Sunday March 22, 2020

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to whoever finds this dates for the 13th of March

Christian country crying in the street. I asked him what was wrong.

That was a humorous clip. I found on the internet as the world has gripped in the code 1910 airbag in a state of emergency is declared. I have a couple of questions for you today. Number one. What do I do with my fear number two? What does a response to the growing pandemic of fear in the world around us?

So is anyone seen the movie Inside Out it's a Disney movie that came out a few years back movie that gave us our look the inside of all the emotions going on inside of a girl a little girl who's 11 years old.

Her name is Riley and she's trying her best to adapt to all the changes in her life that is happening as a result of moving from Minnesota to San Francisco with her mom and dad. The bottom line is this what happens on the outside for behavior is being driven by what's happening on the inside and this is true for each of Our Lives.

When it comes to anxiety. Question is never what's going on?

What's wrong with you? The question is what's going on with you? What's going on inside of you finding a life? We are looking for requires us to approach the stuff from the inside out. So today we're going to talk about this thing called fear. Look for one of is also known as cool with 19 is a big issue that is not our world today.

I was reading an article from a doctor this past week that I think. Bring a much-needed perspective. Listen to this article found on Facebook from a doctor in Toronto actually from the University of Toronto. He says I'm a doctor and an infectious disease specialist. I've been at this for more than 20 years seeing six paid sick patients on a daily basis.

I have worked in inner-city hospitals in the poor slums of Africa HIV AIDS hepatitis, TB SARS measles shingles whooping cough deaths are there is little I haven't been exposed to in my profession and with notable exceptions of SARS. Very little has left me vulnerable overwhelmed and downright scared. I'm not scared of Court 19 I'm concerned about the implications of an oval infection agent that is spread the world over and continues to find new footholds in different soils. I'm rightly concerned for the welfare of those who are elderly and frail health or disenfranchised. We stand to suffer mostly and disproportionately at the hands of this new Scrooge. I am not scared but I am scared about it's a loss of Reason in the wave of fear that induce the masses of society into a spellbinding spiral of panic stockpiling 16 qualities of anything that could fill bomb shelter adequately in a post-apocalyptic world. I'm scared of the n95 masks that are stolen from hospital and urgent care clinics where they are actually need it for Frontline Healthcare Providers. And instead are being Dawn in airports malls in coffee lounges perpetuating even more fear and suspicion of others. I'm scared that are hospitals with the overwhelmed with anyone who thinks they probably don't have it but may as well get checked out no matter what because you just never know and those with heart failure and fazzina pneumonia and stroke will pay the price for overfilled ER waiting room with only so many doctors and nurses to assess. I'm scared to travel restrictions will become so far reach that weddings will be canceled graduations. Mist and fan family reunions will not materialize and well, even the big party called the Olympic Games. That could be kibosh to. Could you even imagine? I'm scared the same pandemic fears the limit trade harm Partnerships in multiple sectors businesses, otherwise and ultimately, Nate in a global recession, but mostly I'm scared about what message we are telling our kids when faced with a threat instead of reason rationality open-mindedness, and I'll tourism we're telling them to panic be fearful suspicious reactionary and self-interested.

code 19 is nowhere near over.

Don't be coming to a City Hospital our friend even a family member near you at some point expected. Stop waiting to be surprised further. The fact is the Pirates is so will not likely to do much harm when it arrives, but our own behaviors and fight for yourself Above All Else attitude could prove disastrous. I implore you all temperature with recent Panic with patience and uncertainty with education. We haven't all opportunity to learn a great deal about health hygiene limiting the spread of innumerable transmissible diseases in our society. Let's meet this challenge together and the best Spirit of compassion for others patients and above all and unfeeling effort to seek truth facts and knowledge as opposed to conjecture speculation and catastrophizing fact not fear Clean Hands. Open Hearts are children will thank you for it that was written by an infectious disease specialist from the U of T. Just want to find them online just look facts. Not fear. Clean Hands Open Hearts. I know they're declaring this virus of pandemic another words that it's a disease that spreading over a large part of the world. That's true. But it seems to me that there's even a greater pandemic. There's actually spreading faster than the coronavirus ever will. All of our care costs and concerns and precaution is good. We are taking steps to do all that. We can even hear at Cheltenham Baptist Church, but care caution concerned preparation isolation doesn't really address the greater pandemic, which is our fear. It's crazy that people are hoarding groceries and of all things toilet paper. So what is the real antidote for all the sphere that seems to be alive and well looking chest below the surface and most of us. I want to spend the rest of the time together talking about that. If you have Bible in front of you, please open it with Exodus chapter 14. If you don't don't worry about it everything I read will show up on the screen. Let me explain to you what's going on here so that we are all on the same page with this story.

God's people Israel has been slaves in Egypt and God brings plagues. 10 flags and all the last one being Passover play the Pharaoh finally decides to let God's people go. Shortly after they leave Egypt Pharaoh gets angry and he changes his mind and he comes after the slaves. So here we go Exodus chapter 14 beginning with verse 10.

Estero post Israelites looked up and there would Egyptians marching after them. They were terrified and cried out to the Lord. They said to Moses was it because there was no Grace in Egypt that you brought us to the desert to die. What have you done to us by bringing us out of Egypt Egypt leave us alone minister of the Egyptians would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians and to die in the desert Moses answer the people do not be afraid stand firm and you will see the Deliverance the Lord will bring to you today the Egyptians you see today, you will never see again the Lord will fight for you. You need only be still And the Lord said to Moses. Why are you crying? Why are you crying out to me? Tell me you're so nice to move on and raise your stuff and stretch out your hand over the sea to the by the water. So that ishrat Israelites can pass through the sea on dry ground.

Okay, so I want to make sure you got this God's people have made it to the Red Sea. So there is a c on one side and Pharaoh's Army is closing quick on the other side and they're trapped in the middle.

There's nowhere to go and how do they respond with one word? We can see it in the scripture that word is fear. They're terrified. They start. Taking out a Moses their leader. Why did you bring us out of Egypt bass? They yell at him now. It's interesting hear that their minds so quickly returned to Egypt but not to the very last thing that happened to them before they were released from Egypt as slaves. And what was that? Remember God showed up if you remember the story of Passover. God killed the firstborn son of every household in Egypt at everything we say the Israelites Lamb's blood and it painted on the door post and lintel. the spirit of death passed over

my God will happen. They were released from slavery from Faro. All God has done often gets lost what he's not currently doing in people's lives. Submit the fear that you are battling today, whatever it is, whatever the source of that fear. I think it should serve each of us really well to start with this questions. Whose power and strength? Am I really leaning on I don't know you and what's your answer is let me go ahead and answer for myself. I've come a long way in my journey with God.

But to be honest more than often. My initial response is that I learned so much of this stuff. I have to learn it the hard way. When if you've heard my testimony, if not, you can do it online. I think it was plates just after Christmas.

And being abused as a child meant that I spend a lot of time on the streets a lot of time relying on My Own Strength. So my default position is always being too lean On My Own Strength. How about you? I think a lot of people's tendency is to lean on their own strength Moses here tells of people to be still and do nothing and God will fight for them. That seems to be contradictory what some people think it says in the Bible. Some people think the Bible says that God will help those who help themselves. Actually. It doesn't say that anywhere in the Bible.

So what should we do here when we're facing fear, do we just kick back sit still do nothing and let God deal with it. Am I telling you that in light of our recent scare? We shouldn't be buying and hoarding toilet paper. No, I'm telling you leave some for someone else for goodness sake more portly. I'm telling you that the moments of fear like this when you find yourself between a rock and a hard place nowhere to turn. The pause and ask yourself this question whose power and strength my really leaning on right now. Let's go back to the story start and verse 21.

Then Moses stretched out his hand over the sea all that night the Lord Jodeci back with a strong East Wind and turned it into dry land. The waters were divided and Israelites went through the city Only starts the on dry ground with a wall of water on the right and on their left, the Egyptians pursued them at all pharaohs horses and chariots enforcement follow them into the sea.

So I have a question for you easier and quicker ways for God to deal with the problem here. I mean God could just drop a fireball from the sky and vaporize pharaoh and his entire Army in one second the entire problem goes away. What God's way of walking through the city with the water racing? Each side would be a Scenic spectacular view. I don't think it is. What any of them or any of us we choose. What they really want is what we want to we want whatever is that is scaring us to be totally and completely gone. And here's a thing God is after something deeper here. So my second question is if we stare down our fears in our lives ask yourself this question. Am I thinking short-term and small story? I really think about it all I'm really able to think about in the midst of fear is what? The mountain challenge or problem right in front of me as I live in the story that really revolves around who me I'm just thinking about myself.

And so what are you afraid of just sit here today?

Could be the corona fires must be the likely thing or or is it something else? Some of that it's closer to home for you today. Some of us are afraid of where are mirrors are heading. Maybe our relationships. Maybe our jobs. Maybe our income our futures the parent of our kids what they are traveling. Maybe they had a bag diagnosis. Maybe you're afraid of being so alone for the rest of your life all kinds of answers to the questions to this question aren't there. When I heard that the church was going to close for a few weeks in a roll wave of fear overwhelmed me. I was terrified that my Ministry is over.

I have an inability to think long-term. There was no large story here. All I could see was a tragedy right in front of me. That's not uncommon. And then miss Sofia the enemy is a master of keeping this story small keeping us thinking short-term. happened to me again on Friday My mind was racing. What will we do if we shut down if people don't show up? They don't give we don't really have resources to rely on like a big churches. What are we going to do panic and fear jumps all over me in that moment when the story got really small in that moment. I felt like God tap me on the shoulder. He said hey buddy. Whose strength are you leaning on here? Don't forget. I'm still on the throne. so let's go back to this moment, but the people that is really As a walk through the sea with the water raised on both sides of them.

Question what's God's way of dealing with the challenge as are facing and the fear that comes with that requires their way.

Requires that their way wouldn't have answer it requires him to trust God every step of the way. God's response doesn't eliminate the source of the fear study requires them to walk into it and threw it. What year? What do they have to learn as they do that answer? They learn about God. Are you seeing this points to these things? They were wrestling with net we are going through inside of us God is there and he cares for us so you are not alone. Here is where we often get hung up. Our Focus tends to be on what God is doing for us. His focus is always on what he's doing in US. God by allowing this to be harder and the short-term now is building a resiliency and strength to face our fear. It will serve them and serve as long-term from now on. Let's go back to the store until God opens up a way for his people. But the truth is that Pharaoh's Army the source of their fear is still there still bearing down and gaining Ronald them. Let's pick up there and start new verse 26.

And the Lord said to Moses stretch out your hand over the sea so that the waters May flow back over the Egyptians and their chariots and Horsemen. Moses stretched out his hand over the sea another day break to see went back to its place. Egyptians were fleeing towards it and the Lord swept them into the sea the water flowed back cover the Chariots and Horsemen entire Army of hair that had followed the Israelites into this is not one of them survived. What do you use for lights went through the sea on dry ground with a wall of water on their right? And on our left. Day the Lord saved Israel from the hands of the Egyptians and Israel. Saw the Egyptians lying dead on the shore. how many Israelites saw the mighty hand of God display the game see gyptians the people fear the lord and put their trust in him and Moses his servant

So finally the source of all our fear is gone then what now? They put their trust in God. That's great. Sounds familiar. It does to me think about this story. These people have been carrying this escalating fear since the very first time they spotted Farrow and is already pursuing them way off in the distance. Absolutely terrified of something that never really touches them affects them never even becomes a reality at all for them isn't the true. Isn't that really the story of so many moments in our lives to We say that courage is not the absence of fear. But action in the midst of fear courage is I refuse to allow my fear to paralyze me and courage is a good thing. It's a great thing. That's true as we stare down our fear use what we most need to walk away from with today.

The answer is not more courage put more faith. She hears our challenge muscles that never get exercise and workout never get stronger. Let's be honest face is like a hard day at the gym. Most of us would prefer to skip it.

Play Faith is not like a hard to get the gym most of us would like to try to skip it but most of us are really looking for and prefer is faith. That doesn't require. watch face God tells us without faith. It's impossible to please him. Think about that. If that's true the kind of thing that he could actually do for us as walk with us through things. Actually help us exercise and build it. think about your life You might be like me and say God. I've seen you move mountains and I believe I'll see you do that again. Isn't it great when that happens? Yeah, it is. I pray that this thing that has me totally and completely freaked out and scared. It's just gone. That's awesome. Here's the question. What about when it doesn't happen? That's where faith comes in doesn't it faith is not the removal of the absence of mountains in my life Faith is my response when this thing that makes me anxious. It makes me angry. That scares me that I want.

And need to move in my life to go away doesn't move or change it all. What do I do with that the truth is? and all our lives that's something God doesn't remove there is something that God is removing our lives, but he always provides a way to get me around it to get me over it and get me through it. In one of my favorite songs by Hillsong is who you say I am. Listen to the words. Who am I that the highest king would welcome me? I was lost but he brought me in always love for me always love for me. We have to remember that God loves us that he calls us his children and if we are his children. Forgotten children of God. This courage is whatever life throws at you. You've got this but faith is whatever life throws at you guys. Got you and that's so much better.

We see it up close and personal on the life of Jesus. He knew that life on this Earth would lead him to the Cross but he sits there on the eve of that happening in the garden of Kissena. It's Emily fear comes over him. I'm sure he'd walked past many people dying on Roman crosses along the side of the road during his life. It's brutal and terrifying way to die. Innosphere he cries out to his father in the guard needs his father. Can we change the plans here? It doesn't stop there. What does he say? Even if you don't father, I'm good with that. You says your will not my will be done. Either way. I'm all in in the mist of my fear. I'm leaning on you. I trust you. I'm okay. It is well with me.


Psalm 46

want to one and two says God is our refuge and our strength our ever-present help in times of trouble. Therefore we will not fear.

quiet I think we need to spend a little time leaning on that. to stay with us everything that we're going to do together husband built. the last 10 minutes

in the midst of our fear whenever we're afraid of the goal today, it's not for any of us to tell ourselves that we are not afraid.

All of us to remember that we are never alone. aw, Tozer said a scared world needs a Fearless Church. Let's lock arms the church continue to work on being just that.

Let's leave this message and go out and love and health and care for people's especially in this time of the epidemic.

We should encourage people. People who are vulnerable and scared that they're in the world around us. You should go out.

Especially when this epidemic is over. We should be the Fearless Church.

Let us pray.

I have Lee father. You are our refuge and strength in our ever present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear.

I trust in you. We leaned on you in hard times. How do we ask you to be with us during these troubled times that you guide us? Give us strength in Jesus name we pray on that.

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