March 29, 2020 Morning Worship

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Welcome back to online worship for loose Creek Baptist Church and Pastor Harvey Taylor my wife Jenny and I will go right into.

let me

everyone needs to know.



my God is mighty to say Jesus conquered.

Georgia Lottery

Mighty God is mine is mine is mine is mine.

Father God we use give you Thanksgiving for your son Jesus Christ who gave his life for us. Who Rose from the grave

US Agencies father as we work our way closer and closer to the heart Easter celebration. Lord lead our hearts to the cross of Jesus Christ. We asked me to Jesus.

Oregon take time to heaven the children's moment here online service and so invites Kids to Kids. I hope you'll Join right in pay attention here for a second. We're working our way through the final hours of Jesus is life as he heads toward the cross. And this week in the story. Jesus is going to be arrested in the garden. and taking off to a trial and in the one thing that I want you to know about this sequence of events is that Jesus was innocent have committed no crime. No sin. He was perfectly righteous and holy and yet the religious leaders at wanted to rid of him. And so they kind of had a back door trial wasn't fair at all wasn't just come in. So as we think about Jesus and there's another person at the end of the story. The rabbits rabbits was a criminal he was a bad guy. And so Jesus who is innocent goes to the cross and the guilty man goes free and that really is the story of what Jesus has done for us on the cross. Because he was innocent he was God's innocent Lamb of God. So that us guilty people could be set free by the god. I thank you for the young ones. I thank you for the blessing that they are a trailer that they are being safe and healthy and strong and in these coming days and they're just bless them in every way. May. They find ways to celebrate and remember The work that you did on the cross in Jesus name. Amen. And remember The generosity of God, I don't have any offering plates to pass around to you, but you can still give by availing to the church and putting it attention Financial secretary. But also remember that offering isn't just about we put in the offering ourselves. Maybe have a neighbor that need something maybe your family member or you see needs in the community and summer reflect on these forces here before we pray that says one person gives freely more another withhold unduly, but comes to property. A generous person will prosper whoever refreshes others will be refreshed. People curse the one who Hoards grain but they pray God's blessing on the one who is willing to sell. Whoever seeks good finds favor, but evil comes to one who searches for it. Those who trust in their riches will fall, but the righteous will Thrive like a green leaf. River brings ruin on their family will inherit only wind in the pool will be servant to the wise. The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life and the one who is wise saves lives.

So there it is God's call the wisdom from Proverbs for us to be generous that there is a blessing and being generous in that. There is a refreshing for those who seek to refresh others by giving them ourselves and I'm getting of who we are and all that. God has given us. So let's pray and thank God for his goodness for just the many things that you give us Lord. We have food and shelter and clothing Lord you provided for our needs to watch over us. Impala I prayed that in our hearts we will with Thanksgiving and gladness then use that blessing to bless others that we will be generous to those around us, especially in this time lord. The needs will be great and they will be many and may we as God's people share the Bounty of what you give enough to where it's needed the most I ask you in Jesus name. Amen.

Silk a quick reminder. We are asked to stay home to April 7th. So that means that next Sunday will also be in online and I will just have to wait and see what they have to say. I know the president is eager to get things back to normal. But I also know that the health officials they are not ready. And so we'll just have to see how that decision plays out and what comes next so stay tuned and pay attention to our website www. Louis Creek Baptist calm and I'll have announcements on there on that front page about where we're watch worshiping and and when were worshiping and all that good stuff. So I just remember those things. We're going to pause then to pray together as God's people and that's our custom is God's people when they gather to pray and to lift up those around us. And so I hope that you have your prayer list with you, and I know that there are many needs that.

That haven't been given to me specifically but given the circumstances. I know that we've got family situation some things going on stressors that need to be lifted up in prayer. And so we want to do that. We want to come together. I ask you then takes a few moments and prepare your heart.

Father God you are the faithful one.

You gave us life and breath.

You created the very world. We live in the Stars. We see in the sky. You ordered them all.

You said everything up?

And then we messed it up.

The God we give you praise and thanksgiving this morning that you had a Plan of Redemption for us in your son Jesus Christ and all the things that we read and remember in the scriptures about Jesus Lord. Let us remember that he paid the ultimate price. For the debt that we could not hang. So forgive us for our sins. Forgive us for all the ways that we fall short of your glory. We fall short of the mission that you have given us as your people.

Word search our hearts during this time of length in preparation.

Reveal to us Lord your holiness. your righteousness

your Justice

that we might repent and draw near to you and sing your praises.

Bothering this time in our world not just our nation, but our world as as the scientists and doctors and government officials all trying to decide what to do. When I pray for your spirit to Grant true wisdom to them Lord that your hand of healing would be present in the lives of so many who are sick Lord that you'd give an extra measure of strength and resolve to those medical professionals who are giving the extra effort to take care of those around them who are sick and I just pray that we as your people

That we would do what's been asked of us and that we would be watching out for our neighbors that we would show the kindness and generosity that people might know that we are truly your disciples. So we lift up so many. You are sick and struggling Lord, the financial struggles the employment struggle the family struggles that our Lord piling up in this time. I just spray the word that the spirit the Holy Spirit would just grants an extra measure of Peace in those lines to know that it hasn't gone unnoticed by your side has not missed seeing what's going on more than that. You will do your work in your time. Lord Varys trust you and he says we praise your son Thomas the Train Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread as we forgive our debtors and lead us not into temptation. But Deliver Us from Evil prayer times the kingdom the power and the glory forever. Amen.

Why you probably can hear the dog in the background? She is not happy that we've shut her out of the room, but she was causing quite the scene when we were practicing. So that will distract you too much as we get into the message for today for this week and that we get into John chapter 18. We're going to try to work our way to the whole chapter. It's going to be moving along. Hopefully pretty quick this week's it may feel like the message is a little more informational just looking at the logistics of what took place on that night that Jesus was arrested, but I still think there are some things in here that we can draw out not just in knowing what Jesus did but just John write this in such a way that it kind of Rogue Fitness really reveals who Jesus is and remember that that's his goal at John's Houbolt. This is Gospel was so that we might believe that Jesus is the Christ and have life in his name and so we're going to see that in John's recalling of the events of that night. It's not going to perfectly line up with Matthew Mark and Luke as they're going to be things that John leaves out because he's writing for a specific purpose of each of the gospel writers. Did we have to understand that you know what law enforcement recognize that win place and they get statements from Witnesses for six people who watch the exact same thing take place will see different pieces of what happened. And so so we're going to see from John's perspective what took place that night as we look at Jesus's path to Calvary. In the first nine verses says when he had finished praying in Jesus left with his disciples and cross the kindron Kidron Valley on the other side. It was a garden and he is disciples went into it. Now Judas who betrayed him do the place because Jesus had often met there with his disciples. The Judas came to the Garden guiding a Detachment of soldiers and some officials from the chief priests and the Pharisees. They were carrying torches lanterns and weapons. Jesus knowing all that was going to happen to him went out and ask them is it you want Jesus of Nazareth a reply I am Jesus said and Judas the traitor was standing there with them when Jesus said I am he they drew back and fell to the ground. Again, he asked them who is it you want Jesus of Nazareth? They said Jesus answered I told you that I am he if you are looking for me then let these men go.

This happened so that the words he had spoken would be fulfilled. I have not lost one of those you gave me.

We see that little piece of John's purpose in the riding there so that the word spoken would be fulfilled. But also, I don't know if you noticed but these officials and Temple soldiers Temple guards that approached the garden to arrest Jesus. It says it's a Detachment of soldiers. Now some of the biblical Scholars kind of you know, they wobble back and forth on how many soldiers that actually is. But what they do agree on is it wasn't for 5, we're not talking about a small little Squad of soldiers that came out. They sent out enough soldiers to squash a riot. The common arrest Jesus in his you know his disciples over there with him so that you have this Detachment of soldiers showing up and yet here Jesus knowing what's about to take place at steps forward and says, who are you looking for? And they telling Jesus of Nazareth Nazareth. He says I am he doesn't like the I am statements that Jesus use that kind of name of the father when he told Moses. I am who I am and and in the authority of that name declaring I am he. Did you notice that the soldiers Drew back and fell to the ground? Just by the speaking of God's name. We see Jesus's Define divine Authority in these opening versus the situation here. These guards come to arrest Jesus and who's in charge. Jesus is Jesus is he stepped forward and says I am he I know you're looking for and did you catch the command the game? So let these men go. Jesus wasn't cowering. He wasn't hiding in the garden. He wasn't trying to get away from the soldiers with the full authority of God the father. He spoke I am he let these men go I think that's pretty amazing. Would you have that kind of boldness of a Detachment of soldiers showed up to a rescue? Would you be able to stand and say I'm who you're looking for?

And follow through with what you realize is God's plan for you. You know, there are some early church fathers who were martyred he did just that they knew that they were being called to give their life for their face and they stood strong steadfast in the name of Jesus in God's name in the face of the trouble that was headed their way. But in this passage for us, I want us to remember we're seeing who Jesus is Jesus is divine Authority even his opening moments of the arrest when he declares that he's who they're looking for and tells them to let the other man go. Verses 10 to 14 In this passage. Does Ben Simon Peter who have a sword and struck the high priests Urban cutting off his right ear, the servants name was malcus. Jesus commanded Peter put your sword away. Shall I not drink the cup the father has given me. Then the Detachment of soldiers with his commander and a Jewish officials arrested Jesus they found him. And brought him first to Anna's who was the father-in-law of Caiaphas the high priest that year? Caiaphas was the one who had advised the Jewish leaders that it would be good if one man died for the people.

It means versus we see Peter making an attempt to live up to what he had said that he would give his life for Jesus of the drew his sword. So toward off this arrest in here. We see Jesus even in the light of his Divine Authority. He is willingly surrendering to be soldiers to be arrested. He's laying down his life for us.

He was a willing participant he wasn't forced or coerced. He wasn't drugged to the cross. But he went there willing. the honor God willingly surrendered for you, and I

in versus 15 to 18

It says Simon Peter and another disciple were following Jesus. Not remember they arrested Jesus. They took Jesus to Anna's house. And I am because this disciple was known to the high priest. He witnessed Jesus into the high priest Courtyard that Peter had to wait outside of the door the disciple who was the high priest spoke to the servant girl on duty there and brought Peter in you are one of this man's disciples to are you she asked Peter and he replied I am not. It was cold in the servants in official stood around a fire. They had made to keep warm heater also was standing with them warming himself.

Women nice vs. Here. We see that Jesus is taken to Anna's house and John we don't really know that the details of this is John was known by the high priests and and so he was able to follow Jesus into the courtyard and then he came back to get feeder and we see Peters very first denial of Christ now that he's been arrested now that he's been brought to the high priest.

Peter makes his first denial of being one of Jesus's disciples and we see here the overconfidence. That Peter had it be displayed earlier when he told Jesus he would give his life for him. We see that overconfidence fold here in the face of this arrest. And one of the things I wanted to kind of point out here, you know, they took him to Anna's house and the scriptures here told us that and this was the father-in-law of the high priest yet. We keep hearing all these references to John being known by the high priest and and as later on we're going to see that they're going to question jie at Anna's house and then take him to Caiaphas house. To take him to Caiaphas. Remember Caiaphas is the high priest yet. The scripture says the high priest question Jesus. Here's the deal and was high priest and he was deposed by the Roman government and his position as high priest have been given to trapezius previous presidents like President Bush, you know, they still carry the the title and they still carry some influence that we have former presidents who have had influence in society and some political power in Cloud along the way and that's exactly what's happening here. And this was deposed as the official high priest, but he still have a lot of Poland power and you can kind of tell that because they took Jesus to him first. And we're going to see that here as we look at the corruption in in this trial. That's about to take place verse 19. Does meanwhile the high priest questioned Jesus about his disciples in his teaching? I have spoken openly to the world uses reply. I always taught in synagogues are at the temple where all the juice come together. I said nothing in secret. Why question me ask those who heard me surely they know what I said.

When Jesus said this one of the officials nearby slapped him in the face. Is this the way you answer the high priest he demanded? If I said something wrong, Jesus replied testify as to what is wrong, but if I spoke the truth, why did you strike me?

Banana sent him down to Caiaphas the high priest.

Well in this exchange it might seem like Jesus is getting a little cheeky with Anna says he interrogates Jesus, but actually he's not he's really rebuking the high priest because it in Jewish wall there had to be at least two witnesses at to draw charges up against someone and so here they bring Jesus in Anniston. Anna says, what is it that you've been teaching as if it was some big secret and in Jesus just says to him I have spoken openly publicly have not done anything in secret if I taught something wrong you are to have witnesses that can tell you what I taught. And so he's really a kind of calling an ass out on the carpet because he's not following would you as well and and so it's really a kind of a corrupt thing that's happening and we see that that corruption in the other accounts of this trial with an assassin and Caiaphas with the leaders of the synagogue the Sanhedrin, you know, when I get together eventually, they they scrounge up a couple of false Witnesses so that they can make their charge against them but it's not it's not a an upright and just trial you got to keep in mind that this is very early in the morning. It's still dark outside. It's cold there warming themselves by the fire. This is not a public in the day like thing that they're doing. It's very covert and and so we see that as we read me these passages here. What's taking place? Do you been? Arrested in the garden and now taken to Anna's house and it doesn't get anywhere with him. And so they take him to Caiaphas and then they take them on to see pilot and verse 25. Does meanwhile Simon Peter was still standing there warming himself, so they asked him you aren't one of his disciples to are you he denied it saying I am not one of the high priest servants a relative of the man whose ear Peter didn't I see you with him in the garden? Again, Peter denied it and at that moment a rooster began to Crow.

Then the Jewish leaders took Jesus to Caiaphas to the Palace of the Roman Governor by now. It was early morning and to avoid ceremonial uncleanness. They did not enter the palace because they wanted to be able to eat the Passover. The pilot came out to them and ask what charges are you bringing against this man? If he were not a criminal they replied we would not have handed them over to you. Pilot said take him yourselves and judge him by your own Mall. But we have no right to execute anyone they injected. This took place to fulfill what Jesus had said about the kind of death. He was going to die.

Here it is. Again this took place so that the word that Jesus said would be the Phil. Jewish leaders bring Jesus to Pilot pilot says will you know, what's he done? And you can see the tension between the Jews and the Roman government hear, you know, is he as Pilots like you go judging by your own laws and us if we can't execute anyone but we need to pay attention to hear is this is the third time in this passage that Jesus's words have been fulfilled and John is showing any quality between Jesus has spoken words and the words of God the Father. You know, we saw earlier in the jesuses didn't lose any of his disciples and so the scriptures are fulfilled and we see the Fulfillment of Peter's denial 3 denials in the rooster shoes me the rooster crow. John includes dad is a fulfillment of what Jesus had told them would happen and now he's brought to Pilot and they want him executed and so Jesus's words that he would be lifted up on a cross is about to be fulfilled and John is displaying that forests in this path to Calvary showing that things happened exactly the way Jesus said they would happen. And and so it's an authentication of Jesus's Authority in the authority of his word and that's being on display here for us. Finally as we finish up verses 33 to 40. Pilot then went back inside the palace summoned Jesus and asked him. Are you the king of the Jews? Is that your own idea? Jesus asked or did others talk to you about me? Am I a Jew pilot reply your own people and chief priest handed you over to me. What is it you have done? Jesus said my kingdom is not of this world. If it were my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders, but now my kingdom is from another place. You are King then said pilot Jesus answered you say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was bored and came into the world is to testify to the truth everyone on the side of Truth listens to me. What is truth retorted pilot with this he went out again to the Jews gathered there and said I find no basis for a charge against this man.

But it is your custom for me to release to you one prisoner at the time of the Passover. Do you want me to release the king of the Jews? They shouted back. No not him. Give us Barabbas never ever. So taking part in an uprising.

Here in this passage. We see Jesus before Pilate and the accusation that Jesus is trying to establish a kingdom that he's trying to overthrow. The Roman government is just absolutely ridiculous pilot recognizes that this carpenter has no Army has not started any violence and yet the Jews want rid of him. But even though he knows he's innocent. He's trying to find a way out of this predicament because

He knows that if he doesn't kind of play along with the crowd that there might be a riot and that's not good for him and his position in the Roman government. So we see him an offer up. The option is all going to be about the Jewish people. Now, you want me to release this king of the Jews? And they say no give us Barabbas. And here in this passage now, we see the innocent Lamb of God rejected. So that the guilty man can go free. And ultimately that's the work. Jesus has done for us. He's innocent. He endured all these things and there's more Yet to Come All For Us. He didn't deserve any of this treatment. And yet he willingly lays down his Divine Authority and power for us.

I want us to reflect on a few things this week to think about these events that have unfolded here in this passage. How has the power and authority of Jesus hold you in these days of corruption and uncertainty. Think back to that moment when Jesus said I am he and the soldiers through back and fell down. How's that power and authority in Jesus's name helps you in these uncertain times? And how will you let the authority of Jesus's words give you strength in times of weakness?

It is power in Jesus's name and there's power in Jesus's words the word of God the word of Truth. You noticed that's what Jesus said to pilate as pilot was accusing him of being a king. You let him know. I have a kingdom, but that's not my purpose here my purpose I was born to reveal the truth.

In what ways have we been guilty of rejecting God's way for the ways of men Peter tried to circumvent the process when you drew out his sword and struck that servant.

He didn't have God's plan in mind. He had his own plan in mind and even these high priests and in these government officials.

They think they're in charge. They think they have the power.

We know that Jesus told pilate in other scriptures that pilot had no authority over him that had not been given to him from above. I think sometimes we get a little confused and thinking that we have some sort of power or say or thority in this world It ultimately his plan will unfold just as he said it would God made us a lot of promises many have already been fulfilled some are still to come. We can put our hope in our trust in the power and authority of Jesus Christ. I hope in these coming days as we get closer and closer to Easter that you'll be able to draw strength and comfort and hold. in the name of Jesus Frank Father God I thank you for the work that Jesus has done for us that he has given his life for us. But he laid down his authority. He laid down his power.

That he might save us.

The scripture say he was obedient even unto death. And we see that obedience that willingness to lay down.

Lord search our hearts

show us those places where we need to let the power and authority of Jesus's word transform Our Lives.

And those circumstances where we need to let the authority of Jesus's name. Take over. And what Jesus being charged?

Lord have your own way, you know. In Jesus name. Amen. Thank you for joining us for our online worship. Hang in there. We know this too shall pass and I look forward to being back together with you in the sanctuary just as soon as it's safe to do so and you know, I've seen lots of posts on Facebook about the excitement and exuberance. I hope that that's true when we get together and fellowship together and worship together as God's people to bring him honor and Glory. I pray you have a blessed week.

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