Don’t Trample on God’s Grace: An Overview of the Book of Nahum

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Nineveh was spared by God's grace during the time of Jonah after they repented. But they trampled upon this grace and returned to their evil ways. Judgment awaits.



We continue our study in the Minor Prophets today by taking a look at the Book of Nahum. We don’t know all that much about the prophet. Nahum identifies himself as an Elkoshite, but scholars have difficulty identifying what “Elkoshite” means. Typically, this type of identification identifies a town or village or perhaps a clan. Some see it as the city of Capernaum which is named after the prophet. Jesus did much of his ministry there. We cannot pinpoint exactly when he prophesied, but Nahum uses the sack of the city of Thebes in Egypt as an example of what was going to happen to Assyria. As this happened in 653 BC, we can surmise that the book was written after this event. The destruction of Nineveh prophesied by Nahum happened in 612 BC. So we can generally ascribe the date of Nahum as being between 653 BC and 612 BC.
The books of Jonah and Nahum deal with the Assyrian Empire. Jonah dates about a hundred years earlier than Nahum. Even in those days, Assyria was known as a wicked and violent nation. They forced smaller nations around them to submit to them or suffer humiliation and violence. Israel and Judah both were victim of Assyrian aggression. This is why Jonah was so reluctant to preach to Nineveh. He was afraid that if He obeyed the LORD, that the people would repent and the LORD would relent from the destruction of Nineveh. Jonah 4:2 tells us that this is why Jonah fled to Tarshish. He knew that the LORD is gracious, merciful, kind, and would spare Nineveh. The piling on of adjectives by Jonah really shows how gracious God really is. Assyria truly repented at the preaching of Jonah, and the city was spared from destruction in Jonah’s day.
However, the national repentance did not last long. Within a generation, Assyria would invade Israel and take those who survived into exile. It is true that God used Assyria to punish the infidelity of Israel, but they were most cruel in doing so. They would strip the captives naked and put a ring in their noses. Then they attached a rope to the ring and led them away. In another generation, Sennacherib would come against the Kingdom of Judah as well. Were it not for the intercession of Isaiah and Hezekiah to the LORD, they would have suffered the same fate as the Northern Kingdom. God was most gracious at this time to the undeserving Judah. God slew the larger part of the Assyrian army besieging Jerusalem. Sennacherib would then be assassinated upon his return home.
The Assyrians had not only resumed their evil ways, but they trampled upon God’s people. They boasted in their victory over Yahweh. In doing this, they trampled upon the grace that had been previously given by Yahweh. The Book of Nahum was written to prophesy that the LORD was going to destroy Nineveh. This would happen at the hands of the Babylonians.

The Foolishness of Stirring up God’s Wrath (Nahum 1:1-15)

Other than the mention of Nineveh in verse one which serves as an introduction to the book, the first chapter is generic. This is the way the LORD feels about anyone or any nation that stirs up God’s anger. Verse 2 is what is called a chiastic construction. We see this in the words “jealous” and “takes revenge” in the first part of the verse and “takes revenge” and “furious” in the second line. The doubling of the middle element places stress upon the idea that God is about to avenge Himself. This is certain. “Jealousy” in the first line is a state of mind. “Furious” in the second is the acting out of this jealousy. The LORD had been patient. He is slow to anger. But when His anger is kindled, His fury burns hot. Assyria had backslid a long time before. But this did not mean that Assyria stood acquitted. Vengeance was coming, and that soon.
The LORD is sovereign over all the earth. His will will be acted out. No one can stop Him. He is the LORD over the storms and the rivers. The mountains shake, the hills melt, and the earth is set on fire. If the LORD can do this, then all resistance by people is futile. But in this judgment, there is still an olive branch of peace held out. This same LORD is also a stronghold in the day of trouble. He is by nature good. He knows who trust in Him. This is a call to faith. If Nineveh repented even at this time, the LORD would relent. But Nineveh, the capital of Assyria did not repent, this time.
Now the LORD reassures Judah. He calls them to repentance. They are to keep the solemn feasts. This is something that Josiah, the King of Judah did. He did much to restore the true worship of Yahweh in Judah. If Judah would have continued on the path of national repentance, then the LORD would have remained their stronghold against the enemies. Unfortunately, the repentance of Judah did not hold. After Josiah’s death, Judah resumed their wicked ways. Their destruction would come much quicker than that of Nineveh. They would soon go into Babylonian captivity. God had shown the nation grace. But Judah chose to trample upon this grace. They would be no better off than Nineveh in the end. God sent prophets to warn them. He gave them every opportunity to repent. But they would not.

Nineveh Will Be Destroyed (Nahum 2:1-9)

Chapter two graphically and poetically describes the upcoming destruction of Nineveh. As Nineveh had scattered and destroyed Israel and most of Judah except for Jerusalem, the people of Nineveh were about to suffer the same fate. Wen the Babylonians captured the city, the capture was aided by the storms upstream from Nineveh which flooded the city and undermined the gates. Perhaps this is why Yahweh in the previous chapted had identified Himself as the God of the storms and rivers. The leaders would be carried away captive even as Nineveh had carried others away. The city would be sacked and become a wasteland. Nineveh was to be wiped off the face of the map. As they has sown, so would they reap.

A Description of Nineveh’s Wickedness (Nahum 3:1-19

Chapter 3 begins with a curse on the city of Nineveh. “Woe to the bloody city.” It was full of all sorts of wretched abominations. There was much bloodshed and oppression. It was full of sorceries, robberies, and lies. This is why their blood would run in the streets when the Babylonian army entered. Nakedness would ne exposed and they would be smeared in their own filth. The people who saw the destruction of the city would shake their heads at the spectacle. The LORD mocked he defenses of Nineveh. Manning and strengthening the forts would do them no good at all. They would only become food for the locusts.


If we were to look for Christ in the Book of Nahum, we would find no clear prophecy about Him such as are found in many of the Prophets. We must remember that all Scripture is God breathed. As the Son. Jesus is the eternal Word of God. As God the Son, He is also Yahweh in the Old Testament. So the voice that speaks here is the voice of Christ, along with the Father and Holy Spirit who agree as one. We like to think about the grace of God. This is why Amazing Grace is so popular. But we tend to shy away from all Scripture, in both the Old and New Testament, which talks about God’s wrath and judgment.
Nahum stands as a warning not to trample upon God’s grace. It tells us of a God who is merciful and slow to wrath. It reveals a God who is willing to forgive the repentant. He is a stronghold to those who trust in Him. But He is also a God of wrath and judgment. This is consistently revealed throughout all of Scripture.
We learn that God is willing to forgive the repentant, regardless of nation or culture. The same God who had forgiven Nineveh in the days of Jonah is the same God who showed grace to Israel when they transgressed. But at the same time, God will punish the unrepentant, equally regardless of nationality or culture. The same Babylonians whom God raised up to punish Nineveh would ravage the unrepentant Jerusalem as well. God’s grace urges repentance. But if grace is trampled upon as common, be sure the vengeance of God will come as well.
Whereas Nahum is about the judgment upon the nation of Assyria and a warning to Judah as well, this is not the only level we must be aware of. This is equally true to His church as well. If anything. God has even higher requirements for justice and righteousness as well. If one comes into the church as a true believer, it is because he or she has received grace. But grace leads from sin. It does not justify sin. Paul tells us that it is entirely wrong to continue in sin so that grace might abound. (Romans 6:1) God will judge churches as well as individuals who trample upon His grace. His vengeance is certain. This is why God’s church must live out repentance every day. We should not use our status as “His people” to commit sorcery, violence, and lies. We must rather commit ourselves to proclaim God’s grace in Jesus Christ who took the judgment we deserved on the cross. The judgment of God is coming upon all the earth. Its wickedness is as great as it was in Nineveh. Vengeance is certain so find your safety in Him. the world can try to protect itself from the wrath of God, but their forts will likewise crumble before Him.
Do we love the world enough to tell them the truth and warn them to flee the wrath to come. This used to be the requirement to joining a Methodist society. John Wesley was only repeating the words of John the Baptist. We must desire to escape the coming wrath. We must also warn others. Indeed, “God so loved the world that He gave His only-begotten Son.” But we must remember the words that follow. It is the “whosoever believes on Him that shall be saved.” The others will perish. Jesus did not come to condemn the world, but if His offer of grace is trampled upon, total condemnation and judgment is coming. For those who believe, the Gospel is the sweetest words ever spoken. But to those who refuse the call, the Gospel will be the worst words they will ever hear.
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