Part 6 - I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

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Part 6 – I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life
Series: I Am
John 14:1-11
Sunday, February 7, 2021
1. Introduction:
a. We live in a world full of options.
i. I ate with someone at Red Robin…
1. …about a week ago.
ii. Their menu stresses me out.
1. I was with a friend, who I haven’t seen in a while…
a. …I think the server came and asked for our order…
i. …at least 6 times.
iii. That menu is a beast.
1. Some people like LOTS of options.
a. I like options, but not at the Red Robin level.
iv. Our culture values options:
1. Technology, TV, movies, politics, CHURCHES...
b. Now we live in this very…
i. …pluralistic society.
1. It's filled with options.
ii. You can be…
1. …secularist, atheist, agnostic…
a. …you can refuse to be put in a category.
iii. If you are religious...
1. …there are a host of religions.
a. Buddhist, Muslim, and so on.
c. Our society is filled with options.
i. In fact, about the worst thing…
1. …you can do in our society…
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a. …is take options away.
ii. In the business world...
1. …you are a monopoly.
iii. In the religious world…
1. …a bigot.
d. But deep down we all know...
i. …sometimes we are faced situations…
1. …with only one real choice.
ii. Sometimes we are thankful…
1. …for AN OPTION.
e. When it comes to the ultimate question in life…
i. …we don't have an option…
1. …but rather a way.
ii. There is the appearance of many options…
1. …but they are all…
a. …trap doors
b. …mirages
c. …phony.
iii. There is one real option…
1. …if we want to live.
iv. Only one right answer…
1. …one way.
f. At the end of the day...
i. …our deepest longings can't be satisfied…
1. …with the things of the world…
a. …or the religions of it...
i. …but only in Jesus.
ii. He alone is the way, the truth, and the life.
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2. John 14.
a. Let’s look at John 14:1-7:
i. 1 “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. 2 In
My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told
you. I go to prepare a place for you. 3 And if I go and prepare a place for you, I
will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may
be also. 4 And where I go you know, and the way you know.”
ii. 5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how
can we know the way?”
iii. 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through Me.
iv. 7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from
now on you know Him and have seen Him.”1
b. Let me give you some context…
i. This comes on the heels of John 13
1. …where Jesus tells the disciples…
a. …that one of them will betray Him.
ii. He is going somewhere they cannot go…
1. …and that Peter will deny him three times.
2. Their hearts would also be weighed down.
a. Where is he going?
iii. And who is the betrayer?
1. And the vocal leader a denier of Jesus?
a. This information is blowing up their world.
c. Have you ever had your world blown up with news?
i. Sure, you have.
1. This broken world is full of…
a. …scary news…
i. …it was no different for them.
1 The New King James Version. (1982). (Jn 14:1–7). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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d. Jesus encourages them to BELIEVE.
i. They believe in God…
1. …He tells them to:
a. Believe also in Him.
ii. He is saying...
a. I know it's a lot going on guys
b. …I know your mind is flooded...
i. …but trust me.
iii. When our world is shrinking and shaking…
1. …and about to fall apart...
a. Jesus says...
i. …believe.
b. Believe in God and believe in me.
i. Trust me.
iv. Jesus points them toward Heaven.
1. He makes a promise...
a. There is a PLACE.
i. Heaven is real.
v. Why does he start talking about Heaven?
1. Because that's where He's going.
a. He's about to return to…
i. …where He came from.
2. At the same time…
a. …it is what their hearts long for…
i. …and will one day have.
vi. When your world is shaken…
1. …when you are reminded of…
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a. …how fragile this world is...
2. …believer we need to remember...
a. Heaven is a real place.
e. Jesus has made PREPARATIONS - There is room.
i. It wouldn't matter much…
1. …if there wasn't a place for us there…
a. …right?
2. There is a Heaven…
a. …but you can't go...
i. …that would not be good news it all.
ii. Jesus looks at these believers…and says…
1. …I have made room for you.
2. …I have provided space for you.
3. …Heaven is for you too.
4. …I'm going…
a. …but you are coming one day.
iii. Believer, Heaven is a real place…
1. …and there is room for you there.
iv. Jesus went to prepare a place…
1. …for His people.
a. A place with no sin, no sickness, no hurt...
i. …a place different from this place…
1. …a better place.
b. A place He has provided.
f. They will be in His PRESENCE - Heaven is where Jesus is.
i. What makes Heaven, Heaven...
1. …is that Jesus is there.
ii. Where He is…
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1. …we may be also.
a. When you are a believer…
i. …you long to be in Jesus' presence.
g. Illustration:
i. Can you imagine going to your favorite artist's concert…
1. …and they are a no show?
ii. The opener may be good…
1. …but that isn't what you signed up for.
iii. You want the star…
1. …they are the reason the arena is packed.
h. Jesus is the point of Heaven.
i. If you are okay with a Heaven…
1. …without sickness, pain
2. …and you can live forever...
a. …but there is no God there
b. …no Jesus there...
i. …that's not Christianity.
ii. That is American Civil Religion.
1. It's a country song.
2. It's not Heaven.
a. We want to see and be with Jesus.
i. Here we have Jesus encouraging believers…
i. …with the promise of a PLACE,…
1. …He has PREPRARED
2. …in His PRESENCE.
a. That is Heaven.
ii. The truth is…
1. …when you are beat up on…
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a. …in this world…
2. …when you are weary, troubled, hurting...
3. …when the bad news keeps coming in...
a. …we all long for a better place.
iii. Even a non-Christian can go...
1. “There has to be more than this…
a. …a better place than this
b. …a better way than this.”
2. This world's brokenness weighs on us.
iv. We weren't created for brokenness…
1. ...but to know, love, and serve God.
v. We are made for God and His presence…
1. …it is sin that has made the world…
a. …the way it is.
j. God is at work in the world.
i. One day Heaven is coming to earth…
1. …the old will pass away.
ii. The New Heaven and Earth will come…
1. …and believers will live in a
a. Sinless
b. Hurt free
c. Pain free
d. Sickness free
e. Death free place…
i. God's presence
ii. …with Jesus forever.
1. That's what we all NEED.
k. Notice, Thomas asks...
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i. …how can we know the way to this place
ii. …we don't even know the place?
1. So dense.
iii. Don't we all have 1st century disciple moments?
1. Sure, we do.
l. Jesus points out...
i. “Guys, I've been with you all this time…
1. …and you still don't get it?”
ii. Jesus makes it clear...
m. Jesus is claiming to be…
i. …unique from every other rabbi…
1. …or person who has ever lived…
ii. …and He is claiming to be exclusive in this.
1. Jesus Christ is the unique Son of God…
a. …and the only way to Heaven, to the Father.
3. Let’s talk about - The Uniqueness of Jesus
a. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.
b. 1. The Uniqueness of Jesus.
i. Display on Screen.
c. Jesus is showing…
i. …that He is unique…
1. …from any other person…
a. …that has ever lived.
ii. He is THE way, THE, truth, and THE life.
1. That is a bold claim.
4. Let’s look at each of these things: Jesus is the Way.
a. 1. The Uniqueness of Jesus.
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i. A. The Way.
1. Display on Screen.
b. As the way…
i. …He is the way to God…
1. …to be reconciled to God.
ii. He is the only way…
1. …to access God.
iii. This obviously makes the point…
1. ...that we need a way to God.
2. …that we are in fact…
a. …disconnected, separated, lost, or apart…
i. …from this “way.”
iv. Sin really has separated us.
c. We see in Isaiah 59:1-2:
i. 1 Behold, the LORD’s hand is not shortened, That it cannot save; Nor His ear
heavy, That it cannot hear. 2 But your iniquities have separated you from
your God; And your sins have hidden His face from you, So that He will not
1. Jesus is the way back…
a. …the way to
b. …the way into
i. …relationship with God.
ii. All through the Old Testament…
1. …the narrowness of getting to God…
a. …is portrayed.
2. Only the priest could approach in the temple…
a. …and only at particular times.
3. Man could not simply invent a way…
2 The New King James Version. (1982). (Is 59:1–2). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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a. …to come to God…
i. …God showed through the Law…
1. …how man must approach…
ii. …there was a particular way.
iii. Now, in the New Testament Jesus makes clear…
1. …that's getting you ready for me.
d. I am the way.
i. If you want to be right with God…
1. …connected with God...
ii. The Good News is…
1. …there is a way
2. …and it is the way...
a. …and He is Jesus.
e. Think for one moment…
i. light of the biblical narrative…
1. …how amazing that is?
ii. God creates us…
1. …we rebel.
iii. We try and live life without Him.
1. We ignore, replace, and rebel against God.
iv. Yet He loves us, pursues and…
1. …provides a way back.
a. That is AMAZING.
5. Jesus is the Truth.
a. 1. The Uniqueness of Jesus.
i. A. The Way.
ii. B. The Truth.
1. Display on Screen.
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b. You cannot understand…
i. …the most fundamental truth…
1. …apart from Jesus.
ii. Because Jesus is the truth…
1. …He is the way.
iii. Jesus is the ultimate revelation…
1. …sent from God…
a. …He is God in the flesh.
c. In a pluralistic society…
i. …with many gods…
1. …people may wonder...
a. …which is the real God
b. …is there a such thing.
ii. Jesus Christ says that…
1. …He reveals the real God.
2. …He is the truth
3. …He teaches the truth about God…
a. …and reveals Him to us clearly.
d. As D.A. Carson notes…
i. …Jesus “narrates God.”
1. He is:
a. “God's gracious self-disclosure
b. his Word, made flesh.”
e. As Apostle John wrote in John 1:18:
i. 18 No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the
bosom of the Father, He has declared Him.3
1. Truth starts with God.
3 The New King James Version. (1982). (Jn 1:18). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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f. Illustration:
i. People today talk about what is:
1. “true for you.”
ii. “Well, NAME…
1. …that's true for you…
a. …but maybe that's not their truth.”
iii. You and I don't get to stake a claim…
1. …on truth as ours.
iv. We don't get to shape truth.
1. I can't say...
a. 2 + 2 may be 4 to you...
i. …but that's not my truth.
b. To me it's 5.
v. Truth doesn't work that way.
g. The pinnacle of all truth…
i. …is that of God.
1. As Creator
2. As the Holy One
3. As the King of the Universe…
a. …all knowing
b. …all powerful
c. …all present
ii. What is most important is the truth about God...
1. …who He is.
iii. That truth matters…
1. …more than 2+2.
iv. It shapes everything else about life.
1. Jesus says...
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a. I am the Truth.
h. We cannot know the true God…
i. …apart from Jesus.
1. You can be religious
2. You can be moral
3. You can be a pretty good person…
a. …a great wife
b. …a great husband
c. …a great son or daughter.
4. You can be great at your job…
a. …and a great neighbor.
ii. But you and I…
1. …we can't know the true God…
a. …apart from Jesus.
i. If someone claims to have hold of…
i. …the knowledge of God…
1. …that is separate from Jesus…
a. …it's built on a lie.
ii. Supposed truth about God…
1. …built on other people
2. …built on experiences
a. …various faiths
b. …visions, etc.
iii. Listen, if it is not built on Jesus…
1. …as revealed in the Bible…
a. …it is a built on a lie.
j. Jesus is the truth.
6. I am the Life.
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a. 1. The Uniqueness of Jesus.
i. A. The Way.
ii. B. The Truth.
iii. C. The Life.
1. Display on Screen.
b. Jesus is the way to God…
i. …because He alone is the Life…
1. …and imparts life from God.
ii. He is the Resurrection and Life…
1. …like we said last week.
iii. He has power over death…
iv. He alone imparts spiritual life…
1. …to the spiritually dead.
c. You can't really have life…
i. …and escape death…
1. …apart from Jesus.
ii. Without Jesus we are…
1. …spiritually dead
2. …we die physically
3. …and we will suffer the second death…
a. …eternal death in Hell.
iii. With Jesus we get victory over death.
1. It doesn't get the last say.
iv. With Jesus…
1. …we come to life spiritually…
a. …and will live forever with Jesus.
v. Jesus is the life.
d. A lot of religions, experiences, etc. …
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i. …will make you “feel alive.”
1. Jesus alone will make you alive.
ii. Only through Jesus…
1. …can you get access to…
a. …the truth of God
b. …and the life of God…
i. …therefore He is the way to God.
e. Next Sunday, we will take communion together.
i. It's a time we remember…
1. …the price that was paid…
a. …so that we can be made right with God.
ii. As the Way, Truth, and Life...
1. …Jesus laid down His life…
a. …so that we can be reconciled to God.
i. Believe, saved by grace, through faith, in Christ alone.
f. Many people have trouble with the next part.
i. Just in saying what He has…
1. …about His uniqueness as the way, Truth, Life...
ii. Jesus is claiming to be the…
1. …exclusive way to God.
a. He's not A way, A truth, A life...
i. but THE Way, THE Truth, and The LIFE
g. But to make sure we don't misunderstand
i. He says...
1. No one comes to the Father except through Him
7. The Exclusivity of Jesus.
a. 1. The Uniqueness of Jesus.
b. 2. The Exclusivity of Jesus.
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i. Display on Screen.
c. There are no exceptions...
i. …no one...
1. …comes to the Father...
ii. …in other words, …
1. …no one gains access to God...
a. …except through Jesus.
iii. Jesus is our only hope of…
1. …reconciliation
2. …restoration
3. …forgiveness
4. …life
5. …truth
6. …a way to God.
a. There are no exceptions.
d. Remember Jesus says in John 14:6:
i. 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through Me.4
e. We also see in Acts 4:12:
i. 12 Nor is there salvation in any other, for there is no other name under
heaven given among men by which we must be saved.”5
ii. Through power you may gain control…
1. …through money you may gain influence
2. …through comfort you may gain rest
3. …through pleasure you may gain temporary happiness.
iii. Through learning you may gain much knowledge.
1. But you will only get to the Father, to God......
4 The New King James Version. (1982). (Jn 14:6). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
5 The New King James Version. (1982). (Ac 4:12). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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a. …through Jesus Christ.
i. He alone is the way.
ii. He alone is the Truth.
iii. He alone is the Life.
f. People struggle with this.
i. They say things like:
1. How arrogant…
a. …how can you say that?
ii. Let me ask you this morning…
1. …if there was any other way...
a. …how cruel would it be for God…
i. …to send His Son Jesus…
1. …to die for us?
iii. If there was another way…
1. …wouldn't this way…
a. …have been a hard pass.
g. Illustration:
i. If you are in a building that is on fire…
1. …and a fireman comes to rescue you.
ii. And he tells you, there is only one way out…
1. Don’t get offended!
8. Let’s look at some: Common Objections
a. 2. The Exclusivity of Jesus.
i. A. Common Objections.
1. Display on Screen.
b. Isn't that narrow minded?
i. As Tim Keller says:
1. “We are all exclusive in our beliefs about religion…
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a. …but in different ways”
ii. Some are exclusive by saying…
1. all faiths are wrong for instance.
iii. By believing something is so…
1. …you are in fact saying…
a. …something else is not so.
2. If I believe strawberry ice cream is best…
a. …aren't I being narrow minded about…
i. …vanilla and chocolate?
iv. Then someone will say...
1. No, No, it's only narrow minded…
a. …if you think chocolate and vanilla are bad…
i. …that everyone must have strawberry.
2. OK, but what if all vanilla and chocolate are poison.
a. Would I still be narrow minded?
v. We can't simply say:
1. “Well, whatever works for you.”
a. Because Jesus IS saying…
i. …you can't get to the Father, to Heaven…
b. …in Acts…
i. …you can't get salvation apart from Jesus.
vi. So, the other ways lead to judgement.
1. That's not narrow minded to proclaim…
a. …no... it's LOVING.
c. What about good people of other faiths?
i. In other words, ...
1. …how can you say a morally upright person…
a. …who happens to worship a different god…
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i. …is not going to go to Heaven?
1. I didn't.
2. We didn't.
3. Jesus did.
ii. NO ONE - No one comes He said except through Him.
1. That means no matter morality…
a. …or how popular the religion.
iii. NO ONE. - If that means some squeak through…
1. …on morality despite their idolatry...
a. …then really it all falls apart…
i. …and Jesus is no longer…
1. …holding to His claim.
iv. Listen, it's not just moral Muslims, Hindus, etc.
1. …who need to believe in Jesus...
a. …it's also moral Baptists, Methodists, etc.
i. No one comes to the Father…
1. …but through Jesus.
v. We all believe in something...
1. …we all trust in something...
a. …for some they are holding and believing…
i. …to their not being a God at all…
b. …or that there is no judgment for sin.
2. Some are hoping in a god…
a. …of their own making...
i. …they may even cut and paste some Bible verses,
b. …but he only exists in their imagination…
i. …because he never offends them.
c. He always caters his law…
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i. …to their behavior.
1. He in fact is their imagination.
3. It' doesn't matter if that's your god…
a. …and you call him “God.”
4. OR if it's a historically respected religion…
a. …NO ONE ... except through JESUS.
d. What about people who never hear the gospel?
i. This one seems to really trip people up.
1. What if people don't even know about Jesus?
2. What if they never hear?
3. Isn't there another way for them?
e. Let’s read Romans 1:18-21:
i. 18 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and
unrighteousness of men, who suppress the truth in unrighteousness,
19 because what may be known of God is manifest in them, for God has
shown it to them. 20 For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes
are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even His
eternal power and Godhead, so that they are without excuse, 21 because,
although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful,
but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened.6
1. The point is...
a. …God has revealed Himself to all through creation…
i. …to some degree.
b. The bit of revelation…
i. …that has been given that way…
1. …has been rejected.
ii. All are guilty.
1. Therefore, all need a Savior.
a. Jesus is the only Savior.
6 The New King James Version. (1982). (Ro 1:18–21). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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iii. So apart from faith in Him…
1. …there can be no salvation.
a. Therefore, all need to hear about Jesus.
f. This is why Jesus said in Matthew 28:19-20:
i. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the
name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to
observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always,
even to the end of the age.” Amen.7
1. The very mission of the church…
a. …is the spreading of the gospel…
i. …and making disciples.
g. Let's say, that if…
i. …people are not accountable for their sin against God…
1. …until they hear
2. …and reject the gospel.
ii. What that means is we need to stop…
1. …supporting missionaries
2. …stop doing Bible Studies
3. …stop sharing the gospel…
a. …anywhere and with anyone…
i. …where it has not already been shared
iii. Why we are making them accountable?
1. Do you see the craziness in that?
a. Why would Jesus say GO…
i. ..if all through the world people were safe?
iv. Our role is to eliminate the question…
1. …so we no longer have to answer it…
7 The New King James Version. (1982). (Mt 28:19–20). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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a. …because all have heard.
h. It's sobering to think…
i. …over 2 billion people in the world…
1. …have not heard the gospel.
ii. They don't know about Jesus.
1. Some of these are people you know…
a. …and cross paths with daily.
iii. Yet they see a sunrise…
1. …and can see that God is…
a. …real and glorious…
2. …and they reject what they see…
a. …and choose sin.
i. They need Jesus.
ii. We must get Him to them.
i. The exclusivity of Christ…
i. …should motivate us all the more…
1. …to get serious about reaching the loss.
ii. There is no other way...
1. they have no other options.
iii. 21 day, digital mission trip, coming soon.
1. Text “Connect” to: (715) 600-5878.
a. Display on Screen.
j. If this text is TRUE... John 14:6:
i. 6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to
the Father except through Me.8
1. He's your only hope of Heaven.
a. You can't have life, truth, or a way to God…
8 The New King James Version. (1982). (Jn 14:6). Nashville: Thomas Nelson.
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i. …apart from Him.
2. You need Jesus.
a. …He is the Way...
b. …He gave His life…
i. …so that you can have life.
k. Believer, this makes Him…
i. …the best news in the world.
1. What does it say about us…
a. …if we believe this…
i. ….and refuse to share Him?
b. To leverage our lives…
i. …to make Him known?
ii. Our neighbors, our co-workers, our friends, our family members…
1. …the unreached peoples around the world…
a. …need Jesus.
iii. Our job is to mobilize…
1. …and get Him to them.
l. A church that is serious about…
i. …making Jesus known…
1. …to their community
2. …to their city...
a. …will be willing to put EVERYTHING on the table…
i. …to leverage all...
1. …to win some.
9. Let’s Stand:
a. What are you willing to give up…
i. …to reach people for Jesus?
b. What are you not willing to give up?
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i. Whatever is in the NOT category...
1. …it is an idol.
2.'s what you are obeying…
a. …instead of Jesus at this moment.
c. Put it on the altar.
i. Worship Jesus…
1. …and ask God to help you…
a. …share Him with others.
d. Put your time on the altar…
i. …your talents
ii. …your abilities
iii. …your treasure.
e. Put your job on the altar…
i. …your hobbies.
ii. …your preferences for church.
f. I plead with you.
i. Whatever it means for YOU…
1. …today…do whatever needs to be done…
a. …in your heart…
i. …toward making Jesus more known…
1. …in and through your life.
ii. Do whatever needs to be done …
1. …n your heart to help…
a. …New Beginnings Church…
i. …become a more mission minded church.
g. Jesus is the only hope…
i. …this city
ii. …this community
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iii. …this world has...
1. …we don't have time to play church.
h. Let's share and show THE WAY...
i. …let's proclaim the TRUTH
ii. …and let's offer real LIFE to our city…
1. …and do whatever it takes...
a. …because there is no other way.
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