Sunday March 29th 2020

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Amen, praise the Lord of March we've been talking about the change of factors change Factor. And then I do Holy Spirit has been ministering to us and they're not today. I want to encourage you again or to prepare for what God has for you to be a man. I want you to prepare for what God has for you today. Say I am ready to receive the word of God today. I am ready to be blessed stuff. I am ready to be challenged. I am ready to go workout want me to go today. We are going into our part 4 of the change factors change factors. And then one question that was asked to fall to the church is what in God's using to change you. What is God using to change you a man. So we are looking at. What are the things that God is using to change you so they are some fun things that God is using us to to to to to to change you by God is using to to to to to to bring change into a life. So what is God using two? Send you a man to always stay connected with believe God is going to have to tell her to show us more about all of this. So my name is a rich. I am the one who is am going to be used by God today, but I believe that not only that but you know, you are going to be blessed and God is going to minister to you, you know. So again, maybe you may not be able to see me but one thing that I think we are trying to do is at least two player retires everything that is written there. But you know what we are working on the video the fact that you either can see I made a preacher or not, but I cannot see me the preacher. It's all right. I will encourage you to stay connected. I know.

Stay stay connected. I believe I believe we have a small issue about to come in hard and come around here. Okay. There you go. Can you see me? Can you see my face now? I guess maybe now you can see my face. But again, the purpose today is to is to prioritize the the PowerPoint are you just want to pray that God will use you do we use me to minister to you in an ergo use me to minister to you? But you know, it's you if you see my face is a ride from time to time. You may see my face or you may see a discrete we are going to do both of those things, but don't worry God is in control now and pray and ask God to speak to you just lift up your voice and ask her. Too many searches you in a mighty name of Jesus Mass ticket for 100 + 100 + 50 Abbasi Shakira. Waka waka. You can even handle a bushy cara de culo.

Unironic artery be reduced to go to rebrick a takayama how to speak to you in the mighty name of Jesus Muhammad Ali bomaye recap to latest reports chaotica Stanley Bush and a Libra man in the mighty name of Jesus. in the mighty name of Jesus

in the mighty name of Jesus

I guess we are going to try this again.

should have

how do you say connected to?

a man to stay connected with Billy Graham's going to

Who won the Sunday night?

Hello, everybody. Hello everybody. So I am back. We are back on-line. Sorry for that. So just make sure we're going to wait for people to reconnect. We are back online story for the technical difficulty. I guess this was a time for us to just respond to what we were doing. So I'm going to make sure and wait for people to come back before we we we we can see you before we move forward. So I hope you can see yeah, I'm back. I'm back. I can see I'm back there. I can see someone show coming back. So sorry for that church. Sorry. Sorry for that.

Welcome back photos of you are coming back. Welcome back. Welcome back. Welcome back.

1 2 3 before are you back?

Technical difficulties. It's not easy.

Things are not easy. And now we will see how the shooting is for the service. So, I hope I I hope people are coming back. If not, we just catching you about we are back live in a we just continue the way it is and then by hoping and believing. Everything is recorded Salud be able to go back to it, you know, like you are you'll be able to rewind actually so long to let me see. Amen. Amen. Praise the Lord it is good to see you guys. It is good to see you guys. Welcome. Welcome. Welcome back in the mighty name of Jesus. We are going to do it if I cited praise. God praise the Lord Jesus.

Cuz I wanted I wanted you to see my you know, like the deliveries. I wanted you to see the Newberry, you know what you know about that. That's the reason why we're having this shoe difficulty, but God is in control.

All is good. So make sure you are. Okay so far as most of you you are getting back. I guess I will just move on. I was just I was just asking. Is that okay? And I address a man? That's Advance. Let's play.

We told me this moment in the atmosphere into your hands into a leadership role and pray that you talked to her. She would speak to us and holy spirit minister to us in a way that we have noted before 3 something that you have for us today for Tat. We pray that we will receive it. Will you be blessed by it. I would like to be totally transformed. We bless you father God and we give you all the glory Holy Spirit give me at 7 today to minister to your people Father tell me something that he needs the one to receive something that you have for them. And I'll do I have to pay me for the god. I believe that is ready to receive the word Minister unto them in Jesus. Mighty name.

amen, praise the Lord

So let me share my screen. Okay, I saw that I am going to share my screen. It's going to be okay. It's going to be alright, let's try and he's okay. It's going to be alright Hitman 2 hours. We are entering into old. I don't know if this is working. I don't know if this is working. I don't know if this is working. So change factors. X Factor we talkin about change factors work is God using to change you. What is God using to change you from things that God is using to change it up in things that God is using to facilitate the change in your life. Some things that God is using you know, sometimes we can see things around us as negative. But mostly the things that we are going through right now. I think that God is trying to God is truly. I tell you the same way to transform to change our lives. So therefore, you know, I want to make sure that you are connected and that you that you received the message and see what God has for you today. And also what are the things that God is using to change in cash practice. What is God using to change you talk about pressure? For example, you know when we when we see pressure around us when we see pressure around us. We have to the feeling that nothing is working. We have the feeling that hell is breaking loose. You know that everybody is against us, you know, and then sometimes we we feel lost because you don't understand.

I like I'm pretty sure you know, I can be somebody saying that they're saying that there is a lot of feedback. That's a lot of feedback. Should I drop? Let me drop the mic. If I drop them off, let me know if the voice is better. Now. I'm going to have to to speak louder. I'm going to have to speak louder but hopefully this is this is better now with with with with me talking directly to you. Can I come and sing. The other thing that dog we use actually that we see the things as negative things. We see those things as totally wrong thing as bad and negative things but this is exactly what God is using to bring change into your life because sometimes when we don't willingly change when we don't we go to the level where girl sees us when we don't willingly go and become what God is calling us to become what happened is that you know, because he has good plans for us. So he will have to use some things, you know to bring us into change. You have to use some things too too too too too short the right direction and one other thing is pressure, you know, because and then a pressure when you can sometime pre-record you too too too too much for change, you know, and then like I was saying, you know sometime age can become a pressure gauge can become a reason why you are pressure because If you something you say I am difficult, but I'm on my widget. I understand, but I have not accomplished everything that I would like to accomplish. I am just Example of how I was feeling pressure on my life because this is our example as I told myself. I was certain age.

I told my sister Auto Tilton age. I wanted you to become a financially I have a free for example, you know by age when you look at it, but I guess this page I'm not financially free on your life will be able to accompany, you know, sometimes can be a reason why you would feel pressure pressure. You know another reason why sometimes do we see in a pressure is also you know what I want. I want statues. You know what I like for example, you know, I have a job, you know, I have a job, you know, I did not die because I have a job. So I normally this is what I should be able to accomplish who's the job that I have, you know the first time you know, I am

This is what I would like to accomplish because I have the finances but I'm not able to get these I have this but I'm going to go to get it how many things anyway that I cannot cover everything but there are many things that just bring to be a man, you know, you know, you know, you know we from Expedition on you, you know, you you feel yourself you you find yourself sometimes in in our environment where you feel pressure you cuz you know, I'm supposed to supposed to be this. I'm supposed to be in sometime when you have expectations on your own life, you know, you can feel pressure to it meant somebody and then something will happen is that when we are pressured and where we don't know how to handle the pressure we run away. Yes. Oh, yes, you know where we have that person off and we don't know how to handle all this we found out that's running away from responsibilities from the engagement from from commitment from all these things because there is a thresher. Why are you acting this way? Why are you doing this? But the only reason is because you're feeling pressure and sometime you've been taking decision that you don't even realize that you took who are the did the world because of pressure. And I'll hold a load is helping you my understanding that even though you feeling pressure on you. Pressure. The reason why the purpose of pressure is not to let you run away, but the purpose of pressure is too cold you to grow every time you feel pressure on your life. You should grow every time you sent out of Master become a master over it instead of mastering. You have too much to pressure. You have to muster pressure. You have to make sure that whatever decisions you taking you taking it. No pressure, but I don't grow out of a new mindset the goddess, you know, I'm pulling up sometimes in embarrassment where we have to become where a man have to check and you know, because as we speak as we are and I sent them for sure we called you to change the way you see things and the last and last week after we talked about down a discontentment, you know our poverty because we we talked about the woman with the issue of blood she tried everything in her life. She tried everything that she pooped but you saw mr. After 12 years of trying to get a solution for a problem. The situation the Bible says got worse situation got worse. She didn't know what to do. So she became infected fighting and penalized if he can just go tell if I missed a week for life, and because you was not happy with her life. Guess what she did. She said I heard about Jesus and I still be in this situation for quite a long time. I'm sick and tired of being sick. I'm sick and tired of being in this situation and I am sick and tired of being in this situation. I have to sit on my furniture when we have taken care of our situation. Yes. We make a move to look after God's butts. On the way before we even go do something for us. You feel me today? If you are not welcome to stay the week before you are not angry with the situation as long as you are not angry with your life is not moving forward.

Nothing, we touch as long as you are not angry. Freaking tired of being sick. Angry. You wouldn't change it. Do we just accept it? You just leave it the way it is. You know this her money was so fortunate and because of that I am going to see Gods and Monsters and Men jerking him and he said I will not let you go until you bless me. Are you freaking type of situation? Are you angry about it? Are you really sick and tired of that as long as you don't become sick and tired of that situation you want to change it. Change it and right now we must not in Coventry intelligence. You have to put your stuff where nobody would you started working? If you want to have more parties to talk with people to have more fun with you.

I'm sort of a person talking to you. This is some time for you to see golf. Because if you don't speak up your life is just didn't send you a Snapchat but it's going to be not be Eternal. It will not be coming in a minute, but I have good plans for you. I will not know the plans that I meant for you. I don't know the plans that I have to ride you.

Text apocalypse to get your future to give you hope you don't know topless Church. You almost hopeless God is on your side as long as you know, what I am going to fix this dog, and I will not let him go until you bless me until I see a change in my life. I will not do anything because I just want a chance to see what Don't wait for people for people to come and look for you to come and pray for you. You know, I know I know I know my issue in my history. So serious that I have to speak up for myself. Are you going to somebody almost got it today preaching yet. I'm just reminding you what we talked about the first week as long as you don't set up until you get pulled over the situation you were just put up with it. person gets set up beautiful. Except it. I'm starting to become angry with the situation. You just accept it. How long is your conduct secret? How long do you want to keep that teach you? How long do you want to keep the problem? Be comfortable with it, then you'll be able to change it.

Isn't that we talkin about the change factors? What is God using to change you and meditation will be taken from 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse 1 verse 20 and for the sake of time I will not read the whole thing. But what would we do is that has our read will be able to meditate on it and we're going to take what God has for us to the email and today's preaching just to let you know today's preaching if I don't feel like they are losing where everyone else is winning. Listen to pay California. It will pay attention. Please be careful today is for those who feel like the feel like they are Roofing and they can see everyone else is winning for them losing weight. But know that you're allowed to be complete, but somehow this is something missing. Don't you have to work environment, but they have nothing just yet. Beautiful. I want to move forward because

I've got the lights to that's what you get for you for you. I deserve more in my life. I deserve more I deserve more. I'm not happy and satisfied with what I have right now. I just don't know because my God, I can't even imagine this message is for you today. I want to tell you that I told you what are you playing one? You've been playing what you've been complaining your heart won't hurt you and I want to subject you a few things that would help us to move forward. Am I let's go with the one from bus 110 this list. I was just wanting to The Ballad of Rama times nothing of the Mountain of a frame and his name was elkanah the son of Jerome the son of Italy you the sum of toe the Son of God and and if I might And he has two wives the name of One World hammer and the name of the Opera play Nina and play children, but Hannah had no children. I was thinking about you that we looking at this story the story of woman who was married to two women. So please if you know anyone want Mary to write how to write this in the Old Testament. I want to make this clear it's not in the uterus is in the Old Testament of the month is married to two women and one of them the name is Hannah and the other one the name is praveena and look at the difference that the Bible is already put in between both of them. You got a difference between aha children, but Hannah had no children.

What is this for? And what is not?

What is metre the most African position as a married wife, but the other one is not. Why is it taking advantage of what she has 11, but you're the one is not. Why has children but never one has not married to the same man?

Quickly, if we are both married to the same man and one is giving shot the children. It's probably because there's a problem with you. Okay.

I want to be respectful but it's probably is because there's a problem with you because you're married to the same person. We're getting there. No time. You can have things in your hands. Like for example of us. We are serving the same God. Are you here with me, but somehow it has some people who are experiencing God on a different level.

Marie's to the Sandman one has children and one has not. We are also having the same. We are all going to the same. We are all we all believe in the sun god through Jesus Christ. Some how some people are moving forward in the lights and some are not. I need some people taking advantage of knowing god of their relationship with God and they are moving forward, but some are not. French people are putting the addresses to enter into the fullness of the glory of God, but some are not people of Discovery everything that God for that in the Bible into the word of God, but some are not same God different person different results Send. Send man to woman different results. Do you find yourself in situations where you know you are connected to the same God as something with somebody else, but somehow it's working for others and it's not working for you. beautiful your finger photo you are doing exactly what

is there a different form for you?

Sometimes you don't realize how much you can do with what you have until you see somebody else. Do we do more before they have Sometimes you don't realize how much you can do with your car until you fit somebody that's blocked from somebody else move forward somebody as being being being being blessed and highly favored in the world. Am I going through this issue that want to look up older then I'm going to the issues that I'm going through. How come you don't realize how much you can become in God how much you can accomplish with. How much you can move forward with God. somebody else was up and moving forward and now you start wondering you said e he's working for them. What is not working for me?

You see that's the reason why they're almost all the testimonies in the Bible. All these testimonies are recorded in the Bible. You are more we can become a woman's right now. We are sisters Christ. We don't know how far we can go with this car. You don't know that s*** your body. Mr. And that's because you know, we have to follow his Direction so that we can become even if we don't know tomorrow. But only way for us to know what's coming next to go to go to the gulf. What is there for me? That's why the Bible is written. All these testimonies are the stories about the Bible what you look like with different story and you find yourself into that. You said it's her she was too impressed with him. He got to this level. So guess me to me to go to see the stories and the testimonies of our brothers and sister should Inspire us just like a woman that we talked about the money from other people. Should I date? You became blessed. Are you hear somebody that is small and transform it into something that is very very big woman has the ability to detect us multi-cat moment and we can make that become great if you always say that be fine. What is dihybrid a big woman?

rich woman

I know because you said it was a story in between the river about them about Obama and the end. He said Obama was talking to his wife and he was saying, you know, you are so lucky that you married me because I meant because if you do not mind me you will never become the first lady of the United States. But you sure looks like she answered back and she sent to him so don't know if I did not believe you no more money to text something that is very as nothing and to make it to turn it into something and then we have a story of a woman. But you have the ability sphere where she could produce that she was not producing. What is the chief advantage of what she has in her hands and the offer is not what is winning on the other side? But the other one is losing. And that's why I was asking a question. Do you feel like sometimes you are losing whatever you want is winning. Do you feel like sometimes you know what you are missing you because of your finances because you don't ever feel around you. Sometimes you are using what everyone else is winning. And I want to spend that it is possible that sometimes you find out that these situations where everyone is for sex with the one he comes to us. We are we'll always defeat it is possible. You know, I understand. You know that. It is possible that you can find yourself in a situation where you know, you can see everybody's preferring but when it comes to you you not talk to me and God knows you got no you that is why did they fix preaching and I'm talking to people who are experiencing realize issues to be the one you have. But it is not enough for you to take to take off your family with your job. What do you have to have a business but your business is not truthful, you know, and I knew the business is working but you know, I'm talking to people who have real issues of life. I want my mommy just about anybody else, but you're not happy and you know it. Happening, but you know how key. What do you do? The auto but is not working for me. It's working for other people around me, but it's not working for me. from insect into dr. Tricia Into the situation where was producing?

It was what you said Pineda, but you was not working for Hannah. Was married to the same man company, but somehow I was producing. Sometimes life can feel like a failure somebody. Sometimes life can feel like a failure especially during this time when we where we finna pull up be distressed. We feel angry with you-know-who place. You know, I would feel like my life is a failure right now. My life is failing. I'm not going anywhere. It's totally a mess. I can feel like that but I got to do for you.

Four Seasons But it's only for a season and God has a word for you today. getting better a reason for me to get mad. Show me to be inspired. Prospective when I see somebody is getting better and not get jealous of them, but that will inspire me. Instead of looking at people and say no, you know what look at them and then getting jealous and then I think about them look at them and say it's gonna have done that for them. He can do it for me to give me to Brea. This is why it can it can be worth it.

Is that somebody?

The mom went up from Houston she nearly to worship and sacrifice to the Lord of hosts in Shiloh. And also the two sons of Eli hophni and phinehas the priests of the Lord you are there and not according to the law of Moses, you know, and then the references in Exodus chapter 34 verse for kids where are doodle always telling you go in the presence of God, at least three times a year do kids make an offering to give permission to Pnina his wife and two hard to all her sons and daughters go to Hannah. She would give a double portion for he loved her, Although the Lord had closed her room.

Dolly Parton, but no children Hello, will you send me a double portion? But she had no children. I feel like sometimes you are blessed in areas where you are like then I don't want to be best in this area in this area. Are you okay? Yes. Thank God. I got a job. But you know, I want to be punished that is free, but I cannot find a job.

Def Leppard would be fit for me. But in reality she was

Are you glad you are blessing for over areas? Even though what you are hoping and praying for is not what you are receiving. Thanks for your help. You learn how to be grateful to God. You don't know I'm not receiving what I hope for even though I'm not receiving what I want even though I'm not receiving what I'm praying for. At least I have the double portion.

Everything that I'm bringing everything that I'm hoping he's not dumb at least.

At least I have a husband to have a car. So how the brother and sister have a sister because somebody else may I have what I have today? If you send me a double portion, but she had no children. And sometimes after a year after 2 years after 3 years after 4 5 6 after going on and on with this kind of situation. Sound effect into a situation where we'll eat things that she was hoping for one of the thing that she was having. Do you want some blessings? What buses come to you easily? But not all the things that you want the thing that you pray the thing that you would like to have another thing that comes to you.

I thought you said Lord have mercy on me to make him miserable. The purpose of provocation was to make her miserable because the Lord had closed her room. It's world's year by year when she went out to the house of the Lord that she provoked her therefore. She went and did not eat. So this was not a wound in the time out to Tricia this whole year by year. I don't know how long it took but a brother says that this happened Nina the Rival of Anna she had sons and daughters which means at least two to erase all these two to that address for football for years. At least now, I believe it's more than that, but I need for four years to go to vote. The publication was basically a reminder on what God has not done for her. Sometimes when you off the phone and the thing that really hurt you either thing. Sometimes what God has not done for you. It's for someone you always remind are you are always reminded of the weakness. Oh, yeah. trading, you know It's a provocation when you are always reminded of the weakness when you were always reminded of your incompetence when people always remind you you are incompetent, you know, this is what she was going to always be my mentor for incompetence. She would always remind us of his weakness. She was always reminded of a doctor what to do for work. God always money off your fees of off all of your imperfection that when people always remind you that you are imperfect that's in that you you you not be able to do it in the publication of a reminder of what God has not done for her. I will I will I will speed up a little bit of time is flying a reminder, you know of go and dump the whole wide world. Good morning application was a reminder of what God has done for her for the provocation was also a reminder of work that I've done for her. And for the enemy it's 4:30 where you sit at different but in your listing of buffering 20 City and let me talk to her but you are not moving forward, but you are not what you see people you don't remember. You still. Can I show it to me when you hear when you know, what am I pregnant? And then you know what we talked about people are broken. You know me too. Well, we want you to know we're not having this do that. You know, you know, what if I told God I must have me you don't like something for me. And how's that Gris, but they are really leaving this kiss. Anyway, it's 4:51. You see some of our people getting ahead but you you are sister cuz level one. What do you know that you can be a father used to be really really further. You should be fighting for your life. But you realize that instead of me getting ahead in my life. I'm still stuck at level one and that is where you want the phone book. And that is what the enemy was. Also we use that to location. But remember provocation come from the outside. Provocation wolf on the outside, but what was going on on the Eastside of Houma because little investments in the Bible said that you went and she did not see the reason why she went with most because of the provocation on the outside was because of the invitation that we were sitting in the east side.

The publication was not because somebody else was talking.

But it's because of what was going on in the east side because you know that inside effect on you. Are you doing me somebody really did with his notification icon from the outside is that you with this summer? We are sitting in the east side.

And there were people, too.

Are you getting angry? Because they are already angry. If I am a member if I'm responding or something with you, it is not because you are making me angry because I'm already an angry person. It's happening inside of me. That is not about what happened to us. It is about how we respond to it. Are you here with me? It's probably respond to what is going on in the inside of Art and Natsu the outside of us. Experienced in Black racism, you know what you want outside, you know when somebody is such an asset to where they were fixed because Alyssa inside-out you have peace come to respond to you. No, thank you. No, thank you for saying that, you know and I'm not even going to go inside of me the recipes stuffed with cheese inside of an automatically when somebody come you know, but in reality is because of the irritation irritation inside of us. Avoid combust not avocado with birth. No because of what's going on around is because I was going on in the inside of the mountain. Muffin justify the reason my opinion. I was provoking Hannah, but I would have to book a rifle to a f****** everything that she wants to know like somebody else. It is probably because I also she was arrested on the inside. Are you upset about that today? If you have time to go back and you know, we preached about I know we talked about a lot but we don't talk about my Nina talk about how pretty she spent a lot more appreciate it. I mean, I would like to find you the next time you are insulted.

Why would a person say that it's going to things? What is this word church and you are not appreciated in a church. What do you go to apply for TC that people and searching you people are calling you seen us and all the thing about it is probably because they said they're going to think I'm hoping somebody getting free. I have to get in a place where there something going to see you too.

America's color is because pillow the Bible says the Bible says everyone, you know, and we we we we we we started at 5 as we go back a little bit. I'm coming to do a double portion to Hannah because he loved her. in the Bible specify the Econo Lodge Hannah Bae doesn't talk about how I can I was loving penina? Normally if you're producing children, you should be appreciated true or false. Appreciate it.

You just receiving normal normal portion. What is a at work or any place? That's what you are doing a very good job, but somehow. Everything that you are doing you are not appreciated. You might be the choice you let me know relationship. You may be right. Call whatever kind of relationship. You have sometimes when you feel that you are appreciated. You know, the reason why sometimes we are not appreciate it if you Bull Durham said to go through things.

To tell you that you are appreciated by God. I want to tell you that you are loved by God. You may not see God as a spirit but almost Heaven. God loves you, you know everything that's why I'm going to God loves you. Do Muslim people don't appreciate you. I don't remember you. God loves you people may not appreciate you buy. Please free or might I want you. I want you. I want to make it easy for you. I want to free your mind today. You don't don't don't do it. Don't always write on people's opposite of because the simple people that says you today you are blessed. You are blessed are the same people that refer to more Christopher him. Are you hear that? Jesus went through that some people want to see you get to the level where they are no longer ready to appreciate you don't give up on you while your life on people's appreciation.

No, I don't think about think about this ting. One one thing that I found is that hatred sometimes becomes a money motivation, you know for those were hit it. Actually, you know what you had somebody sometimes we become the motivation to prove you wrong. When did George I don't know much of the people that you did we do that we see that it's time do they open big businesses and all the stuff? What are the reason why they have food festival in the license because people here today why the reason why would a reason why is one of the reasons why sometimes people today did they did they did they release the Christmas albums and great Revelation great song that is because sometimes people helping them and it becomes the most efficient efficient and it said, you know what I'm going to prove you wrong. I'm going to prove you wrong and I want to send a letter to my haters and I hope you feel better do it tough on me.

What do you want Hannity because one of the reasons that you hate me or because God is on my side.

How many people in the Bible do unlimited because of the law how many people in the Bible more limited because of what people told them that it's on instead even though we are limited but people are talking to on this way. We are going to prove you wrong. God can heal us talk and changes brought in France from us.

Did Halle? Was perfect but above Earth is the original response was to try. When you are perfect, how do you react? When March is not going to the direction that you hope how do you what do you do things don't go the way that you hope that's me when things don't go into the direction that you hope you are hoping for a change was hoping for some reason you were hoping for a breakthrough. You are hoping to find a contract and now somehow covid-19 Ford in your life, but not from her covid-19.

The bobbitt's is a Hannah cry and what have you been crying because of what we're going through because of everything that is studies going on around you and I want to tell you that it's okay to cry sometimes. Yes, I don't want to be the person I would tell you that is not okay church. It's okay to cry. Sometimes it's okay that sometimes we have to realize it a try but the problem is that if you cry only 850 Where You Are.

Why you cry? boat trader Try and move forward. The problem is that when you collect all the attention when it gets you where you are unless so to become a transformation for you to move forward. And today is this is why we have the suggestions today. We have a special sex, but next time you are so booked instead of crying. The next the next time you are is written in the inside of you instead of crying. You know what the reaction should have free.

spray What do you want? What do you want me to return it? Don't call only the three one thing is going to cost to the direction. You should go instead of crying for you Ray. I meant if you look at history of attention and respect. Just think about this instead, her husband since I know what do you reap? What do you want them to eat? And why is your house grief? I might have better to you than 10,000 Johanna Warren Buffett have finished eating and drinking in a shoe. And now Eli the priest was sitting on the seat by the doorpost of the Tabernacle of the Lord. Let me read on your assistant. You won't see this Alyssa. Angry on the inside because she was perfect on the outside but inside she was too bitter in bitterness and she pray to the Lord that you work in Ender's you got it. You got it to of nausea spring and you are so ugh, not adjust a crying, you know that supposed to attract attention. You know because sometimes we pray to attract attention attention of man of people want to have spray to attract the attention of God Bible says she and she won't she wants to pray to the Lord and she was in anguish and said all over. Come the Affliction of the maidservant and remember me and I'm not forget your maidservant that you would give your mister and a male chat to a specific. You know. We don't have time but she was picking up right where you pray to God. What do you go through whatever, you know publication at your house and when you come to the time that you have to pray to God be specific to him and then somebody be specific When you pray to God of the Dead's are we giving to the Lord all the days of his life and no razor shall come upon his head. So he will be called another right? Actually, they don't invest what happened at the spring before the Lord will fight for you. You're crazy for not element any person by the road when it comes to the presence of God before the presence of men of you come before the presence of God. PeoplePC are you come from God to see you? I was coming every girl with a camera and Polina and everything that I have the world coming to the presence of God, but I know she was coming in the presence of men because she was coming to bring woman did not change but this time to bother is specific because it changes about torture and the reason why they changed the battery is because she came into the presence of God, 1555 e Kinney husband. She continued prayers before the Lord. He lie. So the pasta was watching her. And now I'm not talking to her. She's poking a heart but only her lips were moving but a voice with my heart and therefore he'll I thought she was drunk. She was making the cut of prayer. Co is it was not seeing nobody else in the story never did like she did you ghost Atlas company Eli you never knew somebody pray. That way I don't have been ripping wasn't that isn't on here? We don't do this or we we we we we we pray the rosary understand, you know, I'll hear a song, you know, so you can open them in there such a thing as a normal.

people especially. Talk to all of the high priest never saw anybody praying that way. She was pregnant when he saw that she was drunk and the Bible says that he liked it so hard but 14. Are you there? What verse 14 how long will you be drunk vs. 14 1st Samuel chapter 1 verse 14 first, chapter 1 verse 14. The Bible says, he likes it to her. How long will you be drunk? Put your wine away from you. But I'm not interested normal or I am a woman of Soul. Ehret. You might see me. I don't know how but it is my spirit who isn't it is my soul within me. That is insoluble. Are you a woman or so. I have jointed knees Oelwein intoxicating drink, but I have thought of my phone before the Lord. You see what do we have for sure where we are provoked? What would become irritated some of us sometime we go with drug test, but yes, I'm talking I'm talking to somebody today. We always do things. We do not say we do things just to appease off Eli's going to make us feel good. But if you want, there's no no I am not. I have a drink with a y not intoxicating drink. I'm talking to their church today because me and trust me. I'm not perfect and I'm talking to church a church. Can you hear me in church? We are not perfect. We need cups. I understand that. We need. Don't think that we have to find things to do to give us peace that sometime you have to find things to do to give us up because this would continue as long as we don't go to God. This would come to you as long as you don't say, you know what I'm sick and tired of going to substance the substance to help me. I'm sick and tired of going to just to hurt me. You know, I'm talking to you know that you have I'm going to the thing. I know enough is enough. I want to go to God because only God can hear me cuz only God can I please me? Download Amazon. He said I'm throwing my soul before the Lord verses in the Bible says do not consider your maidservant or we can woman. Out of the abundance of my complaint and grief I have spoken until now.

You know praying about that situation because you're not set up with it.

Are you here? As long as you are not fed up with the situation as long as you are not fed up with it, if if if you not worrying about it, as long as I bring about it and Luke and go to change the situation. It is probably because you are not fed up with it for now. You see how I feel about it. You didn't drink it. And there's nothing that anybody else can do for you until you make the speech of them. There is no problem for you. She said no I am I am going to come to the presence of God. There's no man that is going to his mom and dad is going to meet me. There is no manager is going to stop me from doing this. I am going to go in the presence of God. She said no no. No, I'm coming to the point of a box and no man pushing boulder High Priests get stuff me and the Bible says you've rested and cheese watch this. He lied and said and said go in peace and the god of Israel your petition. Wish you had asked often you see this is our job as pastors. Because our job as Leaders as Christians that when people come to us and then when is tennis for example, you know that this is my issue. This is my problem. Look at what he did. Did you pray for her. I pray, you know, something is what we need to do. He said go in. Peace. This is because you have prayed yourself first.

Okay, because you're not crazy. Then other person I can come and say I give you my blessing but you don't play yourself. How can I give you my blessing you are blessed because you have a player just said you don't want to change yourself as long as you don't want to change you keep on being there. Can I say go in peace and let the god of Israel opposition which you have asked of him. So are you playing somebody? How is your prayer life? How is your prayer life and other I'm going to the end and flying? How is your prayer life challenge you after going through everything that she went through. Did you tell them you know, whatever you're up in coming to the presence of God. I've been coming here and I'm always provoked. I'm always reminded of my sins.

Bring up into your mind to people, you know, that's right. Now we are already coming to because of the virus. But can we stop the enemy that is playing into our mind? Can we stop the devil that is coming and putting those talking to a man. You see now your situation is going to get worse, you know, not no more church for you or you see now, you know, like oh no more violence is no more money. Is he the devil's we just called and checked into your mind play The Woody Show. You know, you're not moving forward. Look at you. Got you got you got, you know, all of these things that the enemy we just come to push us to be irritated.

Blue camo Jesus, you know Jesus give us a job as an answer about prayer because that's why I was asking the question. How is your prayer life, you know in Matthew chapter 5 verse 44 the Bible say, but I said to you love your enemies. Okay, when somebody is love this is love your enemy and bless those who curse.

Bristol's will text you when we are you censoring the church or something we run away? No, don't run away. If you are calling Future Husband, the Bible says bless those who curse you Google. I hate you and pray for those who spitefully spitefully use you and persecute you use you what you feel. I should I use this is what I using and they're not appreciating me, you know, pray for them pray for the peace in Jesus. Give us answers here. Not your enemies bless those who curse you do go to bed with that you and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you when you feel like you are persecuted when you feel like somebody is using you. Using you as a punching bag. They don't know who to turn to you know that look at you and then just using your other person back. You know, when you feel like you are enough to come up with you. What is the Bible saying to you? Pray for pray for them? And today I'm telling you prayer is the answer when you feel provoked where you fit in retarded area is the answer is the answer I'm saying prayer is the answer. What do you feel like muffins muffins working around you is the answer you have to pray funeral go to God and seek. You don't breathe because we don't. The only way you can pull out. He's the only one he's the only thing that we prayer. Where is the thing you don't not going to tell me things that pair is one of the team that we have to do. It's not want to take one of the things to do prayer is that thing? the thing synonym of crucial we don't even play look at Matthew chapter 6 now the next chapter from both of them just by Jesus said to the people. He said when you pray you see when you break no tissue break because why you pray you shall not be like the Hypocrites do they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the corner of the street that they may be seen by men. Who did I say is not a monkey see you space it. Actually I sent you that they have the reward you guys versus it's about when you pray go into your room and when you have such a joy to your photo, is it a secret place and your father who sees Pikachu Raichu Hartford open if you want to have the best reaction in this currency in time play. The best restaurant in East County Times is to break into your room and when you have shut your door off. So where you at in Covington parade? Lord have mercy

When you pray it's not a question of if we should pray it's when you break It's Wednesday, which means our parents will be. It is it should be our Hobbit. Where is the only way if it's prayer is for intimacy with God is the communication line request Supernatural manifestation. I hope you didn't miss it is the communication line to request Supernatural manifestation. The hand of God who sings me happened in the morning things happen to Brea. You know sometime we we we we we we we we we we we we we we we we we we just two things like. You know that we just accept things the way they are instead of praying about the things, you know, don't just complain about something. Don't just talk to somebody about something pray about it. Pray about it. So, how's the playlist Jesus says morning? Pray do not use vain repetition of the Heathen do for the thing that it would be hard for them at fault for the many would therefore do not be like that for your father know the things you have need before you ask him in his mother. For pre Our Father in heaven Hallowed Be Your Name Your Kingdom Come your will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors and do my little into temptation. But Deliver Us from the evil one for yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen is there is a prayer that we need to do during this time. Here is a prayer. I got finished as a country as I can. I'm going to consider giving you a few verses that's that is why I wanted you to to season. I hope you're ready, please thank you to note because I want to tell you something I said earlier that prayer is the communication line to request Supernatural manifestation.

the early church the importance of prayer The first generation of Christians as we are caught today the disciple of Christ. Okay. We need to take an example of them right after Christ died on the cross he rose up and he went on to Heaven. You know, he he he get them instruction. But you know, we need to be able to look at the attitude or did they did they did the discipline of the first generation of pressure because that's how we learn how to be a sufficient in our Christian walk work right in Ocean Walk and fishery in Act In the book is called Act of the Apostle is it but you know, it's always interesting when you hear such a man of God. I gift suggestion. In reality. It's a Act of the Holy Spirit Trudy a custom MLP, you know, I just asked of the Apostle but it's these days are the act of the Holy Spirit through the Apostle interesting to find out everything that is there in Acts chapter 1 verse 14. For example, the Bible says what does ruefully in the morning and the word should be fought the law and the return and it came to the house at the Rama and elkanah. So let me go back to ask chapter 1 verse 14 at 1:49 to go at 1:14. Thank you Siri with one in prayer and supplication. Woman and Mary the mother of Jesus every two brothers Acts chapter 1 verse 14 interesting. I hope you getting it. I hope you are getting it. What is God's trying to get out the message, you know, just right in the beginning of act chapter 1 verse 14. This is what they are doing straight through this world are doing they are catching it with one in prayer in prayer with one Accord. Let me continue to the next bus.

If I going to accept the one I mean checking on you two vs. And I'm going to read it except for one for all 24 now and then we say 114 now 124 the Bible says Dead free and safe you oh Lord, you know the hearts of all so which of these to you have chosen this was when they were about to choose who are going to replace Judah woohoo. I will get up on Jesus in the land before they make a decision. What do they do? They pray? Amen? Somebody, you know Acts chapter 2 verse 42 the Bible says they catching you say f*** you in India. Doctrine and fellowship in the breaking of bread and in prayers in Acts chapter 2 verse 42, you know, they continue in prayer, you know. In the in the doctrine of off of the word of God basically, you know, and then Acts chapter 3 verse 1 fencing the Bible says not Peter and John they went up to get her to the temple at vihara. Prayer the nun flour for pizza and Johnny are going to the temple at The Hour of Prayer. This was a hobby to go to the temple and at the hour of prayer and you know in our chapter 3 what happened, you know, if they were able to hear I'm a man why because you are always in prayer prayer. We happen to be the manifestation of God's kingdom somebody at 2:31. I mean, let's go then went to their own Companions and they repo all about the chief priests and Elders had sex with them. Someone did her. They raised their voices to golf with one Accord and it said Lord. You are good. Talk about Jesus birth the purple reaction to say no we are going to go to that. We're going to pray about this. This is the first generation of Christians Play The Wreck of hotel is the Lord You Are Good Men Heaven and Earth and the Sea and all that is within in them. I'll look into it. Woo woo guy but by the mouth of the seven daysies you have made a you have stayed why do the nation's rage and the people plus he's the king of the earth stood there and a rule as they were gathered together against the law and against these parts. They're playing right now and it's your fault really against the holy 7 Jesus anointed Buffy Road and punch a bunch of a pilot. We've been sent us and the people of Israel will gather together to do whatever your hand and your focus determines before to be done now load look on their strength and then to your servant. With all. Estimate speak your route by stretching out your hand to heal and that signs and wonders maybe down to the name of your holy seven. Cheese's and when they have free the place where they were assembled together with Cricut. Under what are filled with the Holy Spirit and they spoke the word of God with boldness Acts chapter 6 verse 48. I'm giving you a reference. I just asked to speak with football to 8 but where we give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word that is so they are talking because now they have to serve the people of God by giving them food and everything that's in Illinois. If we do that we are not going to be efficient instead of you not doing that. You know what we need to stop doing that. We are going to find other people to do that and we asked the disciples other photo. We are going to spend our time you'd be so nice. If we are supposed to reduce pain on sternum praying praying for the people ABC the big-money fortune of God. May God help me help me. I'm telling you. They don't hug me. I'm talking to myself to you know, I'm so please go round difference because we don't have time to go through the details another reference for you. chapter 8 verse 15 I've got the age of 62 Baba says they have come would have come down there first or Dare studded might receive the holy spirit's Dead Prez for some people that I didn't receive what the Holy Spirit and then if you jumped over twenty-two to twenty-four divided into Seven Peaks return their fault for this your weakness and pray God is Toronto part of your heart may be forgiven to pray God that he would forgive you prayer is the answer church. I hope you getting the message. I'll check the number 11 the love between a right and go to the street called straight and inquire at the house of G. For one called salt after he he sprayed chapter 9 verse 42 them all out and then they employ the brave. I need some to the buddy. This is why he was playing for Sunday that Tommy's arise up because she was deaf people think she's dead. But before you text before you do that, if he pray for her and he said if you open a nice and when she saw Peter, she's tied up as chapter 10 verse 2 2 for the balance is a different man and one with your God with all this album to give him there for our generous with other people and pray to God always acts chapter 10 verse to Detroit Zoo. Always. I'm giving you all of this because I want to hear to church. I want to have this one at the house where I can talk to it. Okay for 3 about the power of the day, so he's prayer called manifestation and then turn off of God came to him. And when he also believed you were the presidents that what is this small? So he said to hit your prayers and your arms have come up to a memorial before God. So when you pray to God always your prayer and your hands will come to him as a memorial. Are you getting the Cigar y'all put I will come to him as a memorial. You know, I would like to give you more but let Chuck know, you know, there's a lot of references about I'll give you that are later in the week. Okay church, and I'll give you that one mall. The first text me. Okay, but let me jump chapter 517 spray. We talk to a TV. Are you here? Insidious chapter 4 verse 6. The Bible says be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God are you feeling are you feeling irritated this time be anxious for nothing but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God for the moment has come for you and I go to the city instead of complaining instead of being anxious. Let's pray to God. We need to be able to pour out our souls before God. We need to be able to come to me and I said we are coming to your presence. Here. We are coming. Where you at. prison ugly do that How do you do that? the Bible face in Jeremiah chapter 29 11 and 12 I'm at a park. But I know the trouble I see two of you says the Lord of hosts of peace and not of evil to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call upon me. Look at Best Buy this what I'm looking for. Books of the Bible says then you will call upon me and go and pray to me and I will listen to you. Hey man, no matter what you are going through right now. No matter what issue you are facing right now. God is telling you one thing you will call upon me. You will go and pray to me and I will listen to you.

You record up on me. You will go and pray.

And I will listen to you. the Simpson that happened to Anna When she finally decided that this time, I'm not going to sleep this time. I'm not going to be irritated this time. I'm not going to let these have control over me. I am going to pray. I am going to pray and because I am going to pray before she pray the Bible says the man of God came and blessed. I say goal your we go in peace and God. May God grant you what you want. You want you prank? Sensing that he says in Jeremiah 29 verse 12 human call upon me. You will go and pray to me and I will listen to you. I want to talk to somebody today that you lift up your voice and you talk to God. He will listen to you. Call Heather give my my last words. Call Lee youth factors. peace to facilitate change in your life If you've been feeling irritated cervix, you've been feeling like you're moving on some areas me what some of our people are winning all those areas. Anybody else can call me back at most anybody else can come into the place and they can we but when it comes to you nothing is happening if you feel like this would work for you today. God is telling you one thing. Maybe you forgot those two three. Your mom is the one thing that we stay by lost is to push its important is something happened, which means that it's not us to pray. But you have to pray until something happened. You have to keep on doing it until something as long as I don't see the result. Are we not stop and I will pray. I've known. I don't see my answer as long as I don't see what I am looking for. As long as I don't see. What I am hoping for. My answer to eat is to pray. I will not get in return it I'm not even mad. I'm not be angry. I meant fish in the sea, but don't think we have to be to go into the presence of God protect us some people still wear those people. We see how angry I am. Oh I was going to prison for but I was saying God I am angry and I need a physician. I am so different and I need a Solutions sometimes the reason why you are perfect sometimes the reason why you are limited to pay for trying to get you back to play on somebody's trying to make you understand. That's the best thing for you to do right now. That is not equilateral right special. You need to learn how to pray to come to God. Why is it that some of us it is only one we have problems that we pray. Why is it only one we have tissues around at that we break. Should be not only for difficult time for emergencies to 1 days. No emergency, which means every time there was a revelation that God gave to me. Say a prayer is 911 But it's also 411 in the area where I was for one one was used for information is also for request for information might also for emergency today. I want you to I want to invite you to play with me. My time is up and I'm done and I'm going to talk to you but I want to invite you to pray with me. I want to invite you to lift up your voice to God. I want to invite you. Anyway that you've been feeling angry that you've been sitting for such a way that you are perfect because of the age you are puzzled because of anything about anything that is causing you to be provoked anything that is causing you for it to be irritated at the lights off in my life, but it's never in my life. I should be very far away in my life, but I'm still on this area in my life. I want you to stop BJ's to talk to call somebody.

Stop through Yamaha. Play pop ups on Daily Bumps.

Try not to laugh videos.

Play I will push on middle of more complaining.

Brookwood, WI

What is this song?

Start working. He might come to be on $10 working.

Good morning. volume 100%.

A few pointers. Freeport public radio

Carlos Carlos

Stop by here, huh?

Talk to you tomorrow. Fixing my life in the mighty name of Jesus. Pottery painting that small talk to somebody. Yes. We make stucco for Mom.

But we managed tomorrow after this after the service to service may have stopped, but I probably can chew. The silversmith talk right now. He has a people go, but it probably can't you. Turn phone off your face. And until we see you gotta let me know. I'm still scared from formation. I change you to I would like we will not stop the old. Are you called if ever you are overwrought to perform our situation. We thank you Lord, and we pray that you went in the course of people that you will strengthen them alone by everything that they have received today, whether we make it last forever, but it would become blessing to generation to generation will bless the Lord in Jesus. Mighty name. Batman and mindful body Hallelujah, Jesus somebody.

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