Think, Say and Do  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Joshua 1:7, 8
The word “prosper” in verses 7 and 8 mean good success. Moreover, both verses end the same same way—with a promise to prosper or succeed. This tells us that the two verses are connected. We might say that what keeps us from turning to the right or the left and on the path to success is what we think with our minds, say with our mouths and do with our actions. In other words…
Success is largely determined by what we THINK, SAY and DO.
Every action we make begins with a thought (Matthew 15:18, 19).
The heart is the seat of a man’s thoughts and decisions. It represents his true self. Therefore, a man is whatever he thinks in his heart (Proverbs 23:7).
We Can COMMIT SIN By Our Thoughts
Proverbs 24:9
We should point out that the word thought means plan or scheme. Therefore, this is not a reference to a random thought that can occur suddenly in the mind. (There’s no sin in having random thoughts.) But, it is a sin to allow random thoughts to dwell in our minds until they enter our heart and become evil emotions (Matthew 5:21, 22)!
Sin can be committed with our WORDS, ACTIONS and our THOUGHTS.
Jesus is not saying that thoughts are the same as acts. His point is that both are sin, and we must treat thoughts like acts (Isaiah 55:7)! We know the importance of departing from sinful acts, but what about the importance of departing from sinful words?
What can we do if we are unable (unsuccessful) in forsaking our thoughts? If you’re struggling with your thoughts (thinking the wrong things), then try getting rid of the distraction (Matthew 5:29).
Sin is like cancer. Sometimes the only way to get rid of it is to cut out everything attached to it. Everything that is causing you to think on the wrong things, get rid of it.
We Can Be TAKEN CAPTIVE By Our Thoughts
Romans 8:5
Those who THINK ON sinful things will eventually PURSUE sinful things. Those who pursue sinful things will become SLAVES to sinful things.
John 8:34
Sin always TAKES you farther than you want to go, and KEEPS you longer than you want to stay. In fact, thoughts can become like fortresses or strongholds (2Corinthians 10:4). Where are these strongholds located (2Corinthians 10:5). Notice that we are to “pull down” (literally destroy) these strongholds with the Truth!
Even psychologists say that the way to combat obsessions and preoccupation is with truth (reality). Instead of being controlled or taken captive by our thoughts, we are to take control over our thoughts or thinking (Philippians 4:8).
We Can Be CHANGED By Our Thoughts
Romans 12:2
We can be changed for the BETTER or for the WORSE by our thoughts.
We become what we think (Proverbs 23:7). So, if we think the wrong things, we become the wrong things. By the way, once we renew our minds we must protect our minds (Philippians 4:7; Isaiah 26:3).


Joshua 1:8
Our success is affected largely by what we think, say and do. We’ve examined how we are affected by our thoughts. Let’s look at how we are affected by our words!
Our words are just as important as our thoughts. In fact, our words are an EXPRESSION of what we really THINK.
Proverbs 18:20
We will EAT what we have sown with our MOUTH.
In the Message Bible this verse reads, “Words satisfy the mind [or soul]…as fruit does the stomach.”
Matthew 12:34
There’s a certain amount of satisfaction we get from saying what we think!
Matthew 12:36, 37
We will be JUDGED according to the words we have spoken.
We don’t have to wait until the end to receive this judgment. What we say can mean death or life right now (Proverbs 13:2, 3)! It seems much of our trouble in life can be traced back to something we’ve said with our mouths. The phrase “opens wide” in this verse means to show no discretion or to speak loosely. As the phrase goes, “LOOSE lips sink ships!”
SINNING With Our Words
Psalm 39:1, 2
Notice the call to restrain one’s mouth (words). Anyone talking a lot is probably sinning a lot (see Proverbs 10:19). Furthermore, the time we need to exercise the greatest restraint is during those times of adversity or pressure (James 1:19).
We mustn’t speak out of anger or pressure. Instead, our words should be the result of meditation (Colossians 4:6; Psalm 39:3). Never discredit or speak even the truth against another person needlessly (Proverbs 24:28). The truth is not to be used as a means to settle a score. This is how people develop a disdain for the truth. Sometimes the key to making sure the right words come out is to make sure that the wrong words don’t (Eph. 4:29; Pr. 30:32)!
Isaiah 6:1-5
You would think that upon seeing the presence of God Isaiah would join in with the angels in worship. However, his impurity prevented him from worship. And the seat of his impurity lay in his mouth!
Even the best men have reason to be ashamed when they examine their mouth in light of God’s holiness! We also point out that the impurity of Isaiah’s mouth lay in the fact that he lived among an unclean people. Therefore, our communication is largely affected by the company we keep (1Corinthians 15:33).
Deuteronomy 30:14
The word must be in our mouths if we are to do it.
Proverbs 19:1
Some people will say anything to get ahead.


Joshua 1:8 “MEDITATE therein day and night”
Biblical meditation is different from today’s idea of meditation. When we think of meditate we think of emptying the mind and being silent. However, meditation according to Scripture is about FILLING the mind with God’s word and SPEAKING it out loud (Acts 8:30).
Someone once said, “If you don’t talk to your Bible, then your Bible isn’t likely to talk to you!”
Joshua 1:8 “Make thy way PROSPEROUS...good SUCCESS”
Prosperity and success are the byproducts of a life devoted to God. Someone once said, “Whatever a man does without God he will either fail miserably or succeed miserably” (Matthew 16:26).
We are the wisest when we’re acting according to God’s word (Matthew 7:24, 25; Deuteronomy 29:9).Our success is directly related to our level of obedience to God. This is because success is a gift from God, and not an achievement by man (Genesis 39:1-3). Those who don’t seek the Lord won’t prosper (Jeremiah 10:21). Man’s responsibilities do not excuse him from meditation upon God’s word. If they do, then one must reduce their responsibility (Acts 6:2).
Joshua 1:8 “Observe to Do ALL…”
Joshua was not to be satisfied with partial obedience (Joshua 1:7).
When following a recipe you must follow the directions exactly! Some things require precise obedience (John 2:1-5).This takes courage (Joshua 1:9). We can be courageous when we know that God will always be with us (Joshua 1:5). Strength and courage comes from meditating upon the word of God (Deuteronomy 11:8).
If we don’t do the word, we’ll forget it (Psalm 78:9-11).
Prepare one’s heart (Psalm 78:8; 2Chronicles 12:14; Ezra 7:10).
It means to sanctify one’s heart from hindrances. You have to obey the Lord with all your heart. If your heart (mind) is divided, then you will only partially obey God. This comes from people simply trying to obey with their actions. If your actions are only engaged in your obedience, then you won’t be obedient long. Life follows the heart. You have to believe this is a good thing to do. This is why Israel was admonished to instruct their children, because this is the age where you are able to form their heart (Proverbs 22:6). The words, “will not depart” could read “will not forget.”
The opposite of this commandment is everyone doing what is right in their own eyes (Judges 21:25). Joshua had warned them to keep the commandments of God (Joshua 23:6). But they did not heed his words.
Joshua 1:8
Matthew 7:21-23
This is an example of people who say the right things but do not do the right things (Ezekiel 33:31; Jeremiah 12:2).
Matthew 7:24
Luke 11:28
John 13:17
James 1:22-25
Ezra 7:10
What kinds of preparation is needed to keep God’s commandments?
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