7 February 2021 - Sin and Redemption

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nephew in 3 lockdown turntable full you might have wondered what you would wear to the supermarket.

You guys race with this is what I wore and I was greeted by quite a few people.


I was going to get a selfie to good quite often do a selfie so one of things I did to my Facebook page was dressed up like this behind my disco run Building Solutions. And Timmy was kind of the weather guy. What should we do when we seriously think about things well, well So you should realize I'm not really a shy person. But at times I can be sensible. Cuz I'm often in the principal's office, but I need for good things. After hearing the Tiffany's from Eden and from bageecha. I was a little bit nervous tissue my story today because rather playing in comparison, I want to say that I was rescued in early life because I was a sign of a patch member. It was a gang leader in with drugs and noise fights with often happening before breakfast, but that's not true.

Marty Smith is a fact that I was born the youngest son of photo mother who was 41 father was 40. I always loved a spoiled. I was taken to church at a very early age because we haven't played Sunday school of habitat Baptist Church inside from the very beginning of my life. I had a hidden knowledge of God.

And then it became too at when we would get very real for me. Because I wasn't overly AC really the age of five my father died and my brothers were married and Lifetime by the time I was saving that my sister was married for the time. I was leaving and we just moved from hepatitis Brown spy. So I was in the middle of the night and it was kind of a difficult time of my life, but I can't sign you go out because as a five-year-old I went to school on the Monday my dad died on a Sunday and ice in an ice age. Have you got anything to share Jesus last night and he's not coming back. And wheezing, that seems that it was knowing the truth that my family love God and I knew God and I knew that was traded going to heaven because trying to say the Lord's Prayer My Father Who Art in Heaven every time I thought that's when my dad is so it wasn't easy because I had to grow up a little bit on my mom has just passed away and on the 21st of February. She would have been a hundred and two so we have been the Beast closest friends. I realize Why do that why my wife is crying?

We need to be Springs because we often sing to each other and we sing sing Jesus Loves Me and the best thing to do is Jesus loves me who loves anime, but we continue to live this relationship and she was truly my rock. So I'm the following week. I made that statement at school when my sister got married. I was very happy to be the person to give her away, but that wasn't there my sister and I she would sit on me and tickle me until I cried we had a great relationship. She was a bully I was the bullied one.

But it wasn't easy big growing up. So I'll get back to Scripps. I was very easy. I felt when I got ready too fast, and it was only because God. Was in my life that I realized when things when going right I would seek God, you know, I'm a typical kiwi black a fold-out spouse read the instructions. Why not? I decided that I want to be baptized before we lift at the time and I was a living and it was because on on a senator that just finished building this change and on Saturday I go there and doing the wicking base so I knew being baptized this important. I knew God. I wish young. I'll be the youngest to be baptized in the church. Probably still hold a record. However, I spent a nice cuz our new dawn.

life continued on and when I first found that I was walking with God and took him with God that really happened when I attempted suicide

you see life was pretty plain and I felt a little bit abandoned in a little bit lost on you God are you off guard but it was like I said I was in a relationship was for me one so I didn't ago was 4 years older than me and was one of these things when you find somebody else who would you like to go out what time could you come pick me up if it wasn't really working too well It was not a serious attempt of suicide, but it's enough for crying Help going to be then it's a very quickly I went through counseling briefly and then went to India now in that situation. There was a lot of older guys must have had their bags Pink by their mothers. I mean wise and they said that we going I kind of knew with a password on you with my password on you with my tickets. I knew I wasn't earlier but I thought I should have been You see a little bit proud. I'm a little bit self-made and self-reliant. So what happened was it as you do is we were going to Singapore we Florida Singapore and we went cuz we're going into Madras now couch in eye. I pray this to God, please God removed from the anything that would hinder me from being a vessel. They could you could use in India. I was 19 and I like to say I ate at the end. I mean now watch out when you use to it. I mean, I mean little be sorry and God said you can't know where is it to next day driving to the airport. I see this lady in a traditional dress and I thought to myself take Friday and then I remembered that night. My camera had rolled off the bed underneath the bead and always can all pick it up in the morning. I forgot to do that. What who send guys to India for two weeks and leaves his camera in the hotel in Singapore. So I've got two weeks of game via and I thought I said I can take no memories Ida film in my space over my case and I'm I was a little bit upset about that, but I was very humbled. I didn't realized that God didn't need someone in you want to do he wanted somebody willing to do what he wanted them to do. So I should date to some me of being this brown person who thought he should have been the leader. 260 men who were in The Bible seminary in my dress and I see the fact that the Lord was speaking to me and working in my life and teaching me. He just needed a veysel willing to listen to him. Vina it's a did we finished we went out onto the tears and three guys came to me with all the others behind and I see cuz I was speaking to a training site and I had said Robert you will kiss me really spoke to this guy. He would like you to pray for him. And I said, yeah sure. I'll pray for you thinking that would be later and I've never seen 60 heads or guide. They wanted me to pray right then and then front and we did it was amazing moment just to see that gone prompts you to do something when you were ready and willing to be a bit so he can use.

God is also very good because my mother came to me very excited before we went to India and said I could have this for you and I'm like dying to see if it's of the Lord and I thought to myself I'm going to India I'm not going to die hopefully not how we we go to a wedding in the foot hose from the drunks and we go on a first class train now what they mean and Indian fish Pie strain is a Refrigerated unit because I've got a t-shirt shorts and enjoying it I kind of got a little bit hot I'm sweating with freezing I catch a cold the other thing I was told us don't drink the water will drink boiled water where did William and I got I'm so sistance you can I have some boiled water you boiled water when you asked if I was thinking it would be boiled in code so I can drink it be fun I'm having this phone

Celina suitcase the next thing I have it could I have some cold with a Niger? What is this kiwi? Like I'm drinking it and I'm drinking it just came to me says I'm watching the Spy book bag swimming away from me is I'm drinking something happy of those who died in the Civil to the Lord. It's amazing how your mother's encouragement comes to you those times. I did get sick, but God is really good. And what trains but I didn't. What was really good is affected that camera that camera that I lost I had a spare phone 24 Shots was in my bank the wife of the one of the Night Ministry near East that we were going to stay had a camera that I could use. She thought I'd give her the film. I thought she could give me the camera. Thank goodness. We won. I got the camera. I had 24 Shots to take what I was in India and join that time. I had guys with motorized camera.

but I think took a fighter and I still have those photos ice 24 and one especially that I took was for women young women who have come out of baptism and these faces Sean like the son that was so excited and then somebody told me that was from Hindu families that had been baptized as far as if Amy was consumed they would need that were no longer someone and they would care about provide for an in India that was pretty major thing I Feast understood what baptism was when you commit your life to Christ Your Vessel and he can use I'm returning from that issue. Do I was still doing wake of my life as if they so sometimes I'm would sometimes I'm Kai on New York Asian soup and go but when you're evasive videos, he will use you. That is the story of my life is a twenty-year-old. I thought to myself if this thing I do is marry me. My band look after himself. I'll become a pasta. So I went forward of these two games and that sounds good. Can I think we went forward and the chichimora spice wanted me to go into Baptist College as a Pastime to do pastured to be trained in a couple of weeks before the final exam will the interview. I had a dream of a animal being sacrificed. And I woke up until it was weird. Hang on. I'm going to be a sort of dreams that I'll be heading in the future that kind of really with. So we got to the interview it was forty of us. And I was the youngest do you have a second man? Shall not live by bread alone. But by every word that comes forth from God and I said, oh no, you didn't do very well in the exams not sleep. Well if I knew everything, why would it be here? I think I had a pride at a tree there. They staged to Augusta wicking on me, but two of the bigwigs K McCormick and Angus MacLeod who in those days in the back to sick is he decided to come in and break the news to me? But that decided not to accept me. I was a little bit too young and I should continue with my work with youth. SE sang it I would tell what the dream was about. I didn't have to sacrifice my life as a pasta. I thought I took that really well then. I hope they didn't think they were dreams about I don't have to sacrifice my reflection for them and they'll get your and drink nothing to do. But I had realized that God had taken me to the door to see if I was willing but he still had some work to do in my life. The last thing I want to share with you is about Northcross because I had many opportunities to see God's handiwork and as a vessel, if you were ready yourself for years removing those things that are your fault soon issues and problems and pride and all those things really them ask them to be so he can use you. So the last thing I did was at Northcross Isis to the 21 year old and looking after the Sunday School. And after taking when's the kids which two services? Bring up front. I was giving the script for the with 200-plus kids. I had fun being in front of the clan up, but I have a win the city LV anymore and at the Long Beach and the supermarket and lots of selfies how whether I was ready prepared to support this 21 year old and what it is she needed but she wasn't overly playing and discipline a good she's a little it was kind of like 20 minutes before we were about to start we still upstairs and talkin about the craft in the way we do and I was like, I think we should be downstairs meeting and there was a little five year old girl hit man was in the worship team said she was kind of near the side and this person seed would you like to come and pray for us and I'm thinking you can ask a five-year-old kid to pry from us. Drinks can I do another 10 minutes because this is not the little children to come unto me for such a thing belongs to Kingdom of Heaven and Truth when they said thank you God for and she name. I thought God has just heard that and I'm list. I can honestly say that I've had experiences and so many times and as I have seed gone has use me as a vessel to reach others, but I need one of cleanse myself when I say the side and see lord, it's not me. It's you when you're the vessel to learn to fly 3 and he does a lot of work to do in me. My mom would have tasted a my wife for the test that tell you how we've been saying that. When I had those real and monuments in the principal's office and you actually praying for them, sometimes that I know you're praying for them and sometimes you are praying for me, you're influencing the people who have influence other people, but God is the one who flies through you when you're ready so I can stand here and say I was born into a Christian family always been trying to leave and gave my life to Christ to be considered as a pastor at Wente I travel to the states and wait for con ticket. And after that life of self-indulgence was The Prodigal Son returned back to a life. Will God. I got married to a gift to a young woman who was a gift from God. We have to lose some Sons. And with the support of a beautiful knife mother and grandparents who they also love Jesus Christ. We saw them baptized to give the alliance to Christ have the names written in the Book of Life. I struggle with pride and I struggle with low self-esteem and you like and Ice get today I can stand here insane. I believe in Jesus Christ is the Son of God who died was crucified on the third day. He rose again defeated this. That he's in heaven. He's making a place for me and that he has given me the Holy Spirit to enable me to grow closer to him to deal with my weakness and to enable me to be a vessel that God can use to help others be saved. If I be a clown. I'll be a clown with joy that the Lord Jesus Christ is my savior and he wants to save you two.

Picture of the food and for him the way thank you for give her a 12 to get up and attend the I only can let them to you before you all go and see if you continue to to use them for your glory in Jesus name. Amen.

We've had your first week back at school. So be next meal to pray for you guys as well. Thank you for your provision for us. And we give our friend isn't it to push it to you? Please listen to me crying. I know we have missed the children here and us and we thank you for the weights at the page and we can put them into your hands for this coming week of of Scoville heat is this we pray that you'll be spending pray that you give them paste as they go about meeting your friends, and he teaches a free shipping and you this year?

What I'm reading from the book of Colossians chapter 1 verses 16 to 20. For in him all things were created things in heaven and on Earth visible and invisible with the Thrones or Powers rulers or authorities. All things have been created through him and for him He is before all things and in him all things hold together and he is a hit of the body. The church is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead so there and everything. He might have the supremacy. Regardless play stay off his phone as well in him and through him to reconcile to himself all things with the things on earth or things in heaven, but making peace through his blood shed on the cross.

Amazing amazing sous-vide. Everything is she with you this morning. So, you know, I just sit back down again, but some but I think maybe this will just come soon. What is already being spoken and she had this morning the back in the fifties a video. So it's up to you and parents if you want to stay and join an or there will be a video or whatever you feel comfortable and doing cuz I realize this morning a little bit longer will we will be sharing anymore so I can give him communion as well. Sorry in Colossians 1 verse 16. The tool is about reflecting God's glory. That is that is the K reflecting God's glory that's overheating. That's what influence but let me unpack that stain from Colossians 1. Ang's have been created through him and for him. I means this. the severest catches the big story and out Own Story with an S and all unpacked they now he was a David Robinson I'm a former NBA player and this is one of the modified Court from him NBA championship teams have something in common they play with one goal and mines each player contributing their own skill and effect so that the teens go the grace of God of winning can be achieved but those players at 6 your own Glory at the sacrifice batanes Glory Drive the team away from Etsy So it is with life the goal is not at all in glory. All things have been created through Christ and for Christ. And faced many of you have noticed you know it by trying to make life or a badass that she pushes happiness further away, but I will does revolve around me or the marketing is aimed at me me me me now. Don't get me wrong. There's these things in themselves a fine but for a walk, hookah for Wako.

I'm reminded of this she with you a little story of Netflix. How do I love Netflix out of his books and I'll be using a few of his stories today. He was once a little frog and a small poems and it's getting smaller and smaller the pond Serena's harm would be dried up a frog and some some dude told them at a massive poems on the other side of the forest beyond the mountain and the distance a little frog asked if you hold a stick and and each side and I had pulled onto it with my mouth in between and you could fly me over towards the big poems and I thought you slipped through that so off they win over the forest and they're about to send the mountain a little bunny rabbit could be here. Look at that one. Who came up with an idea and the Frog could not resist. It was me.

You know what? We cannot Escape. I'm me driven will it is the culture in which we live we live in the world, but not of the world if you're a follower of Christ or freak. Because we are cooled to be different to live different. And if we look at God's big story for those of you that have just joined us this morning. We've been looking at the sweep of scripture. We've been looking at 4K scenes in scripture. We see creation the good cheer we see the fool that you receive prediction the new chair and what is to come the renews the perfect cheer Heathen this week. We're going to be talking about days to cheese. I didn't want us to sit in this chair wake before moving to the next cheer.

bus need a steps in this sick and she had lost weight. We sat in the good share that creation. I hope you got some time to spend in creation. That's made us now sets and this sick and she are the bed sheer around and what do we say? Elysium me focused world People get out, you know, you take out what he would like to get. For themselves, we know that Adam and Eve tries to go the wrong way. We read about this in Genesis eat from the Tree of knowledge of Good and Evil go to donate from this tree, but I did so they broke that relationship between God and themselves and we know that this is Cody Original Sin.

That we will see that this was being passed on to all Humanity passed on to us. So we are born into a full-on States. We see the sun in or around the world and we see corruption least a disease. We see what was we supposed to say those things that we will serve ourselves the Christ painful or Humanity in just for you.

But the next year when we talked about it came just for you asking you this morning. Have you sit in this chair and realized? It's me. How far away from God. Do I always still have you sit in this chair? And it started you occasionally Carlotta and you wanted to stay.

But when you sit in this to you and you reflect on that you realized it is me scene says you're always sitting and sitting on the train from Kolkata to Chino. I probably sharing that has experience and India. I was sitting on a on a train. I wasn't an air condition. Try know. It was a class you didn't get assigned to type what you could get and it was about a two-day trip. And all of India, I think it's a fantastic country as I stay in this trying and I looked out the window and you know, I did say policy and I realized how much I hate Kia and New Zealand and those that have traveled aboard. We know how fortunate we are and how much I took it for granted they keeping us.

It wasn't sadness because I felt bad and it wasn't some p**** because I know that feels like it was a date conviction of sin. I had all that I could want or need and I felt I had chosen God lucky home. Nice that may seem to mess I came face-to-face with us. It was horrible. That was that was. Don't get me wrong. I was a good person. I'd gone to India to take per se but I was still in the Sinta the hat. So it's no coincidence that the Woodson has died in the Sinta. It is good to sit in this chair and to self-reflect. So it will do its part of the whole story being the original sin. Creation full potential as part of our story individual story as well. If we ignore the sin and evil, then we cannot be saved from us. If we stay here. We know the wages of sin is death Romans 6:23. We know if we stay seated here. We will remain under the influence and remain slaves to wish for me six six. But we know that Jesus is all eyes playing the states or son and we moved and lifted to a different face into God's kingdom this new state the states of the deep.

How about if we said and this food safe? There is much more to the states. the new States then just forgiveness of sin. There is more to this new stage. So what is the state mean? As we look around we realized if we said to you that we have saved moving from the second shift to this cheer. We know time at a price. And I Know It with silver and gold with a with Jesus's Li.

But we also know that it's not just a legal transaction. It's not just Jesus Paid his life so that we cuz his life you to know that it was a relational because God was already and relation with us before we knew it. So it's like good for children. What happened?

And your family and one of your children to so I brought that I want to have anything to do with you anymore of those twenties very old and die and they don't have anything to do with you anymore. I like the rn.y. But you left them is parents no matter what no matter what they do and you know what you guys hated bail to get them out of jail, but it's not the price that you pay for them because it's the relationship that you have with them and the same with Jesus Christ. He has knowing us from the beginning he has a relationship with us. So as we sit in this chair Ephesians 1:4 is clear before we had a relationship with God God has a relationship with us. We have chosen we are adopted. We allowed we are blessed in Christ. We are saved so when we sit in this chair will become aware that we actually becoming different people. You know when God with things Azrael from slavery in Egypt, he made him a new nation and gave them a new lands likewise is a Christian with a new identity in Christ. No longer is the captive the Christian a cat does no longer you captive to sending dick and the stairs your may we are citizens of God's Kingdom. And we live in the anticipation of our Eternal home, but that's next week. As we sit in this foodshere, the chair was Christ as making all things new we look around and we know we have eternal life. We know we had forgiveness of sins Ephesians. 1:7 right relationship with God runs fine. Peace with God the Holy Spirit lives within us and we adopted into God's family. I am his child. This is a great state to be safe again rice and an India and she changed her name to symbolize this new life. Your name is now Siri fragrance that to 9. She's pretty cool lady. So why we will Noah chronologically the state state as we we searched and because creation was before we were born and Adam and Eve were before we were born in Jesus hasn't returned yet. And we know and even though we know chronologically we're in this place with a fat person. They right at this time. We know that this is a new seats God of changing us into a new creation. As we sit and dust face as a good place to ask. So why am I here that bigger question? Why am I here? Why are you here? I've been told them fifteen hundreds. We believed the universe revolved around and if you lie down and you look at the night sky is as if the universe is moving around us and then it was discovered that doesn't wear the ones turning to thousands of years. We believed we were the center of the universe everything revolves around eye and every philosopher has tried to answer the question. Why am I here? We will seek happiness, but it seems we're born with us but of default bison witches selfishness. No, I want my children to a dining. I wanted to be perfect angels are what my spouse to make me happy. I want a job that brings him good money for nothing lifestyle. I like Koga kids that are considerate enough to my opinion. That's what about me is that we know it is never brings long-term happiness. So what's the other what's Beyonce put out his food has been doing it. That's not right either once again, because that adults are you thinking about you? That's not that's not about you. It's not about me. It's about what's the rate rate it again or things with creation through him and for him about him. So the food she just knew Chia God Centric lifestyle. Frieza to live life to the fullest as he had plans John team is team. God does not exist to make a big deal out of us we exist to make a big deal out of him as not about you and it's not about me. That's all about him. What is the role of the Moon does not a distraction? What is the role of the mean it is to reflect the sun apart from the Sun. The Moon is nothing more than a pitch black Pokemon to walk. Broccoli positions the Moonbeam they didn't do what she was made to do this Claude of do it becomes the source of inspiration the moon reflects the grace of life.

You know what would happen if we became Miran reflectors of God, what would be different? Mike applied for and I'm sure you apply for a job at Oxford University 2 years ago at the beginning of 2019 and he got shortlisted and it's pretty amazing and they were five people interviews and they were around about Stephen the hundreds of theology applying for us, but that's not about him during this time that he was away. I was thinking okay that I'm really enjoying my WIC mission is well on your really not sure when it was going to happen pretty quick pretty immediately. So I needed to look at we would the kids go to school when we would we stay and what we could have food that the price. Horrible the wrinkles we will dive in the school's the reports that reading about them then they don't look right because a lot of stuff going on and I thought I didn't get much sleep is always trying to work out how it was going to work out. And sorry, what did we do? What we did as we asked Festival what does called want us to do? That's the first question. That's the most important everything else will happen in fall into place. We prayed as a family we asked the kids to pray for direction and to hear and tell us if they heard from garage and there was no way far out spiritual story that I can actually tell you in terms of answers to prayer to get that. He didn't get the job God.

Perfect, but do you want to do we placed him at the scene? So so it wasn't like this life for your career path? And because it wasn't like that it was wasn't like pushing us to do something that we might not want to do because if we've crossed into God seems like that's what he wants to do anything else, but do what he wants. If we would God seems his what would your business look like? What would cause of making money for the sake of money would be shell for stars? God reflecting would dominate your up a small business and I try I try and I said God, how do you want to use this to go on a business card supporter of the lake between Michigan and we might have joy Nation free venue patient and it would give to to go to the mission. This is an example of what you could maybe do in your business some ways other ways. You could do it. How would you see suffering instead of my pain proves God is nowhere to be changed to my pain expands God's people Would we see a change now families in this new year? Thanks re-lace of here's what I want and more. What do you suppose God wants? The Food Fest in the gifts the problem. Sorry and the gifts of pledges for him. Another quote from Mexico do we not deepest desire is not the things of God or a favor from God but God himself we crossed the threshold by threshold God is to be glorified with the humans exist to declare the glory of God Every Act of heaven with you is God's glory Every Act of Jesus did the same and deeds Sun reflects the glory of God.

You know what? It's very simple. We can meet to tell and reflect God's glory. Why does creation exist? for him Why does the earth spin for him? Why do you have good health for him? Why do you have struggles for him? Strength for hand success and failure for talents and abilities for everything and everyone exist to reveal his glory. So why am I here? Why are you here to reflect to experience his glory?

Another story from the next like I do I didn't warn you I had a few of his today. Diet weed looks across the Pacific vs. Is it at the American ship on the horizon brushing the jungle sweat from his eyes the young naval officer swallow deeply and made his decision. This could be his only chance for escape tweeted been hiding in Guam when nearly three years when the Japanese occupy the island in 1941. He dumped into the tropical Bush survival hadn't been easy, but he preferred the swamp. to a p o w camp late in the day, July 9th, July 18th, 1944. He spotted a friendly so he's carried up the hill and positioned himself on a clef reaching into his pack. He pooh-poohed and a small Mariah at 6:20 p.m. He begins sending signals holding the edge of the mirror and his fingers. He tempted it backwards and forwards don't think sunrise in the direction of the boats three short flashes 3 long Three short again. If so, is it so is and The Signal Court Leon have a sale on on board the USS McCall a rescue party border the mushroom and slipped into the past. The ghost Coastal Gun trade was rescued. He was glad to have heads that Mariah Gladding you how to use it and glad that Jesus supposed Heather. It has to be with me prepare yourself for this crazy. Thought I feel I need to wear us down. So as I say this but prepare yourself for this crazy food poison they had resisted. Post-its are in a Jenga rather than reflecting a message from the Sun supposed that had opted to send it soaring message instead of it's a waste at Saint LAN. Look at me and egotistical. or even crazier and insecure what if I blow us we'll see in the room. We said South Dallas would paralyze the mara. What about self pity decided to stay in the pack? Well good thing tweets. Marie didn't have a mind of its own fast. We do not to reflect his glory 2nd Corinthians 3 icing raise. And we and we was outside and we was out and buy old faces reflecting like Maroon the brightness of the Lord will grow Bryson & Bryson as we are to send into the image that we were flaitz. This is what the word of the Lord who is spinach to this is what's happening in the steerage here. We're becoming more and more like the image that we are trying that we reflect that we all worship thing. Do you remember the story of Moses encountering God on the mountain the people of Israel could not be here to look up Moses his face for his face Shone with the glory of God Moses face reflected God glory and Anna since he became what he reflected.

Rob she ate about some of the ladies that were were baptized in India and he seems pretty faces to display God's glory during my time helping those affected by leprosy. I'll have come to know the meaning of being lonely reflect his glory. I made this elderly man proceeded to make 4C. Otherwise, I would never have learned about him. His life had been destroyed for the disease and then what I could say his life and his wife at least them a job and get his ass. I praise God for leprosy. Otherwise, I might have never found cross.

You're something I have struggled with being involved in a development which has the power and balance that you see with development work. No Mesa Wars, you know, we waved at project to meet and we support them and we sponge them but no matter what age they stole that sense of we have and they don't and we are helping him but to help themselves, but it just seems like this and that and balance in a boy struggle with it. But I saw the glory of God in the communion see that's a of what's to come I believe and I saw this in a communion service in 2018 when I was in Ethiopia the penny drops During the sacrament which we are soon going to die taken.

We sat together. So he's with hit Percy and Willie's without I do I realize that's no I realized the full God but no difference. You know, we're all in need of Jesus and forgiveness and has gray and as I took communion from illiteracy Sephora the bridge and the wine from their hands go ahead and I saw the glory of God reflected Andrea. She was a Believer serving the lord leading me to remember all that. Jesus had done. She was a member of reflecting. Jesus is a really powerful and beautiful experience.

In conclusion friends, it's not about me and it's not about you. It's about Christ Jesus the Lord and I think this is coming about from. This is what God wants us to he today nazon. She's an aprea and what she did and his testimony that we have to be disclosed that it's not a bad accidents that happen. But I believe he is saying that go to culinary to do something to reflect his glory that you might be worried. You might be that Mariah. This is how I actually I can do that or that might be I'll actually I want to do that but it's bouncing thing taken out of the equation and what he is doing and allies and it's about having an obedience to follow what he wants us to do because it's not about us. It's about how to God be the glory so as we sit in the speech here knowing all that God has done for us and cry that's by best for become more like him we become like that which we wish up we become new and sorry this week want to be challenged to remember maybe reframe your thinking maybe rejoice and what it means to reflect God's glory to be new

does become to this communion table Maybe being reminded a fresh of what Christ has done for us as we shift from this stick and she are lifted into the future. You know, he he is hasta and what? before they just taken he stays with his disciples.

This is my buddy. Harkin Theater

he said take of this cup is a symbol my blood made for you so that you may has and be eternal life that you may be saved from your sins that you can have a new life and Christ and hun Michael G come now it and pray for the sacraments and after he's price please please come forward and for those that believe you've been baptized and want to participate in the neighboring what Christ has done for us

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