Living Through Unjust Suffering

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Greetings everyone in the name of Jesus our lord on this fourth Sunday of Easter also known as Good Shepherd Sunday our readings for today or focusing Upon Jesus who is our Good Shepherd who is lay down his life with a sheet and it is my honor and a privilege to be here with you today. Just a few of us here in the sanctuary essential for what we do here as well as those of you who are on Facebook live. Welcome to you all please do me a huge favor Philadelphia Kevin's card, which is marking that you're here. Give us the thumbs-up give us a high whenever and the comment section. Also if you have prayer request, please no toes as well. And then in the coming days, we will do our best to include those in our prayers have a couple of real basket. I want to remind you all that every month every morning during the week. We have morning devotions at 9 Monday through Friday to meet with me here on this channel. Why is this moving by itself? We made with me here on this channel and for morning devotions. Also, I want to remind you of the National Day of Prayer that is coming up this Thursday. We're going to be praying for healing. We're going to be praying for repentance. We're going to be praying for Spiritual Awakening. And so if you're on our email list, and I'll be sending out some materials by Tuesday. So watch your email inbox on the National Day of Prayer. We don't have any mail a let me know and I will see what I can do to hand-deliver those to you. The other item I want to announce is our Bible study on the book of Romans. We are still in chapter 6 will probably be on in chapter 6 until Christmas on the Drake We're going but none the less. I know no one will invite you all to come and be a part of that we meet on Thursdays at 10:30 on a zoom video conference and in if you would like the why is this doing this crazy thing? If you would like to be a part of that please if you don't have the access code, let me know and I'll make sure you did. Alright, evidently. This thing does not like we doing announcer. So we will just get on with it could just be with me today Christ is risen. He is risen indeed Alleluia and we gather together today and the name of our Lord Jesus Christ blessed be God the father and the Holy Spirit and blessed be his King's now and forever Hallelujah Christ is risen. Lord is risen indeed Alleluia by the sea.

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Jesus Christ is risen master and triumphant bored. We come to you and sorrow for our sins. I can trust you or weakness and unbelief. We have lived by our own strength and not by the power of your Resurrection. In your mercy forgive us. Mordred here understand Health office We have lived by the light of our own eyes. as faithless to not believing and your mercy forgive us. Lord beerus and help him we have lived for this world alone and doubting our home in heaven and your mercy forgive us Lord Heroes and help us. May the god of love and power forgive you and free you from your sins heal and strengthen You by his spirit and raise you to New Life In Christ Our Lord

Call Laura. TV

I peed on his bed.

How are you?


you are good to me.

The Lord be with you and also with you let us frame.

Lord help us to trust in you alone. Because you promised. That's your goodness doesn't fact. We'd a******.

And your mercy father you have awakened from Death The Shepherd of your sheep. So Gratis fire, holy spirit that when we hear the voice of Our Shepherd. That we may know him who calls even each of us by name. And follow him wherever he leads. And that's sending death may never pluck us out of your hand. We pray this through Jesus Christ your son our Lord who lives and who reigns with you and the Holy Spirit one God now and forever. I'm in.

First reading for today is recorded and Acts chapter 2 beginning with Bruce 42.

This is following the day of Pentecost. And after three thousand people came to know Christ and were baptized. And moved right, continues and they devoted themselves to the apostles teaching and the fellowship to the breaking of bread and to the prayers. And all came upon every soul and Many Wonders and signs were being done through the apostles and all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to wall as any head need. And day-by-day attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes. They received their food with glad and generous Hearts praising God and having favor with all the people and the Lord added to their number day by day. Those were being saved. This is the word of the Lord. Thanks be to God. AR pistol reading is from 1st Peter chapter 2 beginning with verse 19, which is also our text for a today's message.

St. Peter writes for this is a gracious thing when mindful of God 1 indoors sorrow while suffering unjustly. For what credit? Is it if when you send your meeting for if you and or what if when you do do good and suffer for it you and or this is a gracious thing in the sight of God. For to this you have been called because Christ suffered for you leaving you an example so that you might follow in his steps. He committed no sin neither was deceit found in his mouth when he was reviled. He did not revile in return when he suffered. He did not threaten, but continued entrusting himself to him who judges justly. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree that we might die to sin and live to righteousness by his wounds. You have been healed. For you were straying like sheep. But now you have returned to the shepherd and overseer of your souls. The word of the Lord thanks be to God. Our only gospel is written according to St. John the 10th chapter Lori to the oh Christ. Please rice.

Jesus says truly truly I say to you. He who does not enter the Sheepfold by the door, but climbs in another way that man is a thief and a robber. But he who enters by the door is The Shepherd of the Sheep? The him the gatekeeper opens the sheep hear his voice and he calls his own Sheep by name and leads them out. When he has brought all of them when he has brought out all his own he goes before them and the Sheep follow him for they know his voice. A stranger, they will not follow but they will flee from him for they do not know the voice of strangers. This figure a speech Jesus Jesus used with them, but they did not understand what he was saying for them. So Jesus again said to them truly truly I say to you. I am the door of the Sheep. All who come before me are thieves and robbers, but the Sheep did not listen to them. I am the door if anyone enters by me, he will be saved and we'll go in and out and find pasture. The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy I came that. They might have life and have it abundantly the gospel of the Lord praise to the O Christ. Let us confess our common Christian. I believe in one God the Father Almighty maker of heaven and Earth and of all things visible and invisible and in one Lord, Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God begotten of his father before all worlds. God of God light of light very God of very God begotten not made being of one substance with the father by whom all things were made through for us men and for our Salvation came down from heaven and Wilson carnate by the Holy Spirit to the Virgin Mary and was made man. And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate. He suffered and was buried and the third day he rose again according to the scriptures and ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of the father and he will come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead whose kingdom will have no end and I believe in the Holy Spirit the Lord The Giver of Life who proceeds from the father and the son who with the father and the son together as worship and glorify who spoke by the prophets and I believe in one holy Christian and Apostolic church. I acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins and I look for the resurrection of the day in the life of the world to come. Oh man, you may be seated As we sing Our Hymn of the day?

Call Katie.

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James Ray

dear friends in Christ grace to you and peace from God our Father and from Our Risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ your friends. We are a kind of people who love good examples. Rear end. We love examples of people who are very productive today. I mean, who is it that we are encouraged to emulate in our own lives? Who are some people that come to mine? political leaders Maybe not. Military leaders, perhaps military Heroes, maybe some sports figures Achievers and Fields of Science and Technology. Google are we encouraged to emulate? May be accomplished artist entertainers. but there are problems with emulating people of this Earth people of this world because you see with any figure who is who is made a template for a model for our lives. There's bound to be failure. As we have often discovered those who look good in the public eye are often deeply flawed. and their moral failures I mean, do you really want to hold up as an example of successful business person who is convicted of embezzlement? For a popular political figure whose life is marred by sexual infidelity. Be there are no perfect examples and even went the best examples these men and women whose lives do appear to be wholesome and without public defect. There is a problem. You see they seem to set the bar so high. That we can never ever measure up. In today's text Peter speaks of another example, he speaks of one who is categorically different than any other role model or hero that you might think of with in the world that we know today. Peter commands to us the Good Shepherd Jesus Christ He is an example, but he is also so much more than an example. You see he is the savior who suffered for our sins and was raised from Death to give life to unruly and Strang sheep. Sheep who are Unfaithful sheep who steal sheep who stumble and fall. So this morning we're going to focus our minds and our hearts on this Good Shepherd. UCR Good Shepherd is the only example in the midst of our suffering.

Have you ever suffered from doing the right thing? suffering from doing good Peter says this Peter says this but if you suffer for doing good, this is commendable before God. You suffer for doing good. This is commendable before God. Peter's words to the Christian slaves must have upset them. That's what he's writing to a bunch of Christian slaves several times in his epistle. He states that painful treatment is bound to happen. Not only at the hands of their masters, but by others as well. In all fairness. It just doesn't seem right. even to us today who would have thought who Woulda thunk it is I like to say sometimes that Christians in America would be persecuted. But it's starting to happen. Is he being a being good and doing good? Should result in blessing that should result and reward, right?

Well, and I had such an old historian who's dead is also an atheist. He said this is name was HG Wells he complained that Christians were basically selfish forever looking for God's favor. They serve him but not for nothing. He said, Is he living a decent life and word and deed has its consequences by friends and many of these consequences are not desirable. One cannot separate the wetness from water or the softness from feathers. Psalm chapter 1 specifically States blessed is the man whose Delight is in the law of the Lord and whatever he does he prospers. But in reality not always. Just look at job. For example. He was blameless and upright. He fear God and he shun evil. But Satan was permitted to unhitch the goodness of Jobe to the prosperity that resulted from it only to show the temperature to be wrong. Even though job lost his family. He lost his property and he lost his own help.

So when we do good and suffer for it. What is our response? Or maybe were tempted to seek revenge. Sweet Revenge to get even oh Peter says this on our text today for this you have been called because Christ also suffered for you leaving you an example that you might follow in his steps when he was reviled. He did not revile in return while suffering he uttered no threats. Certainly, the abuse Christians suffer today and especially those Christian slaves and the days of Peter must not have been taken lightly. Those slaves in Peter's Day must have really have been wound up around the axle full of consternation thinking I became a Christian and I thought my problems would go away and they didn't. You see the temptation to lie and wait the temptation to plot a Revenge, but hardly be absent. Peter knew all about that the scene in Gethsemane is if you recall is where Peter drew his sword and cut off the soldiers ear the soldier mouth dias. And I'm sure as he was pending these words that incident was all too familiar to him. Nor did the other disciples find it easy to turn the other cheek when they were abused. When they went to the Samaritan Village to ready things for their Master they were not welcomed. And if you recall James and John ask Jesus Lord, do you want us to call down fire from heaven to destroy them? before this vengeful spirit Jesus found it necessary to rebuke his brothers. Even Joseph brothers who had sold him into slavery were expecting the worst when they recognized him finally years later is the all-powerful prime minister of the Egypt the second-in-command of the most powerful King in all the world. But his forgiveness and subsequent actions to take care of them and their families stand out as one of the most magnificent accounts of undeserved Mercy in the Old Testament. So Peter introduces the mistreated slaves to the example of Jesus Christ who is merciful who came and forgave sins even towards those who abused him a most riekling Declaration of love. And not only were they disciple threats of retaliation. They were to take positive steps in dealing with their tormentors. I mean listen to this from chapter 3 verses 9 through 12, we won't this will be skipping a break if he next week, but I want you to hear it do not return evil for evil insult for insult but instead bless others because you were cold to inherit the blessing. For the one who wants to love life and see good days must keep his tongue from evil and his lips from uttering to see any must turn away from Evil and do good. He must seek peace and pursue it for the eyes of the Lord are upon the righteous and his ears are open to their prayer, but the Lord's face is against those who do evil.

Isn't this is how isn't it this unfortunately is not how it works in our world today.

And these days in our country Even in our world people have been confined to home. They've been confined to rules and regulations. Many are complaining of a tyrannical government.

because of this current pandemic that were in the start of the citizenry is becoming very very unsettled or as I like to say the natives are becoming Restless.

people are trying to do the right thing, but sometimes they overstep perhaps Hey, I just heard of a brother Pastor a colleague in Ministry of mine and his Paris she sought guidance and permission from the his local leaders to begin holding church services And what happened as a result instead of getting praises and thanks. You started receiving death threats.

And all kinds of scorn called called every name in the book that would even make a sailor blush. Because he dared to open up God's house with permission from the local government leaders when I do but from others. unfortunately people don't act in ways that are becoming even Christians don't act in ways that are becoming

but there is a better way. Peter says this in verse 24 that he that's Jesus. He himself bore our sins in his body on the tree. During World War 1 World War in England were directed by there Kaiser to join the German Army in Paris. It was a travel to Paris put on the German uniform. And while one of the citizens was wondering what to do. He spoke about the situation was an acquaintance of his one thing led to another until he came up with a very very large sum of money if the acquaintance would take his place and you imagine that World War I would take his place. And so what do you think happened isn't his friend accepted the offer. He took the money and he went to Paris and he joined the German troops. Only a few days after his arrival. He was killed by a French show a French bomb. Back in England the man who paid him to take his place reason. Well reason the following well in the eyes of the law. I am dead. Germany now has no more claim on me.

But their friends and like matter Jesus Christ Our Good Shepherd became your substitute. And as we heard last Sunday, he paid the full price for your sins through his Precious Blood by his very own life. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are no longer Slaves by fear of death. We are no longer captive by the devil. We are no longer in bondage to sin unable to free ourselves because Jesus has set us free Hallelujah.

The author of Hebrews says this therefore since the children of Flesh are in Flesh and Blood. He likewise shared in their Humanity so that through debt he could destroy the one who holds the power of death. That is the devil and set free those were held in slavery all their lives by the fear of death. Jeep with your friends in Christ. This is the talking about Jesus substitutionary work. And it's so and it's so well typified in the account of Abraham and his son Isaac you remember the story God tells Abraham to take his only son who he loves and take him to Mount Moriah and sacrificing on the altar is a burnt offering. So it is Abraham do he takes his son. They go on a journey with some servants they get to the after a couple of days they get to the base of the mountain and he tells the servants too weighty reasons. Why lie in the boy go up on the mountain to Worship the Lord. He puts the wood for the sacrifice on his boys back makes him carry this wood up the mountain.

The boy asking Isaac asking his dead father. Here's the here's the wood for the fire. And here's the fire. But where's the sacrifice and Abraham said God will provide.

We gets up there on that builds an altar in your rages the wood on the altar he binds up his only son Isaac and he lays him wood for firewood. Just as he is about ready to take his knife and plunge it into his son's chest.

Is halted by a word from the Lord? And Isaac is set free. Because a ram was caught in the thicket and the ram was used as a sacrifice as the substitute in place of his son. The similarities do your friends are like God the Father offered his only son whom he loved in our place and having been released from the guilt and the burden of sin and all of its consequences. We are still living in a world that is hostile towards God's people One glaring example, I shared a minute ago people are prevented from worshipping for gathering together and worship. Yes. There are good reasons why we need to be careful, but nevertheless. Cold on death threats upon a pastor who got permission. Is beyond the pale?

Here's what I want to stall to remember because of our inheritance the inheritance for which we wait. We will having been raised with Christ set our minds on the things above not on Earthly things since Christ suffered in his body. We arm ourselves with the same attitude because he who has suffered in his body is done with sin. And as a result, we do not live the rest of our Earthly lives for human evil desires, but rather for the will of God. Jesus Christ was put to death for your sin and was raised for your justification. And knowing that he loves us with such an everlasting love even to the point of being given over to suffer death on the cross we can now live. How's those were conformed to His Image press? Pressed as painful as an image that is pressed into the image of God. He is an example for the life of faith in the father and the love for the neighbor. But even better he is our Shepherd. Who is rescued us who has reconciled us to his father and even now by his gospel was enlivening Us by his holy spirit to live in. and for him the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit on it.


As we go to the Lord in prayer, I want to encourage you all. It is really hard this way honestly because we're all separated. I have prayer request truly truly. I mean this sincerely if you would like me know I would love to pray for you and I would love to add those to our prayers for the church. And add them to our prayer chain. So if you do ever prayer request, you can demote note as I mentioned earlier. You can noted in the comment section Below on Facebook, or you can send me a personal message message or give me a phone call and I'll be happy to include you in our prayers. So let us now pray for all the people of God in Christ Jesus after all others according to their needs.

What's a shepherd? You established your church? with your sacrificial death in Mighty Resurrection grant us devotion that we may be able.

I live for you. That we would abide in you always. That we would have died in the teachings of the Apostles. and honor of The Fellowship of the church

guard us against all enemies of your word and keep us in the care of your flock. instaff forevermore Lord and your mercy hear our prayer Mighty Shepherd you hold your hands in your hands all the might of man And you hold accountable those who govern your people? Grant us good government good leaders. Who will honor your purpose? protect your people serve the cause of Justice. And defend our Liberty against all threats. Give them wisdom and moderation in their pandemic response. Lord in your mercy your loving Shepherd you loved the world enough to shed your blood. And you desire that all would be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

Inspire and equip your church and her ministers to speak they flee a boldly your word. Bless all those who serve us who serve on your behalf. especially the doctors and the nurses the emergency responders the police the firefighters the paramedics.

Plus, especially those who are persecuted for the faith.

We're suffering. For the sake of good that otter has you in his obedient to your word. We especially pray for other churches around our world and especially in our nation. The pastors were trying to Faithfully lead. shoulder e many many many bird you prayed your Lord that you would surround them with a hedge of protection. Protect them dear Lord from the assaults of the evil one. Lord in your mercy

merciful Shepherd your wounds are healing. And your voice calls us to you in our time of need. Gyros on behalf of all those Who are and will who are in men in their women in body and mind you are ill and body and mine and give to those who grieve? Will grieve For Those whom they love. and be with those from Death rolls near In particular dear Lord, we remember in our prayers Barb Lynch. Jerry icelanders grandson Kyle along with his wife Kyra who is has complications during pregnancy we pray for the Madsen family in their grief. We also prayer for Gary Blazer David Blazer. You continue to pray for Muriel as she recovers from her surgery as well as her daughter Ruth.

We also pray for Debbie Angie's mother. Pray for Sharon was recently diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.

braids for Renee who continues to recover from an auto accident as well as those were particularly vulnerable. Do the Cancer Treatments? Marion Holly and Matt Darcy Titan and Linda Those whom we named it our hearts at this time.

Grantham healing according to your will raised to sustain them and their day of trouble and hope of a new and everlasting life to come. We also pray to your lord for the unemployed and the distraught.

Especially Lord we pray for Amber. and her coworkers that you would show yourself to be there providers.

Lord in your mercy hear our prayer gracious Shepherd you seek out those will fallen and you restore The Sinner to repentance. So send forth your Holy Spirit to rekindle faith in the hearts of those who are falling away from the truth or who have been overcome by Temptation and sin. Bring good from ill and increase in all the hunger of your word and a recognition of your of our need that many may be gathered into your block with church doors. Do open wide. Once again Lord in your mercy hear our prayer Good Shepherd. You have not withheld anything from us? Instead your lord you emptied yourself fully upon the cross that we might be saved. move our hearts two such devotion the teachers Jen and teaches Jen generosity. That we may bring to you the tides and the offerings of grateful hearts and serve our neighbor in need with the resources that you have supplied to us. So abundantly Lord in your mercy Good Shepherd. You set your table before us in the presence of our enemies. Here is because we are beset with so many false voices and tempted by so many false Gospels. Help us all dear Lord to hear your voice and Duo by the safely in your word that remains forever. Equip us with your holy spirit that we may receive your body and blood with faith and with a repentant Heart Lord in your mercy old Good Shepherd. We pray you to hear your sheep. answer our prayers with Mercy granting us those things that are profitable for us and our salvation and keeping us from All Things harmful for you live. And you reign with the father of the Holy Spirit one God now and forever. I'm in now remember us in your kingdom and teach us to pray Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen. And now dear friends may the Lord bless you and keep you may the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you. May the Lord look upon you with favor and grab she is peace. I'm in

Proud Family

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Broward County, Florida

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