Work, Quit, or Procrastinate!

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Work, Quit, or Procrastinate!




Custard’s Last Stand! When I said those three words some type of memory came to mind. Many today look at Custard as a hero, but in the battle with the Indians, Custard took his last stand. He and his 7th Cavalry were called on to track and move a tribe of Sioux Indians onto a reservation. The Sioux had been fleeing north. One day Custard and the 7th Cavalry reached where the Indians were located. Even though he was told to wait for a larger platoon of soldiers, and his own scouts advice, he split up his approx. 250 men into three sections which would all collapse on the camp secretly and meet in the middle of the camp. Yet, to there shocking surprise, the Indians were ready for them and section by section killed every soldier. General Custard was apathetic and indifferent to the commands and advice made to him by his authority. Custard wanted his way! If nobody likes it they can hit the highway, was his attitude.

Contemporary Problem:

Similarly, Christian men and women, boys and girls have become the same way to the things of God. The attitude of indifference has also been defined as apathy, one who does not care but for what is good for him. Christians today live often with a degree of apathy to God’s priorities for their life. They desire or show specialty to the things that are important to themselves with little regard for God’s priorities. God’s priorities are what ought to have precedence and “top billing” for our lives. In our passage this evening we see the results of life without and then with God’s priorities being the priority.
Before we dive into the events in our text this evening, a little history lesson will help give context to what takes place in our narrative tonight. In 605 B.C. Nebuchadnezzar began siege on Jerusalem with the final blow coming in 586 B.C. It was at this time that Daniel, Azariah, Mishael, and Hananiah were taken captive to Babylon. The temple was destroyed and desecrated. It had been the center piece to worship for Israel for nearly 400 years. Most of the Temple was completely torn apart. The objects that were preserved were taken to Babylon. Years later after Nebuchadnezzar, we see his son Belshazzzar was partying and feasting with cups and plates taken from the temple. It was at this instance where God writes on the wall the destruction of Babylon. The destruction of the temple made it no longer possible to worship the Lord as they once did. I am sure there was a sense of constant reminder of failure to those who survived and remained. Nehemiah comes on the scene and God uses King Cyrus to have mercy on Israel and allow them to return to their land and rebuild Jerusalem. The book of Haggai is written during the “reconstruction era” of Jerusalem. This period began during King Cyrus’ reign in 539 BC. The time of Haggai’s book was 522 B.C. Haggai and fellow prophet Zechariah understood that hope for any return to normal would have to begin with the rebuilding of the temple.
Unfortunately, the children of Israel built themselves their own homes and neglected to rebuild the temple. This is where Haggai picks up. God calls down to Haggai and commands him to speak to the children of Israel, rebuking them for their apathy toward the God’s priorities and making those priorities their own.
CPT: Haggai rebuked the Israelites for being apathetic to Jehovah—God and charged them to repent and rebuild the temple.

Big Idea: God and his priorities must be our life’s priority.

Transition: Israel’s apathy is combated by God through Haggai, his messenger. The LORD through Haggai reveals their apathy by commanding them to begin rebuilding the temple. Three evidences are shown of the Israelites apathy from the God’s reaction to their action.

I. Apathy manifests through selfish behavior.

a. Explanation

i. Man’s Apathy v. 2

1. In verse 2, the Lord states the state of mind the Israelites had at the time. They had a mind-set of apathy or indifference to the building of the temple. They give God an excuse and a lame one at that for not yet rebuilding the temple. “God, it is just not the right time!” We today give God the same response often toward what his priorities are for our life. The attitude of indifference was the foundational attitude for not building the temple. They prioritized their own interests while neglecting God’s interests. Ask yourself, “Am I prioritizing my interests while neglecting God’s interests and priorities?” Alongside, these are two outside influences helping the Israelites to keep an indifferent, apathetic attitude.
2. The two outside sources were hostile opposition and lack of economic prosperity.
a. Hostile Opposition- cause of fear yet they allowed it to stop them from doing that which was most important. Rebuilding the place where the Lord would rest in the presence of Israel. God’s presence had been destroyed. Their fear helped to lead to their indifference.
i. Has there been an occasion where you were afraid of the results of an action that you developed an “I do not care attitude” towards what needed to be accomplished?
ii. Has fear kept you from accomplishing the work of God in and through your life?
b. Lack of Economic Prosperity- the need of money caused Israel to become apathetic because their situation was poor and seemed as if it would not improve. They began to look inward at themselves rather than upward to the LORD. Their dependence on God had disappeared.
i. Has your lack of finances caused you to become apathetic?
ii. Has your lack of finances caused you to look inward and have a self-pity party rather than looking upward to God and thanking Him for what he has done in your life?

ii. God’s Abhorrence v. 2, 4

1. Through the speaking of Haggai, the Lord shows his displeasure for Israel’s behavior in the phrase “This people.” Most of the time in the OT, Israel is referred to by God as “My people.” Instead of a highly personal address God shows his great displeasure with Israel by not using the personal and possessive pronoun “my”. The attitude of indifference brought displeasure to God. The phrase illustrates that Israel’s reaction to the circumstances were contrary to God’s will. Something was wrong in the relationship between God and Israel because of Israel’s sinful attitude of apathy to God’s priorities. The first being to rebuild the temple.
2. In verses 3-4, Haggai was again proclaiming God’s message. God’s question was rhetorical and revealed Israel’s attitude. Hypocrisy is seen in their attitude. They said that the time was not right but the time had not been right for 15 years. This question revealed Israel’s misplaced priorities. They took the time to work on their own homes for 15 years but “it was not time” to rebuild the temple. The place where God resided. The priority God had placed on Israel! God’s presence and a relationship with him is vital to living righteous.
Haggai, Malachi 2. The People’s Excuse for Delay (1:2)

To leave the Lord’s dwelling in a state of disrepair was to show disrespect to its occupant.

b. Illustration
i. When I was high school, our family would sign up to clean the church on Saturday once a month. One Saturday, I remember in particular. We left the house and drove over to the church. The truth was though that I did not want to be there. Even before we left I did not want to go clean the church. I did not even care that the church needed to be cleaned. I knew it needed to be but I was saying to myself. It could be done some other time? It can take place later. I made the mistake of voicing my opinion and my father allowed me to know how important it was to clean the church and commanded me to go and clean.
ii. Similarly the children of Israel acted towards the building of the temple.

c. Application/Refutation

i. I am sure none of us here tonight or watching via livestream have ever procrastinated? Going back to the phrase I mentioned earlier, “God, it is just not the right time yet.” Who are we to say to God it is not time yet. This mentality reveals the selfishness and arrogance of our hearts. God was abhorred by Israel’s attitude. He did not even call them by name. You thought it was bad when your parents used your middle name. Imagine them referring to you as “this son” or “this daughter”! Have your children been playing pr doing something and you asked them to do something? You never saw your child keep doing whatever they were currently doing “because it was not the right time yet” and they had to finish that level on the video game or had to finish that page of reading or you fill in the blank.
How have you as an adult told God, “it is not time yet?”
- I will start reading my bible tomorrow or next week, it is not as busy
- I will be faithful in attending and being involved in your local church when ___________
- My life and job are just so busy right now, I hope you understand God. I still love you and want to serve you just right now is not a good time.
How many more excuses can we use to resist God’s priorities in our lives? Israel had the excuses and the convoluted part is they had “time” it just was not the right time for their own schedule and convenience. The Christian life is not to be lived for our own convenience and on our terms. It is to be lived according to God’s schedule, priorities and glory.
ii. The Israelites fell into this mind-set of indifference to the priorities of God? They forgot their purpose of returning to Jerusalem. Yes, the purpose was to rebuild the temple but most importantly was to restore a place for Jehovah to rest in their presence.
Is apathy running your life?
iii. Are you indifferent to God’s Word? God’s Word ought to have top priority in your life. You ought to care about what God’s Word has to say to you!
iv. Have you allowed outside sources to drive your attitude causing indifference or are you allowing God’s Word to drive your attitudes and actions?

II. Apathy bases it’s operations in self-centered agendas.

a. Explanation

i. God’s Exhortation v. 5

1. Here in verse 5, Haggai says to the Children of Israel “Consider your ways!” Literally the phrase means to “set your heart on your ways.” The phrase is one of Haggai’s specific characteristics in his book. Haggai tells the Israelites to “consider their ways” three other times in different wording (1:7; 2:15, 18). The key word in each phrase is “consider”. This means to “heed, give careful thought to.” This shows the importance Haggai is placing on Israel setting their heart on the Lord and his priorities.
2. “Consider your ways” implies to the Israelites to evaluate and consider their situation, circumstances, and outcome from God’s view not man’s view. Israel needs to set their heart on their ways in a sense of both what they had been doing and what they will do. Is this mind-set, heart situation as what Haggai commands of the Israelites?
3. The problems Israel was facing were the result of God’s discipline on their lives for their misplaced priorities and failure to rebuild the temple. Because of Israel’s refusal to consider their ways, they were economically hopeless. Their dissatisfaction with it is seen in vv. 6,9-11.
- Israel’s Dissatisfaction in what they had v. 6, 9-11
1. This dissatisfaction with their present situation resulted from their lack of concern for the things of God. They had become selfish wanting only those things that helped them to live comfortably. Their idea backfired and their economic situation only grew worse.
2. Everything Israel did was never enough for them. They would eat but not enough, drink but not enough, clothe themselves but not warm enough, earn wages but the wages would not suffice. These circumstances were not merely a coincidence but God’s judgment[AML1] .
3. In verses 9, Haggai proclaims to Israel that the reason nothing they do profits is because they had left the house of God in ruins (lies desolate) while they had rebuilt their homes to be comfortable. Israel had deserted the house of God to do that what they desired.
4. Verse 10-11 gives the result of their behavior. God withheld the dew and rain and caused a drought on everything.

b. Illustration:

i. Part of my sophomore year in college I had decided to have fun in college and did a lot of what I wanted to do. I was discontent with just living the Christian life. I stopped having faithful devotions and started spending time doing what I wanted to do. I sacrificed my academics to do what I wanted to do and among all of this I ultimately sacrificed my godly spirit. I looked discouraged and frustrated much of the time. I easily snapped at those around me. Every little thing drove me crazy. Then the Lord allowed a circumstance to happen that grabbed my attention quickly. I realized that I had become a hypocritical Christian. The average person thought I was still a godly person but what is in your heart does come out. God rebuked me for the sin I had allowed in my life. I was convicted and repented of that sin. I praise God for his mercy and grace.
ii. My discontent or dissatisfaction came from not doing what God wanted me to do. I had fallen into the world’s thinking of me first and everything else last.

c. Refutation/Application

i. The philosophy of the World is “Look out for Number One—self!” People today are so overly concerned with their own status in life. Our society has become very individualistic. “You do you.” “Follow your heart.” “Don’t let others tell you how to live.” “Live life on your terms.” All of these phrases are centered in wicked selfishness. They promote selfish priorities. Romans 12:1 tells us to be a living sacrifice and this happens by not conforming to this world but being transformed by renewing our minds. Renewed to what, renewed to prove things that are excellent and perfect according to the will of God. Not our priorities, but God’s priorities. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.
We are created for God’s glory to fulfill his amazing commission to share the truth of God’s word by proclaiming and living it everyday of our life. We are to grow inn the knowledge of our Lord every day. These are priorities God has for us.
Look where this apathetic attitude got the Israelites. The world refuses to consider their ways because if they did that something might have to change. They set their heart on what is temporal not eternal. Matthew 6:19-21 says that where your heart is there is also your treasure. The treasure of this world is corrupt and passes away but the heavenly treasure exists for eternity and cannot be corrupted by the world.
Matthew 6:33 concludes this thought by saying that if one seeks the things of God, the kingdom of God first that things that then you will receive valuable results. Israel had not done this. They sought out their own desires first neglecting the desire of their Holy God. Thus they received judgment for their sin.
The selfish pursuit of personal priorities will only land you with a dissatisfied spirit. So,
i. Are you considering your ways? Are you setting your heart on what you want before what God wants?
ii. On a scale of 1-10 where would you place yourself regarding your desire for the things of God? 1being the lowest, 10 being the highest. Are you a 10? Are you a 1? Are you somewhere between 2-5, 6-8? Consider your ways tonight and see if you are truly living for God?
What level of priority is having your personal God and I Time each day?
What level of priority is encouraging your spouse with God’s Word and prayer each day?
What level of priority is sharing God’s Word with your children, young or adult, each day?
What level of priority is being actively engaged in the local church to you each day?
iii. What is distracting you from an all-out life for God? What is keeping you from placing God as NUMBER ONE in your life? Sure many of you have at one time surrendered to serve God with your life, but are you daily living that decision? Have you forgotten the decision you made and wandered from it? The Israelites had forgotten the main task they had to do and kept putting it off. Are you putting off or procrastinating in your walk with God?
iv. Make a Decision today to be a God-Centered Person resulting in a God-Centered Life.

III. Apathy fails to succeed when God’s commands are obeyed.

a. Explanation

i. God’s Refrain (Exhortation) v. 7: Haggai issues the same call again here emphasizing the importance for Israel to consider their ways.

ii. God’s Remedy v. 8

1. God commands Israel to go and gather building materials to rebuild the temple. The LORD’s command to rebuild the temple gives to Israel the remedy to their negative circumstance. The purpose of the rebuilding of the temple is stated by God that he would be pleased and glorified.
2. This remedy would be acted upon in faith because at the time Israel’s circumstances were not improved. God is a compassionate God and always keeps His promises. In Deuteronomy, God tells Israel that if you obey me, I will bless you. They had a choice: Obey God and be blessed or disobey and continue to have conflict with God.

iii. Israel’s Response v. 12, 14-15

1. In these three verses one can see the decision of the Israelites. They chose to obey God and rebuild the temple. Their act of obedience was done in fear/reverence to God. They did not just outwardly obey God but inwardly.
2. Israel inwardly obeyed God. Their outward manifestation of their inward obedience is shown in verses 14-15. In verse 13 GOD promises to be with them. Following then in verse 14 it says the LORD stirs up the spirit of Zerubbabel, Joshua, and the remnant.
a. The word “stir” here means “driven, compassionate.”
b. God gave these men a spirit that was passionate about pleasing Him. This came only by virtue that the Israelites had reached a point of willingness and realization that nothing good comes from living at odds with GOD! The response of repentance followed by obedience rejuvenated the people into desiring the presence of God in their life. As the Temple was the place where GOD-YAHWEH rested.

iv. God’s Reward v. 13

- God simply states to Israel that He is with them giving them some encouragement to continue working. The people were fearful because of enemies neighbored nearby and their disdain for Israel rebuilding the temple. For other heathen nations knew that the temple was a sign of Jehovah’s presence among Israel thus resulting in the source of their power.

b. Illustration:

i. John Paton was a missionary to a nation that hated God. They were a people given to idolatry and spiritism. Many of them were cannibals. As Paton was in the Hebrides islands he served by faith standing on the promise that God was with him. He continued to preach the gospel even among running for his life at times. Even those he knew back in the states tried to discourage Him from doing what God wanted him to do. At times, sure fear flooded his mind but He knew God was with Him.
ii. In all this outside pressure to give in and succumb to an indifferent attitude because of having no solid support and assistance. Paton could have become apathetic because of no results but he did not fall. Why? He kept building the temple.

c. Refutation/Application

i. Paton knew that the remedy to staying close to God was keeping the temple clean and open for the Lord to use each moment of the day. He knew that if he allowed the people and circumstances around him to influence him God’s priorities would not be his priorities and an attitude of procrastination and apathy would be ripe to take over in his life.
ii. The world system today bucks against commands. The world system hates biblical Christianity. Our sinful flesh that was defeated at the cross hates godly and righteous living. Satan loves to see God’s people falter and stumble. He desires to see God’s church, the local church, our church stumble and fall in sin. He desires to see the wicked stand on the outside of the church in laughter and mocking as we fall into sinful shambles.
See, our flesh and the sinful influences of Satan and his demons, seek to see our church live according to our priorities and how we prioritize our lives rather than what God says is important and priority to himself.
You may say tonight that my priorities are not bad priorities. That is wonderful. Israel’s priorities were not “bad” they were misplaced. When we have misplaced priorities our selfishness is brought to the forefront and we are in essence saying that “I am more in important than the God who created me and provided salvation from sin and hell to an eternal relationship with himself.”
It is time we humble ourselves and in a broken and contrite spirit ask God to reveal to us where we have allowed ourselves to say “not yet God” “it is just not the right time”
My question for you today, if yesterday was not the right time and today is not the right time…then when is the right time?
God is telling us through our text tonight that NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME!
What are you going to decide? Are you going to obey the commands of God in your life or prioritize and put self first neglecting and forgetting the commands of God? I challenge you today to make God’s priorities your top priority!


· Big Idea: God and his priorities must be our life’s priority.

· Main Points:
o Apathy manifests through selfish behavior.
o Apathy bases it’s operations in self-centered agendas.
o Apathy fails to succeed when God’s commands are obeyed.
· Visualize:
o This evening, as you leave from here, take with you the statement Haggai said, Consider your ways! What does this look like you may ask? Look inward at your own self and be honest with God about your spiritual condition. As you look into God’s Word as you look into a mirror and see your sin problems, what is robbing you of consistent joy? Israel for 15 years neglected the desires of God and positive results did not occur. Joy was not taking place in Israel until they heeded God’s commands. They had to make God’s commands and desires the top priority in their life. The consequence of your choice each day to live with God as your NUMBER ONE priority reaps benefits that are literally “out of this world!” The results of a selfish behavior and self as number one in life will not bring blessing but discouragement, depression, and frustration along with other negatives. Remember we as Christians need to remember we are to run against the flow not with it. Fear nothing the world can do to you for when walking with Christ, nothing can harm you which Christ does not allow. Sure difficulties come but they only produce a closer walk with God and an unexplainable joy. Don’t leave your temple in shambles! Clean up the rubble and allow God’s glory to shine through you!
· Challenge to Apply
o What are you prioritizing? Go home this evening and sit down at your kitchen table or in your favorite chair. Begin with prayer! Proceed then to evaluate and assess where your priorities align. Be specific!
Take a complete spiritual test!
Example questions:
Do I love to read and meditate upon the Word of God?
How much time do I spend each day (voluntarily) reading the Bible?
( ) None ( ) 5 minutes ( ) 15 Minutes ( ) 30 minutes or more
Are my personal devotions consistent and regular?
Do I memorize the Scriptures?
Is there any area in your life which you have failed to put God first?
Do any of the following in any way interfere with your surrender and service to God:
Ambition, pleasures, loved ones, friendships, desire for recognition, money, your own plans?
How often do I enjoy being in the personal company of the church? What keeps me from worshipping God as God has commanded in scripture? Is the church and being active with the local church God has commanded me to be a part of my priority?
Consider your ways and live a Christ glorifying life before men. Live a life that pursues holiness each day of your life! Live a life that replaces your selfish priorities with God’s priorities!
Start tonight and begin mending those areas that have been neglected. Obey the commands of God and live selflessly as Christ did (Philippians 2:1-11)
Be today a GCP! A God-Centered Person.
CONSIDER YOUR WAYS and God’s priority for you— a PHD life!!!!!! Pursuing Holiness Daily! 1 Peter 1:16-17 states that God’s priority for us is to live holy as He is holy!
God’s priorities must be our priorities!
[AML1]Deut 28:38-39 refers to the specific instance that this curse was placed on Israel. Following the curse in verses 47-48 is the pronounced reason for the curse. The reason was they did not serve the Lord their God with joyfulness.
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