Apologetics Session 4

Introduction to Apologetics  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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A session introducing the ideas of science and Christianity


Apologetics Session 4

Richard Dawkins, in his book, The God Delusion, writes,
“As a scientist, I am hostile to fundamentalist religion because it actively debauches the scientific enterprise. It teaches us not to change our minds, and not to want to know exciting tings that are available to be known. It subverts science and saps the intellect.”—Richard Dawkins, The God Delusion
It has become popular today to pit science against religion, specifically Christianity, because it does not teach biological evolution. Jonathan Safarti provides a helpful summary, “Many evolutionary books, including Teaching about Evolution and the Nature of Science, contrast religion/creation opinions with evolution/science facts.”
He goes on to write, “The debate between creation and evolution is primarily a dispute between two world views, with mutually incompatible underlying assumptions.” The assumption for the Christian is that there is an infinitely powerful God. The assumption for the evolutionist is that there is no such thing as the supernatural.
As believers, we hold to the biblical truth that God created everything (Gen. 1:1ff.). Now, before we get too far I want to state that there are Christians who hold to various views of evolution. If you are interested in that, I recommend Gerald Rau’s book, Mapping the Origins Debate: Six Models of the Beginning of Everything. We will not go into details about those views here, although I encourage you to look into on your own.

I. Creationism is biblically supported- Gen. 1:1, Job 38:4-7, John 1:1-3; Col. 1:16-17

Now, though there is debate on the specifics of what this creation involved, the origin of the universe is determined to be by the hands of God alone.
There is no other explanation that coincides with the Bible’s teaching. We will discuss why this is the case from outside the Scriptures momentarily, but there are several important points we need to understand first.

A. Because creationism is biblical, it must be accepted by faith- Heb. 11:6

We believe in creationism because it is supported by the biblical material. It is an act of faith. Now, this does not mean we do not accept evidence or research outside the Scriptures, far from it! However, we believe that the world was created by God. That takes faith. There are two important principles we must keep in mind with this truth.
We realize that ultimately science cannot prove creationism.
We realize that unsaved people are incapable, on their own, to come to this belief.

B. Because creationism is biblical, it must be accepted first- Rom. 3:4; Isa. 55:8-9

That is, regardless of what scientists reveal as evidence, if it contradicts Scripture, we trust God over them. This seems to be anti-intellectual and antiscientific, but it is not. It is worshipping God alone. It is realizing that we live in a fallen world, with people who are engaging in research that are children of the devil, which necessarily skews their thinking and view of scientific evidence. Again, two principles result from this:
We realize that we will be looked down on for our faith (1 John 3:13)
We realize that unsaved people are blinded by their sinfulness and the devil (2 Cor. 4:4; Eph. 2:2)
This should lead to a humble care for those who reject the Scriptures.

C. Because creationism is biblical, it will never contradict science- Psalm 119:160, John 17:17

This is a wonderful byproduct of following a God who is Truth. Science will never contradict the Bible, which we will briefly discuss in a moment. Because God’s Word is true, we do not have to worry about “new discoveries” that prove God does not exist, because there are none.

II. Creationism coincides with scientific research

Henry Morris, in his book, Science and the Bible, begins his first chapter with these words,
“One of the most amazing evidences of the divine inspiration of the Bible is its scientific accuracy. There are many unexpected scientific truths that have lain hidden within its pages for thousands of years, only to be recognized and appreciated in recent times.”—Henry Morris, Science and the Bible
-4,000 stars visible to the naked eye from all over the earth
*Jer. 33:22, Gen. 22:17- the stars are innumerable
*1 Cor. 15:41- no two stars are the same
-long-held view of the flat earth
*Isa. 40:22- the circle of the earth (Hebrew word means spherical, round)
-the cycle of rain
*Job 36:27-29

A. The Scriptures teach the divine origin of the universe- Gen. 1:1

(Quote from Metaxas, 49-52)

B. The Scriptures teach the continual growth of “kinds”- Gen. 1:11, 21, 24

Coincides with microevolution (not to be confused with marco-evolution),or adaptation. For example, there are many varieties (species) of canines, but they are all canines. One family may adapt to a colder climate, another adapts to a warmer climate, but they are still canines.
In other words, creationism has nothing to fear from science. In fact, science is supported by creationism.

III. Creationism has historically supported the scientific endeavor- Psalm 19:1-6

It is unfortunate that Christians have been labeled the antiscience group, because, in reality, Christians have supported science.
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