9.16.2020 Blindspots - Introduction Part 1

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Blindspot (Wikipedia)
A blind spot, scotoma, is an obscuration of the visual field. A particular blind spot known as the physiological blind spot, "blind point", or punctum caecum in medical literature, is the place in the visual field that corresponds to the lack of light-detecting photoreceptor cells on the optic disc of the retina where the optic nerve passes through the optic disc.[2] Because there are no cells to detect light on the optic disc, the corresponding part of the field of vision is invisible. Some process in our brains interpolates the blind spot based on surrounding detail and information from the other eye, so we do not normally perceive the blind spot.
Blind spot (Urban Dictionary)
Not being aware of one's own behavior. When you need to check yourself.
I lied for no reason and then realised I had a blind spot. Or I let him cross my boundaries, I guess I still have a blind spot.
Or My emotions took control over me when he pushed my buttons, now at least I'm aware of my blind spots.
The term has a much broader picture.
ref to as “the invisible enemy.”
victory over enemy happens w 1. strategy 2. resources 3. awareness aka discernment
The US has the most formidable military. Why? Because funding
COVID has shown us all where we’re compromised
In this season, we’ve got to learn to play defense and offense
offense - get some points on the board
if you have a blindspot, you’ve seen this time as more a shaking, punishment, judgement, etc. But really it’s should be to get ahead.
ill: wife was talking to a lady that does hair. She’s
Kerwin Video
It’s until you get in a fight do you realize if you’ve trained enough!

What areas has COVID exposed in you?

The person who is well prepared has already won half of the battle. ~ Portuguese Proverbs Source: https://proverbicals.com/preparation
An enemy that is surprised is already half-defeated. ~ German Proverbs Source: https://proverbicals.com/preparation
The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today. ~ H. Jackson Brown Jr. Source: https://proverbicals.com/preparation
The general who wins the battle makes many calculations in his temple before the battle is fought. The general who loses makes but few calculations beforehand. ~ Sun Tzu Source: https://proverbicals.com/preparation
Financial Health
Physical health
Are you emergency ready?
Emotional Wellbeing
Health of Relationships
Q: How can we turn blindspots into blessings?
A: Get ready NOW!!!
Proverbs 12:1 NKJV
1 Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge, But he who hates correction is stupid.
What does the bible say about preparation?
simply w nature - thunder “Where there’s thunder there’s lighting.”
Firetruck/ambulance/police car
John the Baptist
The announcement of the Kingdom
Matt 24 - Jesus is preparing us for the time we’re in now
While away sitting in restaurant the siren began flashing. Nobody stopped what they were doing.
Psalm 50:17 NKJV
17 Seeing you hate instruction And cast My words behind you?
(article June 2020) context 6 months prior to and including corona
The majority of pastors (96%) reports their churches have been streaming their worship services online during the pandemic.
1/2 of Churched adults haven’t tuned in at all
48% haven’t even streamed in the past month (May - June)
100 - 50 hadn’t watched anything - 25
But that may not matter for nearly half of churched adults—that is, those who say they have attended church in the past six months; 48 percent of this group report they have not streamed an online service in the last month. Even looking at a more consistent segment—practicing Christians, who are typically characterized by at least monthly attendance—one in three (32%) admits they have not streamed an online service during this time.
State of the Church 2020 in Faith & Christianity in State of the Church 2020 • June 3, 2020 What does the new Sunday morning look like for Christian households who continue to tune in to virtual worship services? Does the level of attentiveness change when a household is streaming the message in a living room or bedroom, as opposed to following the motions of a group of people gathered in a physical building?
64% of Practicing Christians say they still pray along with prayers
42% of Practicing Christian households say that watching services together at the same time
A number of churchgoers also admit that attending online services offers opportunity for them to multitask while the service is streaming. Although, as Barna has previously noted, distraction is reportedly a common part of in-person attendance too, regardless of age and device usage. State of the Church 2020 in Faith & Christianity in State of the Church 2020 • June 3, 2020
How are you going to shore up your blindspots if you’re not getting instruction 2 - you’re disregarding the instructions you get?!?!?!?
What these stats say is if you weren’t interested then, you still aren’t!
Hebrews 5:14 NKJV
14 But solid food belongs to those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
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