming to the conclusion that we are. So what does that mean? Well literal basically just means How We Do normal Just beating it with no other pretext. How would they understand this to be read? Right? I mean, basically, what's the plain sense of the passage historical takes into context? The person that it was addressed to who, what was going on. Why was that person recording this? What was the circumstances around it now? You have to be a little bit careful with the historical when talking about the Bible because the Bible is a Divine document. It was transmitted by God and it was meant to be preserved for application. Not just for the people that hurt it originally, but for all of us do it as God is outside of time. So is the word of God to some extent do while there is maybe some summer historical application, that may have applied at the time. We don't just go. Well, that's just for that time. We, we can see in many many cases that while it applied, at that time. It's still is it has application for us today, right? It still means what it says it means. And that didn't change it because time change because God Is Timeless and his statutes and Commandments. And testimonies are Timeless. They never pass away. The Bible tells us. So while we look at their store of context, because we have a greater. We wanted to be in contact. We also want to understand that the God is not bound by the time portion of that context. And then the last one is grammatical and this is means we understand it in the grammar that is given. So if it's a figure of speech, we take it as a figure of speech of. We don't believe that God actually has wings. Even the one song that tells us. He hides Us in the shadow. We know. God doesn't have wings. That's a figure of speech, right? It's to convey God's protection of us. When we come to that, we understand it that way. Because that's the literal sense of it and it makes sense in our grammar, but it also means that we are taking it in the context of the full Council of God for a matically. That is if a word is translated one way here. What is translated? All 100 times? It appears in the Bible, a different way, there better be a really good reason. It's translated that way here, right? We need to understand. Why would they do that, right work? If a person is getting a sense from the the interpretation of it here. And yet everywhere, somewhere else in the Bible is translated a different way. And we're taking it and we're making it mean something else here. We better have a good reason for it. There better. Be some really solid stuff to back that up. Otherwise, we go like, hey, this is what it always means. So why are you trying to make it mean something? Right? And that's important? That's why we used this this hermeneutic, which has been put this way and I've said it many times, if it makes sense, in the literal sense, don't seek another sense or you will have nonsense, right? So, I don't know who said that originally. It's been attributed to several different people, but nobody's sure. I doubt that my grandpa used to say and that's where I got it. So so when we're studying the word, we do it in. Definitely ask some questions. Okay. Arthur says, is my interpretation particular section of scripture consistent with the theme purpose and structure of the book in which it is found. Is my interpretation consistent with other scriptures about the same subject. Or is there a glaring difference? And am I considering the historical and cultural context of what is being said? So if you're not familiar with Kay Arthur, she is a wonderful Bible teacher and teaches inductive Bible study. And so are the ladies in our church. I'll be very familiar with this. Cuz I know you guys are Kay Arthur trained a lot of you. So basically we're looking at all of these things and work, not bringing our own bias to superimpose it. That doesn't mean we won't have a bias. It doesn't mean we won't impose it on to the scriptures. They will ask him in this work. We're just not going to work nor those scriptures so that we can look at something that supports I that's one of the things I love about the way we teach a Calvary Chapel chapter by chapter verse by verse is because we get the whole context and there's no way out of it. I can't just pick a verse from here and say, I want to make that booty cuz you guys are all going to go. Wait a second. What about all this? Right? I can't just make something and that's good. Cuz Warren wiersbe, says, we can prove almost anything by the Bible if we isolate text from the context and turn them into pre-tax. We don't want to do that to contacts contacts contacts, right? All right. So the revelation of Jesus Christ, that's what this is, and that's how we're going to view it. Which God gave him to show to his bond servants, the things which must soon. Take place and he's sitting communicated it by his Angel to a bondservant. John who testified to the word of God into the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that. He saw blessed is He who reads? And those who hear the The prophecy and he'd the things which are written in it for the time is near. So why are we studying this book while there's three basic reasons why we are studying this book in the first one is that Jesus has revealed to us in this book. Again, if the revelation of Jesus, he's revealing himself, as he truly is now to the world and to join in this account, but also his plan for the world as he takes ownership. Like, that's what this is about him. Taking ownership, Kim Coleman a meeting and completing the Redemption that he began at Calvary, give seeing the the fruit of that come to past Redeeming the world to himself. So that's what this is about. That. He is going to be revealed to us through this book in three ways. The first one is, we will see the person of Jesus. That is his heart for us the church. And who he is in relation to us and in relation to God, so he has a specific role. He is a one-person of the godhood and he manifests himself to the church to us. Individually to the world, a certain way. And we're going to see that we're going to see his pre-eminence. This is where I get on my high horse quite a bit. You guys know that is Divas, is it rang? He is above all, there's no, there's nothing else besides him that even comes close. He is all and we're going to see that preeminence. Of course, we're going to see the power of Jesus on display throughout this book and this is where his revealing really comes.

I think they traveled with him. But the Jesus is a new power part of that person of Jesus hadn't been revealed to them. I mean, Peter, James and John. Got a glimpse of it at the Mount of transfiguration, but they didn't see it in action. The way we will see it action in action in this book. Jesus's revealing his godhood in a way that he never did while on Earth because he's ascended into heaven. And now he is at the right hand of power as well. We'll talk about who he is. Jesus is the reason we study this is because we're blessed when we do it and it's the only book in the Bible that has a promise. I guaranteed that when you study it and you hear it, when you read it and you hear it and you keep it, you will be blessed and doing that. And I would just tell you.

We started the study. I don't know. I want to see maybe 6 years ago. We went through. It. Wasn't it. That Meghan with the farther back than that. Okay, so maybe maybe eight nine, ten years. I don't know it. The church was struggling. I'm going to be honest, the church was struggling. We were in a kind of in a tough tough way. At the time, we begin to study this book and and I do, when I go to the church, I don't mean to be like the physical church. I mean, people in the church were struggling and things were hard for a lot of us and bought in the year plus that we study through. This book, people's lives were blessed and I'm not, I'm not exaggerating if we stopped blessing poured out on our tree at we studied this we herded and we begin to believe it. Don't let me encourage you. This is not a time to shy away or back off. This is the time to dig in and move into this because the promise is and I believe God's promises. If we will read this book and truly hear it and take it to heart and believe it and live it out. We will be blessed. This is the promise, right? You read you here and you heed this you'll be blessed with that's the second thing. And then finally to prep. For his return. Jesus told his disciples, I am coming back, right? He didn't mince words about that. He didn't make it kind of, you know, he said, if I go, I shall return research. Receive you to myself. I'm coming back. And the, when the disciples were standing, looking at the clouds, the Angels told him he's going to come back in the same manner, he left. Is coming back. We need to believe that Jesus is returning, right? And we need to prepare for his return, very simply you plan, like you're going to be here until you die. But you live as if Jesus could show up right now today, right? That's the that's the goal. Is to be ready for his return. So this is how we're going to study this book. This is why we're studying this book. Now, we have to deal with a couple of housekeeping items before we jump into this book, that will determine kind of how we study the book and, and how we approached it. And the first thing is when it was written. Now I know last week, Travis kind of made a statement about when it was written and then kind of moved on and he kind of left that for me. So, I appreciate him doing that because I really, this is an important factor in how you approach the book of the Revelation as to when it was written. Right. So if it was written before, 70 AD, you are somewhat confined. If you believe in one particular view, your combined, to that date being true, had to happen before 70 AD. It had to be written before then. If you hold the one particular view of interpreting, the events of the Book of Revelation, if you hold two other views, it's not as important, but that one view is. And so we do need to kind of nail this down. So we understand where people are coming from when they're talking about the Book of Revelation do either before 70D ad or between 986 and 9680 is the thing. It's kind of the two dates that are out there. and why does it matter what first of all, it matters, because It did. This verse verse three says that this is a book of Prophecy. Now. You have a choice to make either John was saying that it's book of Prophecy, talking about the future. Things or it's a book of Prophecy that is fourth telling about things that were taking place in the world during his time. Right? So those are the two and if competing views here, do it and that would depend on when it was written. Right? If he's if he's talking about things that were happening during his lifetime coming up to 70, 80, 78. Dy7080. What happened? Buddy destruction of Jerusalem, that's right. The temple was destroyed in Jerusalem Titus. The emperor not tied us, the the pastor but Titus the emperor of Rome or the general of Rome under the emperor was sent to his role and staged lay Siege to the city and destroyed in 70, 80, and burnt the temple. And then when they burnt the temple, all the cracks between the stone and so the soldiers Pride the stones off of one another to get at the gold for filling Jesus prophecy. When he said told his disciples, you see these Stones not one will be left standing on the other, right? He he prophesied to that event would take place. So on one view you will if you hold to a date of 70 or before 70 AD, it culminates everything. Culminates in that, right? And that would mean, Different type of Prophecy. When he's talking about prophecy, talking about fourth, telling like bringing forth the truth of what was happening and some say that he wrote this in code so that those who would have get it, would understand what he's talking about. But those who were outside the church wouldn't understand, right? So that's one view, if it happened after 70, AD than that view, really falls apart, view of Prophecy, being fourth telling, and it would be for tellin of things in the future. Because after that, there was nothing that could even be related to this really to make that. Kind of Prophecy writes about. You kind of holds to that before 70 AD. So we have to look at the evidence for when this was written and we need to look at some detail. So we have some external evidence for the later date of 95-96 80 from the Purley Church pastors. Tell irenaeus was an early Church. Pastor living in the second century there and he was a disciple of polycarp. He had been raised and trained by polycarp, and he's been placed into a pastoral role at the city of lions and he wrote in his book against heresies and he wrote a lot. So, we have a lots of stuff from us. And he wrote in book, 5 section, 2 of his book of heresies all about the end times, the coming of antichrist, and all those kinds of things. And he stated that, How did Ben earlier in John's lifetime? The things that John was writing about he would have identified the Antichrist because apparently there had been a question about whether the Antichrist talked in a relation was Nero who was alive when John was alive, had he written this prior to 7080. If you didn't it earlier in his life. He said he would have identified him if he, if that would have been him if it was the fever. That was a question, is antifreeze talking about Caesar? And he says, no. He said he was given the, the Revelation at the end of Dalmatians, rain donation rain from 8680 to 9680 and the end of his Reign right around 9680. Was the time given not just by irenaeus. But again there to lien to Kathy is Victoria's fall quoted. This this date all gave us the state as being Amish and during the missions rain, in fact up until the 6th century. No one thought it was anything other than had been given during Dalmatians rain. And then there was a text found, a serious actor, Assyrian version of the Bible handwritten texted a manuscript. That had a comment in the in the margin of the beginning of the book of Revelation that said it was written during the orkney, rose rain, which gave it the earlier day to free 7081 manuscript out of 20,000, + manuscripts that we have has one has this one inscription in it. And then, later in 911 of seven. We had a couple of other Church writers to reference to that and also, in their writing set see it was an ear all day. But otherwise all of the early church pastors, we have up to the eighth Century all held to the fact that this was given during donations right now. They had good reason for that besides just irritated because there's internal evidence to this tea. Block that would point out that it was also written. During this time. The first was the Church of Smyrna up till 70 80. There was no church at Smyrna right developed after that. And so he's riding to a church that if he wrote pride and 780 didn't exist, right? So that would have been the first clue that it was later than that second. He's writing to the Church of laodicea. And in his writing to them. Jesus has a few words to say about them. He's not real thrilled with them, as we'll find out what he says. You say, you are rich and have need of nothing. But the issue with that is that the church in laodicea did not come about until 65 a d. And in 6080, there was a horrible earthquake that completely leveled the city of laodicea and archaeologists. If it took them 25 to 30 years to rebuild that they found from archaeological digs that, they did not fully rebuild the city for almost thirty years. So if it had been written prior to 70 AD, the church didn't come about until 6580. Why would Jesus be talking to a church? That's rich and have need of nothing and they're still trying to rebuild from the rubble of a horrible earthquake. Right? Again, doesn't make sense. Doesn't fit. And then, of course, one of the strongest is referenced in many writings where he got out and he went to Ephesus to Pastor there until his death. He pastored at the church of Ephesus if he wrote the Received the Revelation prior to 70 AD. He would have been the pastor at Ephesus at the exact same time. Timothy was the pastor of Ephesus now, Paul would have certainly, at least mentioned John in one of his two letters to Timothy while he was pastoring there. I mean, at least, maybe given that a hey, by the way, the senior pastor, tell him I said hi or something more than likely had, John been passed during their. First of all, people would have never sent Timothy there to Pastor. You would send them somewhere else, right? Because John would have had that covered. But at the very least, you would probably addressed the letter to Ephesus to John and he share this with Timothy. The person you're discipling to be faster, but there's none of that. So there is no indication that John was in Ephesus prior to 70 AD as pastor. Right, sweetheart. And then, of course, John's banishment Patmos. Nero did not banish Christians. He actually killed them every time he got his hands on them. There's no recorded history of him ever banishing. A Christian. However, there are lots of accounts of donation. Banishing, Christian specifically, some Christians to a mine on the Isle of Patmos, right? During his Reign. He like the banished Christian didn't like to kill them necessarily and so he he would banish them to the Isle of Patmos. So there's that kind of internal evidence that also points to this show, a very strong case made for the later date, which means that the view that holds do everything in the Book of Revelation taking place, prior to 70 AD or most of it has a hard time with that. If we're wrong about that date. It still doesn't negate our view that things are future, right? It doesn't really have any any real bearing on our date because we can look at the things taking place throughout the Book of Revelation and we can, if we take them literally in the way that they're written, we can honestly say boy, nothing like that really happened before. 70 AD the things that we read about there. It would be hard. Hard pressed to find the things that we were worried about having taken place anywhere in, history, up to this point, so we can still say their future. But for the other view, it is a difficult time. So there's kind of the dating of the book a later date of 95-96 does hold to be probably the most prevalent and has the most support. Although they they they will point out other things, which I'm not going to go into the day because I'm running out of time. But if you do want to talk about some of the other viewpoints and some of the evidence for that, I'm happy to talk about that at some point, but the fact is, it's a book of Prophecy, right? That's what he says. It's things that would soon take place. It's the word of God is the testimony of Jesus Christ. In other words. It's trustworthy and it's weird the prophecy because the time is near these things are going to happen. And we're in the last days now he's able. How could John say that the last days? To God, I mean, God's outside of time. So we are in the last days. I believe we're in the last of the last days, but we've been in the last day since Jesus ascended to heaven, right? Where this is the culmination. This is the end of the age that we're coming. Into things are winding down and they have been since he ascended. So but the word focus on this word prophecy. As you notice, I have a couple times because it's important that we understand why we believe and we're not things that were happening. During John's day. The word prophecy here is the word Prophet a tire is proposed pronounce in the Greek. I've used last time, I don't do this. I pronounce it wrong. The entire time I was teaching it is prophet Isaiah. In the Greek. And the the most common translation of that is to foretell future events by divine inspiration. Now, I see the most common because it could be translated to Fourth, tell like to tell it to bring something fourth in Greek. It could be translated that way, but I want you to be careful about when people say that you need to ask the next question. Where is it translated that way in Scripture? Right? Because we don't really care that, you know, some guy in his book translated from Greek to English about you know, math. We don't care that he used the word prophesied to tell forth some truth. We care about how it was translated in the scripture. Right? Bye-bye interpreters, who were being very careful and prayerfully reading through this and understanding it. How is it translated? How many times has it translated that way in Scripture?

020 * to bring forth. Now. There's one word related to it for Pharaoh in the Greek translated one time and Luke chapter 6, verse 45, I believe where it's to bring forth, but it's not talking about bringing forth a message as far as teaching or a preaching. It's if used in a different context there. However, over a hundred and fifty times in the Bible. Greek words are used to translate the word, preach preaching, preached preach. If there are 11, Greek words used for that carry, Saudi Lago, Yves, Angelico of, and on, and on to translate for pre Capri, that's not even mentioning. The hundreds of times. Does 11, words are used to translate to bring forth to declare to publish, to speak out hundreds of times. They use these other three words to talk about preaching and teaching and declaring and publicly stating and bring you forth truth. Not once, do they use the word prophecy for that. All 19 times, the word prophecies, translated in the New Testament. It's always in the context of Supernatural gifting about having knowledge given to you from God. That only comes from him and in most cases relating to the deed prophesying or speaking 4th of future events talking when it's talking about Old Testament prophets. Anytime in the New Testament, translated. It's always in that context. Don't understand when they chose to use the word prophecy here in the Book of Revelation, which they use fire that uses. I believe five times in this book. It's always talking about Foretelling, events, by divine inspiration, telling the future, the Bible one. Third of it. Is prophecy where God said I can tell the future about things that are going to happen in the future and he sent his prophets to do that. Right? So, it shouldn't come as a surprise, that God would give prophecy about future events and call it, right? And, and have John call it profit a TIA prophet Isaiah. And it's not meant to just say preaching. This is telling future events and it is if you try and make it fit that you need to give good reason. Why you're changing the translation here to preaching about things that are going on and not prophesying future events because everywhere else in the New Testament. That's how we see the other grammatical little Historical Method works. This is it right here. You got to have a good reason for changing the the meaning. Love that word to mean anything other than talking about future events, right? And again, this goes back to the dating of this book. But there are people who hold the different views and we're going to look at a few of them. The first one is the preterist view. Now, when I say the predators of you, I'm not talking about the full preterist you because I don't really know anyone because the full Predators you with the everything in the Bible is has taken place. There's nothing else. Which means that this is the new Heaven and a new Earth. And I want my money back to be honest. This is not a good deal. This is not what I signed up for Friday. So if this is it, so but I don't really know anybody else that you but there are is a modification of that, which we will talk about. There's the historic sister view, which some folks hold to, which means that you can look through history. And you can see the events in the Book of Revelation and you can fit them two major events that took place in history and kind of as it kind of history is Marsh Dawn. You can put those that God was sort of like John was Nostradamus of his daddy and he was just talking about historical events. That would unfold throughout history, right? That's what is Doris's View. And then there's the spiritual taken liberal. This is for your own personal application here, to take these things and spiritualize them and make them apply to your life personally. And, you know, I would say this one View It, misses the point entirely, but there is because there's only one right interpretation of scripture, right? You can't just make it think say what you want it to say, right? So I can't just take this until it doesn't really mean what it says. I got to make it mean something else to apply to me. But I want you to say this, there's only one right? Interpretation of scripture, but there are many applications of scripture. So while I don't hold to this view, I do say that the Lord can speak to me from a passage in Revelation and it can speak to my heart. Some truth about him. That isn't in the context of what's taking place on the prophetic stage, right? It just happens to apply to my life. Personally. I've had that happen reading through and studying The Book of Revelation where God uses one verse to speak to my heart about something going on in my life today. That's okay because there is one right interpretation, but there are many applications because the Bible the word of God is living and Is sharper than a two, edged sword and it pure truth and divides, right? That's what the Bible said to give to the heart of the matter, so we can do that for us. So well, I don't hold to that view as a view of a way to interpret this. Don't throw out the fact that God can still speak to you. Personally, while reading through the Book of Revelation, right? And then there's the futurist view, which basically is most of what's the relation is really describes the end times and most of what's in there. Still, yet to come down to two of you. That kind of come from that, that we really, really are the two major views in the church today. And when is the partial partial, preterist View? And this is the one I was talking about those who hold to an earlier date, usually fall in this camp that are your date for the Book of Revelation. And that is the most of the Book of Revelation was for. Then John are fighting about things that are happening in. That is everything up to basically chapter 20 verse 7. Now again, I'm generalizing. There's people that fall into all different areas and different things in different beliefs about this. But I'm saying in general, this is kind of weird. Falls up to chapter 20, verse 7, which is the end of the Millennium Kingdom, right? And then, then they believe that's all done. Took place already. And now, we're waiting for the great white Throne judgment price to return and Eternity to begin, right? That's kind of where they fall. It would look somewhat like this and they kind of fall into camps of their belief about how the Millennium will work out one. Is that their post-millennial? They believe that, you know, where there is a millennium, but and we might even be in it, or we may have already had it. The moment believe that that Millennium was during a time when the church was raining on the earth, through the pope, and he had ultimate power, and it was not meant to be taken as a literal thousand years, but it was a span of time. And then now, Satan has been let out to deceive the Nations again, and that's what that's the part 1 in right now. And then we're waiting for Christ to return and it's post-millennial and heat for waiting for the great white Throne judgment and Eternity or They are in the amillennialism. Cowboy Church. There is no real Millennium. That's not, that's spiritual. That's not to be taken. Literally there was not really going to be a time of actual peace on the Earth, but just peace in the hearts of Christian as God rules in his kingdom in our hearts, right? And that's the age were in right now is that Christ is ruling in our hearts and we have peace in the midst of tribulation in the world. And now we're waiting for Christ to return for the great white Throne judgment. He won't have the physical Kingdom. That's all to spiritual. Our kids kingdom is in our hearts and then we're go on into eternity with him. Right again. These are two major major views within the partial, preterist View, and lots of Christians who I call my brothers and sisters in Christ. We don't want to look down her nose at those who believe that many of them have.

And if you do come to this conclusion, that this is what they believe. And again, it's not an issue of Salvation there, waiting for Christ to return. That's what I'm waiting for. We can, we can get together on that. One thing. Jesus is coming back. Now, I believe other stuff going to happen once that takes place and they believe that we're just going to have the great white Throne judgment were going to be okay, but we're both looking for, Christ's return. That's the important thing. So, so that's the two major views. There's a second view, is futurist view where most of Revelation is yet to come. Right now. All Christians could be found in one of these seven churches. And we'll talk about the churches and that they were actual churches, but they're actually types of churches that Jesus was talking about and they're actually that church at the whole throughout history, right? And so we can all find ourselves in one of these types of churches, whatever that may be. And we're waiting. For the culmination, the rest of the story to take place the worst, still in chapters 2 & 3 in this book. And that's the futurist millennial views there, which is basically. And again, I'm generalizing as we read earlier, BJ, mackle's of their pre-med prewrath post. And I was all sorts of views within this camp. But basically there's the post-tribulation. But tribulation Millennial view where I'm we have to go through it, right? We got to go through the tribulation. Then Christ will come back for us. Will go up. We'll come back with him and he'll establish his kingdom. And then there's the pre-tribulation all premillennialism, or what we called. Dispensational preeminent, millennialism, which is what Calvary Chapel holds two as a church. What? I personally hold, you as a as a pastor and in my own personal life and what I'm going to teach. Now again, I want to be clear, I teach this this way after Travis Pastor, Brian, we all teach this this way. This is what we believe to be true. But we have to teach it with authority. We have to teach it the way we see it. Cuz if I don't teach God's word with authority and I just come and I don't and I'm just kind of like well, whatever you let, you know, when you end up with a sort of wishy-washy, feel good message like what's the point of this even coming here? I don't want that, right? We do our best to have the best hermeneutic and understand it to the best of our ability. And that's the way we teach it and we leave it up to the Lord and we leave it up to you, to be bringing and dig into it for yourself to see if these things are so right. But first and foremost, we want to remember that this book is to reveal Jesus with all those unified. We want to see Jesus in this book, right? That's what our goal here is to see Jesus presented to us as he truly is today. The let's go a little deeper here to the seven churches. Wow. I can't believe the time is already there, to go fast that our names are grace to you and Pete from him. Who is and who was in from the seven spirits who are before his throne and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead and the ruler of the kings of the earth. To him, who loves us and released us from our sins by his blood. He has made us to be king, a kingdom priest to his God, and Father, to him, be the glory and Dominion forever and ever. Amen. Behold. He is coming with the clouds and every eye will see him even those who pierced him in. All the tribes of the earth will mourn over him. So it is to be amen. I am the Alpha and the Omega says, the Lord God, who is, and, who was, and who is to come the Almighty? This is all about Jesus. That's the thing. Just booked. Jesus is introducing himself to the world. And remember, the disciples knew him. They knew him as the teacher the rabbi the friend. The sacrifice, the meek timid loving Jesus who went to his death as a sacrifice for us. All who was raised came back Victorious from the grave but still within a body, a human form that look like a man who ate breakfast with them, who talked with them and then who ascended into the clouds in front of their eyes. That's who Jesus was, if you're John, that's how you remember him. But Jesus is introducing himself in the fullness of who he is. Now. He's revealing who he truly is in all of his glory to John and John got a glimpse of it again at the Transfiguration, but nothing like what he's about to experience as Christ is introducing himself to him. Now. He's saying I am, he I am is who was, who is, who is to come down? When Jesus said before Abraham? I am, he was making that same statement. Hi, I'm gone. I exist in the all present. Now forever, right? I I was, I am, I will be, but I am. That's who I am. I'm outside of time. He speaks of the seven spirits Before the Throne. Again. This is a reference to the Holy Spirit taken from Isaiah chapter 11 verse to. It says, the spirit of God will rest on him the spirit. It's beautiful. Lord of wisdom, understanding of the Messiah. This is a Messianic. This is who he is. It's the spirit of the Lord is Emma called this. The Sevenfold spirit of God, Seven being the number of perfection. Here. We see that the spirit of the Lord, that's who he is. And in his fullness, come all of these attributes. Wisdom, understanding power, Council knowledge, the fear of the Lord, right? If you would take those attributes of the holy spirit in, you take the fruit of the spirit Galatians chapter 5 and you'll see how the Holy Spirit works in your life as he comes into your life and these attributes begin to work. You can see how understanding produces patience and You can see how wisdom, understand the wisdom brings about goodness and self-control write all of the fruit of the spirit that produced by the attributes of the spirit. Go hand-in-hand and this is the spirit of who the spirit of the Lord, right? Jesus said when he stood up there in the synagogue, what did he do? He read, he said the spirit of the Lord rest upon becomes have come upon me, right? So this is who Jesus is, he said, who, you know, as the Holy Spirit that's part of your life. That's me. This is me in the fullness of my power. I am Eternal as is God, the Father. I have the spirit of the Lord. That is. I have God, the spirit. I am, God this. I am faithful. What I say will come to pass, what I promise to do. I will do, I'm preeminent. And behold, I'm coming with the clouds. We are to prepare for his return. This is a command actually in the Greek took to take these come in with look look. Take your games. That's what the old man. It was to turn your gaze, from whatever you're looking at. And look at this thing, behold. I am coming with the clouds. In other words. This prophecy is for you, so that you will look up that you'll be ready. So that you'll be prepared for my return. Behold. I'm coming with the clouds and every eye will see me. This is a different Jesus when he returns. He's returning Empower even told his disciples there in Matthew chapter 26 64. He said you have said it yourselves. Nevertheless. I tell you here. After that, you will see the son of man sitting at the right hand of power coming on the Clouds Of Heaven. This is a full, revealing who Jesus is now. He's the Alpha and Omega says the Lord. It wasn't is and is to come the almighty, the Alpha and Omega. The first letter of the Greek, alphabet, and it's like using the same. Look, I finish it. I started it. I'm going to finish it. Right. There was nothing but for me, I spoke. And I brought it all into this into there will be nothing after me. Right? I am it. I am all things in that makes sense because this is the revelation of Jesus Christ and it is all about him and here he makes it clear to us. This is and I want you to fit in your anything else today. Take this home with you. Okay. I understand the god that we serve. The picture you have of Jesus throughout his life here on Earth. That is not the fullness of who he is. Now. We learn a lot about our Lord From The Gospel accounts, but understand he was limited in his nature. He did not have full access to the glory. That was his, he emptied himself of that to become a man right while. He was still fully God, he didn't. But now he is fully in his glory and he is eternal. He is Alpha and Omega who was, and is to come The Great. I Am, he is faithful witness. His word is true, and it will come to pass. Stopped hard to understand the Book of Revelation if you believe it. And it's a simple book. You could take it chronological from start to finish. You'll find out. It's a simple book and he is faithful. He is pre-eminent and above all things. Jesus is above all. His first born. That was a term to mean, preeminent over the rest and he is the ruler over all came. He saw And he's our returning. Savior to loved us and released us from our sins. That's how he introduces himself that I loved you and I took your sins and I'm coming back for you. And that was the promise ehat. I hope you are encouraged as we study this book and to step out of any fear you might have had about the times. We are living in and get excited about it. Jesus said, I do to prepare plates and if I go out return and receive you to myself and we are in the times, I believe we're getting close to that. We're going to be with him. And I want to prepare our hearts for that fact that we will fully have Jesus revealed to us in this study that we will know the god. Whom we serve that we will be ready to meet him when he comes a man stand with me and let's pray. Lord, we're so grateful for this Revelation that you preserve down to time for us to study here today. Lord. We believe that your return is closed. We don't know when that we don't know if that's in our lifetime or or not or tomorrow, but whatever it is or we want to know you better every day. We want to know you more, we want to see you for who you truly are, want to believe that you are the god, that that the spoke, these words of prophecy about the power that you're going to display, Lord, that you are that same God in our lives today. And that you will display that same power in our lives in our circumstances, but you'll also display that same love that you loved us with to take away our sins. Lord this is you be revealed in us today. Why that show yourself to us and the truth of who you are. And we thank you for the fact that you have promised to do that. And we are beholding and you Lord of or looking, we want to be ready. We thank you. We praise you in Jesus name. Amen. God bless you guys. Have a great week, see on Wednesday night.

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