Evangelism Basics (Part 2)

Evangelism: The Why & How of Sharing the Gospel  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Evangelism Basics (Part 2)

We will dive right into our passages this morning and then hopefully have plenty of time for discussion.

I. The Indifferent- Luke 18:18-29

What do we learn about the rich young man?
What do we learn about Jesus?
How did Jesus approach this evangelistic opportunity?
“Persistent indifference to Jesus and his claims is evidence of the completeness of Satan’s bondage. Why? Because Satan’s most effective work is done when he deceives people into thinking all is well.”—Will Metzger “Tell the Truth,” 223
One part that we should examine is that we need to develop an evangelistic way of life. This is what Metzger talks about,
“The point is not to depend on a program of evangelism that becomes a narrow tradition (e.g., every Monday at 7 p.m. we do our witnessing for the week). Our aim is to use these methods to develop an evangelistic way of life.”—Will Metzger, 227
Jesus was ready, regardless of the time of day (or night, as in John 3:1), to communicate the gospel with those He came into contact.

II. The Ignorant- Romans 2:12-16

I say “ignorant” because these people are “without the law” refers to individuals who are not Jewish, i.e., people who do not have a biblical worldview.
What do we learn from this passage?
What Paul is doing is building a case that all are under sin, whether under the Law (Jewish) or apart from the Law (Gentiles). This helps us with witnessing to those “apart from the Law,” or in our lingo, someone who does not have a church background.
“Most lost people are not ready to work from a Judeo-Christian understanding of God and a common Christian understanding of Jesus Christ or the Bible. Therefore, the evangelistic conversation must start closer to Genesis than Romans.”—Will McRaney Jr.

III. Applying what we have learned

To begin with, we must not get caught up with the indifferent. We do not neglect them, we pray for them and love them, but we move on to the next individual, as the Lord providentially brings them into our paths.
For the uninterested- we need to develop a “seed-planting mindset”
Meztger remarks, “The seed idea to plant it, ‘God is to be thanked for his goodness to you, and the purpose of his goodness is to bring you to repentance’ (see Rom. 2:4). It is vital that we present God as holy and the law as absolute. People are never as indifferent as they seem.” (222-223)
One more point I want to remember is how Jesus dealt with people who did not want His help. Consider Luke 5:29-32 and Jesus’s own statement.
For the Ignorant- we need to develop a missionary-mentality
In other words, as missionaries travel to other countries with different cultures, beliefs, and ways of communicating, we need to train our minds to view evangelism as a missionary task.
Before the transition of our country to contain a multitude of different people groups, we could engage in evangelism in a certain manner. That is not the same.
Think about our language as believers and how they are received/understood by those we are evangelizing
I want to recommend Will McRaney Jrs.’ book The Art of Personal Evangelism because he addresses this in great detail.
Items to be aware of: relativity of truth, atheistic and moralistic ways of viewing life, humanism, Marxism, etc.
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