Wednesday In the Word

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You and I we're going to study the entire chapter. They study I'm giving you these slides as a point of reference. That's why it's important to have those and I was told on Sunday. I was moving a little fast, but I want you to go back to the slides and studied. You know, I can only give you so much in this time because I know your attention spans are short with the influx of new features in our field. I know that you already tired from your your students today, so I don't want to prolong the time

Yes, they are. My wife is texting me telling me to slide on a poster. Can y'all get to the sides? Are they not working?

Yes, I know. I'm a little country my friend jaw. Crack me up. I already got a bunch of a men's. So yeah, y'all making my day cuz y'all know I love amen corner at work. I will make sure I post them at the end and I'll do my best but just know Matthew chapter 9 Matthew chapter 9 and its entirety. That's what we're studying Matthew chap. I need some paper Bible readers get the Bible. Let's get these kids flipping through the Bible gave. This is much for parents as much for kids as it is for parents. Okay, we'll take I text from Matthew 9:35 and 3835 citizens. Then Jesus went about all the cities and Villages teachers in the synagogue preaching the gospel of the kingdom and healing every sickness and every disease among the people. 36 days, but when he saw the multitude he was moved with compassion for them because they were weary and Scattered like sheep have enough Shepherd. Then he said to his disciples. The Harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers they are few verse 38 says therefore pray the Lord of the Harvest to send out laborers into his harness and ice be brought to my attention. My slides are not working. Give me two seconds. Hold on.

little Bulletin

Hold on. I'm so sorry.

Play into me that they are live Lacy. Can you open them now? What is a Saiyan?

Hold on y'all.

a user error Okay, this is one of those moments where technology is not being our friend. So be paper Bible saved and get out your paper Bible or your Bible how it whatever it is you get whatever it is. You got slides all working, but I'm uploading when I get done. Y'all know I can anybody else that knows me. Some people are chuckling likes and the new who know, I cannot multitask. I'm leave. Leave me alone about this. For the moment and just listen Okay. I cannot I'm doing my best emoji past but this is not that is not my love language.

Entire entire chapter 9 of the Book of Matthew self. We're talking about the power of Jesus. Okay, if we was at church I say about the power of Jesus the power of Jesus. I'm doing my best not to mention why we all at home. I'm not giving Rona Rona the glory. I'm giving God the glory. So we going to leave run around out there in them streets and we're going to stay and I homes what we know that Jesus is cuz I have welcomed them in which to sing a song with that welcome into this place was singing at church and I'm thinking about home. I'll welcome him into this place anybody that knows, you know, you're being quarantined and the principal with one student who try to act right and then you know, I got a patient in that to anyways neither here nor there, leave my wife and child alone. What's up, Buster Brown? I see you. Okay, do we don't know the power of Jesus? Oh, look at Matthew 9:1 through 8. Say what I want you to what you see and pay attention to a common thing that takes place in this chapter chapter of Matthew understand this when you look at the gospel of Matthew Mark Luke and John. They record a lot of the same event Matthews is probably the most abbreviated of the events that were going to cover the night. But if you have a study Bible a reference by we can go back and find some of the same exact time stories that other writers of the gospel recording that provided a little bit more details, but for the sake of time as I was studying, I thought that Matthew did a good job of covering of the steam of of Jesus having power and we know that he's got power man, you know anybody that You freaked when did the doors of the church are you know me I'm proud to tell you that I would not be the person that I am at and not been for Jesus had I not met him and I met in real early. Most people know. I'm an old soul. I met Jesus early and when I met him my life was forever changed and when I it's one thing to meet him, but what I really got to know him. Okay, I'm preaching now and I'm trying my best to stay towards this Bible study thing, but y'all know I like to please but when I met Jesus and when I got to the difference in meeting him, I met him and I knew who he was and knew what he can do. But when I really got to know him and understand its power that's what I like really begin to change and that's what we want to do. I'm in times like this is restore some hope, you know, it's rough in America right now. We are sitting at times. I've never seen anything like it. I'll talk to my mother. I'll talk to my grandma Nobody seen anything like this. So this is this is all new territory, but one thing That Remains the Same Let me help you out the word of God. It Remains the Same this right here the same word that help my ancestors ancestors through hard times. Yes. What is the same word that's going to help you and I get to where we need to be we can get through this, you know, you think about people in history and all of the things that we as a people have gone through think about the scriptures in the Old Testament isn't here those things that they went through I think about my ancestors the things they went through going through slavery and things of that nature. That was so hard. Yes, what the word of God that was good for them and brought them. Guess what it's going to do the same thing for us all we got to do got to see most of us. It's funny cuz you got a Laugh to Keep from Crying but more than anything. I want to make sure you reading the word like this time off and not just time off for you to sit around the house and eat all your snacks your Ding Dongs in your hoe hose and Fry. Pork chops and chicken but you ought to be eating up the book a man. Can I get a amen somebody out the type by Amanda Seyfried? Just something give me a love like share something make sure that the word is out there. Okay. So looking at these first 8 vs. Let's get back to where we going. Okay, so you send me all y'all tuned in and y'all with me so we can I dispersed 8 vs. Okay. That's what it says Matthew 9:1 through right and I'm not going to read it. But there's two things. I want you to take away from this here in in in nice to an end and verse 1 through 8. We identify Jesus as a forgiver. So he forgives and Jesus healed. So what happens is Jesus meet a paralytic man paralyzed. And he didn't have his life together. And one thing I want you know about this particular story is is Jesus those two things to this young man. The first thing you do is you remove the doubt see many of us when we're going through. I like this guy was going through he had a concern that with his soul. He had a concern about how he was living before I can ask God to heal me. I know I need to get my life together and I'm a lot of us think that way, you know, I'll start going back to church when I get my life together. Well, that's not really how we oughta think about this. We should think about we go to church which its people one another and we fell asleep to help us get our life together. So what you see is it the first thing that the Jesus says to him and he said son, this is in the be part that the last part of births to reach the Sun be of good cheer your sins are forgiven for right then and there the first Jesus died was he removes the words and he tells this man your sins are forgiven. So you don't have to worry about that. God wants us to know that he has the capacity of the power to forgive our sins. We just can't lose sight of that because most of us lose sight of our seeing the way we are because we're focused on our current state of being so then after he restores admits, he says to him he says he moves on a little bit further and then he's able to heal him God is so faithful to do that for each and everyone of us man. We are a lot of us are going through times. We expend some things with never experienced before know that now is the time to repent and turn to Jesus. We need we need to turn to him and he'll help us to get to where we need to be. You know, you can't you can't make it in this world on your own. You got to have a personal savior a personal savior that can that can help you. To where you need to be so, you know what? I want one thing that I've always told people and I'm pastoring just in the short amount of time that I've been passing is one thing I don't take lightly as you know, the role of a husband is to be the keeper of an individual. So so the things that I say to you tonight that there are things that hopefully feed your soul and help and inspire you to become a better person. So we what we should be worried about, you know, yeah, we're worried about a physical bodies in a physical state of being but much like this paralytic man. We need to be worried about our souls. Okay? What about your soul? So send one of my friends call me and I were talking on the phone talking about all the things that we're going around, you know, we're talkin about fires and the Locust and things that ain't paying attention to the sign type thing is more than anything, you know. All of that going around I'm not chasing Jesus because I'm scared. I'm tasting Jesus because he first loved me and that's what we got to do. We got it. We got it become intimate with him. Okay, follow after him. If I don't hurry up and get past the first point. I'll be here all day. So the first thing that he does is he forgive he forgives him and heal them next next encounter Matthew verses 9 through 13. We see that Jesus love Sinners and guess what you are. Guess what we are by Nature. We are sending y'all if I have a deposit in my child in the middle of this, please forgive me, Jaylin if you don't sit down somewhere listening,

Pray for me for bad. Children Matthew 9 913 we understand and we see that Jesus loves Sinners and what happens is it in person and it says that Jesus passed from there. He saw a man that Matthew sitting at the tax office and he said to him follow me and he arose and follow him. So this is the calling of Matthew as a disciple and one thing I took some notes. I wanted to make sure I'm there. I'll hit on tonight in regards to Matthew. Being that working for God working for working for the Lord can cause you to have a shift in your job. So we look at Matthew was a tax collector na de Puerto Rico. Glorious job. You know, what what what we see is it gone calls him from being a tax collector to working for him often times that happens to us. God calls us to work for him. Now. I'm not saying no. No, I'm not going to quit my job. But that calling to do when God when God calls you like Jesus called this man and says, hey take him to you come follow me when we begin to follow him. There has to be a shifting that takes place and one thing I'm so glad and grateful for my cousin bird is been talking a whole lot, but she don't I'm sorry. I talked in the whole lot about shifting. May God and sometimes in life. Wayne County situation that you're in situations in which you need to shift a you not in the right place. You're not doing what God has called you to do. So you need to shift and that shift it can happen one or two ways. And anybody that know me know where I'm going with this it can happen voluntarily or involuntarily you can decide you know, what I'm going to follow Jesus cuz that's what I'm supposed to do because I'm convicted by the work or he can I see a lot of times we know the ladder is what happens to us. We have to have some major life altering event to transpire that helps us to know who Jesus is with what he has a path along the way but you don't you going to do it. God has a plan for your life. You going to get there you going to get there but you what you got to do is as you know, you got to recognize I better go ahead and do this. Otherwise if he starts shifting me and moving me that might hurt a little bit. Okay. So Embrace Embrace change Embrace following following Jesus, okay. That's what that's what Matthew had to do. And you know, he had to embrace there had to be a shift that took place. I'm God is Shifting all of us in this season. I believe that now is no greater time for the church then now to make sure that people know the word of God and let me Chase the squirrel for a minute and say there is no tuning in tonight is great. I love it. I see 40. I seen up the 55 people online tonight. Don't let this be a replacement for how for how you So how you don't let this be a replacement for how you worship God Scripture. I've been taught y'all know my Baptist Roots mistake and not the assembling of yourselves together J. Lo Magellan at Psalms 133 behold how good and how pleasant it is when Brethren dwell together in unity, but this is no replacement for getting together. However in the interim, that's what we got to do. Okay, so so don't don't get that Twisted, okay.

Did the website let me get back on track cuz I'm I'm trying my best to stay on target. But y'all know me Matthew 9:14 through 17. So we see that with Matthew was Jesus love The Sinner but in Matthew 9:14 through 17 are we see Jesus answering questions about fasting and I'm glad that that kind of came up the sound of a shifting gears from and what we've been talking about is Jesus healing and forgiving we see that he's posed with a question about fasting the fasting is an art that we've been able to teach on some in our church that we've been able to encourage our people about other reason. I told him this and I'm not ashamed to say it even on Facebook live. The reason a lot of our churches don't talk about fasting of because leadership entire hard to turn away that chicken He-Man Popeye's chicken sandwich.

You know, I might not look like I've been down too fast and road or faster Journey, but I can assure you that fast and forever changing life with Jesus is questioned about it and this particular vs. And what we have to understand is that there's the takeaway when you read these verses on your own and take away from this is there's a time for fasting and in Jesus is basically saying his basic response to that the questions about why he was why was fast and why you was not fasting at this time. He says, you know, it's it it would be the essential in layman's terms with yonomi submit me at a wedding and the whole groom's party says, you know, we're going to go on a fast but now that ain't the time to be fasting because if I'm getting married that's a celebration that's just the layman's terms of what transpires in that but I do encourage everybody to spend some time, you know, you got two weeks, you know, you don't have a schedule and a lot of times it's hard for us to It's all supposed to fast do our schedules and you know, we got business meetings and that requires to eat and everybody's throwing food in our faces, but man you got some time at home, but don't don't don't get the corona 15 pounds at it to you. You know, you talked about the Freshman fifteen and and all of that you know now is the time to spend some time with God spend some time with those people in your home, but to have an intimate time when God's of set aside a couple of hours and you know how I believe in practicality, you know, if you never fast before don't wake up tomorrow and say well, you know brother love with said I ought to be fasting and decide that you going to just passed all day tomorrow. That's not how that works. Let's be practical cuz all y'all can't turn down chicken and all them other snacks macaroni and cheese and all those other things that you got in your refrigerator. You can turn it down right away. So you can start small, you know, look at a few hours. Let's not let those hours.

The big DM to 6. I am asleep. That's easy to fast. Okay, let's be real. I said set some goals and the fast from from certain things don't think I want you to understand about fasting in another regard is just giving away giving up something as pleasurable take you and something that you like so, you know, just just be considering it out. If you want to talk more about him and feel free to email me we can talk more about it. I don't I don't want to prolong the time but I want you to know that my prayer life is important. But when you ask I see to it, it's a whole nother round. You don't know I'm here to tell you. I'm a witness to what what what that can do and then one thing I want you to know about it is is it sentiment? So if you start fasting tomorrow that I mean get on get on the group chat with all your best friends and tell him I'll hey I'm passing on passing this intimate that's private time for you and God, you know that many times in my home and then I met my wife didn't even know I was fasting she's in shooting him. No, but I get my routine, you know the same so, you know, it's not it's not about putting it out there for everybody to see it's really really intimate time for you and for you to connect with God a man or the next couple verses that we're going to cover up Matthew 9 18 + 26, and we see this thing again that Jesus restores life in Jesus healed yet again, so we're talkin talkin for the second time. I just about Verse 18 through 26. Jesus heals in this one particular book He's Able he's able to heal. So familiar passages hear a girls girls restored to life and a woman is he? Oh, so what this particular at this and this particular story about the young lady who her life is restored and is covering it again over in the other gospel writers. And then it's Jarius daughter. Who who has she died? So I know I'll just read it. I want to read this one just cuz it was good to me. It's just Wally's both these things to them. But hold a ruler time does Jerry's at Washington and says my daughter has just died but come and lay your hands on her and she will live so Jesus arose and followed him and so did his disciple. Thanks. So and then down about verse 23 it says and when Jesus came into the rulers house, what will happen is on his way. I'll just read it all. Let me just go ahead and read it all the suddenly a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years came from behind the Touch the Hem of His Garment for 4. She said to herself. If only I may Touch the Hem of His Garment. I should be made well, but Jesus turned around and we're sorry said your faith has made you well, and the one was made well in that hour so this is Jerry's daughter gets here. But then, you know the story of the woman with the issue of blood, you know for 12 years in a lot of songs written about it. She has an issue and she has a space that says if I can just touch The Hem of His Garment. I'll be here. That's an incredible Faith to believe that just touching not just touching him but touching His Garment what he'll her a God that he was able Jesus was able to heal her. He said your faith has made you whole and that's what I want to you know, take a little bit of a detour and say people it's not about actions not that's not that's not a good way to say if you know your work cannot get you into heaven. You got to believe your face. So when we pray and we have faith and we believe that God can do what we ask him to do a we believe when we really believe in our heart then that's what elevates does to getting it work. He wants us. He said your face, not your Works. He said your faith has made you whole that's what we got to get. We got to get you a place where I stay our faces and asking and it's bringing about change in our lives because look what they did. It got her heels.

Look at an inn to be part of that was verse 23. I'm so when I went and got him. Jesse's daughter was dead at first 23 and says when Jesus came into the rulers house and saw the flute players in the northern trout wailing. He said them make room for the girl is not dead but sleeping and they ridiculed him but when it but when the crowd was put outside he went in and took her by the hand and the girl are rose and the report of this one out to all that the word went out to all that land. So now we see where this young lady, you know was seemingly Seemingly, you know Dad and he said she's not dead but she's sleeping. She sleeping God through Jesus has the ability to restore life life restored life restored this young lady's life was restored. A lot of us are like that. We we we we are seemingly what people seem to think I did but we have to know and trust that Jesus has the ability and the capacity to restore us to give us new life again. That's what that's what he wants to do. And that's what we should that's what we should strive to get us to get new life to have it restored. You know, we were once dead when to send Kay a lot of people have a lot of people have been cast down with cast others away. At what we need is we need people to know that Jesus has the ability to restore your life. So man, whether that means you you been allowed all your life. You've been an alcohol like you've been whatever it is, you know, you're seeing maybe whatever your advise is it that that that you may have you understand and you know that Jesus has the capacity to restore your life like you restore this young lady's life and that that is that is a word and within itself a man rapping this thing up. We see that so he restores life he heals this woman and then 9 + 9 Matthew 9 27 through 30. We see yet. Again. Jesus is the Healer and I want you to know that there's power in the name of Jesus because he can heal. So when we look at the times that we have right now, the things are going on around this. We know that that he's a Healer. You know, we're not blind to the fact that what's happening in our world is real but we know we have a power that's greater than anybody I respect could ever run the Earth that Jesus is Ultimate healer heals again and what you find inverses and I'll consolidate my last Viewpoint what you find in verses 27 through 34. Is he fine Jesus healing to blind man? He and he asked him a question. He says do you believe that I'm able to heal you again? We see faith and he asked him do you believe that I am able you believe that I'm able to do this and they said there was a yes Lord, you know, we believe in and then he touched her eyes and recording them and he said even even yet again, he says according to your faith, let it be to you. So your faith that they wouldn't have believed that they wouldn't have gotten their eyesight. But because they believe because they have faith. They were healed a man. That's what we've got to do. We got to have faith now is not the time for the church to be weary now is also not the time for the church to be stupid. I don't know any other way to put it, you know, a lot of people are adamant to me Dan and do all of these things and you know. I'm not even get into a pinion. I'm I'm going to take the wise counsel of the people around me and say, you know how the federal government will need to be in groups larger than 10 scriptures on teaching them to abide by the laws of the land people in the land people that are in charge right now saying we don't need more than 10. So here we are. So the other part of this particular passes, but worse as we see a mute man speak and what what God can do the symbolism and given that mule and the ability to speak is God can give us a voice we seem sometimes in life. We seem like we're You know a little fish in a big old Pond, we have no voice but God can provide you with a boy's you you all what I want. Everybody on this line that's watching the night to know as menu. You got something to contribute to our world. You got something to contribute to your community and in times like this, you know, let God let God can't let him work on you and give you boys. I'm speak wisely and do that. So man. That's just you know, I'm the last part of this was was our I texted that it was just talks about Jesus being compassionate and he gives compassion and he says my name when I look out here, I see this beautiful Bounty, but I don't have anybody to help you know, what does not allow anybody to harvest it. That's you and I No, it is our job to make disciples for Jesus Christ. You know, the Harvest is plenteous, but the laborers are few. There's work to be done. I don't know what you're calling me is where you where it is used to be working at what it is. You should be doing I can't tell you that specific cuz I don't know everybody on this speed but what I do know that's got something for you to do. It's up to you to chase after him. That's one of my one of my new favorite songs is chasing after you is up for us up to us to chase after him and seek you out his will and his wife. He's a compassionate got everything that we need. He will equip Us in every way shape form or fashion. He will do that if we are faithful and just to do what we're supposed to do. We got to work we got to work but more than that got to believe so that that really If you got a question this man about anything cuz I said tonight. I'm going to make sure that these slides work once we share this video again. I'll edit it and put the slides in there. My hope is that you'll take some of this time if you're off to be able to study the word of the word. That's my hope. My prayer is that you will go back and read some of this again. You're not a lot of paraphrase in front of keep it brief cuz I know y'all you at home again. The students are running around your co-workers run around with him with what are we calling each other today? I running around and you eating ice cream and somebody needs some somebody had to go to the bathroom and yada yada yada. But anyways, man, if you got prayer request, you know, you can you can type them on this. You can type it want to feed or just email them to me. To be going to be just let me just fine with me if you email them to me, and if you want to connect with me, then I will be happy to do that if I know me. That we advocating that just because you watched this this this live at your part of Asia want people to be in fellowship and we're just glad to have friends that I'm able to support. I just want to let you know I'm doing this because I'm in isolation. I would like being in isolation and I know that I'm an important thing for us to do right now is to stay socially connected. I believe my brother and friend. Dr. Aaron knew would agree with me to say that we need to keep some social interaction. So be like me and FaceTime all your friends or SS some people will get the in your friends and I'll FaceTime get that interaction because it's necessary don't stand no stay in the house and go stir-crazy. All right. Y'all ready for some Bible trivia.

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