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Can you identify with out this morning that sometimes has the church we get it wrong. I wrote my life mission statement long time ago. It said my life mission is to point people towards Jesus. He's my friend, and I want others to be his him to be their friend as well to trust him to get closer to him and just pointing people to Jesus. But you know, sometimes I get that wrong. sometimes you get it wrong to you know throughout my My Life as a pastor. I've heard all kinds of excuses of why people don't want to be involved in church. and you know, it's a pastor. I've always tried to kind of move people towards church and towards Jesus and they kind of expected that from me. But you know most often the reason people give for not being involved in churches. What is it Jesus? It's us. It's us we often get it wrong. We blunder and we say the wrong things we hurt people at times. We simply do not represent Jesus very well. I bet you know somebody who who is hurt by a follower of Jesus and doesn't want anything to do with the church.

Maybe you've been hurt her at by somebody in the church. And so this morning I just want us to remember that we sometimes get it wrong. Let's admit it. Look at the people next to you. Sometimes they get it wrong. Look in the mirror. Sometimes you get it wrong.

You remember that the Pharisees were always trying to trap Jesus and the one time they came up in the ass communal. What's the greatest commandment? They thought well, whatever answers, you know, we can say what what about this and what about that? But Jesus summed it all up. He says you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart with all your soul with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment in the second is like it you shall love your neighbor as yourself on these two commands depend all the law and the prophets. A Pastor Denny reminded us last week that we as a body of Christ both individually and collectively need to be Salt and Light. But sometimes we get it wrong. Sometimes we don't measure up. And so I just like the feed with you this morning don't give up on the church. Don't give up on God's people when you think about it. We're in good company. When you read the gospels, you know, the disciples didn't always get it. Right. Did they matter of fact they got it wrong a lot out of bad mood has but they hurt people one of the times Jesus was traveling with the disciples and everybody was hot and tired and little children started crawling all over Jesus. Remember what the disciples did? They pushed him away. Why would they do that before? Perhaps they thought they were protecting Jesus. But remember what Jesus said about they were bringing children to him that he might touch them. And the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw that he wasn't happy he was indignant. He said let the little children come to me do not hinder them for two such belong the kingdom of God truly. I say to you whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter in and then he took them in his arms, and he blessed them and he laid his hands upon them. Disciples got it wrong and I am sure the motives weren't bad. And I think they thought Jesus is tired. And he's saying some important things and people need to hear these important things in these kids were just a distraction. And so let's just move them out of the way.

You hear what Jesus did he rebuked them?

They would be up the children at set. How do you act when people rebuke your children?

Mike my wife is a mama bear. You don't want to ever get in the way of a mama. Bear defending her Cubs. I saw a documentary in Alaska fisherman at staying away for bears and especially staying away from the mama bear. If if you get in the way of her Cubs, you don't want to answer the phone. You don't want to open that email.

I have to think it in the story of Jesus. There was some unhappy parents in the crowd that the disciples rebuked their children and Jesus himself was indignant that remember these little ones are important.

The disciples didn't realize how much Jesus loved. You know the song it's true. Jesus loves the little children all the children of the world. Red yellow black and white, they're all precious in His sight. I'll never forget my friend Jorge, Osorio. Or he had been a missionary in Peru for 16 years. He served along with Burt and Colleen Elliott Burt was the brother of the famous missionary Jim Elliot who is killed by the Alka Indians back in 1956 in Ecuador. And I had the privilege of going on mission trips with Jorge. I went to Peru with them twice. I went to Mexico with him once and he had such a loving Spirit about him. He always called me Pastor. Um, Jorge were you don't have to call me pastor, but the he always did that he had an office in our church and a delightful guy hit and this is a picture of him in Mexico and I he was just like the Pied Piper children follow him wherever he went and I thought that's like cheese the children. So we in the church must not marginal marginalize children think of them as less than because Jesus said very clearly for such is the kingdom of God. But sometimes we get it wrong. I remember when we get it wrong. We're in good company. Think about the disciples how they did with the woman at the well. You remember the story? It was in a Samaritan city called sick are at a well. Jacob's Well. And we see Jesus there alone at the well, because the disciples had gone to City to buy food and Jesus has this amazing discussion with the woman and win against the Norms of the day. First of all, the Jews had no dealings with Americans always racial prejudices Jeremy's address that already this morning. Secondly. It was unusual for a rabbi to have a conversation with a woman, you know people might talk. But Jesus shatters the norm he has this wonderful conversation with her. He brings her to face and many in the village come to Faith because of her that's listening to the conversation. Woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her give me a drink disciples had gone into the city to buy food. Samaritan woman said how is it that you would you ask a drink from me? A woman of Samaria for the Jews have no dealings with Samaritan Jesus answered her if you knew the gift of God and who it is it saying to you. Give me a drink you would have asked him and he would have given you living water. Who knows how Jesus kind of gets to what he wants to talk about real quick? And woman said she has nothing to draw water with the wells. You going to get this living water? Are you greater than our father Jacob he gave us this? Well, he drank from it as his sons and his livestock. Jesus again just directs her to where he wants to go. Everybody who drinks of this water will be thirsty again. Whoever drinks of the water that I give him will never be thirsty again the water I give him will become a spring of water welling up into eternal life. Did he make her thirsty? Sir, give me this water. So I'll not be thirsty. You have to come here and draw water. Well, then Jesus gets a little personal with her. He says we'll go kart. Call your husband. Well, she says I have no husband. Jesus says you're right. You have no husband you've had five and the one you have now is not your husband. What you said is true.

She's a stripe receive your profit and she changes the subject, you know where fathers worshipped on this mountain that you can stay here in Jerusalem will believe me. The hour is coming when neither on this mountain or in Jerusalem. Will you worship the father you worship what we you do not know we worship what we know for salvation is from the Jews, but the hour is coming at is now hear that true worshippers will worship the father in spirit. And in truth for the father is seeking such people to worship. Him and God is spirit. And those who worship Him must Worship in spirit and Truth. These words were penetrating her heart. She says well, I know the Messiah is coming. She has the whole thing in the in the come in Christ, and he was called Christ and when he comes he will tell us all things. Jesus said I didn't speak to you and he Jesus had an impact on her life. She went into town. She told everybody the Messiah is here. She brought them out to him and they they all believed many believed on you. How did the disciples react this time does Justin the disciples came back and they marveled that he was talking with a woman. But listen this time they did a little better. No one said to him what said said to her. What do you seek or to him? Why are you talking to her? They were learning a little bit and they were surprised but they weren't so quick to express their opinion.

You know. They're getting there getting better. We as a church. We have got race relationships wrong a lot in Jesus Jeremy already address then you know, we've segregated churches. We forgot that Jesus came to make a swan. Important verse in Galatians says there is neither Jew nor Greek slave nor free male nor female you're all one in Christ is the church. We are one in Jesus Christ race doesn't matter. Jesus wants us to express this in unity and we have miles to go before we sleep. We need to be the Church of Jesus Christ and we've gotten it wrong. I know if you've ever read any books by Philip Yancey, he's one of my favorite authors, but he talked about growing up in the South and have his church got it wrong for so many years. I mean it would actually tell a black couple that came to the church. You better go to the church down the street this church isn't for you. And they repented of that that church but we've gotten it wrong so many times and we have miles to go. Sometimes we get it wrong. Let's admit it. Let's repent of it and let's let's ask God to bring Unity within the body and to express love is Jesus Express his love. Another time in the gospels. We find the disciples getting it wrong. In Matthew 14 we read now when Jesus heard this, what did he hear? He heard the death of John the Baptist now John the Baptist was his Forerunner. He was the one that said Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. John had been put to death and answer. Jesus was grieving and so it says he withdrew from there in a boat to a desolate place by himself. But when the crowds heard that they followed him on foot from towns and when he went ashore, he saw a great crowd and he had compassion on them and healed the sick. That is what is literally a time when Jesus had tried to get away to get away from the crowds to the spend some time morning John. He gone to a desolate place that they found. How did the disciples respond when it was evening? The disciples came through in his head? This is a desolate place the days over send them away from the crowds into the villages to buy food from the cell. We might think we'll that that's fairly reasonable. I mean it was a long day and there was a lot of people and they certainly didn't have enough food to the feed everybody. But they got it wrong didn't they? Jesus had planned something. Jesus said to them will you feed them? How would you respond to that it he was testing your faith. He said you give them something to eat and you know the story that the two loaves the five fishing and how Jesus fed everybody thousands of people 5000 + women and children and they have leftovers. You know, sometimes we forget what an amazing God we serve. Is there anything too difficult for God anything too hard as a is there something in your life right now that you're really struggling with? Can you stop and ask yourself? Is this too hard for God? That's all is this too hard for God to help me with God can do it. I take some comfort it in the story is that the disciples got it wrong? And you know, our faith isn't always what it should be. There's always room for our faith to grow. How many times did Jesus say? Oh ye of little faith. And I hear that sometimes you hear that. Sometimes we need to trust him trust him with all our heart with all that we have God is able to do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask or think believe and trust in God. So this morning I just want to remind us of God's plan for his church, and I want to hear that. It's price plan. We went to stand up for the Church of Jesus Christ as you Jeremy said and not just this local expression of it, but the church Universal the church this meeting all over the world today.

The body of Christ until this morning. We're going to explore together. Some of God's designs and purposes for the church. Remember Jesus said this in Matthew 16 talking's disciples. He says I tell you you're Peter on this rock. I will build my church and the gates of Hades will not overcome it to Jesus promised to build the church. Don't let anybody feed you the line that the church is a man's institution or man's invention. The church is priced idea. I will build my church and the Gates of Hell will not stand against it. It's Christ's idea and so to the store and he said nothing will stop it. Not all the evil in the universe not all the evil man that all of the evil angels nothing will stop me building my church. Not even disciples who get things wrong. We won't stop price for building his church until this morning. I just wanted to share 5 reasons why I believe in the church. First reason is I believe that the the church answers to the big questions in life. Who am I? Where am I going? Where did I come from? I've enjoyed the Jeremy's teaching on Genesis. Amen. And we're looking forward to some more of that and he's told us over and over guy had a plan and he's not giving up on it. He intended for us to rule with him and to share in his authority and he's not giving up on it. This is his plan. He's sharing his kingdom with us. I always tell people as they come to the Bible and they find questions their pay attention to those questions. Here's a great question and Matthew 16. What good will it be for a man if he gain the whole world and yet forfeits his soul what can a man give in exchange for a salt see the church the Church of Jesus Christ the church built on that raw gives us perspective in life. This life is very brief. The Bible says that over and over again. It's like a mist. And during these days of covid-19.

I have a friend in Oregon. He used to read the obituaries. He said I just want to check if I'm in there or not. You know, we have a lot of jokes about that. We do that kind of the keep def at arm's length. It's like whistling in the dark. I'm I'm now working at a Funeral Chapel and I get the privilege of helping people in time of grief and I always felt that a very powerful part of the ministry that God had given me is help people read through these times. A few weeks ago I was able to share at the funeral of a young girl 20 years old killed by drunk driver. very very difficult experience She's been a big fan of Dutch Brothers. Info on her casket at the end of the service everybody came up and put Dutch Brothers stickers on it just to kind of celebrate her love of them. you know, they're just a lot of distractions in the world in and as I as I witnessed these funerals I always wonder This question that I just shared with you did these people know Jesus that have they tried to gain the world and forfeited their soul. The Bible's clear Bible says man is destined to die once and then to face judgment. And you know, we find people just focusing on the present and not the future focusing on the physical and not the spiritual. You know manier are battling the stay in shape. You know, I used to make fun of joggers. I passed them and they say they're not smiling and then I became one. And now I can't anymore because of this knee but you know, we're losing the battle. Sometimes we get it wrong. Eventually. We lose our health and our strength. My brother is in a care facility he 75 and he has multiple health issues and he saying you know, I am not sure I want to keep going for much longer. He says we have a lot of people that lived in old age in our family. And so right now he has a defibrillator and he's supposed to go in and get it checked and there's no I'm not going to bother and I said, well you can do that if you want. He knows the Lord. He he was baptized about 13 years ago, and he's doing good. But physically he's not doing so good. Gold's Gym can't help you win the battle all the biking and jogging and weightlifting in the world. Can't prepare us for that Ultimate Reality death. I believe only the church can do that. That's God's Institution for answering the ultimate question. You know right now and in our city and in greater Phoenix area, there are people out there hiking and biking and jogging and all kinds of recreation. But I'm going to tell you you've chosen the best coming together with people of God and being trained and righteousness. Remember Timothy says physical training is of some value but godliness has value for all things holding promise for both the present light and the right in the life to come. So we're training for eternity and the church answers these big questions. You know, what this this young girl's funeral. I said, you know 20 years that's not enough visit. What is 30 years and a half? Is 40 years enough? Is 80 years enough know God has placed eternity in our hearts. We want to live forever. And the scriptures teacher stabbed in the church is a place for the training. I used to have this little poem on the back of my business card. Only one life twill soon be past only What's Done For Christ? Will I pass the church answers the ultimate questions in life. I believe in the church because the church provides perspective that gives man dignity. you know if we think that the That life is just a cosmic roll of the dice time plus chance plus the impersonal. That this was just a chance universe that there's no design no purpose to the world. The result of that thinking is that were nothing special we came from nothing. We return to nothing. In the meantime, we simply exist. There's no hoping that there's no dignity in that view of life. But the Church of the Living God teach you something differently God and His word teach you something differently that we are a special creation. I love Psalm 139 do you let's read it for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made your works are wonderful. I know them full. Well, my frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place when I was woven together in the depths of the earth your eyes saw my unformed body all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. We are special creations of God. And he loved it so much that he allowed his son to die in our place. I repeat with me John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his only son that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Does that make you feel worthwhile? Doesn't that give your life dignity? That's the message of the church that belongs to Jesus. We are image bearers created in His image. God created man in his own image in the image of God. He created them male and female he created them.

The third reason I believe in the church is because the church provides a moral and ethical compass in the midst of a world of confusion. I have that young man in my church in Canada. His name was Forrest. I have interesting his folks had taken on this native mean they worked among Natives and so their sons were Sky Island Lake and Forest.

And Forest became an orienteering champion in Canada in orienteering is they take you out in the forest and they give you a compass and you got to find your way out and he was able to do that. Well, the church provides a moral and ethical compass in a world of confusion without the church founded by Jesus Christ. We really can't know which direction to go. Right and what's wrong. What's moral and what's not in the Bible the book that God has given the church we have his View. And The Church Must point the way as a moral and ethical Compass many people call evil good and good evil. They're lost in the woods without a compass without the Bible to guide us without the holy spirit that God has given us we would be lost. but when the church comes together to learn when we come together to be instructed from God's word God gave pastors and teachers to train to teach to commission to go. But you know, sometimes we get it wrong. Sometimes we bang the wrong drum. Sometimes we think that we know all is good and all that is wrong and we point out to others that. Remember the Pharisees they were kind of good at that at looking down their nose at people Jesus taught a wonderful Parable in the Gospel of Luke of two men two men went up to pray one a Pharisee the other attacks collector and Jesus day that would have been just saying when a really good guy and want a really bad guy. But Jesus turns the tables on Pharisee standing by himself grade God. I think you are not like other man extortioners unjust adulterers. I'm going to even looks over to the tax collector or even like this tax collector. I fast twice a week. I give pies of all that I get but then the tax collector and contrast said was standing off. He wouldn't even lift his eyes to Heaven. He just beat his breast me said God be merciful to me a sinner. Jesus said I tell you this man. He went down to the house Justified rather the other for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled and the one who humbles himself will be exalted. So even though we have God's moral guidance in the Bible and the strain and we have to be careful how we use it. We we better not be coming off as holier-than-thou to others as condemning others, you know, Eugene Peterson who wrote the message paraphrase of the Bible is a pastor for many years, and he was having a Bible study for people that were inquiring and becoming Believers and their woman had been there for a number of weeks and then she made an appointment to come and see you. And she came in mad. and she said I've been reading the Bible that you given us and she said

Your what happened?


I told Jeremy I wasn't going to preach as long as he did and that you know or at the battery.

She came in she was angry, you know, I've been reading this by but you know, I've been living with a man that I'm not married to she says didn't you know that was wrong? And he said well, yes I did. He said well, why didn't you tell me? And he says I'd rather Jesus would. You know sometimes were so quick to point out to people their faults there said yes, we have a moral compass, but we really have to be careful how we use it really is moral compass for us. I always tell people when you read the Bible who you reading it for you reading it for yourself husbands. Don't read it for your wives wives. Don't read it for your husband. Don't read it for other people read it for yourself.

I think Eugene Patterson Peterson's examples a good one to follow. A Jesus can point out their transgressions just love them. Love them like Jesus did. The Bible does teach a moral code what pleases God and what's harmful to our souls? So we need to learn how to avoid it. It's a moral compass in a confusing and difficult world. and I believe in the church because the church like no other institution has provided motivation for the most lasting unselfish is Central courageous Ministries on the You know the church produces Mother Teresa's don't you love to read stories of her life and how she serve the poorest of the poor and end in Port outer life for that produces people who freely given of their lives to others to be obedient to Christ command. Remember Jesus said if anyone would come after me, he must deny himself take up his cross and follow me. Think of the schools in the hospital's the orphanages the halfway house. The missions have been founded because of the Church of Jesus Christ. There is a missionary in Korea. Her name was Ruby Rachel Kendrick. She was born in 1883. She died in 1908. She was only 25 years old when she died. You know what she had printed on her gravestone. If I had a thousand Li they would all be to live in Korea and serve them.

John Knox said Lord. Give me Scotland or I die. You're a George Muller who started orphanages and provided for thousands and thousands food and and shelter and clothing and he did it simply through faith and prayer. Think about World Vision Samaritan's Purse the gospel for Asia on and on hundreds of thousands of missionaries all over the world moved to compassion move by the love of Jesus Christ. That's an expression of the church. The church that Jesus said I will build and the Gates of Hell will not Prevail against it think of the Ministries we were connected with here at AMC. You matter Ministries a barbecue Mission feeding Jesus one meal at a time think of Conrad Rocky Point. The water project at Tom's been involved in making clean drinking water for people the missionary that was here from Cambodia and saving kids off the streets and Cambodia doctor, comes and speaks about India things happening all over the world.

The Church of Jesus Christ. Amen And the base of the local churches allows all this to happen. It's a significant place where hurting people are helped and within our body hurting people for help. We reach out in love and compassion to one another. One of my favorite stories of an expression within a local church that God allowed me to be a part of was when I was pastoring a church in Lethbridge Alberta back in the 1980s. Planting planting a church on the on the westside of Lethbridge and I was in my church office one morning, and I received a phone call. And it was from Bobby McCafferty. And she says pastor we have a problem. And she had to urgency in her voice and I got her to calm down a little bit. And then I said what what is it? What is it? She says, well, you know, she says I've been going to this this little grocery store. It's owned by a Chinese couple and I've become friends with her. And just this morning I was in there and they were in tears and they were frantic and ask them what was wrong. Will the niece of the woman had come to Chicago as a mail order bride? and

her husband was a horror. He beat her allowing other men to use her and she was living in Virtual slavery. Well on just this morning. She had escaped to another home. But she would probably only be there a few hours before he would discover her again. And so Bobby came into their store and they said we need to do something. What can we do? Can you help us? And Bobby says I know I'll call my pastor.

What would you do? Well, she gave me the information. She gave me the the phone number and the address of where this woman was. And as I read the address of first thing I did was pray God help me. I'm in Left Bridge Alberta. This isn't Chicago. They wouldn't involve the police because immigrants didn't didn't you know, they were they were afraid of involvement of police. And so I prayed and I saw Foster Road. You know, I think our North American Baptist. I think we have a church on Foster Road in Chicago called Foster Road Baptist Church. I remember hearing about My little book blue book in my office and it had all the names of the pastors of the churches that were part of our conference or low conference and I opened it up and there are there was Foster Road Baptist Church and the pastor's name was hero Oreck good German for German Baptist conference, but I've met here or just a couple years before at our conference. I mean, he was a quaint and see when their friend but he was in Planes, but I met him and I thought I'm going to call hero the ended up to be here. Until I called him and I told him the situation. He says, you know, I just started praying with a Chinese pastor. He said I'm going to call him and see what he can do. He called that Pastor the pastor grab some Elders they went to that house and they rescue that girl.

and I became the best friend of this Chinese grocery people. They were sending me cookies and tins and presents for weeks and weeks and weeks and bad was the Church of Jesus Christ. We're all one by and that story is Multiplied Williams upon millions of times within our own congregation within congregations everywhere. We are connected. We are one body.

The last reason I want to share with you this morning why I believe in the church is I believe the church is the place to find true Community healing compassion and love.

I used to be a fan of the TV show Cheers. And you know, you know that song, you know, you place where you get away where everybody knows your name and I thought you know that they're kind of trying to take the place of the church place where you're accepted, you know, come in and warm. This is what the church is supposed to be doing and it's a place for True Community true healing true compassion. We're to love each other as Christ loved us. We come together for friendship. We come together for acceptance for love and support. And the church is where real acceptance can be found. Do we always live up to that ideal? No, we don't. Play with me sometimes we get it wrong.

But we're committed by God's grace. And with God's help to be the Church of Jesus Christ.

Jesus gives us a promise of what we're going to look like someday in the book of Ephesians. Listen to this. He's talking about husbands and wives husbands love your wives. Just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for this is how much ice loves the church he wants to make her holy cleansing her by the washing with water through the word and represent her to himself as a Radiant Church Without staying or wrinkled without any other blemish, but holy and blameless.

Are we that church today? No, cuz sometimes we get it wrong, but one day we will be. No blemish. No spot one day we'll be just as Christ described. So I believe in the church and I'm committed to following Christ and making his church all he's destined it to be and Jen and I were glad to be part of this local as expression here at EMC. Let's represent him. Well, let's be all that he intends for us to be let's be the salt and light of the world Amen. Fallon prayer

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