Everything's Changed?

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Turn in your bibles. If you would please to Acts chapter 2. I know that's what the screen says, but we might have to bounce back just briefly in two Acts chapter one, but turn the Acts chapter 2 for now. That's where we're going to be spending the majority of our time now as we were singing this morning. And this is not a show of hands questions. This is not a survey, but did you pay attention to the words we were singing? Did you did you think about them Beyond just it being words we were singing right? And the reason I asked that is because as we were, you know plant as I plan out the the sermon series we talked about that amongst the pastor's look at these things and then I give them to Michelle and and Michelle looks at it. We're prayerfully considering. Okay. I'm thinking what am I going to preach on Michelle's thinking? What are we going to sing and this week as we look at Acts chapter 2 a very clearly what we're dealing with is the coming of the Holy Spirit and you noticed as we saying that that's what we were saying about I what does the Holy Spirit do Well, he changes things right. We just sing a whole song about it. He changes everything. Where does c? Or does he? When we look at the book of Acts and if you're somebody that's been around church for a while. You've looked at the book of Acts of talk about the book of Acts in particular. We've looked at Red Hills. We talked about Acts chapter 2 verses 42 247 a lot. This is this has been key for us as a church as we look at what are the characteristics that we think God wants to see in our fellowship. We we looked at this and what are the phrases I use all the time as the phrase. We just think right when Jesus shows up everything changes when the Holy Spirit shows up everything changes, but as I was studying Acts chapter 2 this week, I recognize something. Not everything changed. And I before you condemn me as a heretic before you go grab, you know stuff from the hall to throw at me. Please be patient will look at this together. What I want us to understand is not just the fact that everything changed but how it changed right? Look at back a tax. When I told you we might turn their we're going to turn their look at Acts chapter one and I'm not going to read this and on I apologize. It's not on the screen. But in Acts chapter one, we see Jesus ascends and then we see the disciples there in Jerusalem. Obeying Jesus go to Jerusalem wait there until the promise of the father comes when the promise of the father comes you will be my Witnesses in in Jerusalem Judea Samaria to the ends of the Earth. And so they do it they go back and look at what it says their inverse 12, they returned to Jerusalem from the mount call all of that which is near Jerusalem the Sabbath day Journey away when they had answered they went up to the upper room where they were staying Peter and John and James and Andrew Phillip and Thomas Bartholomew and Matthew James the son of alphaeus and Simon the Zealot and Judas the son of James all these withoneaccord, we're devoting themselves to prayer together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus and his brothers in those days Peter stood up on Step Brothers company of persons was about 1:20 and said Brothers the scripture has been fulfilled. Which of the Holy Spirit spoke before Hand by the mouth of David concerning Judas who became a guide to those who arrested Jesus? Now that may not be remarkable to you. That may might not just jump off of the page at you. But what it what were they doing? What was it? Jesus said wait go back to Jerusalem and wait and what are the disciples do they go back to Jerusalem and they wait but while they're waiting there doing things. What are they doing? Well, Peter gets up and he says here's what the scripture says.

And here's how that applies to us today. So what were they doing? They were listening to the apostles teaching they were devoting themselves to prayer, right? They were fellowshipping together. They were all assembled together. They were in Fellowship together and by implication when it says and they were where they were staying the application is this is not just the place where they're sleeping. This is the place where they're eating right first century. Jerusalem had no McDonald's that you could step out to so they were staying together. They were eating at it so note this They were listening to the apostles teaching. They were praying they were fellowshipping together. And they were eating together. All right. Just keep that in the back of your mind. Keep that cuz we'll deal with it in just a second. But now for real we're going to get two Acts chapter 2 which means the slides can catch up with us. I want to read Acts chapter 2 and I want to do something that I know we don't do that often and here's what's going to happen because you like I we are products of our culture products of our time and we have an attention span. That's about that long. We're going to read Acts chapter 2 and we're going to read the whole thing. Okay. What I don't want you to do is to versus in start tuning out K follow along with me do whatever you have to shock your attention span into gear. We're going to read this whole passage and yes, it's a long one, but I think it's important read Acts chapter 2 when the day of Pentecost derived they were all together in one place and suddenly there came from Heaven a sound like a mighty rushing wind and the entire house where they were sitting and divided tongues as of fire appeared to them and rested on each of them and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as Spirit gave them utterance. Now there were dwelling in Jerusalem Jews devout men from every nation under heaven and at this found the multitude came together and they were the Wilderness because each one was hearing them speak in his own language and they were amazed and astonished thing are not all these you were speaking Galilean and how is it that we hear each of us in his own native language first Indians in me than elamites and the residents of Mesopotamia Judea and Cappadocia pontus and Asia fridge and pamphylia Egypt and parts of Libya belong to the Cyrene and visitors from Rome both Jews and proselytes cretans and Arab Arabian. We heard them telling our own tongues the mighty works of God and all were amazed and fourplex saying to one another what does this mean? But others mocking said they are filled with new wine. But Peter standing with the 11 lifted up his voice and address them men of Judea and all who dwell in Jerusalem. Let this be known to you and give ear to my words for these people are not drunk as you suppose since it is only the third hour of the day, but this is what was uttered through the prophet Joel and in the last days it shall be God declares that I will pour out my spirit on All Flesh and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy in your young men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dreams, even on my male servants and female service in those days. I will pour out my spirit and they shall prophesy and I will show wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below blood and fire and Vapor of smoke the sun shall be turned to Darkness in the moon to blood. Before the day of the Lord comes the great and magnificent day. And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved. Yes it with me. All right, good good. Let's keep going. Verse 22 minute Israel hear these words Jesus of Nazareth a man attested to you by God with Mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst as you yourselves know this Jesus delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of Lawless. Men. God raised him up loosing the pangs of death because it was not possible for him to be held by it for David says concerning him. I saw the lord always before me for he is at my right hand that I may not be shaken there for my heart was glad and my tongue Rejoice My Flesh also will dwell in Hope for you will not abandon my soul to Hades or let your Holy One see corruption. You have made known to me the path of life. You will make me full of gladness with your present Brothers. I may say to you with confidence about the patriarch David that he both died and was buried and his tomb is with us to this day being there for a prophet. And knowing that God has sworn with a nose too and that he would set one of his Descendants on his throne. He foresaw and spoke about the resurrection of the Christ that he was not abandon to Haiti's nor did his flesh see corruption. This Jesus God raised up and of that. We are all Witnesses being there for exalted at the right hand of God and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit. He has poured out this but you yourselves are seeing and hearing for David did not Ascend into the heavens, but he himself says the Lord said to my Lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool. Let all the house of Israel. Therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ this Jesus whom you crucified now when they heard this they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the rest of the Apostles Brothers. What shall we do? And Peter said to them repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the Forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the whole Spirit for the promises for you and your children and for all who are far off everyone whom the Lord Our God calls to himself and with many other words, he bore witness and continue to exhort them saying save yourselves from this crooked generation. So those who received his word were baptized and there were added that day about three thousand Souls. We're positive for just a second you guys still with me?

best sermon ever

Peter was Spitting Fire. That was good stuff. And what does God do with it he moves right? He does that thing that only he can do he brings salvation 3000 Souls were radically and forever changed because they understood that Jesus fulfilled. All of God's promises in the Old Testament. They understood that Jesus was the one who they had waited for and they crucified him. Now. How many were there in chapter? 120, right. How many are there after this sermon? 3120 give or take a few. It was about three thousand Souls. What do they do?

Look at with me at verse 42 and they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship to the breaking of bread and the prayers.

What were they doing in chapter 1?

They were listening to the apostles teaching. They were devoting themselves to prayer. They were fellowshipping together and they were eating together.

but everything changed I thought the Holy Spirit came and everything was suddenly different and yet here we see a group that was a hundred and twenty now 3120 and they're doing the same thing.

And if that was the end of the story. Then you guys could sing that song earlier and say wait a second. Nothing's changed. The church is doing the same thing with the spirit that they were doing before. He showed up listening to the apostles teaching praying together fellowshipping together eating together. But that's not where it ends is it? What they were doing. Doesn't stop with those things. What is it go on to say look at verse 43 and came upon every soul and Many Wonders and signs were being done through the apostles and all who believed were together and had all things in common and they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all as any had needs and day-by-day attending the temple together in Breaking Bread in their homes. They received their food with glad and generous Hearts praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to their number day by day those who are being saved.

You're forgiven. Not that you asked for it, but you're forgiven for reading verse 42 in saying will the Holy Spirit showed up and nothing changed? However, that can't be the end of the story because everything did change all of a sudden these things that they were doing before the spirit showed up began to have radically different results these things that they were doing with the spirit now spill out Beyond so to speak their walls, they spill out into the community around them so much so that the gospel begins to radically and quickly transform lives around them. This is what I want us to understand today when we gather as a church. We do the same things. We listen to teaching we pray we fellowship and praise the Lord when we have opportunity we eat together. I missed Church potlucks.

But if that's where it stops. Then there is no difference between us and any number of Civic organizations that do the same things get together. Listen to Somebody talk. Give themselves to enjoying life together. Make a few speeches Sheriff you sent events that don't change anything. Church if we wants to know.

If the holy spirit is amongst us. If we want to see the Holy Spirit move. Then there's going to be some things that are radically different about us. They could not be said about any other number of organizations. First thing that we see the Holy Spirit shows up in these things that the church was doing are radically transformed because they take this teaching and the sprayer and it goes out right. We just read what I believe is one of the greatest sermons ever preached. And look at the results. The apostles teaching is suddenly now just no longer for the church is known as no longer now just for those hundred and twenty people. This is a very public forum in a public preaching events. This is a proclamation of the Gospel in the community was not just teaching right the presence of the Holy Spirit takes what had been this teaching and now it says the apostles are doing these signs and wonders Supernatural signs and wonder so they're listening to the Apostle teaching. They're devoting themselves to prayer their fellowshipping together the eating together and there's the signs and wonders that are taking place and then it says that they were going from house to house and it with generous Hearts. They were making sure that every single need in their midst was met so it goes from Supernatural signs and wonders the spirit shows up. Now, there's also the supernatural generosity and Hospitality that's taking place. And then there's this Supernatural witness and the results. They're up. There were day-by-day being added to their number those who were being saved. Church Do we want the Holy Spirit to move in our midst? How would we know if he is?

Some people associate the coming of the spirit. with goosebumps in worship Some people associate the gifts of the Spirit with ecstatic Gifts of tongues are prophecy.

the Bible Associates the coming of the spirits with the radical rapid expansion of the kingdom of God. If we say come spirits and give me some Goosebumps here on Sunday morning. We're looking for the wrong thing in the wrong place. If we say come spirits. Bless this food that we're about to eat. Not a bad thing. That's not what he does when the spirit of God shows up in the church. The gospel goes out side these walls when the spirit of God shows up in the church the church quits worrying about what's happening in our midst and start saying God. Where are you taking us next? God what is your vision for our community? What is the transformation that you would bring? When the Holy Spirit shows up the everyday things that we were doing anyways are radically transformed and all of a sudden are incredibly useful for the kingdom of God when the Holy Spirit shows up you have Supernatural signs and wonders look at verse 43 again just to refresh and came upon every soul and Many Wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.

Here's what happens? We read this. And then we look at our lives. We read this and then we look at our church. We read this and we look at the state of Christianity in our country. We say God we want to see you do something. Amazing. How many of you guys have seen The Incredibles?

I have I have kids. I've not only seen The Incredibles. I've seen it multiple times one of my favorite scenes. Mr. Incredible. If you're not familiar with its family of superheroes, etcetera, etcetera. Alright, watch it something what are the scenes the dad? They've been forced underground. They can't reveal that. They have these superpowers. He comes home from work and he's Maddie break something and he grabs his car with one hand and lift it up over his head while the neighbor kid was riding his trike and sees this guy lifting this car up. Mr. Incredible put the back down and just kind of slowly walks away. Later, hun that kids fit in there and they like what are you doing? He's like, what are you? What are you looking at us for? I'm waiting to see something incredible. I feel like that's the church today in America. We read about God doing all these incredible things then and now we're just sitting there waiting like God do something incredible. List the car up God do something that would just blow our mind raise somebody from the dead regrow. Somebody's amputated limb. Turn water into wine. We're Baptists. We don't do that here. Okay. Do something God? Last night we had marriage night. and some of the speakers were talking about expectations in marriage, right if your married you get this if you're not married listen up, okay when you first meet the one There's all of this excitement, right and there's these butterflies and there's this anticipation of spending time together and you get married and honeymoon and it's like, oh man, this is awesome. How quickly does honeymoon turn into hey, could you pick up some honey on your way home from work? I don't want you go to the store. How quickly does that fade write all of this good stuff and now we're like left with whatever is left. We bring these expectations if we do that with this we're saying okay. Just like you did at the beginning. We want to see you do that now, and if you don't lower just not satisfied, you're not meeting our expectation. Play Garth Ott's on Miracles are if it doesn't happen here. It doesn't count. Here's the thing. I want you to understand Church the very same God who did these signs and wonders through the apostles in Acts chapter 2 is still very much at work in our world. He might not do it here, though. What I mean by that what I mean, is that the American Church Red Hills this place. This is not the sum total of God's work in the world. And just say to God like you got to show up and do this big thing here or it doesn't count. It's too utterly discount what God tells us about his work. He is at work building a body around the world pushing the boundaries of the Kingdom forward in places where it's never been that's what God is doing and if it takes place in the Middle East that's good enough for us. Do you know what's happening in the world right now visit if if your if your if you've been at Red Hills for a while like you should know this we talked about this. Okay, if you're not I want you to hear me. Right now in the Middle East there are more members of the Islamic faith turning to Christ than at any time in history. People are praying to know Allah better. And some dude shows up in a dream and says, hey go to the street corner tomorrow at 10 a.m. Talk to a guy who looks just like this. They go there there's the guy standing there who looks just like they said in that guy is a missionary. That guy is a Christ follower and shares the gospel and it's not just ones and twos are entire Village is coming to faith in Christ through these dreams and visions. Do you understand that? But our mindset is well. If you don't do it here doesn't count. People being healed in other places as testimony to the reality of the Gospel Jesus showed this for us. He has remember the story in the gospel where the man's friends break open the roof and they they lower their friend down. And Jesus says take courage friend. Your sins are forgiven. There's some people stand around like when you can't say that you like which is easier to say your sins are forgiven or take up your bed and walk. Write Jesus was proving his ability to work spiritually through this reality of this miracle that is happening today. But it's happening in places where the truth of the Gospel is not known. It seems to me as I look at church history that Miracles are a frontier phenomenon Miracles are given to places where the gospel has not been where the witness of scripture has not been accepted Miracles are given to validate the truth of what Jesus said and who he claimed to be Miracles validate the gospel where the gospel has not been preached before has the gospel been preached before here.

You bet. It has it's really hard. It's really hard in America. to go to an American and tell them about Jesus for the first time doesn't mean we shouldn't be doing that. We'll talk about that in a second. But it's really hard. Now. There are some incredible opportunities in the immigration situation where we have people who are unreached unengaged whose countries are close to gospel witness who are moving to the United States and we have to be recognizing those are some friends here opportunities. But Miracles 10 to take place where the gospels being pushed for it, so I don't buy it. If it doesn't happen here, it doesn't count when I hear stories coming from the mission field of God doing incredible things like he did in Acts 2 might my youngest daughter has learned about air quotes now.

50% of the time she gets it right. You know, it's late. It is a hard contact to get but you know what? I mean when I say the big Miracles right when I'm talking about the Big Miracle we get it salvation School. Wait, we understand that somebody turning from their sin and turn into Christ trusting in Him for his righteousness. Not trying to earn their way. Do you really understand? It's a miracle. Say that's literally a resurrection from the dead we get it God. But we want to see a big miracle. What do we mean by Big Miracle? We mean a miracle that we can point to and say well that's a miracle. We were looking for the dude to pick up his mat and walk. We don't actually believe necessarily that Jesus could actually just say your sins are forgiven will take okay. Could you show us the dude walk into we can we want to see both of these things? Here's my question. Which of these is a bigger Miracle Paint these pictures in your head with me? drug dealer Inner City

found some for destruction of countless lies through his activities. get saved shares the gospel first with his friends and his family shares the gospel with his dealer Network shares the gospel with his customers and thousands of people repent of their stands and Trust in Christ for salvation. second scenario Rich old dude from the suburbs

as a heart attack give to the hospital pronounced dead.

Chaplain comes in and prays for him and all of a sudden he's alive again. Which one of those is a bigger miracle?

Which one of those does a bigger Miracle their balls miracles? Right we can debate which ones bigger. But they're both miracles. Both of them have a chance to radically change eternity. We need to understand miracles signs and wonders. God doesn't always do the flashy thing. He will always do the right thing. That is our confidence is christ-followers. Another thing that we caveat for this as we say if it doesn't happen to me, it doesn't count. Right, not a miracle. If it doesn't happen to me, this is the fault of the English language. I'm convinced. It's that whole in a singular you plural you that's the problem. I understand right that you and you mean different things right you you individual means one thing you everybody means another again my defense for the southern second person plural y'all makes much more sense than anything else. We've come up with an English. All y'all. You'ens. I don't care what plural you use recognize that there is a key teaching in the New Testament, which is that whatever happens to one part of the body happens to all of the body. Whatever happens amongst y'all Christ followers. Is if it happened to me.

right So when we see Miracles happening in Frontier areas when we see salvation coming in and changing not just individual eyes, but through their connections their relationships changing entire communities when we see that we understand that's happening to me. That is something that we share in church. So we need to take this out of her mind and say will God you used to do Miracles, but now you're not know he's doing Miracles where the gospel is being validated through them and the kingdom boundaries are being pushed forward. He's doing Miracles every day as people turn from sin and turn to Christ and anything that happens in the body. Is as much a reality for me as anything that happens in my day-to-day life. These are the truth of the New Testament and the call here in Acts chapter 2 is not to see what the spirit is doing and wish for that to be our reality. The call is to see that is the reality.

And to continue doing the things he told us to do some people say God. Until you show me the miracle. I'm not going to do it. I mean I can do anything. I'm done with church. I'm done praying. I'm done reading the Bible. I want out because you didn't perform like the trick pony. I thought you were.

May that not be us may we see the Miracles that God is doing and maybe we can get to doing what he told us to do. Which church is what? Love God love others make disciples.

We do what we were already doing the spirit shows up and makes it Supernatural. Another thing that we see here is that what they were doing was they were committing themselves to what we today would see as a radical hospitality and a radical generosity. radical hospitality and radical generosity when we see The early church. This is how we see them and all who believed were together and had all things in common and they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all as any had Mead and day-by-day attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes. They received their food with glad and generous hearts.

I'm afraid. Did we read that misael that socialism is not socialism people. That's not a forced. Communal property this is super naturally the spirit of God taking people. Who said this is mine. This is my circle. I take care of the people here and good luck. This is mine. This is my well, I don't mind how you go build yours. Good luck. This is not that this is the spirit of God coming and all the sudden those circles being broken wide open. To anybody whether they work of a different social class A different economic class anything and the church becomes this place where homes are opens and lives are transformed more around kitchen tables than they are in the Sunday service. This becomes this place where people are no longer selling themselves into indentured servitude through credit card debt, but because they are part of a fellowshipping body when they have a need and they're not ashamed to say here's the trouble somebody steps up and says I can help with that. This is radical. This is so Contra to our American Western individualistic mindset. I get it, but this is essential when the spirit shows up our ownership gets out when the spirit shows up. We no longer claim sovereignty over any part of our lives. Our homes are not our castles are banks are not our comfort. They are his. We need to reinvigorate this. I want to recommend a book to you surprise surprise. the gospel comes with a house key by Rosaria, Butterfield The gospel comes with a house key Rosaria, Butterfield.

Don't read it.

If you don't want to be changed. Don't read it. If you want don't want to have your assumptions and your American Dream challenged read it if you want to see the spirit move like you did in Acts chapter 2 when she's talking about Hospitality. This is her definition and it's one of the best ones I've ever read. Hospitality radically ordinary hospitality is this using your Christian Home in a daily way that seeks to make strangers neighbors and neighbors family of God.

I'm a read that fart one more time using your Christian Home in a daily way that seeks to make strangers neighbors and neighbors family of God. It brings glory to God serves others and lives out the gospel in word and deed.

Is your home these are these are diagnostic questions not hand raising questions. This is for you. Is your home a retreat or Rescue Center. Is your home for you? or for those around you do you make it a habit?

to bring others in or do you make it a habit to keep others out? Because when the spirit shows up one of the ways he changes everything is he takes homes that were insular and closed off and he opens them up to the community. It does come in. My wife is going to hate me for doing this.

She is one of the best pictures of this that I've ever seen.

We have in a in our neighborhood. We have we have kids everywhere. I think that's a Utah thing. I don't know.

I can almost guarantee. Did any given day at some point there will be one two three four five of the neighborhood kids at my house. drinking our lemonade eating our cookies my cookies. Let's get that straight.

using our toys and I love it. Because I see their my wife. Bringing kids anything. Come on in Jesus is King here. And our home is yours. Church How can we do that? How can we build that how can we do that? Not just with our homes, but with our resources, how can we do that with generous? Generous Hearts is the phrase that use your generosity generosity is giving and living out of God's ability to provide not your own. One more time giving and living out of God's ability to provide and not your own generosity is not being free with your stuff. Generosity is trusting that no matter how much stuff you've got God's going to take care of the needs God's going to give you the ability to meet the needs around you. Generosity is living a life of faith in this is not just talking about money. This is talk about her attitudes. How do we view the people around us? Are they an imposition on our time or the reason we're here? It's about our time. Right is my time. Mine. Did God give me this life so that I could pursue those things that interest me to find fulfillment for me to make sure that I am happy at the end of the day or did God give me the time that I have on this Earth. To share his love with those around me. With serving with counsel with prayer with our gifts with our listening ears. We are to have Generous Heart. Well, I don't feel like it well.

How about you? Sorry. God calls and the spirit shows up and his people become radically generous with everything that he's entrusted to them and more. It's this idea of being close-fisted or open-handed, right? What's the thing about a closed fist? Whatever is inside, you're not getting out. I mean some of you are stronger than I am so you could get it out. I guess you tried. Can take some work though. I'm not giving it up easy. What's the other thing though? Nothing gets in. Nothing gets in you can take it out. But you can't put anything in either an open-handed way of life. You're not going to have any trouble taking anything out. But I'm not going to have any trouble receiving anything either. We want to be open-handed kind of people who are free with our resources to others and therefore free to receive from God for the purpose of giving to others right we want to be hospitable. We want to be generous and when the spirit shows up these things will be truth. The apostles were doing signs and wonders.

For the person who walked into their neighbors home and met Jesus at the kitchen table. Do you think that was sign and wonder enough? God I can never do these great big things. Can you make a meal? Buy takeout order a pizza and invite somebody over. Yeah, you better believe you can. And that might be just the thing that changes somebody's life forever. I can't meet all of the needs God. I can't I can't pay this person's bills. Nope, you can't But can you go over and give him some of your time? Can you help them apply for those jobs?

Right. Now we can do that kind of stuff. We keep looking for the big thing in God's name could be faithful with the little things and the Holy Spirit shows up and all the sudden we see the next result. The Holy Spirit showing up leads to not just signs and wonders not just radical hospitality and generosity but to a supernatural witness and Supernatural results. When the people of God start doing the things they were already doing in the power of the spirit the Bible says and day by day. The Lord added to their number those who are being saved. Day by day the Lord added to their number. Those were being safe. Peter sermon was fantastic. Don't give me wrong three thousand people boom. But everyday now. People are being added through these everyday instances of generosity and worship and hospitality.

It's the old story. Would you rather have $1000000? Or a penny a day for the rest of your life doubled each time. Take the penny. It doesn't pay off immediately. But the long-term effects are almost impossible for my tiny little brain to grasp. Right. Did you start doubling that penny? You start doubling that nickel you start doubling that dime and I know I understand that fives and odd number and it doesn't work anyways math. It gets astronomical quick. That's how God designed the kingdom to grow. Occasional massive conversion events through the preaching of someone and the spirit showing up in a particular way, but the normal everyday means of the Gospel going out are the people of God opening their home then opening their lives to those around them and giving a reason for the hope that is in them and God shows up and Jesus changes thing. We are so afraid to witness today. And I think I know why that is it's because we've made witnessing something that it's not I say we are to make disciples and come as well. That's because we made discipleship something. It's not witnessing discipleship. All these are our just living life.

As Jesus living life doing the normal everyday things with the spirit in you saying God use me.

Speaking as he says speak acting as he says act and watch the world change. This is where we've gone off the rails. We've made witnessing just dumping versus on somebody. I feel sorry. I just be honest. I'm I'm I'm my wife can attest to this empathetic person. I really am. Sometimes that doesn't come across when I preach. I really feel bad for all of the poor unsuspecting people that sit next to Christians who just had a vandalism training like in an airplane or something. I feel bad for those people.

Because all of a sudden this Christian just starts vomiting these verses on them out of nowhere. Why because they feel guilty for not doing I can't I don't I don't do it like then then I feel bad. And what matters most is me feeling good, so I better do this. Now witnessing is not that sometimes it is. Sometimes got to speak speak do it anyway, but most the time that's not it most of time. It jobs gospel message goes along the lines of relationship goes along the lines of friends coming over for dinner goes along the lines of a co-worker around the lunch table. I'm getting hungry. Are you guys getting hungry? I'm talking a lot about food. That's usually how the gospel moves. Drew relationships through everyday things where we just bring Jesus and because we're so excited about what he's done and our lives do the things that you're already doing invite the holy spirit's to work in that do the things you're already doing and watch your Every Day Life all of a sudden become something. That would be the envy A beanie evangelist in the world watch the transformation that comes in your family and your friends and your neighbors when you just say I'm going to open my home. I'm going to open my hand. I'm going to open my mouth as you say do it. Holy spirit go. Everything Changes even if nothing changes. You see that for most of us, we're not going to get on a plane and go be missionaries. in the Himalayas, some of us should some of us ought to I did encourage you to be praying for a family. I talked with the guy today covid-19 on everything off. One of our IMB missionaries called me this week. He asked if we would partner with them and they're having their date set out there. They're going to a place that's close to the gospel. They have to go in with a business model not not as missionaries. So I can't talk anything about his name or anything like that. But if you want more details feel free to reach out to me, but he asked that we would pray for their family. Before as they get ready to go because they're just trying to do this. They're trying to do these everyday ordinary things right now. They're not waiting till they get on the mission field to be missionaries church. That's the example. We have weather on a plane in another country or right here. We just do the life that God has called us to do and we trust the spirit to work. I am convinced. Play what the world needs from the church what the world needs from Red Hills what the world needs from us? Is not one more program. The world does not need one more Tuesday night visitation. The world does not need one more Evangelistic training.

What is needed is for the Holy Spirit to take over? Our Lives to change our expectations for miracles and what is miraculous to change the way we use our homes and use our money to change the Conformity of the church with the world to Conformity with Christ So that way instead of begging people to be saved. Instead of cajoling feeling guilty when we don't feeling guilty. When we do share this gospel presentation with memorized instead of that instead of begging them to get paid. We got people begging us tell us where in the world in the midst of 20/20. You've got this life of Hope tell us why in the world when everything's falling apart and burning down around us. You've got joy, where in the world is that come from? It doesn't come from us. House of the Holy Spirit live the life that God has called you to live do the things you've already been doing.

But allowed the Holy Spirit. To open it up allow the Holy Spirit to direct it and you'll see that when nothing changes. except the Holy Spirit coming everything changes let spray.

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