The 'Knowing' of God

Psalm 1  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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The LORD knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish. What is it that God knows your path in life? God's knowledge here means more than mere cogniscence. To be known of God is to be protected, watched over, loved by God in all ways and at all times.


The ‘Knowing’ of God


This week we’re completing our journey through the 1st Psalm. As it happens Psalm 1 culminates in an appraisal of two very different journeys; the way of the righteous and the way of the sinner.
If this Psalm ought to leave you with anything its the stark contrast between sinners and the righteous. In a world which is hell bent on blurring boundaries, erasing definitions and removing ancient boundary markers this Psalm reminds us that God’s ways are not the worlds ways, His thoughts are higher than our thoughts and that no matter how much His word is hated, no matter how few of us actually believe it, it will endure, it will never pass away unlike the world and all of its bright ideas.
A famous quote George Orwell’s book 1984 is ‘freedom is freedom to say that 2 + 2 = 4’. In Orwell’s distopian nightmare it was The Party that decided what was true and they could change that truth whenever they pleased. The freedom to say that the Bible is true is real freedom. To say that God is God, man is man, sin is sin and a man is a man and a woman is a woman is a freedom worth fight for.

The LORD Knows...

All the way through this Psalm we have had this direct comparison between the way of the righteous and the way of the wicked, and here we reach the culmination of this contrast.
We would expect that the obvious negative of the Lord knows the way of the righteous would be that He does not ‘know’ the way of the wicked, but instead the Psalmist tells us that it will perish.
So there is something about being known by God that keeps us from perishing. God’s knowing here must mean more than Him simply being cogniscent of the way of the righteous but that His ‘knowing’ isnt passive, but it’s active. His ‘knowing’ actively protects and sustains the righteous person in their journey through life. Since the way of the wicked ‘perishes’ we can assume that God doesn’t ‘know’ it.

But it is expressed more plainly that this should be not to be known of the Lord, namely, to “perish;” and this to be known of the Lord, namely, to “abide;” so as that to be should appertain to the knowledge of God, but to His not knowing not to be. For the Lord saith, “I AM that I AM,” and, “I AM hath sent me.”

Are we saying then that there are some things that God doesnt know? That there are things which He is either ignorant of or is prohibited from knowing? Never! That is one of the most dangerous beliefs about God out there and it is a popular one! We believe in concordance with author of Hebrews that Since God is God, He knows all things “Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.
Moreover in this church we agree with the apostle Paul who wrote in Ephesians chapter 1:11 that God ‘works all things according to the counsel of His own will’. That God not only knows all things but that He sovereignly decrees everything that comes to pass. Though as the late theologian John Gerstner said; Though He ordains and knows all things which come to pass, including the way of the wicked He isn’t the author of all things. God is not the author of sin, we are. So in this sense God does not ‘know’ sin since He isn’t the author of sin. This is the way Augustine, who was a great theologian in the early church period understood this verse:
“As He will also say at last to such as are placed on His left hand at the day of judgment: “I know you not.” Now what is that which He knows not, who knows all things, both good and evil, in man? But what is the meaning of the words, “I know you not,” unless it be that you are now such as I never made you? “
So if God’s ‘knowing’ of the way of the righteous is more than just bare knowledge what is it?
It is constant care, unwavering protection and guidance. God not only knows who are His, He knows their journey in life intimately. He sees your path, He chose it for you. As a Christian I know that it is no accident that I am here at this stage of my life, experiencing the things I am experiencing, pursuing the things that I am pursuing. God ordered these steps for me and He has ordered all the steps I will ever take in this life. We can know that for all those who are in Christ there will be no mis-steps, no points along the journey of life when we are ever truly alone and without hope. God knows you. He is knowing your past, present and future. No matter how many momentary failures, trials and dark days you endure you will ultimately be victorious! Why? Because He knows your path. He knows your journey.

He is constantly looking on their way, and though it may be often in mist and darkness, yet the Lord knoweth it. If it be in the clouds and tempest of affliction, he understandeth it. He numbereth the hairs of our head; he will not suffer any evil to befall us.

What a ridicolously awesome thing, to be KNOWN by God. Not just known in terms of Him being conscious of you but known in every and every way possible. A knowlege that only love can understand. God’s knowing of His people is love. How many of you have known His love for you? How many of you are certain of God’s knowlege of you? There is only one way to be sure. Do you know His voice? Do you respond to His words with obedience as a sheep follows it’s shepherd? As Jesus said;
I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me,27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand.
Let’s lay our way before God and commit it to Him today. Let’s acknowlegde that it is Him and not us who truly authors our steps. Let’s give Him glory for what we are walking through right now, since we know He will ultimately work all things together for good to those who love God.
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