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How many you all know that the love of God never fails?

He never gives up.

If we be honest there a date as we thought God did give up. And that's the trick of the devil to make you believe the god that has never given up decided in your situation to give up really got to put some small today. The God Who has never played decided to wait for you to blow it.

Surely somebody done something worse. Somebody is going further than you went surely somebody deserves God turning their back on them more than you did what what did you really do? Because most of the stuff we do Erin. We really do it to ourselves and loving caring giving healing saving is always there to catch you when you fall.

And they want to tell you don't believe in him. Here's the deal. I suggest you stop believing so much and you?

The Bible says let no man think more highly of himself than he ought to be one of the reasons. I believe it's dangerous to think more highly of yourself because there's nobody else you would have boosted yourself up to this level. Did you believe you great, then you realize how fallible? Call vulnerable. Call mi amor Mortal Mortal you are.

Bible teaches us that our life is but a vapor here-today-gone-tomorrow I once read a book called maximize the moment Bishop TD Jakes and Bishop TD Jakes in his book opens up with this.

Peace in the book about being a preacher who has to preach funerals. And he says for years, he would appreciate in one day and hit him. The most important part of a person's life is not the day they were born or the day they died but the dash in the middle. What you really think about it? It was like the most ignore part is there's never a decoration around the dash and loving father loving husband. Loving mother all decorations with angels looking over the Angels should be looking over the dash because at the end of the day the only thing that matters is what did you do with your dash?

And racing they call it the hundred yard. What?

400 yard and the person who runs the dash the fastest is the victory.

To the Swift nor to the strong.

Who endures to the end? Now if the expectation from God is that you wouldn't do it surely that endurance is coming from somewhere greater than you. Not only is he giving you life? He's giving you something ability the thing you need to endure. He's giving you in the spirit. man

I thought I was done with this serious. I really did honestly believe I was done with the series. I was going to come in today and I was going to do and just make sure we had it. And then Tuesday night. The Lord says he has one more one more lesson one more. And it's a to Dale and his last one is most important out of everything. I've told you. This last one hear me when I say this is most important because you can put on the whole armor of God and not execute this last one. They lose the victory. So today you take a note.

To doze in a watching via Facebook YouTube website. God bless you. We love you. We thank God for you. For those of you all that are Chapel members that are watching from homeless, and we miss you. We thank God for you know that we will be in our building. Until further notice. We have tried to find locations. Tennessee is on lockdown, but the church has allowed to be open. We are socially distancing by Family. You're always welcome. We will be here service starts at 10. We start our stream at 10:30 that 30 minutes is a time of this Intimacy in prayer and praise and God is always showed up in our times like that a man. Open your Bible Ephesians chapter 6 saint-ex Ephesians 6 verse 12 through 14. Good to see my beautiful wife hear my children. I hear God bless you all this morning. My son Michael probably since I'm not there you should be here.

Hey, Micah. Y'all ready? Here we go in 6 1214 Billy places and having done all to stand stand therefore having put on the breastplate of righteousness. Today's volume nine. This is actually a 10-part series that I started off with two parts. The more I dive into it the more dovin to it. The more I realize God wanted you to be able to fight today's lesson you already today is a big one. Hold on. exercising self-control

out of all the volume in the series exercising self-control. That is the biggest lesson of all. Tell you all the story and I'll pick it up later. My mother thought it would be good for this little ghetto boy and his brother now that we were part of the Catholic school system to participate in the Catholic school system functions. So one of the things that the Catholic School offered us was karate you have to know that we already know karate because we watch Kung Fu Saturday. We already know how to kick in so they going to train us in a start off with position and pasta how to punch it with politics. You want. You're ghetto house and you had on your wife suit, would you look Beltsville menu?

Can I get to the first lesson they said holla see if you got your message? now that you know the basics to do says you can't use this outside of here.

I want to be your learning karate, but you can't use it, but I can't use any way. And I was immature. So I wasn't willing to learn the cottar's that's what it called Connors that means exercises to go from one level to the next so that you can get another belt. So I am three belts, but I wasn't because every time I got into an altercation remember, I'm in the ghetto. You won't have fights in the ghetto. I want to use it. I want I want I want I want you to feel it's like Chuck Norris Bruce Lee. Since they told me I can't use it. It was since they was literally saying to me was you have to exercise self-control because what I'm teaching you need to First work on you before you working on other people. But because I was immature and the kids I was thinking you giving me something so that I can defend myself, right? But what he was really giving me with something so that I would have more confidence when the real fights of Life came. I have self control. I missed out on a great karate lessons because I lack self-control. I'ma. Right into this the first point for the day getting to fight you can't win. Mind your business.

The oldest surface coming from me. It sounds sarcastic positive mind your business, and it sounded as if is your grandmother. So you need to mind your business. Just ain't that. You need to put your mind on your business. You need to put your mind on your Affair. That is the first lesson in self-control take care of you. Change to what's important to youth. There's no way that you can get the speck out of your brother's eye until you deal with the plank in your own eye. There's no way that you can see clearly to help him. You have your own blocks in the way and I'm convinced that many of us that I have decided because crisis and fallible. We are infallible wrong wrong. I don't care who your mama told you you are. When you compare yourself to him. You got pork that needs to be done. You need to mind your own business and stop getting into fights. You can't win what when did I get into a fight when you decided to walk up to the Devil Without a word you were getting into a fight that you cannot win? You keep throwing yourself into these Wilderness has to be tempted of the devil and he knows the word but you don't so when the Temptation comes you fall victim because you do you like the discipline to take care of your Christian business. Take my yoke upon you and do what you learn of me for my yoke is easy and my burden is Viking we all miss categorizing and misdiagnosing our lives because we like work every blaming the score on the devil when the truth of the matter is the storm may have been partying by the father. But because you have not taken his yoke upon you you don't know him. What does literally mean to take my yoke upon you so that when the storm comes, you know, the difference between me directing you and you been by every window put on Believers globally because they're being tossed to and fro because they don't know if it's God or they don't know what this the win.

You cannot pull it aside. What's going on in the world today?

the Miss judgment To politicize the climate of the day God is up to what God has always been up to win anything exalts itself beyond the pointed arches. There is always bailing wire repealing people to show it still.

But we got to mind our business.

I like Jesus the way he put it in. When is parents had looks formed at 12 years old? 3 days. Where are you?

What do you mean? You should have known. Would be about my father's business. He wasn't talkin about Joseph. How many of you When we finally catch up with you. And we found being about your father's visit when we finally found you. You will lost and turned out it's time for the believer. Stop being lost and turned out simply because we did not have church services. You should still be about your father's business, even if there are no church services.

your business

How do I change the man? Sleep Kingdom.

I'm contagious with Kingdom. Why because if the advancement of the Kingdom that the priority in me so bad. How are you always in the kingdom kingdom in my marriage children second. I'm changing to the church. I'll pass if I'm always going to be when I was in the salon when I was working when I own the salon. I was about to take his business there cuz I went to work every day every time I went and got to go to work everyday. But why God is giving me a system where I can make more money by not working every day. If you devote more time to him finally work, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Scheduled the money so that I make sure that the money was coming in. Gave me that 80% of my career appointments only everybody else has no money cuz you not that you miss me because you won't schedule it you waiting on yours. I've already scheduled I know how much I'm going to make this week. Did God bless me with clients that would tip me more than I charge. I had clients that would fly in. Do y'all get this by the hairdresser folks are flying in to get their hair done. You know, that's nothing but God. But I was listening to him. I was minding my business.

Turn the Galatians 5.

I want you to see this as consistent as he is with the church of Ephesus to the Church of galatia. He said the first one Stand Fast therefore in the Liberty again with a yoke of bondage. I want you to see this steam here from the church at Ephesus to the galatian church. When he sang Stand therefore Stand Fast therefore he's telling us to do something but I think because we want the gospel to be more than what it is. We're overlooking the Simplicity of what it means to just stand here. I was raised in the household with the women in the men's grandparents aunts and uncles all said the same thing and football player or fall for anything. I heard that going up by place value in spending. I'm running around and I knew what it meant to take a stand stand. I'm a man of principle stand for something. We learned that is little children. If you go down Galatians 5:13, he said for you have been called to Liberty only do not use Liberty as an opportunity for the pleasure, but he's literally saying mind your business mind the business of the Kingdom. Why? You're calling from the bondage of the world you owe no, man, nothing, but to love them. You don't have to go back and be entangled in to send you don't have to go back and be entangled into the culture. You don't have to be entangled into the political climate of the day your call to God has set you free and made you free from the bondage Of The World. God does not want his church bound up and I'm saying this to you pick up. I know you feel bound. I know you feel lost. I know some of you are struggling, but thanks be to God. You don't have to watch you've been set free and you can call to Liberty in Christ Jesus.

Baltimore than my fair share of people doing this pandemic.

I don't know what I'm supposed to do. I talk to you that when I first came here. It's never about doing it's always about me. We are not called human doings. We are called human being. You want to always be a kingdom representative you want to always be serving the lord and serving your brother. If you don't have a job love God and love your neighbor. You are working the works of the Kingdom.

Would you allow the climate of the day you will allow circumstances situations in your own personal space to dictate how you emotionally respond to bad news. I got news for you. I never leave you nor forsake you that's the word of God and when you depend on that, you got to know no matter what? Hello you're in or what highlighter you stand on God is right there with you. Through it all.

Your name is been scandalized drug through the mud. You've been made to look foolish. You have been fired for discriminatory reasons. You have been made to look like you were wrong and there was no wrong in you hold your head up high and keep the Kingdom on your lip. I Will Bless The Lord At what all times and his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Set for you brother have been called to Liberty Liberty only do not use Liberty as an opportunity to go through love serve one. Another one word even in this you shall love your neighbor as yourself when you mind your business worked on your walk with the Lord that when you come out your relationship with him somebody else in Spanish cuz I've been in church. I've been in the secret place. They that dwell in the secret place under the shadow of the almighty. I've been I live there. I stay there when I come out from under there. I can go out. Thank you, Lord. I can be less fortunate I can be confused. But if I don't take me to my business, how can I take care of the Lord's? Look at your neighbor the neighbor is impossible. Verse 15, but if you bite and devour one another beware lest you be consumed by one another see what Paul teaches here to the galatian church. Be careful how we talk to one another? How many you all have got delivered from being mean? Look around look around look around look around look around. Who steal who still in a process was still a process praise God father in the name of Jesus delivered them may they understand the value of your kindness that they may distributed. There's no reason to be mean because mean as a spirit there is no need to be mean. It's a defense mechanism we use when we run out of words. That's why we cut spoke out.

Some of y'all still cussing foci. Praying for you. Bible says curse not but bless y'all blessing works better than person cuz blood when you bless somebody who menu it confuses it just white what it just confused don't want for taking a physical abuse. Don't don't I'm not eternity other cheek type preacher. Don't don't try me don't don't I'm not that guy. I'm going to I'm going to pray for you. But if I'mma make sure there will be a need to make sure if you need healing.

I'm just saying.

He said I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. So what is my new business walking in the spirit? We don't talk about this for the flesh lust against the spirit and the spirit against the Flesh and these are contrary to one another so that you do not do the things that you wish. How many of you don't raise your hand? Do not raise your hand? I don't want your secret out. How many of you find yourself meaning to do? Right and still do wrong Paul said every time I will to do good evil was ever-present. He says I'm this isn't Romans. He says, I'm the one that wants to do good, but I found myself doing evil. Here's the good news. We're staying about Grace much more abounds

so did thank the church don't condemn you because you fall into sin. This is the church is going to let you know. Hey, don't first state that Grace now that you know better do better now, you know.

the catch it I went to covet the minute you called. Give me away from you. Anyway, you call me. Have y'all noticed the people in the girls until somebody comes everybody?

I love all you guys today.

Rare Adele you stink? You want to back somebody backup you today? You ain't got to fight call.

I can feel it. Esmeralda Valor

when there is this fight between the lust of the flesh? And the Walk of the spirit Paws days. Because they're contrary one to another you do not do the things that you wish. You at the canceled out your hope because you have not chosen the side.

Stop canceling the possibility of living righteous.

When you walk in the flesh you cancel the whole. The very idea that you kill it. And you will succumb to the emotion in the guilt will talk about it, So it is a process he said but if you are led by the spirit you no longer under the law if I send.

That's below if I say what kind of nation? to them that walk

In Christ, so this notion that God's going to get me is cancelled in the past that's literally called. There's a one word that is free.

It's literally return and go another Direction hear me. You won't hear me hear me.

This idea that we get so caught up in I can't help it. I got the can't help it well. I never got no trouble that I wasn't trying to get in to have you.

I'm talking about like your brother did some but you got the whooping a child rearing I'm talkin about.

You got call. You may not call it trying to. Didn't do it, but the truth of the matter is you was just trying not to get caught.

Copal fan requires energy say that wouldn't say all sin. requires energy Even if it's our fault that comes to your mind, if you entertain a thought without bringing into the Captivity of the word the thought was manifesting your actions. It was simple for you to let that thought just a dream that I wake up. But give me that dream was not me. I don't know what what I won't even do that tomorrow. I don't know what that was. It had me dreaming that drink.

I would take. To listen to Lorde.

I forgot they had dreams of killing folks in the world.

Put this in your notes walking in the spirit is to prepare for battle by remaining. I am I get to it walking into spirited to prepare for battle by walking in the spirit is to prepare. What does prepare mean? Get ready beforehand.

You're getting ready for battle beforehand when you walk in the spirit you are preparing for battle. You ready? Y'all got that part by remaining ready willing and able.

Can somebody tell me what part of this ready willing and able the send effect? It's a trick question. Thank you. That's why I'm glad I had all three of them.

Send a pic show willingness. Send a Metro Mobility. When you walk in the spirit you are proving Lord. I'm ready. Lord I'm willing and I'm able there's nothing Joshua like someone needing a word but can't get a word because the one who has the word is not ready.

Bible says be ready to give a word in season season. You really need to work this morning and even if he doesn't feel he needs.

It's a season. But what about all of his followers? It's been quiet these last few days. They probably home because I am believing God for the life of our president wife. Bible says when there was no King the people did what was right in their own eyes father banking. I pray you raising raising my change for father. So we don't work on it with a barometer what to do if you'll never know what healing was unless you been sick. This nation is sick. I love America before y'all slam me this nation is sick and it is sickness goes deeper than racism.

It is sickness is connected to the Louisville. money all about isms a birth out of this notion. We are the greatest country in the world and we are bored all our babies and we lock up all of our men what's really making us great. We push entertainment more than education our children at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to education and can't compete on a global level except the rich. Come on. We're great. I don't think so.

Put this in your notes. Can you identify the lust of the flesh?

question Can you identify the lust of the flesh now conversely? I don't want any of you all to answer this out loud because I don't want your weakness to be exposed. I want to conceal your matters, but can you identify the lusts of your flesh? It's easy to point out somebody else problem. Remember this whole message is about exercising self-control and you need to be able to point out your own weaknesses. You need to be able to point out what you need to do. What moves you over what causes you to get outside of yourself.

We went from Playmates to Postmates. And I think about the food delivery service.

Desire to be seen and when they don't get enough hit they don't get enough life. They start rebuilding flashing. So you just going to go for now. We don't do bodycon dresses for the.

I was just about to Brothers.

See how we have these preconceived notions in online. I said bodycon and y'all thought I was by my women on some of these brothers need to quit to get off the internet. You ain't talking about nothing teach the word of God. So people from the live by nacho pinion.

I said that.

I've been saying it for years performance church is dead. Anybody still doing a weekly performance in a pandemic is petty

You think they need to hear Bob doing this? How do I get my life back on track after this? How do I get Jesus? Help me with that. One of the things you need to be able to identify the lust of the flesh. This is the part we talk to one another somebody summarize lust of the flesh. Give me a summary mean.

Come on, come on. Talk to me.

Everything that lead you away from God somebody else.

You there in the back way back there soon again. cool things to see in

Desires that are ungodly I love this you all are so spiritual but the cenotes man.

What are to teach you how to lie you was trying to preserve your butt from getting that whipping? Did you do that? No?

A teacher at the grade school to look at little girls when they come from you today.


if you haven't seen early fee for childhood Thief you send a face.

Give me a good.

They start off at Grandma's house start off at Auntie house is still a little stuff if you don't correct that today.

We say stuff we teach our kids conditioner kids to do to the building the lust of the flesh. We say stuff like this the kids like Kayden right will hit you he going to be a heartbreaker know the Devil is a lot. He's only responsible for his actions. That's what he going to do. He's not going to rely on his cuteness. What he going to do is know how to treat people who don't respect women. That was he going to do going to get you nowhere.

Alright, you can do most people can do this really are feedback was when it comes to the summary of lust of the flesh. Let's do this one Sunrise walk in the spirit.

Pink lady by God's word Bentley by God's work and instruction like that with somebody else.

Obedience to the church man that used to get us to the Grave.

Galveston listening Joshua He needs a microphone Jesus.

God's spirit is moving almost to fall in line to

Cliff Notes to walk in the direction of God's spirit into fall in line with wood where he's leading as Joshua. Will simply put the exercise self-control being led by the holy spirit. Thank you Joshua. How do you keep yourself in line Lord? What should I do right now?

Does walking in the spirit?

That's print that's perfect prayer walking in. The spirit is being lead and self-control by the Holy Ghost. You got natural desires, but what do I do with how God he just walked by me with all the muscle and I want some muscles on I got muscle on my mind shall renew their strength.

May not be time for you. Muscles on your plate. May not be the time for you to have chicken on the chicken. I meant to say breasts wings and thighs in your bed. You have to be led of the spirit that's walking in the spirit coming out.

This is me walking in the Spirit Casino in the Westside. Do you want to say something please? Say something. Nope. Nope. Nope.

Billy Joel ever just wanted to

Okay, okay. Alright I ever wanted to do something kind. somebody broke

The Walk of the spirit is to go forward in the car because the devil surely ain't going to tell you to be kind in the moment with your justifiably. Printable where you could justifiably fight when you could justifiably argue and the Lord said blessed God. I don't know what that you and I think it's what we do this when we do,

I'm really not feeling blessed and them right now. Have you ever had to cry from being time? dog lip quivering

Will you give materials say stuff like this? The Lord is leading me to forgive you cuz you trying to convince yourself. It's hard when you

What is a beginning?

We don't do that to your wife if it wasn't for the Lord. I don't know if I love you. That's not a compliment that don't that ain't good. That ain't good. You should love me on the notion of last night.

Just just you should love me. And for the fact I'm still here you two, don't tell me god making you love me.

Exercise self-control being led by the holy spirit is on that anybody.

I'm being led by the spirit go.

That's what the P thinks. He thinks that if he owns that and takes it from you. He don't have the pleasure that you at we when the truth of the matter is he can eat his bread and secret the Bible says openly

See we commit these things thinking they're going to make us feel some kind of way. And the truth of the matter is they do but it's not the it's never the feeling you thought it was going to be. I remember when my conquests was to sleep with her her an appointment to the air cuz I only sleep with her right now. But back in the day when I was younger.

Listen to the context of what I'm saying. For those in the Watsonville Facebook past Michelle. Just had a real moment.

But anyway, my Conquest was to sleep with multiple women. And when I was immature, I was satiated or Satisfied by the notion that I did. That was all of a sudden this component of a company with the sleepover that didn't make sense to me and I'm confused because this supposed to bring me pleasure, but it's bringing me pain and I continue to do it until it almost kill me. Did I say Jayla?

The maze is right there at the door Lord. They almost got your boy. I'm out of control.

What you want to hear something funny?

I can recall the time the Lord said no. I can go back in in Past Times not recent times but years ago when I was getting delivered, I remember when the Holy Ghost exposed to me. That was a way of Escape. That was your way of Escape. That was I was in that what made me commit to the Lord even the more to walk in the spirit because even though I wasn't walking with him, he's always been walking with me. Hello, you all the don't know this when you go through your trial in your Temptation, you got to guess which he's annoying enough laugh in the Holy Ghost. I tell you to stop quit turn around go. Don't go over there today some kind of Bad Boy Scout. You won't believe it. You're not trying to get some new thing on your but you're trying to walk in the spirit.

You don't have to exercise self-control by being led by the Holy Spirit gold Joshua.

That's why I got that online thing. That is that particular to walk in the Greek. It was different.

in the center of North pulling rank And spirit. It was also kind of thing Remington wind in a breath and you know, I just went. Marching In Line

Yes, yes.

It's so much easier. Brighton I love it. I love it being let his Spirit go faster.

So, you know, I mean military.

which every word you just said but it's it was already am I but because we are to stay in step with the whole. Yes.

Y'all ready?


Help getting out of line.

You can tell doctor after you tell your yeah, I forget my two. Paw Patrol

laugh out loud game

. It's about your knowing.

I'm a tailor store.

Don't do it. I mean

What are you? Are you ready?

Those are the Washington Facebook. That's what we do here. We have dialogue is not mean to sit up here yapping go.

Hope you all can hear.

Because there's no lacking in him to think that I'm doing something wrong with my father. So that's why I know there's no nap.

Is something wrong? But the immature believer has doubt because they haven't exercised. It's like when you go down there y'all ever been to the gym and try to lift that big weight. Can you get over there? And you snatching you find out you ain't ready? You ain't really see that's an immature believer. You want to go on bench, press 250, but the truth of the matter is you need to warm up with 50.

Give me the warm-up. Why is salvation the steps of a righteous, man?

Ordered by the Lord. So if you are righteous God has free ordained you ready steps for you to take not preordained the steps you take.

Tell me the steps are there for you to take. Doesn't make you take them you this is self-control. They are there the pathway is there if you choose the one you benefit from the ultimate destination, but if you get off this will know where you go when you think you may have to have I got news for you. If you continue to go down the wrong path, I believe the people who designed the GPS system, I believe. Dinner's why you only get so many rerouting warnings before they say canceling route.

The route has been lake from here Earth me to talk eternity. The steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord. If you get off track, there will be oceans of the Holy goes rerouting rerouting. What if you just don't decide to keep going. I will give you over to a debased mind or reprobate mind to do that, which is convenient to you guys. I don't want to stress. You know, why don't want you working against the wind. So let me take you decided to go against the grain. Here's the truth of the matter because he's full of Christ not as many people that lived in reprobate a reprobate. They're just in the need of a rerouting. This is where you come in, once you exercise self-control your the indicator to the people that the computers that are looking in your looking in your house and in your life then what am I doing wrong? What was baffling is for the church folk to compare their lives to the world for you. Don't know how they got all that stuff. They got that stuff by hook or crook what you have and it is securely on why cuz you were being led of God spirit. Don't worry about it. Every one of them. They got bigger and bigger. every what we start at the bottom to the top

Can you come meet me at the little house? We made a big mistake. We furnish every room. We remodeled it. We put siding on it. We put a roof on it. We put all this got into and we lost it. But if you walked in that you didn't you didn't know we would lose it cuz it didn't look like we will lose it. All is when you pulled up it look like he doing it.

Loft outlet I had to sell my motorcycle just so I can buy diapers for my for my baby. Closure, so now after maturity kicks in I got this big old house I live in now is it's me Michelle Jazz who live there now I got rooms at an empty house. Hey, when when I decide when the time is right, we'll get something ain't nobody here, but me.

drugs in the house

born abroad shopping hate about you use it. Maturity. I'm being let him go Spirit while I'm not giving the debt cuz I'm not going to pay for it. Adam you ready with maturity Donald. I have more peace in a much larger space with a much larger responsibility than I had in a smaller space when I was being irresponsible. I was not being led by God spirit in the little house and it was frustrating. I'm now being led by God spirit in the big house. I got nothing, but peace. walk around gardening

told me to jump into the world is going to hell in a handbasket. He's not here. He said was saying what they say. What's up? Elderly white woman 44 year old black man. I'm sure she thinking I just knew you was going to get in on the bandwagon on this pain, right? I'm blessed by Angel.

It's the middle of the day. I'm 44 years old. I'm African-American and I'm sitting at a Lincoln dealership with my Lincoln car getting the radio fixed.

What complain about?

President got the Rollie. I know that the black lives matter movement is town of cities all over the work. I don't know people that lost their jobs in their unemployment is up to astronomical rate.

I get this place is on the water.

Complain about God has been good to me exercising self-control what God is taking care of all the stuff through me why I got my order. I got my bills paid.

What am I going to go shopping? I know some of yall just want to go to the mall where you going with him shoes. everywhere closed

Galatians 5:19 is this is adultery fornication uncleanness and Luna and it funny that the first for works of the flesh have nothing to do. I mean the first three or four I think before I say this because I really like how you carry yourself sexually public lewdness like in a Flash and folk Instagram post, you know cleavage post. Maybe it's the people out there who want to see it, but they don't need to see it Brothers.

Are your boxing video was motivating this week.

I feel you at the airport in the bag this week.

Then the Nexus idolatry sorcery hatred contentions jealousy outbursts of Wrath selfish ambition dissensions heresies. Envy murders drunken strawberries and the like of which I tell you beforehand just as I told you in time past the those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God now The Inheritance this is important The Inheritance to the kingdom of God is a matter of Revelation.

So if you're not being led by the spirit in you're being led by the lust of the flesh, you can't even get the revelation of the will of God. Because the kingdom is a matter of Revelation is based on what you believe what's been revealed to you? What do you know? So those who are partakers in these are they can't even inherit the Revelation first and foremost actually eternal life with God you haven't you haven't done was necessary to inherited. How many of you in the midst of your struggle can admit you couldn't see God? anybody I remember when I first began to serve God and was on fire for God then I had a short moment in.

Functioning of confessions to things I like like anger and Malice. Contention. I want to beat you up. Like I wanted to beat up church people really don't know how bad I wanted to be. The first people I really have been delivered. Shaw. I found myself punching church people. Like Heart Like comatose you out and I wanted to hold on to my anger. But want to tell you this I can testify to this Michelle hear the testimony. I remember I used to go to when I was at the Baptist Church. I used to go to.

Lego Batman

The man was nice and I didn't care. You don't know nothing. You don't know nothing nothing.

bumblebee, so worked up

working on me in over either what I will walk out the back cuz all the pieces come out the back remember then found out the Back Bay Rental sna don't know no Greek. They don't know Hebrew. They don't even know no history. They just not talk about the daily bread. Thank you for that quote. Somebody else's opinion. I mean eternity. Somebody open.

Did I look up Aaron and I couldn't see God. That scared me to life. When the one who called me, I could not hear his voice. I had to exercise self-control because I would rather have his voice speak to me than my voice speak to Ian. I'm so grateful. I learned that lesson. Here's the good news. To always be right. I just got to stay in step with the one that is right. That's making me right. And yes I said though. I've been with him a while.

This is the way we talk to each other. Put this in your notes the worst of the pleasure obvious.

Most people know when they have work the works of the flesh.

So, do you know when you listened to do somebody? You left the house with full intention to seduce. If you didn't you want to do this. Cuz you don't walk like this.

Don't nobody want like that.

Brother, you know when used to do so you can drop your voice way down there. So you whisper bring in practice like smiling and looking right now in twinkle because that's the Lord.

Don't be caught off gone. Just this how you do it.

All or Nothing Jesus

you got to pray cuz I was good. Amen. Lehman a man cuz I got another one. You know good and well when you don't work the works of your flip listen, I was in Kroger yesterday and I did one of them Self Serve thing and that was somebody's Cash Money a whole dollar.

Picking out the bed and walked off and forgot cuz they was worried about the wrong. They was trying to get out of there. I walked up to the machines at WR lie and he has little the woman over there to work at Kroger near supposed to be watching. You know, it's self-serve ma'am.

I'm going to hell up in the dollar and I'm not going to stop hearing the voice of God cuz I could you imagine if I just took a dollar and pocket it? The dollar would have spoke to me until I've repented the phone.

It ain't worth it if it ain't worth it just ain't worth it. My wife reference the story I share with her. We've been married. I've never shared this story with you. I've been married for 20 some years now.

I was a teenager late teens early early twenties. And God said I didn't know was gone to see I was ignorant Leah. I didn't know God's voice. He says go back to the city and pick up your car. But don't have sex.

Yes, I said it. I didn't know it but I was just going to listen to this little voice Sara. Okay, cuz I need a car. So I live Jackson Tennessee where I was living going back to Chicago to get this car that's going to be in Chicago for 14 days. I had turned down all of them office cuz you know any of y'all ever left Erin on come on. You left home when you come back. It's some people look at you different when you show up back at home Orion. All right, I'm praying for you praying for you. You left in a heavy Chevy you pull it back up in the Dodge truck praying for you when you go back home.

I went to church with my mom and I saw them when I was looking good. You know, they haven't seen me in a while cuz I wanted the car I had a goal in mind. day 13

I go to the specific restaurant in the Drive-Thru. Hello, welcome II search man. Take your order.

I've been one hit that since I was about Stephen.

You know you had a childhood crushes. Any other brothers get to testify can I get a amen? Brother you all I got. Now, we got the same name brother help me out. All right been on about 7 when I had that little boy crush, I do the voice. I knew the voice from a restaurant drive-through microphone Sarah. That's my Jeep. I was in. I pulled up. Give me drive-thru was like I knew that was you.

Tibetan hey, how you doing? What you up to after this?

It was it was clicking on all cylinders. Long story short. I did not make it today for it to him. Here's the thing. I showed my proper self up to Chicago with $11. My uncle gave me money my aunt gave me money. My mom and my dad gave me money. My parents gave me a car to drive. I had all this money going back with my car. Riding down the road after I committed this act against what I was being led not to do. I'm trying I'm playing Fred Hammond. Try to try to get yourself back in the hole. We're blessed in the city. We're blessed in the field. We're blessed when we come and when we

radio still working I get out that car. It's a oil slick ain't no oil dripping all of the oil.

when I got

when when the police officer came I was in Southern, Illinois.

And this was then and this is in the 90s. So I'm in Southern Illinois and the police officer writes me an environmental ticket. for polluting the highway Lego Mama's money I asked for tow service cars not under warranty. He calls a friend of his that go uncle and auntie money. Take me to a laundromat where the Greyhound bus station. And I'm sitting in this Greyhound bus station saying all I had to do. Was not have sex. I buy my Greyhound bus ticket and I arrived back at home and in my pocket, I have eaten exactly $11. Everything that I went to go get in obedience. I lost because of Disobedience now, you ready? Did God do that?

I did not exercise self-control you ready? Because when we're not exercising who put the saint of stakeholders here when we are not exercising self-control. We don't pay attention to the details.

What detail did you overlook Pastor? Well, when I got the oil change, I typically would make sure that it's not leaking oil. I would typically make sure that I've done a get on the road check though the typical things and what had happened was the oil plug. Was unscrewed and how prophetic by Michelle said the anointing that was being placed on my life. Was being on screwed simply because I was screwing.

I know y'all love the fact that I talk to people hate that I know who I'm talkin to. I may not be talking to you. You all screwed up to?

All you man of God shouldn't talk like that. Jesus called the Pharisees foxes. What would you have said to him? But if I can call him Sly foxes, which is a cuss word in the Greek.

Yeah, I got a woman the dog. Could you imagine that the BLM going in on it? Botanical culture be right there with Cosby and Kelly

Did you hear what Jesus he called? A woman a dog put her how many other women have you called the dog over the last 30 years of their life?

I love you.

Number to of exercising self-control. What time is it? Or do we stop making excuses and give a reason for operating in the flesh? Stop it. Here's why it's go to Genesis 3. Animal clothes out and surely surely surely surely. Genesis 3 and they heard the sound of the Lord walking Walking In The Garden in the cool of the day and Adam and his wife in the Trees of the garden interesting then the Lord call to Adam and said to him. Where are you? So he said

So I heard your voice in the garden and I was afraid because I was naked.

God said have you eaten from the tree?

Did the man said the woman? I love the one of them you gave me she gave me the treat or the tree and I The process people that work the fleshy or the process first, they become gripped by fear. I can't I shouldn't I couldn't what is it? I'm missing out on something. I need it. I got to have it. The reason Adam ate it was not merely because he offered at he was inquisitive. What would even be like in the first place? He feared that he was missing out on something. He feared that he wasn't but they like to exercise self-control. What do you need to know about life and death when you got the power of God working in your life? That's like me going to a seminar?

Play something that don't even pertain to me this go on in life everyday.

But when you feel like you're missing out on something.

Put you just want to jump.

You want to get one more good party and cuz you'll feel like I'm getting old I done forgot what it's like to party. Here's the deal when you got spayed your party shifted your play already shipped if you didn't do what you missed out on and move forward what God has ahead is greater. Looking Back In Fear like you missed something. All my friends who ain't got no kids. They living their best life. They'll only stop don't let them lie to you. Don't let them know that you at least you got to somebody keep company with you. Tell me a little bit and what we going to do today your friend at home talk to volleyball and basketball sit around the house. They degrees up everything in the house. They sit around talking to Shadow scared.

Do hormone shoot you got somebody else live with you? You be a piece that you you live by yourself.

How many people on Instagram taking a hundred pictures and pick picking out one selling that stuff this way joint Motion Pictures in the garbage? Y'all better get it.

if you'll get it to me that if I do everything around here trying to dirt dog

Secondly, they hide from God.

First you get your grip outfit next you hide from God. How do you happen. Is simply ready find something to hide behind? It is irony when hitting monster trees in the garden Donald.

You Are a Human Being God who sees all and knows all You thought were behind a tree you was blending it. You're not green. You're not the you do not blame you. Chameleon. I want you naked and You don't look like Bart. God coming

Okay pastor. How does this work for us today? How how do we hide from God and how do we find something or not?

Hold on don't stand like a personal attack. You got to clear the room. Don't call.

How do we do that today? I had to work. Sorry I couldn't make it to church hiding.

I'm so tired.

message You lie. You heard the title? Turned it off.

You are the name of the series. Oh, imma take off a week. I'm on vacation. You're hiding in a vacation in from God. What I'm saying is spirit and life. Is it Billy to track you down and meet you where you want to be met, but if you keep running and hiding you ain't no hear from God. We find stuff to hide behind today.

Play some orbital sound so personal I really do.

pain in the front So you just going to sit there and do nothing? Come on. look at your phone activity list and see how much you spend time doing frivolous things and then try to tell me that God you ain't got time for Remember we went on a fast. It was 21 day fasting. I didn't realize how much time I had that we took away from you.

Six whole hours back in your day. What were you doing out there for 6 hours?

You weird stalking? Not even people know you don't hide your privacy or something.

song about self control

Do you do that? But do you see the progress? That's the same got two or three years ago to cried and said I don't get it. But because she persevere in the word now the word begins to speak to the other word. Now it becomes now. Do you know where you are? I'ma tell you right now past Michelle number one number one complaint. We've been here recently.

We have been accused of not having Church.

I said the thing we experience from other people. We've been council members. These are people we talked to Pastor selling. I do way more counseling than y'all would ever know. We counsel couples have nothing to do. Cancel people who have nothing to do with Ministry Who We Are People have lost it is not because of God, you're working the works of the Flesh and now you're saying it and here's the fourth part, which is the biggest part. This is when you know, somebody been working the works of the flesh. the hidden path

find someone to blame.

is this

I didn't.

A priest that's what I preach give up on God. I display that I demonstrated that well, I just hope you don't tell me you felt some kind of way. Indication you ready to blame somebody it's no different with Donald Trump said to Joe Biden really? I know it's about to be a level of disrespect. We have never heard up soon as I really would be disrespectful midnight. You said I just feel some kind of way about to blame somebody else.

Or you're feeling don't even realize you're testifying to the real problem. You just going to allow your feelings to carry you away with all when the doctor you're immature your child has you pet. It doesn't help you if I don't tell you the truth, you pet it.

Go to Billy help you those days. You cry it all that.

Grow up photos not following to you.

And a good thing you can say that today cuz I forgot that you was that you didn't understand.

Stop by taking responsibility for your actions.

When you start to take responsibility for your actions, that's when the truest sense of honesty kicks in cuz you could be honest about you. It ain't his fault. It's your fault.

I remember the song back in the day. I think I'm mixing up the phone or not for sure. But there was a line in the stone. You never should have put your heart in the partners present party.

That was a line in the song. You should have never put your heart in the place that spreads apart. It was about allowing your lust of the flesh to govern how you feel all of a sudden you've mistaken love. Lustful love and now you all ticked off because you've been letting your flesh. Who don't want somebody find expected to come home too, but you need to know one when your poison a final seconds of your boyfriend, but you got to love it.

You might be by yourself all your life. What is Pravastatin?

if y'all if y'all see this food


but we would have missed out on somebody cuz they didn't have a beauty mark break out of magic marker color that in yourself.

Some about that, but I wish I was here y'all see they faces.

Yeah, you want somebody with a beauty Model? Come on. Just get a tattoo. the second to the tattoo parlor black

ain't nothing like having what you thought would make you happy and it doesn't.

You got to take responsibility for that. You can't blame God. You got to be honest when you said God said in God did not say.

I do not blame God for my good ice cream did that.

Straight up cookie candy pie.

Did that? I guess what if I want to change that I have to be honest and let me tell you something. Calorie count is the devil. It is you won't eat 3650 calories and gained a pound in a day go down on a treadmill to burn 200 calories. I just the devil.

Some of you all are coming out of your dark space wanted to turn around just as fast as you got into it, but you need to be honest with yourself and take responsibility for the reason you are where you are and it's going to take some time to get some of you out of some of that.

Why is season 6. We wrestle not against flesh and blood but against principalities those are things the government and politics things that govern regionally. Every city every state has a principality. Why because the leadership is set up in a manner that whatever the leadership does it typically flows to the city right now. Our city is in this position where the man wants to increase property tax by 34% He was doing good. He got voted he got elected in when he said pay to get us out of this financial crisis. We need to increase property tax by 34% with the politicking hold on, but they didn't matter on the surface. It's always been there. But when he said we need to increase the taxes,

Cuz I can go to some cities and sexual immorality. Is it the principality?

I really want to talk about somebody cities. I've been to and I just got off the plane when I get back on it. Is what airport, Atlanta Airport? I will add 3 hours 4 hours to my flight to avoid going to Atlanta airport.

When you have to look at people and wonder who what they are.

Where is the principality? But even the more what principality set up in your home.

Because it's easy to blame the government, but you're the governor in your home. What are you releasing in your that's what you wrestling against what you keep releasing in all day.

To let the word permanent we come back we will help you. We was fighting.

I just don't understand why you had to burn up all the CD. It was it was setting up an atmosphere in the home. And when we burn that up now we going to release the word then when I discovered when I start reading a book on TBN and talk about nothing. They preach and confusion and if they do one more praise a thong with a setup for a whole week and ask for money. I'm going to just lose it. So what I did was Alexander Alexander Scourby CD and we would just leave the word playing. Can I tell you something? When we left the word of God playing in our home we came home. It just felt like it was done in time for years or kids.

I hear the Lord say okay. What is that? Because that's what we did. I remember Michael and Jasmine going to sleep playing the word. I'm at one time. I came to Jasmine room to whoop up listening to the radio at night. Is she a CD player with me preaching? I told you to.

Can you listen to me preach the word for go to the God bless you child? Like I became Catholic.

He said the airport take the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day and having done all stand notices. And having done all to stand. Stand therefore having girded your waist with truth having put on the breastplate of righteousness and having your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace. Put this in your nose if I have taught you how to fight properly. You shouldn't have to fight at all.

Go back to the Kung Fu story. I know how to use the karate. But if he is taught me properly I don't have to. I just got to stay till we come back to the office. I was going to come back to the karate store.

I told you to fight properly. Over these last nine sessions. You shouldn't have to fight it all you should be able to stand. The instruction was never to wage war on the devil. That was never the context of Obama saying he says be ready and when you get fully ready you are willing and you are able just

Okay pastor put an even more step locanda simpler contacts speak to this mountain say be removing cast into the sea. Initial do what? Obey, is it how many of y'all seen people move spiritual wickedness? And it's it's an exhausting. I just knew it was time. I didn't pray for 5 hours.

And I realized I was praying louder and harder to to to to circumvent. I like faith in every word. I pray.

So I was very demonstrative, but I didn't even believe what I was saying. I was trying to convince myself if I can just feel it more if I can believe it.

It's okay. Just believe what he hears the word run all things are possible to them that what if I told you how to fight. Shouldn't have to fight at all. You should be able to stand.

Tomorrow on the Raptors part of exercising self-control everyone stand to you. Thank you, Joshua. Thank you, Aaron. If I have done my job as pastor. the last 9 weeks 5 weeks twice a week at 5 weeks if I've done what God has called me to do. Living righteous should no longer be a struggle. It should be. a joint Sarah you way too hard on yourself says the Lord. Way too hard on yourself. Stop today.

Stop sending you put way too much pressure on yourself to be something to God is bringing you into and you don't have to be at now.

Sarah you don't have to be perfect now.


you don't have to compare yourself to nobody else including your sister including your mom.

You're missing the forest. because of the trees Sara without the trees there is no Forest.

This is not a charge to you that you see the bigger picture. It's a blessing. Some people don't know the guy wants a big picture for their lives at your age you do, but he's not expecting you to be all of that now, okay?

If you could just exercise self-control. You're moving to the area of Faith confidence. This notion of body image. Did you just keep going through every three or four months? They come back around? And it's been Amplified because we're not in school. And so you don't have that social stimulation. I rebuke that insecurity in the name of Jesus.


I love these moments. Who can be honest as a pastor? I do need to exercise self-control. Imma, let you in.

Thank you, Lord.

For me, it was my health.

I took my last doctor's statement. From 2017 and I just been living on it ever since. Or should we stop giving you what you didn't have in 2015. I was watching that video that I sent the kids when I didn't have insurance and Lord gave me a word on poverty and sickness and I knew in 2015 that my life wasn't necessary things. I wouldn't make sure I have my life insurance that I had an order.

The last year kicked in on me. I'll read this book eating according to your blood type in the first thing on that list with chicken. Had to check myself last year. You got to give up chicken. But you know what? I had a whole nice and full of heartburn medication. I'm trying all of them. None of them were working. I read the book. The chicken was number one on the list. I got rid of the chicken. I got rid of the heartburn. I got rid of heartburn medication. Why did my mama notice I want to look for somebody else to blame. I got to be honest me and his Yard Burger having an affair. We got to break up. salt

what do you got to break up with?

Even if what you're dealing with is a sickness. It's been deemed an addiction even what you're dealing with has been deemed by medical science at the real issue. You have to remember your creator is Heeler.

Are most of the stuff that we keep saying that we can help ourselves with and pulls down to the simple notion. You are working the works of the Flesh and you need to access my self-control.

I believe God is speaking today I do. I'm going to pray for you.

I want to pray for you.

all over the building

Florida primary

Hotel control when the one house tomorrow. I'm praying for self-control. I'm praying for every believer that names the name of Jesus to begin to exercise self-control in another note to self control according to man's wishes know the self-control the least for righteousness. No matter what. We think a person doing their line about what God believes. I'll be done in their lives for those in there watching via Facebook and YouTube I pray for you to be able to exercise self-control hear me. don't for one minute think

you are not a good.

exercise self-control

Tomorrow I'll pick up here in Galatians 5 the Fruit of the Spirit.

Lovejoy P. I can't wait to talk about love and peace.

Because walking in the flesh is far greater and power than walking in it.

A God had that for you. I pray to God bless you to know that I'm watching via Facebook. YouTube website we love you, and we thank God for you.

Keep playing Joshua. I just said to meditate is done unless you don't want to let you know what to do.

I hear something in Johnson playing.

Are the lyrics I need to walk in and go in self-control?

It is about what time I need to walk and stuff control. I need to bring go in self-control. You need to walk in and go in self-control. You need to grow in self-control Laura insect control and self-control.

border control

bulldog and self-control boruto

in self-control

leave me by your spirit come.

I pray for all of you all.

To continue to be led by God spirit. I live a life of self-control.

the more you do it be there against. How much Sarah went bought a $15 bag of candy cuz you can never get Halloween Halloween Starbucks has big $15 bag of candy. I was killing it at 11:30 12:30 at night. I will throw the garbage out before you woke up cuz I know where your mouth just snacks. It's possible. They all bite-size biking.

Play hit me. sleepinal craze I can actually fight Michelle back cuz I got sugar in it. Is he beats me up when I'm sleep you pray for me. polite I'm tired when I wake up.

It was a crash cuz that Sugar had me up all night, then in the morning I wake up crashing.

I got that bag of candy in my drawer. I just left it there any tested it by 4 days yesterday. I want to go and get something to eat yourself you alive. You will not give me Beyonce imma give it to Katie then it hit me. So I'm going to start him with no control.

Nope. I gave him a whole bunch of grapes.

Have you all been blessed by the series?

We have some friends of ours from Kenosha Wisconsin was talking to yesterday. So we want to call you so bad just tell you this Series has been life a husband and wife have children. So they say it. We pray to them when they had their first kid and the wife experience postpartum depression and was it was it was so bad that the only person she would listen to With Me. They called her pastor. They called her Camellia Elder at the church. They called nobody I got on the phone. She said yes, sir. I said who am I talking to she said is me? I said I got you and I'm not going to hang up until I know that you okay multiple weeks on in 3 in the morning for that depression will kick in and she didn't want to be a mother to a baby. Do they sell she lost her mind, that's enough. She's never had to do this. And this is a lot and I hope other people I even taught her husband how to talk to her. Remember that long story short. They call Steve pregnant with child again now check this out. She had her surgery on her ovaries after the first child and they told her she would go into. Instant menopause. She could have children. shih-tzu shih-tzu that deliver in 3 weeks

cuz she wanted children. What I love about who God has given her two boys little boys. Love their mama. So all that love. She need some really excited about fighting. She said it helped her because her husband was at home full-time and they didn't know what they was married to tell everybody.

I love you guys. Listen if you are.

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