Be The Church

Reflections on the Cross  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Faithfulness to the gospel so that our society and the world can see the glory of God.



In his letter, Peter has written about the glories and implications of salvation. For him, the saving work of the cross, resurrection, and ascension of Christ have implications in the lives of people calling themselves followers of Jesus. Peter spends the majority of his letter exhorting the church to live honorable within the context of a hostile society. Now, he closes his letter with what life looks like within the church. Particularly, Peter, with a sense of urgency, exhorts churches to not be surprised with they experience hostility of any sorts from our surrounding culture; remember, we are “exiles and foreigners.” The church is to, instead, rejoice because they are participating in the sufferings and glory of Christ.
Outward mindset of the church —> witness to the love of God in Christ Jesus

What Peter Wrote

Be Humble (6-7)
Humility (Drawing from Prov. 3:34) is paramount:
Reliance on Go
Patience for God’s timing
Trust in God’s care and love for his people
Be Vigilant (8-9)
Alert and Sober
Being aware of what is going on
Peter remembering the Garden of Gethsemane
Watch with me
Watch and pray
Rise up/Wake up
Telling the church to wake up!!!
Devil’s schemes
Assaults aimed at death
Resist temptations to
Deny Christ
Be faithless
Be fearful
Doxology (Praise) (10-12)

What About Now

It is tough sometimes to see how a biblical text can speak to us, giving instruction as the Word of God, when our circumstances are so vastly different. For example, unlike in Peter’s day, we, in the US are not under constant threat of extreme persecution for following Jesus. That said, there are universal teachings from God’s word that are vital for us to follow today.

We need to realize that there is an enemy who is not for us.

The devil and today
…But scripture teaches that satan
Tempts us to sin
Accuses us before God and makes us fearful of our standing before God
Opposing God’s will
Confusing our minds in regards to truth
Inciting acts of idolatry
and wants nothing more than to the church to NOT be the church
But God is stronger, better, powerful, life-giving, truth, love and will bring total redemption in all spheres of creation.

We need to trust that God’s grace truly does sustain us no matter our circumstances.

Aldersgate and Wesley’s Experience of God’s saving and sustaining grace
At the end of his life
“Best of all, God is with us.”

We need to live responsibly in our community and in the world

To live honorable lives, so no accusations can be brought against us
To live holy lives, not marked by sin
To live loving lives, serving our brothers and sisters, our neighbors, our enemies…
To live under God’s standards and not under the standards of our culture, society, even ourselves
To live transformed lives…that witness to God’s transforming power. To live lives that reflect Jesus so that all the world would come to know him.
